My Amazing High School Life?

Mission X


            “My first day of high school. I can’t believe that I made it this far! Go me!!” Soo Jin yelled to her family who were at the school gate cheering her on. “Oh my, you’re so cute!” Soo Jin’s mother said while taking bunches of picture like it’s no tomorrow. “Soo Jin-unni!! Don’t go! I want you to stay and play with me!” her little sister said while hugging onto her leg and about to break into tears. “Min-ah, I’ll play with you when I visit during my break okay? I promise,” Soo Jin said smiling to her. “Okay,” Min said sadly while letting go of my leg. “Alright, we’ll see you during the breaks. I hope you adjust to your dorm life well then,” Soo Jin’s mother said while waving a good bye to me.

            “Thank you Umma,” Soo Jin said giving my best smile to her mother and head towards the door to her dorm. “Do you think she’ll be able to handle it?” Soo Jin’s mother said to her father. “I hope so,” Soo Jin’s father said smiling. “Soo Jin’s the name. My first day entering my high school life. I decided to go to this dorm system school life. I’m so excited to meet so many people here. I wonder how my life will treat me.”

            “Alright, dorm number 1149,” I said while entering inside. The furniture was highly polished white. Desks, walls, and even carpet. Flower smelled the room as I entered. Everything in its place. Bunk beds for a double room. “I wonder who my roommate will be,” I said while smiling and looking around the room. I unpacked my belongings that I brought from home and placed them neatly onto a desk near the window. Knock Knock. “Huh?” I questioned while opening my dorm door.

            “Ah,” I said confused. “Ah, are you in the right place?” some guy said to me while pointing at the room. “Who are you?” I said questioning this random guy at my door. “I’m rooming in this place,” he said while pushing me aside and walking in. “Hey! You’re intruding into my place!” I yelled at this unknown guy. “Room 1149?” he said to me. “Yes! This is my room! And I’m pretty sure my other roommate must be a girl,” I replied to him annoyed. “Ah, I get it now,” he said still unpacking his stuff.

            “What are you doing?! Get out!” I said while grabbing his suitcase and trying to get it out of my room. “Hey!” he said angrily while jerking it back. “What’s going on here?” someone said by the door. “What is he/she doing in my room?!” we both questioned furiously at the guy at our door. “Ah, I’m sorry. Let me introduce myself first. I’m the Student President Park Jeong Su. Our high school recently changed to a co-ed this year and because of the limited space, some of the girls had been paired up with other guys. You are one of the extra girl that has been paired up with him,” Jeong Su said smiling at us.

            “What?! Extra?! What’s going on here?!” I was utterly confused not knowing what to do anymore. “You mean I’m rooming with her? How come it couldn’t have been someone else?” the guy said annoyed. “Well, I don’t know. Our school rules. Please get along,” Jeong Su said smiling and left right after. “This cannot be happening right now,” I said covering my face as if the end of the world had just hit me. “You think that I’m as satisfied as you are,” he said annoyed. “Well, since we are roommates, we should just get along,” I said to him who was setting his stuff away.

            “Whatever,” he said while putting his stuff away. “Let’s start with introductions. My name is Woo Soo Jin. Nice to meet you,” I said smiling at him. “No need of introductions for me,” he said not giving a care. “What?! To think that I was being nice to you! What is your name?!” I yelled in anger. “Oh, you haven’t heard of me I guess,” he said smiling a sly smile. “I have never seen you nor heard of you in my life! Are you supposed to be famous or something?” I said furiously. He walks up to me. “Huh?” I said stepping back.

            “My name is Kim Jong Hyun. Don’t forget it,” Jong Hyun said smiling at me. I blushed. “You seriously haven’t heard of my name?” Jong Hyun said still smiling that sly smile. That smile gives me the creeps and chills down my back. “N-n-no,” I said looking away from his eyes. “Once I get an eye on a prey, I’ll never let them go until they are gone from my sight. You know what that means right?” Jong Hyun said turning my face towards his. “What?” I said still blushing. “You’re my next target,” Jong Hyun said with his face so close to mine. “Crazy!” I said pushing him away.

            “Whatever,” Jong Hyun said while resuming what he was doing. After we finished settling in, we went off to our classrooms. “I wonder if I can meet some girls and become friends with them,” I said smiling to myself, “1-G.” I went up to the door and opened it. Everyone in the room turned and looked at me. “Another girl?!?!” they said while rushing towards the door. I quickly shut the door. “What was that? The room was filled with a bunch of guys,” I said nervously. “Didn’t you forget what I told you,” someone said which scared the wits out of me. “What?!” I jumped. “We recently turned into a co-ed school this year. The ratio of girls enrolled is 1 to 12,” Jeong Su said smiling.

            The number echoed into my ears. 1 to 12. 1 to 12. “Don’t tell me, I’m the only girl in this classroom,” I said to him. “Oh no, you and this other girl,” Jeong Su said smiling and left again in a flash. “Ahhh,” I said nervously, “will I be able to handle it?” The door opened again and I was pulled inside the classroom. “Hey, hey! What’s your name?! You’re really cute! How old are you? Did you go to the sister school? How tall are you? Do you have a boyfriend yet?” all these questions flooded my mind. “Ahh,” I was speechless. “Hrm!!” someone said. I saw this other girl there as well. The other girl!!! I ran to her. “Nice to meet you! What’s your name?!” I said to her quickly.

