Members Unveiled

Mission X

            Again, this guy manages to steal another one of my previous kisses. This jerk is the worst of all! “Yah!!” I started hitting him just releasing all my anger I held about him. He grabbed my arms. I was on the verge of tears. I don’t like him one bit! “Why? Why are you always teasing me?!” I yelled with tears streaming slowly off my face. My tears dropped onto Jong Hyun’s face. My vision just blurring from the tears flowing from my cheek.

            He sighed and touched my cheek, wiping away the tears. “I’m sorry for kissing you. Don’t cry okay?” Jong Hyun said with a calm tone. He had a worried look on his face. Is this the first time that he’s worried about me? I turned away and continued what I was doing. “If…If you’re sorry about it then… help me finish up this work,” I said quickly wiping away the rest of my tears. “Alright!” Jong Hyun said hugging my shoulders. “Look at those two. So lovey dovey towards each other. It makes me sick just seeing those two,” some girls said while walking passed the classroom.

            “What? Are you guys talking about us again?” I said to them annoyed. “Oh, we just wanted to talk about annoying people that were in front of us,” one of the girls replied. “Yah!” Jong Hyun held my arm back. I looked at him annoyed. “Ah, so you just wanted to talk about annoying people? Why don’t you talk about each other since all of you are in front of each other? Let’s start with the first girl. Looking at your face, you need more foundation to cover up those blemishes that keep reoccurring on your skin. The second girl, why are you wearing your skirt so short? Are you trying to get attention from boys? I can report you for making your skirt under the limit. Third girl, ah, you are too short that you have to where 5-inch heels just to match the height of the other girls. Stop bringing down their height. Shall I continue?” Jong Hyun retorted back at them.

            “Ah, let’s go girls,” one of the girls suggested and they left. I burst out laughing. “Ah, I knew you were good with playing your words but I didn’t know you were that good,” I continued laughing. Jong Hyun smiled, “well what I said was true though. Besides, I don’t like how people talk about others. It just brings down others and shows their insecurities even more.” “Hrm, to think that I always thought you were a bad guy. You have your moments,” I said smiling to him. “Let’s just finish these things,” Jong Hyun said while continuing. “Alright,” I smiled and continued.

            We finished cleaning up the classrooms on the floor that we were assigned as punishment. “Ah, I’m so hungry! Let’s go eat dinner!” I said to him pulling his hand. “I’m sorry. I have things to do,” Jong replied while removing my hand away. “Really? That’s a first,” I said surprised. I left to the cafeteria by myself. “Ah, I wonder what they have today for dinner,” I said while looking at the menu. I got some food and saw Sungmin and Heechul eating and talking. “Sungmin-ah! Heechul-ah!” I yelled to them and sat by them. “Soo Jin-ah! You made it! Was your punishment hard?” Sungmin asked worryingly.

            “It was intense work, but we got it done,” I said smiling at him. “I thought I told you to stop calling me Heechul-ah, old lady,” Heechul said typing away on his cellphone. “Yah! I’m not in the mood to talk about old lady stuff,” I said to him. “Oh, so you finally agreed that you are the old lady,” Heechul said smiling at me. “Yah!” I yelled at him. “Don’t worry about him, Soo Jin-ah. He’s always like that,” Sungmin said smiling at me, “I’ll be back. I want to get something to drink.” Sungmin got up and left. Mayeb this is the chance I can ask him about KDI.

            “Heechul-ah,” I started. “I thought I said don’t call me Heechul-ah,” Heechul retorted again. “Then what do you want me to call you?!” I said impatiently. “Your Majesty!” Heechul said smiling. “I’m never calling you your majesty!” I said to him angrily. “You just did,” Heechul said smiling at me and then typing again. “Whatever. I have stuff to talk to you about,” I said to him. “What?” Heechul said. “I want to talk about KDI,” I said to him bluntly. He stopped typing and looked at me funny. “KDI? What are you talking about?” Heechul answered cautiously. “First rule was to answer all things truthfully and openly remember?” I said to him smiling.

            “What do you want to know?” Heechul said continuing again. “I was thinking about making a fanclub for you guys considering how much effort each of you have done, but I don’t know the other members names. Would it be possible for you to give me a list of the members? So far I only know you and Siwon,” I explained to him. “How do you know that I was part of KDI?” Heechul answered with intent eyes. “Well…” I stuttered. “You have to answer truthfully and honestly remember?” Heechul said sticking his chin up. “I found out through your phone when you accidently dropped it on the ground,” I said to him.

            “What?! What else did you see on my phone?!” Heechul yelled at me. Some people started to scare at us. “That was the only thing I saw. I was thinking about searching for more, but you were coming, and plus I didn’t want to look into personal things so I didn’t look at anything else,” I explained to him. “Ugh, what makes you think that I would give you the members of the people in KDI?” Heechul said to me. “Because it would raise your popularity even more,” I said smiling at him. “What? Popularity?” Heechul said becoming interested.

            “Not only would the other members become popular, you will gain even more people to follow you! That way, you can exceed all those people who have been exceeding you the whole time,” I explained to him. “Hrm, that makes sense,” Heechul nodded along, “but, how long will it take for me to gain those extra members?” “It could take a while to assemble everyone and make them agree, that’s why I need the list of members and if you can what they are working under,” I said to him.

