Something He’s Not Supposed to Know

Mission X

            “Your mission is to find all of the twelve members of KDI and take them down from their fraudulent activities that have been messing with the Korean government. You got that right? You cannot let them know that you are working for KPFI or else the Prosecutors are going to get in on this mess. What you have to do is find the Unification Minister to take down all of the others. Without the Unification Ministry, they are useless in unifying as one group. Do what it takes to bring down KDI without getting caught. This is the school that they all attend. We have to hurry because time is running out.”

            “I, Woo Soo Jin, has been working for KPFI, Korean Prevention of Fraudulent Investments, since my father retired from here 5 years ago. I came to this place not knowing what to expect and got caught into the business and helped stop thousands of fraudulent activities around South Korea. My new mission I’ve been given is to find all of the twelve members of KDI, Korean Divert Investment, holding trillions of won, accumulating yearly about 4.6 billion in investment. The new high school that I’ll be heading off to is a once all-boys-school and recently, KPFI has bought out this school to change it into a co-ed school in order for me to attend.”

            “Going into this type of mission is tough for me but I’ve handled bigger issues before. This is a must-succeed mission that will allow me to make a foothold into demolishing all fraudulent activities and bringing things to justice. But… something happened that has stopped me in my tracks. This guy named Kim Jong Hyun.”

            Jong Hyun said with that smile, “You’re working for KPFI aren’t you?” “KPFI?” What’s that?” I said to him confused. “Are you playing dumb with me right now? I know who you are,” Jong Hyun said while walking closer towards me. “Did he really find me out this quickly? It’s not even one day yet?!” I screamed in my mind. “I really don’t know what you are talking about,” I said to him backing up away from him. “Then what was that phone call for? It would be a stretch to find them all? It only gives out that you are working for KPFI, am I right?” Jong Hyun said grabbing my phone.

            “My phone! Give it back!!” I said trying to grab it back from him. He was searching through my phone to find information about KPFI. “Yah!!” I yelled at him while trying to grab my phone out of his hand. “Tell me what you know or else I’ll tell the whole school about KPFI,” Jong Hyun said while giving a smirk on his face. “I don’t know what you are talking about?! And even if I knew what you are talking about, how do you even know what it is!” I screamed at him.

            He pushed me away and searched through the numbers dialed. “Stop!” I yelled at him. “The first number is…your father?” Jong Hyun said confused. “Yes! Why can’t I call my father?! I miss them okay!” I screamed and snatched the phone away from him. “Ah, this is boring,” Jong Hyun said while going to his bed. “What is KPFI?” I questioned him to see what he would say. “Why should I tell you?” Jong Hyun said going to sleep. “Hey! It’s only 4PM, why are you already sleeping?! Tell me what KPFI stands for and what is it?!” I demanded him. “You’re so annoying! Go away!” Jong Hyun said while throwing a pillow at me.

            “Ah!” I screamed when grabbing the pillow. I threw the pillow towards the side and went out of the dorm room. “Ugh! That guy is so annoying! Who does he think he is?! The boss of me or something! Ugh!” I said while walking around the place. “You okay?” Jeong Su said popping out from the side of the wall. “Ah! Stop scaring me!” I screamed. “Scaring you? I’m sorry,” Jeong Su said smiling at me, “what happened?” “Well, just had a fight with my roommate. I don’t get him at all,” I said to the Student President. “Hrm, he is a little difficult to understand isn’t he,” Jeong Su said while leaning against the wall.

            “You know about him?” I said while walking up to him. “He went to the boys’ school of course,” Jeong Su said to me smiling. “Why is he like that?” I questioned him. “I don’t know. I never really talked to him so I wouldn’t know,” Jeong Su said while smiling at me. “Well, you must’ve heard of him before right?” I said to him. “Hrm, let me see. All I remember was that he was a rebel when he was in school. He was always getting into trouble and everything but since his father works within the school, he gets away with it from money and everything,” he told me still smiling.

            “Oh, I see. Wasn’t there something that made him like that?” I questioned him. “Why don’t you ask him about it?” Jeong Su said while disappearing again. “Why does he always disappear so quickly?” I questioned myself. “What are you doing?” Jong Hyun asked behind me. “Huh?” I said turning to him. He was leaning against the wall and looking at me. “Something you want to ask me?” Jong Hyun said while leaning forward at me. “What are you talking about?” I said while turning my head away from him.

            “Hrm, you want to know about my past eh?” Jong Hyun said while pacing around. “”You’re going to tell me about it?” I said while looking at him. “Hrm, I don’t know. Let’s make a deal then,” Jong Hyun said while hitting me against the wall. “What?” I questioned confused. “You want to know don’t you?” Jong Hyun said with a smirk on his face. “What do you want?” I said to him trying not to cause any problems.

