Knowing More about You

Mission X

            After finishing my talk with the Student President, I ran into a couple of gangsters. “Well well, who do we have here? Someone to bump into our leader always leaves with a punishment,” a gangster said to me. I examined them closely and realized that all of them attend our school. I wonder if they are a part of Jong Hyun in some way. “Yah!! Why are you not getting up?!” their leader yelled at me. I quickly stood up on my feet due to his scream. “Oh so you are a girl,” the leader said while grabbing onto my chin and looking at me. “Ooo, he never lets a girl go unharmed,” the other gangsters said while giggling to each other.

            “What do you want?” I questioned him bluntly. “Ooo!! She’s a confident one!!” they hollered at each other. “Quiet!” the leader screamed. He turned his face back towards me. “It’s nothing hard. I am said to have stolen lots of first kisses from girls. I wonder if this is your first kiss,” the leader said smiling at me. I gulped. I never kissed anyone in my life! Besides my parents of course but with another guy. I have to act quick or I’ll lose my first kiss to this jerk! “First kisses are so old news. Everyone had their first kiss in middle school by now. Was it just girls who never dated anyone you stole because they ran into you? You’re a little easy to guess,” I said to him with a smirk on my face.

            “Ohhh snap! This girl is tough!” they shouted out again. “Yah!” the leader screamed at his gang, “you! You think you’re so tough? I bet you never had your first kiss acting as if you are tough or something. Shall we find out?” I tensed up. I thought he would have thought of doing something else but what am I going to do? His face got closer towards mine. My heart started pounding again. This pounding is different though. More of a scared feeling.

            Suddenly someone grabs my arm away. “Huh?” “Well well. I wonder who I ran into,” Jong Hyun said while smiling at them. “Kim Jong Hyun,” the leader said annoyed. “So what are you doing to my roommate?” Jong Hyun questioned them. “Roommate?! She is Jong Hyun’s roommate?! We shouldn’t mess with her!!” the other gang members said to the leader. “Quiet. What do you want? We are just having a little fun!” the leader said smiling at Jong Hyun. “A little fun eh? How’s almost killing someone having fun?” Jong Hyun said with a serious face. “Hey hey. We didn’t really say anything to her,” the leader said nervously.

            “Well, I’m taking her,” Jong Hyun said pulling my arm. “Wait! Don’t tell me, that you two are dating?!” the leader said in shock. We stopped. “You can think whatever you like,” Jong Hyun said smiling and we left after that. We finally reached our room. I guess he wasn’t with them then, but saying that they can think whatever they like ticks me off. “Yah!” I jerked my arm away. “What?” Jong Hyun said to me annoyed. “You can’t say something like that to them! They would really think that we are dating then!” I screamed at him. “Ah, I see. It’s better to get your first kiss stolen than to be labeled as my girlfriend,” Jong Hyun said to me mockingly.

            “That…That’s not what I mean!” I said to him. He is so good at playing his words it’s hard to even answer him back. “Oh? So you never had your first kiss then,” Jong Hyun said to me smiling. I blushed, “well, guys are just stupid!” “To think you were saying that everyone already had their first kiss in middle school,” Jong Hyun said laughing. “Be… be quiet!” I said annoyed and turned my face away. He grabbed my face and softly kissed my lips. I touched my lips. “There, now you don’t have to worry so much,” Jong Hyun said to me. I slapped his face and ran out of the room. Why? Why did he do that? Why did he kiss me?! I hate him! I hate him so much! I was outside of the dorm just crying.

            “I didn’t want my first kiss to be him. I wanted a prince charming. He’s such a jerk! I hate him so much!” I screamed out loud. “Soo Jin-ah?” someone said. I quickly wiped away my tears, “ah, Donghae. What are you doing out here? It’s so late.” “I want to ask you the same question. Girls shouldn’t be out this late,” Donghae said and sat next to me, “did something happen with your roommate?” “Ah, you know who my roommate is right?” I said to him. “Kim Jong Hyun right?” Donghae said smiling. “Yes. I hate him!” I said to him without giving much thought. “Why do you hate him?” Donghae said laughing.

            “The things he says. The things he does. It annoys me so much! He is just twisted!” I said to Donghae sticking up my fist. “I don’t think he’s a bad guy,” Donghae said smiling at me. “Huh?” I said surprised at what he said, “You don’t think he’s a bad guy?” I was just puzzled considering how many people hate him. He is probably the only one that doesn’t hate him. “Well I don’t think the Student President hates him either but I’m not sure about it as much,” I said to Donghae. Considering how he almost died from suicide. “Well, from what I see, it’s more like he just wants to cause an uproar. Not really do anything,” Donghae said to me.