            “Alright then, give me a few days to gather that information for you,” Heechul said while typing on his phone again. “I’m sorry I took forever guys. The line for the drinks was so long,” Sungmin said while bringing three drinks. “It’s alright. Are you drinking all of those?” I questioned him. “Ah, I bought them for you guys. Melon Juice for Soo Jin and Green Tea for Heechul,” Sungmin said while handing the drinks to us. “Thank you Sungmin-ah,” I said and opened my drink.

            “Wait a minute. I thought Heechul didn’t like Green Tea!” I shouted. “I never said I didn’t like Green Tea,” Heechul said drinking it. Sungmin just laughed at me. “Oh, what were you guys talking about while I was gone,” Sungmin said looking at us. I looked at Heechul who was typing away on his phone again. “It was nothing,” Heechul replied. I was for sure he’d tell Sungmin about what we talked about. Maybe Sungmin doesn’t know about KDI so that might be the reason that Heechul didn’t say anything. “It wasn’t anything interesting. Just getting to know each other more,” I said smiling to Sungmin.

            Though I don’t want to lie to Sungmin, I don’t want him involved either. Later, Sungmin walked with me back to my dorm. “Thank you for walking me back to the dorms. You didn’t really have to,” I said smiling to him. “No, no. It’s okay. Plus Heechul-hyung would’ve yelled at me for not walking a girl back. He says it’s very impolite and rude considering it’s dark out,” Sungmin said smiling at me. “But it’s just the school. I should be fine,” I said smiling to him. “Well on the school grounds there’s still weird stuff going around so it would be better to have someone around just in case,” Sungmin said to me.

            “That’s true,” I said to him. “You should listen to people more,” someone whispered into my ear. “Ah!!!” I jumped. “Oh, Student President. You were behind us the whole time right?” Sungmin said smiling at him. “He always scares me for no reason,” I said to Sungmin. Sungmin just laughed. “I think you’re just a scaredy-cat. Sungmin-ah, didn’t get scared,” Jeong Su said smiling at me. “I’m not a scaredy-cat,” I said pouting. “So what are you two still doing out this late? Oh, are you two on a date?!” Jeong Su said with a surprised look.

            “Huh?” Sungmin blushed. “Student President!” I yelled at him. “But Sungmin is blushing so it must be true!” Jeong Su said smiling at Sungmin. He turned his head away. “It’s not like that. Sungmin id just walking me back to the dorms. You know, staying out late, there are lots of weird things,” I said to him hesitantly. “No need to be shy about it Sungmin,” Jeong Su said hugging Sungmin’s shoulders and not listening to what I was saying. “Student President, it’s not like that,” I said denying it. “But Sungmin is not denying it,” Jeong Su laughing. “It’s…it’s not true,” Sungmin said still blushing,

            “Ah, you don’t have to hide it Sungmin,” Jeong Su said swinging him around. “Student President, I think you’re taking your joke a little too far,” I said to him. “Hrm? Well, what if Sungmin did actually like you?” Jeong Su smiling at me. “Huh?” I said in confusion. “Okay, we should get going. Don’t you have to check on the dorms,” Sungmin said pushing Jeong Su away. “Ah, that’s right. Well then, I’ll see you guys around then,” Jeong Su said and disappeared again. “What was the Student President talking about?” I questioned.

            “We should get going,” Sungmin said smiling to me and grabbed my hand. “Ah, yeah,” I said to him surprised. His personality feels a little off. “Thank you for taking me to my dorm,” I said smiling at him. “It’s not a problem. I can walk with you if you have no one to walk with,” Sungmin said smiling at me. “Thanks,” I said to him.

            A few days passed. The days began to get colder. Winter is slowly approaches us. “Soo Jin-ah,” someone said to me. “Huh? Oh, Heechul-ah,” I said to him. “Don’t call me Heechul-ah you old lady!” Heechul retorted. “You called me Soo Jin-ah! If I’m older than you then you should be respecting me!!” I yelled back at him. “Whatever. Here,” Heechul said handing me a piece of paper. “What’s this?” I questioned. “The list that you wanted. I could only get the names. I couldn’t get what ministry they worked in,” Heechul explained to me. “I think I can work around that then,” I said smiling at him.

            “Ugh, don’t smile. You’re smile is hideous,” Heechul said with a disgusted look. “Whatever,” I said with an annoyed face. I counted the number of people on the list. “Wait, there is only 10 people. Isn’t there like 12 members in KDI?” I questioned him. “Well, both of the two are missing because those are confidential information that I cannot get ahold of. I think the two members that’s not on there should be the Unification Ministry and the leader of the group,” Heechul explained to me. “I can understand that,” I said to him. “Well, I’ll see you around then,” Heechul said and left. “Thank you!” I yelled to him. He waved without turning around.

Even with this list, I still don’t have enough information about the other two which are the most important of them all. I wonder if he didn’t know it or because I could be a suspect to them. Either way, I still have to find them on my own. With this list, I could ask the other members. Doesn’t have to be necessarily Heechul. Besides that, I still have to gather information about Heechul. I still don’t know anything about him. Somehow, I have to get his phone away from him and extract all the files on his phone onto my laptop to gather his information. I think saving him for now will be useful in the future. Once I find out about the other people, I can narrow down to what Heechul is too.

“I wonder who I should go for first,” I said while looking at the list of people. “Eh? The Student President is on this list.”

End of Chapter 10.

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