A New Rival Appears

Mission X

            I cannot believe that the Student President is on the list. Why would he be part of KDI? He is someone of high standards yet is conformed into this type of organization. I wonder what kind of motive they are going after. Why are they gathering billions of won each year? Is it for self-profit? Self-gain? I’m still confused. Looking at this list, I don’t even know anyone else besides Heechul, Siwon, and the Student President. My task itself is even more difficult than I thought. Bump. I fell on the ground. “Ah, I’m sorry,” someone said while helping me up. “Thank you,” I said to her.

            Looking at this girl, she is really cute and small. “Nice to meet you. My name is Im Hee Young,” she said smiling at me. Maybe she doesn’t know who I am. “Hello. My name is Woo Soo Jin. Nice to meet you,” I said smiling at her. “Wah! Are you the famous Soo Jin who everyone is talking about around school?!” Hee Young said excitedly. “Ah, I guess?” I said not surprised. “Wah! I’m just transferred here but  I heard your name used in so many conversations today. You must be really famous!!” Hee Young said smiling brightly. “Well, not a lot of people like me,” I said to her smiling.

            “No, not at all. I think you are pretty cool,” Hee Young said smiling at me. “Pretty cool?” I said happily. A girl who finally accepts me. I thought this day would never come. “Soo Jin-ah. Ah, can I call you that?” Hee Young questioned. “Yes,” I said to her smiling. “You can call me Hee Young then. I was wondering. Are you and Jong Hyun dating?” Hee Young said bluntly. Here we go again. “No, I’m not dating him. We are just roommates and that’s it,” I said to her smiling. “Really?! I’m so excited then!!” Hee Young said jumping up and down. This must be what talking to a girl feels like.

            “Why are you excited?” I said to her. “Because,” she said while blushing, “I like Jong Hyun-oppa. Ah! It’s just embarrassing saying that.” My jaws dropped. She, this cute girl likes Jong Hyun. I cannot even fathom that fact. “Why…why would you like someone like him?” I questioned confused. “Because he is really cute and amazing! He saved my life before and I just fell head-over-heels for him. My heart beats faster every time I see him,” Hee Young said with her hands to her face.

            “Then you must like him that much,” I said to her. “Yes!! I really really love him!!” she said with wide eyes. “Ah, I see then. Well, I have to get going then. I’ll see you around okay?” I said to her. “Soo Jin-ah,” she said to me. “Huh?” I turned back. Her facial expression changed. “I know that you like Jong Hyun. You can’t hide that with your face,” Hee Young said with an annoyed tone. “What are you talking about?” I said confused. “You can’t trick me! Just because you like him doesn’t mean that I don’t have the right to like him either!!” Hee Young screamed at me. “Uhh, I…” “Shut it!! I’m going to make him mine!! You stay out of this!!” Hee Young yelled and stomped away.

            “Uhh? What is her problem?” I said in shock. I guess I still have no girlfriends. I walked away. “Huh? Donghae-ah,” I said while approaching him. “Ah, Soo Jin-ah! I haven’t seen you in a while,” he said while smiling at me. “Been pretty busy. We see each other in class though,” I said smiling to him. “True, but we never get to talk anymore,” Donghae said smiling at me. “Ah, I’m sorry,” I said to him. “No need. I should be sorry as well,” Donghae said smiling still. “What have you been up to besides school? Have you been going anywhere?” I asked him.

            “I’ve been hanging out with my friends lately. Maybe I can introduce you to them some other time,” Donghae said laughing. “I should get going then,” I said to him. “Ah, Soo Jin-ah. Can I ask you something first?” Donghae said to me. “Yeah,” I replied. “Remember when we went out to watch a movie? Where did you and Jong Hyun go?” Donghae asked. “Ah, that was a while back. We had other stuff to do actually. I’m sorry for ditching all of a sudden. It was rude of me since you asked me along too,” I said to him sadly.

            “Ah, I see. It’s alright. I was wondering if you were free tomorrow after school then?” Donghae asked me. “Hrm? I think I should be free. Why?” I asked him. “Want to head to town with me?” Donghae asked shyly. “Sure, that sounds fun,” I said smiling and left afterwards.

            Still finding these people is difficult. It’s not as if they would appear out of nowhere right? I took the paper out of my pocket and started reading the names again. “What kind of names are these? It’s so weird,” I said to myself. Now that I think about it, Heechul could be lying about these names as well. If I was to meet someone with these names, what if they don’t know anything about KDI? Heechul could’ve given me fake names. It’s possible that he could’ve. Yet this is the only thing that I can go by. Why wouldn’t he know which ministries each of these people are in either? In a way, he is cautious about me too.

            “Huh?” I saw a guy playing with animals. “Hello,” I said to him. “Huh?!” He immediately ran away from me. “Wait?!” I yelled and ran after him. The animals scurried away. “Wait!! I want to ask you a question!!!” I yelled after him. He just ran even faster.  “What is with this guy?!” I said to myself. He ran into a classroom and quickly closed the door behind him. “Hey, what’s going on?” a guy inside the room said. “A… a girl?!” the guy said to them. “Girl?!!” the others yelled. Knock Knock. “It’s a girl!! It’s a girl!!! What do we do?! What do we do?!!” someone yelled. “Why is there hustling and bustling inside?” I questioned. I tried opening the door but it was locked.