            “An uproar? What do you mean?” I said to him. “To me it means as though he hasn’t really done anything wrong. A lot of people talk about what he has done, but I never really see anything. Mostly like an uproar. In a way, it makes it seem as though he’s a celebrity at school,” Donghae said laughing. “That’s true in a sense,” I said to him, “did you go to the brother middle before coming here?” “Hrm, ah no. I just came from a public school,” Donghae said smiling to me. “Really? Then how do you know Park Jin Hye?” I questioned. “We live next to each other. We literally grew up with each other,” Donghae said smiling to me.

            “Ah, I see. So that means you don’t know about Jong Hyun,” I said to him. “I heard rumors of course. He’s really famous because of those rumors. But like I said, it seems more like an uproar than really true rumors. And rumors are just rumors. Most of them are not true anyways,” Donghae said smiling at me. “That’s true. Still, he is only making fun of me! I still hate him!” I said out loud. “Like what?” Donghae asked me. “Like how he is making everyone think that I’m his girlfriend! I’m not even his girlfriend! I’m not even close to that! And we’re not even friends so I don’t understand why everyone is jumping to that conclusion,” I shouted.

            Donghae started laughing. “What?” I questioned. “You’re so funny and cute,” Donghae said still laughing. Eh?” I blushed. This is the first time someone called me cute. Flashback: She is so scary. Don’t get involved with her. She can report you to the police and send you to prison for life! I smiled at the ground. “You should smile more,” Donghae said to me. “Ah yeah,” I said smiling to him. “Say, am I one of your friends?” Donghae said smiling at me. “Huh? Ah, I don’t really know anything about you so I can’t say that you are my friend or not,” I said to him.

            “What did you want to know?” Donghae asked me. “Huh?” I blushed. It was so sudden to ask that question. I didn’t expect him to ask that question considering how I asked Jong Hyun, but I think that’s a different matter. “Um, what should I ask? Ah, how old are you?” I asked him. “How old am I? I’m 16 years old,” Donghae said to me. “Really? I’m only 15 years old. But I’m turning 16 soon. When is your birthday?” I asked him again. “My birthday is October 15,” Donghae answered with a smile. “I see. My birthday is May 15,” I said to him. “Both of our birth day is on the 15th,” Donghae said smiling still.

            “You’re right! That’s so cool!” I said tapping him on the shoulder. “What dessert do you like?” Donghae asked me. “Dessert? You mean like what type of cake?” I said to him. “Yes, or whatever of the sort,” Donghae said. “I like Strawberry Shortcake,” I said smiling, “What about you?” “I like Strawberry shortcake as well,” Donghae said. “That’s so cool!” I said laughing. “Ah, it’s already midnight, and you two are still up,” someone said while walking up to us. “Student President! What are you doing here?” I questioned. “Checking up on the dorms. Both of you should be in the dorms right now,” Jeong Su said while smiling at us.

            “We’re sorry,” we both apologized. “Well it was nice talking to you. We should talk more,” Donghae said while heading off to his dorm. “Yes, good night,” I said to him. Afterwards he left. “Hrm? Are you dating him?” Jeong Su questioned. “What? That’s not it at all,” I said to him. “Oh I see. Then you must be dating Jong Hyun!!” Jeong Su said pointing at me. “Don’t even mention his name,” I said pouting. “Oh. I think I understand the situation,” Jeong Su said while smiling at me. “What situation? What are you talking about?” I said to him. “You are two-timing!” Jeong Su said smiling at me.

            “Two…Two-timing! I’m not that low of a person!” I said blushing. “Well, looking at the situation, you can only meet Donghae at night because that is who you like but Jong Hyun keeps getting in the way of you two, but in the end, you ended up liking him also so that makes it two-timing. Ah, I’m so smart!” Jeong Su said smiling. “Good night Student President,” I said while entering into the dorms. “Good night!” he said and left. “That Student President. Sometimes I don’t even know what’s going on in his head,” I said while walking to my room.

            As I reached my room I saw Jong Hyun standing against the wall outside of the room. Was he waiting outside of the room this whole time? But this whole time I was outside talking to Donghae. I wonder if he is mad at me. Wait, why am I nervous if he is mad at me? We aren’t even dating. I got closer and closer to my room. My heart started racing again. Why is my heart racing again? What is this weird feeling that I’m getting?

            “Why are you waiting outside of the room?” I questioned him. He didn’t say anything. I just looked at him. He looked angry and annoyed. “Are you okay? Were you waiting for me? Okay, I’m sorry, I got mad,” I said to him. He still didn’t say anything. “Jong Hyun?” I questioned. He just sighed. I looked at him annoyed. “Oh wells,” I said and entered our room. “What…What happened to our room?”

End of Chapter 4.

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