            “Become my girlfriend, and I’ll tell you everything you want to know,” Jong Hyun said smiling. I pushed him away. “No way am I ever going to be your girlfriend! I rather die than become even friends with the likes of you!” I said pushing him towards the ground and running away. My heart was racing at the speed of light. I can hear it thumping loudly. My face flushed. Why am I feeling this way?

            “When you find someone from the group, you should befriend them and hopefully get them to tell you the other members of the group. Find out as much information as you can about each of the members, they role within KDI, and take them down. In addition to all that, falling in love with any of them is prohibited, but being able to make them fall in love with you is a plus. Though that may sound twisted in itself, it’s the only way to stop their fraudulent activities. Your mission starts now.”

            “Huh? Soo Jin-ah?” Sungmin said to me as I ran passed him. I couldn’t focus. My heart feels so weird. What is this feeling? I quickly ran to the infirmary room. As I opened the door, a student was there examining another student. “Ah, I’m sorry for interrupting!” I said and quickly closed the door behind me, “isn’t that a student? Where is the doctor?” A few moments of waiting the student left. “What are you looking for?” the student who was examining the other student said. “Ah, I just wanted to know something,” I said to the student. “Come inside then,” he said and I entered the room. I sat in a chair while he sat in the other one opposite of mine.

            “What did you want to know?” he questioned me sincerely. “Actually, where is the doctor who runs this infirmary?” I questioned him. “Doctor? The doctor is me,” the student answered. “What?! You’re the doctor?! But aren’t you just a student here?!” I yelled at him. “Please calm your voice while in the infirmary. Yes, I am a student here, but I’m also the doctor who runs this place,” the student continued. “But…But you look too young to be a doctor,” I said to him honestly. “I’m actually one of the few who became doctors while young. Even though I’m still in high school, I have a doctor’s degree,” he explained to me.

            “Wah!! I can’t imagine that at all,” I said to him with much surprise. Wait a minute. If he is a doctor at this school and he is a student, this would mean he must be the one working in KDI as the Health and Wealthfare Minster. I have to be careful in what I say to him if I want to know if he really is part of KDI. “What is you name if you don’t mind me asking?” I questioned him. “I’m Choi Siwon, part of KDI as the Health and Wealthfare Minister,” Siwon said bluntly. My eyes widened. “What’s wrong? Did I say something weird?” Siwon said to me. “KDI. At first I thought you said KPFI. Someone told me about KPFI and I wanted to know what it was, but he didn’t want to explain it to me,” I said to him hoping he didn’t catch onto me.

            “KPFI? It stands for Korean Prevention of Fraudulent Investments. KDI stands for Korean Divert Investment,” Siwon explained to me. “Ahh, I see. Still I don’t know what they mean,” I said at him. He continued, “KPFI is an organization created secretly by the government aside from prosecutors in finding justice to the people. KDI is an organization created that combines different abilities from people of the different departments of ministries to gain access to large amounts of money as their business. Since I work as the Health and Wealthfare Minister, I help to provide information about hospitals and usage of money in supporting KDI.”

            “Why are you working with them? Isn’t it illegal? Wouldn’t KPFI find out and take you guys down if they knew you were using this type of method for profit?” I said to him. “Why are you so worried about what happens to me?” Siwon said with serious eyes. “What I mean is what happens if you get caught? Wouldn’t you’re family worry about you? Wouldn’t it just hurt you more than do good for you?” I said to him concerned. “Every day we are living a life of risk. We have to go out there and do what we love. Protecting those who we cherish. This type of business is my life. It saved me and made me who I am today. There is nothing to be concerned about if I get caught in this type of business,” Siwon said smiling to me.

            “I see,” I said smiling back at him. “Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?” Siwon said to me. “Ah! I forgot. I wanted to ask you about a heart problem,” I said to him. “Heart problem? Are you experiencing pain anywhere?” Siwon said looking at me intently. “Ah no. It’s just that this guy, whenever he gets really close to me, my heart starts racing. My face flushes like crazy. I just don’t know what this feeling is,” I said to him. “Hrm, heart racing fast?” Siwon said thinking out loud. He then immediately stood up and walked over towards me.

            I just watched him walking towards me and inspecting my face. “What? Is something wrong?” I asked him. He came closer towards my face. I moved back. “What?” I said confused. “I see,” Siwon said and walking back to his seat. “What is it?” I questioned confused at what he was doing. “I think I might know what your heart problem is about,” Siwon said opening up a folder. “What is it? Is it something serious? Am I going to die?!” I shouted. “It’s not a disease or anything of that sort so you can relax,” Siwon said scribbling something into his notes. “So what is it?” I questioned again. He looked at me again but seriously, “I think you are in love.”

End of Chapter 2. 

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