            “Ugh! You disgust me!” she said frankly. It just shattered my heart. To think that the other girl in the classroom doesn’t like me. “Don’t be so mean to her Jin Hye,” someone said. “Eh?” I said turning around. “Hello,” someone said with such a bright smile. He was so beautiful. “My name is Lee Donghae. That girl is Park Jin Hye. She went to the sister school,” Donghae said smiling such a melting smile. “Ah, nice to meet you. I’m Woo Soo Jin,” I said blushing. “Don’t talk to her as if you know her!” Jin Hye said annoyed. “Huh?” I said looking at her.

            “Don’t mind her. She’s always like that since childhood,” Donghae said smiling. “Are you her childhood friend?” I said to him. “Yeah,” Donghae said smiling and taking a seat. “Hey, no fair! We were talking with you first!!” the other guys said while dragging me away. “Ah! These guys are so annoying!” someone else said. “Don’t worry Heechul-hyung. It’s just a surprise since schools aren’t really co-ed around here. It’s a first,” a guy near Heechul said. “Whatever. I just want some quiet time to check my online stuff,” Heechul said while clicking away on his phone. “Heechul-hyung, you get on twitter too much,” he said. “Sungmin, you have such a beautiful face, why don’t you publicize yourself on the internet as well,” Heechul said while grabbing Sungmin’s face.

            “Wha-what?!” Sungmin said surprised. “Just kidding. No need to try when I’m enough for everyone,” Heechul said continuing what he was doing. “What’s your phone number?! Where do you live?! Are you from around here?” the questions continued. The door opened. “What are you guys doing to her?” someone said behind me. “Ah, Kim Jong Hyun,” they said while backing away. “Huh?” I said looking at Jong Hyun. He had an angry expression as if he was ready to kill someone. “Did he just save me?” I said in my mind. “What are you doing to her? She’s mine,” Jong Hyun said smiling.

            Everyone stood silent. “What?! Yours?! What are you talking about?!” I turned to him and yelled my thoughts. “Ah! His next target is a girl. Is he serious about that or is he planning on actually hooking up with her?” Heechul said while still fiddling around on his phone. “What did you say?” Jong Hyun said annoyed. “Nothing. I was talking to myself,” Heechul said not caring. Jong Hyun walked up to Heechul and slammed his hand onto his desk. “Say that again?” Jong Hyun said in rage. “NOTHING! I WAS TALKING TO MYSELF!” Heechul repeated slowly and loudly. Jong Hyun grabbed his collar shirt and pulled him out of the chair.

            “What are you doing?! Stop!” Sungmin said nervously. “Are you going against me too?” Jong Hyun said annoyed. Sungmin looked away. “Alright! That’s enough!” the teacher said while entering into the room, “get to your seats! Kim Jong Hyun! Kim Heechul! See me outside right now!” Everyone scurried to their seats and became silent. “I’m pretty sure this is not a normal co-ed school. Something weird is going on here?” I said in my thoughts, “And worst of all, I’m paired with that kind of guy. What is this?!” After the teacher came back into the room, I never saw Jong Hyun or that other guy named Heechul after school.

            “Hey Soo Jin-ah. May I call you that?” Donghae said to me after school has ended. “Ah yes. What do you need?” I said to Donghae. “You can call me Donghae,” Donghae smiled brightly. “Okay,” I said smiling back. His smile makes me happy for some reason. “I hope to get to know you more,” Donghae said while leaving. What was that that he just said to me? He wants to get to know me better? My heart started racing. “Yah! Don’t get so close to him!” Jin Hye said behind me. “Huh?!” I jumped as I saw her behind me.

            “He’s just trying to be friendly with everyone so don’t try to think that he likes you,” Jin Hye said annoyed. “Do you like him?” I said without giving though to what I said. “What?!” Jin Hye said blushing. “Ah, I see,” I said confirming my answer with her blushing brightly. “Just stay away from him or else!” she said and ran off in a hurry. “I wonder why she likes him,” I said to myself. “Why don’t you find that out yourself?” someone said.

            “Ah!! Stop scaring me Student President,” I shouted while moving far away from him as possible. “I’m sorry. How was your first day of school?” Jeong Su said smiling at me. “It was interesting. But that Jong Hyun guy. What’s up with him?” I questioned. “What do you mean?” he said still smiling. “Everyone seems to hate him. I feel a little sad for him. But at the same time, he gives such a weird vibe,” I said to him. “Why don’t you find out yourself?” Jeong Su said smiling and disappeared. “The Student President is sure a weird guy,” I said to myself while heading back towards my dorm.

            “I wonder if that girl went back to the dorms yet,” Jong Hyun said. “She said something about you being odd,” Jeong Su said smiling at him. “What are you doing here?!” Jong Hyun said in surprise. “Thought you might want to know,” Jeong Su said smiling and disappeared. “Such a weird guy,” Jong Hyun said while heading back. “She said the same thing about me as well,” Jeong Su said popping in front of Jong Hyun. “What?!” Jong Hyun said almost falling backwards. “See you!” Jeong Su said disappearing again.

            “Weirdo,” Jong Hyun said while heading towards the dorms. Open Door. “Yeah. The school is a little odd. It’ll be a stretch to find all of them,” I said talking on the phone. “Huh,” Jong Hyun said while hiding behind the door without being heard. “So across the whole school right? Isn’t that a little too much?” I said still on the phone. “She can’t be,” Jong Hyun whispered to himself. “Alright, I got it,” I said and hung up the phone, “Huh?” I looked at the door and Jong Hyun was standing there smiling at me.

            “What?” I said confused. “You are surprising,” Jong Hyun said smiling at me with that sly smile again. “What are you talking about?” I said confused. “Oh, you don’t know,” Jong Hyun said while walking up towards me. I turned away from him. Jong Hyun said with that smile, “You’re working for KPFI aren’t you?”

.End of Chapter 1.

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Chapter 6: update soon.. the story is getting interesting
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