Saying Good Bye to the Doctor

Mission X

I was running. Running to the infirmary room to confirm the rumors that’s been spreading around the school at the speed of light. I was nervous, anxious, sweating as I opened the doors. “Doctor!” I yelled out in the almost emptied room. “Ah, Woo Soo Jin. What are you doing here?” Siwon said while still packing up the remaining items still left in the place. “Who…Who is going to be the new doctor?! How did this all happen?!” I yelled at him while slowly catching my breath. “Looks like news leaked out about me being in KDI. It was bound to happen sooner or later,” Siwon said still smiling at me. “How can you be so calm considering how you are being expelled!!” I screamed at him. He closed the door and locked the door.

“All I know is that the principal was upset and surprised at this. He did not believe that I was in KDI, considering a studious student I was,” Siwon said to me while continuing packing the rest of the stuff into a box. “I don’t understand. Who am I supposed to talk to now?! I was going to make a fanclub for you guys because it sounded so awesome!” I said disappointed. He smiled at me, “you can always include me. You don’t really need me to be present.” “True, but it’s still not right,” I said to him sadly. He reached towards the bottom cabinet.

That cabinet that I was wondering what it was. I wonder if it would lead to more information about what he does. He slowly took out a key and opened the cabinet up. I looked at it intently. “Eh? Stuff animals?” I questioned confused. “This?  Yeah, I made these,” Siwon said smiling while handing me one to look at. “You… I’m surprised that you make these kinds of things,” I said while staring at the stuffed bunny. He stuffed them in another box. “Why did you make these stuff animals?” I questioned him. “I was thinking about giving them to the kids at the hospital, but I thought I wouldn’t have enough. I was thinking if I can make more, it would be nice to give it to all of the kids there who need something to keep them company,” Siwon said while smiling at me.

He still smiles despite him being expelled. How can he still smile like nothing is wrong? I don’t understand him. “Here, you can give them for me in my stead,” Siwon said while handing me the box which he had stuff them in. “ah, really? Can I really have them and give it to the kids there?” I said smiling to him. “Yeah, even though these aren’t enough for all of them, you can give them to the ones you meet,” Siwon said smiling at me. “Oh, one isn’t complete,” I said while looking in the cabinet with one unfinished.

“Yeah, I make one every year. I thought it would be nice to make them each year, but I guess I won’t finish this one by this year,” Siwon said while holding onto his other box, “we should get going. I need to lock this room up and give it to the office.” Many of the female students were crying. “Siwon-oppa!! Siwon-oppa!! Who is going to take our temperature now?!” they screamed out in the hallway.

I quickly trotted back to my dorm room with the stuff animals that Siwon has given me. In a way, it’s like his last goodbye. “I really like this stuffed bunny. It’s so cute. I wonder what the kids would think,” I said smiling while opening the room. I set the box on the ground and saw Jong Hyun looking at me annoyed. “What’s with your facial expressions lately? I feel like I’m making you angry every day,” I said to him annoyed. “What’s in the box?” Jong Hyun said impatiently. “Stuffed animals!” I said excitedly. “So typical of you,” Jong Hyun said and went back to sleep. “Yah! What are you talking about?! You know you annoy me so much!! Never have anything nice to say to me!” I yelled at him.

“Why are you now friends with that guy?” Jong Hyun said to me still facing away from me. “What guy?” I said walking up to him. “You know who I’m talking about?! That annoying jerk!” Jong Hyun screamed still facing away from me. “Oh?! Does it make you jealous that I’m hanging out with other guys?” I said smiling with joy. “I’m not jealous! I’m annoyed! Go away!!” Jong Hyun threw a pillow at me. “You and the pillows,” I said and threw it on the ground. I took one of the stuffed animals and stuck in front of his face.

“Why do you hate him so much?” I said with a high pitched tone. “What are you trying to do now?” Jong Hyun looked at me angrily. I laughed at him. “I thought it would cheer you up since you are always angry for no reason. “I’m not angry for no reason,” Jong Hyun said while turning away. “Bunny would like to talk and work things out for Jong Hyun because Jong Hyun always seems upset and it always bothers your nice and awesome roommate!” I continued with a high pitched tone. “Ha! Nice and awesome? I think someone is trying to be conceited,” Jong Hyun laughed. “It’s nice to see you laughing now. Are you feeling much better?” I continued again.

He grabbed the stuffed bunny. “Where did you get this anyways?” Jong Hyun said inspecting it. “I got them from the Doctor. He said that he was going to give it the kids at the hospital. Did you know that he made them himself?! I was really surprised that he knew how to sew. He doesn’t have that much though,” I said while bringing the rest of them to him to look at. “The Doc you say,” Jong Hyun said and grabbed the fox, “I want this one.” “What?!It’s not for you! It’s for the kids!” I screamed trying to grab it back. “Aren’t you keeping the bunny? I thought it was for the kids,” Jong Hyun replied back.