            Knock Knock. “Ahh!! Open the door! No, don’t open the door!!! It’s so scary!!!” I heard from inside. “These guys. Seriously,” I said annoyed. Should I kick the door open? I don’t want to pay for it though. “This is annoying. What am I doing anyways?” I said while scratching my head. “Did she leave? Is she still there? Someone go and check,” someone pushed one of the guys to the door. One of the guys unlocked the door and checked. He looked left and the right. “It’s all clear,” he said to the others. They sighed.

            BAM! “You shouldn’t lock the door again,” I said annoyed. “Ah!!! It’s the infamous Woo Soo Jin who hangs out with Jong Hyun!!!” someone yelled. They started running and trying to hide. “Now I have the label of being bad. That Jong Hyun,” I said annoyed. “What…what are you doing here? This…this is a club only for nature lovers,” the guy at the door said. “I was looking for someone. Who is the guy who just ran in here? Ah, I found him,” I said walking up to him. “You’re going to get it now. She’s going to kill you,” one of the guys said. These guys. So scared for nothing.

            “Hi, I want to talk to you,” I said smiling at him. “Wha…what do…you…want to…talk to…me…about?” he said hesitantly. “Let’s go,” I said grabbing his hand and left the room. “Wah!!! She…she grabbed his hand!!! Is this the first for him!?!?!” they started shouting at each other. We went outside behind a building. He was scared and ready to pee in his pants. “Don’t be scared. I just wanted to talk to you,” I said smiling at him. “What…what is it?!” he raised his voice. He was trembling in fear and head towards the ground.

            “You don’t need to be so scared,” I said to him. I guess I did look scary back there. “What do you want?!” he shouted. “How did you get the animals to come up to you? It was so cute!” I said smiling to him. “Huh?” he said looking up at me. Flashback: “He is so weird! Look at those animals on him?!” “I’m…not weird?” he said looking at me. “I don’t think you’re weird. I think it’s cool how guys can be friendly with animals,” I said smiling. “Ah,” he said blushing. “Hey, is it okay if I join your club? It sounds really interesting,” I said to him. “Ah… sure,” he said looking at the ground again. “Let’s go then,” I said dragging him back to the room.

            “What’s going on?” one of the guys said to him. “She said that… she is… joining our club,” he said to the guy. “What?!?!?! Our first girl?!?!?!?! Wait! It has always been guys only!! You can’t add a girl into our club! It would ruin our image!!!” the guys started yelling at each other. I was sitting there just looking at them arguing. “I thought this was a nature club, not an arguing club,” I said while just watching them scream at each other. “It would be awesome to have some girls!!! Think about it guys!!! It would start to attract more girls into our club!!!” other yelled. “Then the main focus would be on girls!! We can’t have her ruin us from nature!!!” other yelled back.

            “Yah!!!!” I yelled. The room quickly went silent. “Even if I’m the first girl in this club, wouldn’t it be a good idea to attract girls into the club as well as helping those who don’t know about this club become more popular. It would be a win-win situation,” I said smiling to them. “That’s true,” they said nodding in agreement. “Okay then!! Our first girl in our club!! Let’s all welcome her!!!!” one of the guys shouted. “Welcome to the Nature Club!!! Our Motto is to preserve nature, for we connect as one and will always be one!!” they said with pride. I laughed, “thank you guys.”

            “So I heard that you joined the Nature Club,” Jong Hyun said to me. “Yeah. I always had a mind for it. I just love the outdoors,” I said smiling to him. “I think it’s stupid,” Jong Hyun said lying in his bed. “You’re the stupid person. I think you should respect it or lightning would strike you in the face,” I said to him. “Whatever,” Jong Hyun said. “Hey Jong Hyun,” I said. He didn’t answer. “Jong Hyun,” I said again. No response.

            This jerk always annoys me. Never answer and never listens to anyone! “I know you’re not listening you jerk!” I said punching him in the arm. “Ouch! What do you want?!” Jong Hyun said annoyed. “Really you annoy people so much,” I said to him. He turned back the other way. “Oh well then. I would just pretend you’re listening to me. I’m dating someone,” I said to him to see if he would respond. He immediately got up and looked at me. “What? Who are you dating? Who is this guy?” Jong Hyun questioned.

            “Ah, so I got your attention,” I said to him. “Ah, you jerk,” Jong Hyun said. “But guess what. I heard that someone likes you,” I said to him. “I don’t care,” Jong Hyun said annoyed. “Then… do… you like me?” I asked him. My heart started beating faster again. He looked at me. “Ah, I’m just kidding. That was an awkward question,” I said to him. “And what if I did,” Jong Hyun said looking at my seriously. “Ah…hey, I know you aren’t like that. You wouldn’t like someone like me,” I said to him. “Hrm, you’re right,” Jong Hyun said lying back down but facing my direction.

            “Yeah,” I said looking at the ground. “Did you want me to like you?’ Jong Hyun said looking at me. “Ah, no. I was just joking,” I said smiling at him, “but someone did say that they liked you.” “Who?” Jong Hyun said closing his eyes. “This girl named Im Hee Young. I don’t think I was supposed to tell you though,” I said to him. His eyes snapped open. “Who? Say her name again!” Jong Hyun said getting up. “Im Hee Young,” I said to him. “Aish!!” Jong Hyun said getting up. “Wait! What’s wrong?” I said to him.

            “It would’ve been better if you were my girlfriend when I asked you the first time,” Jong Hyun said getting ready to leave. “What? What’s wrong?” I questioned confused still. “Im Hee Young. She was my ex-girlfriend,” Jong Hyun said annoyed. “Ex…ex-girlfriend?!!”

End of Chapter 11.

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