“Fine then. You keep that one and I keep this one,” I said to him annoyed. “Don’t you think it matches us perfectly?” Jong Hyun said with that sly smile again. “What are you talking about? The stuff animals?” I said to him. “You are the prey, and I am the predator,” Jong Hyun said and made the stuffed fox attack the bunny. “Yah!” I hit him in the arm. He just laughed at me. “Well, let’s eat dinner then,” Jong Hyun said while getting up. “Dinner? It’s only like 3PM? How are you already hungry?” I said to him. “Well you’re not a guy so you don’t understand,” Jong Hyun said while getting up, “let’s go.” He held out his arms towards me.

I slapped his hand away. “I don’t need your help. I’m not weak remember,” I said to him annoyed again. “Whatever then,” Jong Hyun said and started to leave. “Maybe I should go talk to Sungmin,” I said and went to find him. “Soo Jin!! The teachers are looking for you and Jong Hyun!!” Sungmin said running up to us. “Eh? Why?” I said while approaching him. “You guys skipped class,” Sungmin said to me. “Oh yeah. It’s only 3 right now. School doesn’t end until 5,” I said to him sadly. “It’s alright. I’m sure your punishment won’t be that rough,” Sungmin said smiling at me. “I wonder where Jong Hyun went,” I said while heading towards the cafeteria, “I’ll see you later for dinner then.” “Alright then! I’ll tell Heechul-hyung that!” Sungmin said waving at me and he  headed back to his class.

I entered into the cafeteria to see if he was there. “No here? I wonder where he went,” I said leaving the cafeteria, “considering it doesn’t open since everyone is still in class.” “Woo Soo Jin!! I finally found you!!” a teacher screamed across the hallway. He was charging head-on after me. “Ah!!” I started running away from him. “Ah! Woo Soo Jin!!!” he chased after me. “Stupid Jong Hyun! He ditched me because he knew that I skipped class too!! Ahh!! I don’t want to get caught!” I yelled while turning every corner I can. By now, three teachers were chasing after me.

“Ah! Please stop chasing after me!!” I screamed towards them. “Woo Soo Jin!! You skipped the last classes of the day which you shouldn’t!! You need to receive your punishment!!” one of the teachers yelled at me. I quickly turned the corner. “Over there!” the teacher screamed at each other as they turned the corner and continued running. I was hiding behind the walls of a classroom. “Ah, I’m safe,” I said while running out of breath, “anyways, why did you skip class?!” “You skipped too. Don’t blame me about skipping,” Jong Hyun said annoyed, “and shouldn’t you be thanking your savior not criticizing him instead.”

“You ditched me!” I yelled at him. “I didn’t ditch you. I said to you that we should go eat dinner. If you had listened to me, we wouldn’t be in this mess,” Jong Hyun said to me while still holding me against the wall. “Well, let go of me!” I said to him annoyed. “Shh!” He covered my mouth. His face was really close to mine. He was looking at the window above the classroom. “Where did she go? I’m pretty sure that she ran in this direction,” the teachers said while walking passed the classroom.

I pushed him away. “Okay, thank you for saving me so stop being so close to me!” I whispered yelled at him. “I think they’re gone so you can leave now, Jong Hyun told me and he just lay on the classroom floor. “Yah. Don’t you know that the floors are dirty? Why are you sleeping on the floor,” I said t him disgusted. “This is an empty classroom room anyways. No one comes in here so I use it to sleep. More quiet than in the dorms where you are constantly shuffling things back and forth,” Jong Hyun teased me.

“Yeah right! I’ don’t do those things! Fine then! You can sleep here all you want because I don’t really care if you ever come back to the dorm rooms,” I yelled and left the classroom. Grab. “Huh?” “Caught you!” one of the teacher said smiling at me. The other two dragged Jong Hyun out of the classroom. “You two! Why are you skipping class?! Just because this school is a dorm-system school does not mean you can just skip class as if it’s nothing!” one of the teachers lectured.

“I’m sorry,” we both said to them. “For your punishment, both of you are going to clean all of the classrooms on this floor!” one of the teacher explained. “Eh?! But…” “No buts! Both of you should start cleaning or else you’re going to miss dinner completely!!” they interrupted me. “Yes,” we both replied and went to the janitorial closet. We grabbed mops, sweepers, and wipes to clean the classrooms. “Ahh, I don’t want to do this! Why do we have to clean?!” I complained. “It was your fault that we got caught. You have such a big mouth that you can’t shut,” Jong Hyun remarked. I just glared at him and resumed cleaning.

“I’m surprised that you are doing what the teachers asked of you. I thought you would’ve rebelled, and would have left,” I said and turn towards him. He was laying on a row of desks sleeping. “You jerk. Yah! Wake up!! This is no time to be sleeping you idiot!!” I yelled at his face. Grab. “Eh?” Kiss.

End of Chapter 9.

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