Falling in Love with Who?

Mission X

            I left the infirmary and headed back to the dorm. His words still echo in my head. “I think you are in love,” Siwon said with a serious face. “In love!! That can’t be! I hate that guy so much! I can’t be in love with him!” I shouted at him. “Please lower your voice again. It’s the only explanation. Anyways, I’m on break right now. Please come back at another time,” Siwon said and left afterwards. “In love? Just because my heart is racing does not mean that I’m in love. Or could it be? Ah! I’m so confused!” I said heading back towards the dorm.

            “Ah, Soo Jin-ah!” someone said running up towards me. “Huh? Um, you are?” I questioned this guy. “Lee Sungmin. My name is Lee Sungmin. You can just call me Sungmin,” Sungmin said smiling at me. “Ah, Sungmin. Nice to meet you,” I said smiling towards him, “You can call me Soo Jin.” “Soo Jin-ah, why were you running so quickly towards the infirmary? Did someone get hurt?” Sungmin questioned worryingly. “Ah, I just had questions to ask. I was just confused on certain things,” I said to him smiling. “Ah, thank goodness. I thought someone was really hurt and thought you ran to find someone to help them,” Sungmin said smiling still.

            “Ah, I’m sorry for making you worry,” I said smiling to him. “You don’t have to apologize to him. He just likes to worry all the time,” someone said while walking towards us. “Huh? Uh, who are you?” I questioned this guy with a serious face. “Ah, Heechul, what are you doing here?” Sungmin said to him. He continued to click on his phone again without looking at us. “Ni…Nice to meet you,” I said to him bowing. “Heechul, what happened to your face?” Sungmin said looking at the bandage on his cheek. I just realized that he had that on just now. I wonder what happened.

            “Did you have a fight with Kim Jong Hyun?” Sungmin said worryingly. “Huh? Jong Hyun?” I whispered to myself. “Ah, that guy. Don’t even mention his name,” Heechul said angrily. “Heechul, shouldn’t you get it checked? You wouldn’t want to disappoint your fans right?” Sungmin said to him while trying to drag him to the infirmary room. “It’s fine. I think it makes my fans more worried and more aware of me,” Heechul said smiling at his phone as they left. “Jong Hyun? I wonder what he did to him,” I said running back to the dorm room. By now it’s was almost 7PM.

            BAM! “What is that for?!” Jong Hyun screamed at me. “You!” I yelled at him. “Go away!” Jong Hyun threw a pillow at me. “Hey!” I grabbed the pillow and went up to him. “I want to ask you something,” I said to him still with the pillow. “I’m tired. Go away!” Jong Hyun said facing the other way. “It’s important,” I said to him. “My sleep is more important than your nagging!” Jong Hyun said still looking the other way. “You…” I hit him with the pillow. “Yah!” he yelled at me. “I said it’s important!” I said to him again. He took another pillow and threw it at me again and went back to sleep.

            “Kim Jong Hyun! Listen when others are talking to you!” I screamed this time and threw his pillows back at him hard. He grabbed my arm and swung me towards his bed. “Eh?!” I yelled, “Le…let go of me.” “You know that you are alone with a guy right?” Jong Hyun said looking at me. His face was really close towards mine. I can see his intense stare glaring at me. My heart started racing again. “Well, I just wanted to ask you something,” I said to him trying to avoid his stare. He got up and started taking off his shirt. “What…What are you doing?!” I said covering my face. “It’s hot so I’m changing clothes,” Jong Hyun said while changing clothes.

            I got out of his bed. “So my question,” I said to him. “Time to eat,” he said and left. “That guy!! He’s so annoying! Doesn’t listen to anything anyone says to him!” I said leaving the dorm room towards the cafeteria. I just realized that I made no friends on the first day. “No girl friends to hang out with,” I said sadly while sitting at a table. I can see other girls together laughing and talking. “It to not have a girl as my roommate,” I said while eating my food. “Look. He’s so handsome! I wished he was in my class. I heard that he is already dating Park Jin Hye. That girl who is next to him. Yeah. They match each other well,” the girls chattered on.

            “Donghae? I didn’t know that he was that famous,” I said while looking at them. “Ah, Soo Jin-ah!” Donghae said while walking towards me. “Huh? Oh, hello Donghae-ah,” I said smiling at them as they approached me. “Donghae, let’s sit over there,” Jin Hye said angrily. “We’ll see you later then,” Donghae said and they left. “I thought they were going to sit with me too. Of course Jin Hye hates me so why would they sit with me anyways,” I said continuing with my food. Clank. “Huh?” Someone set their tray next to mines. “Jong…Jong Hyun! Why are you sitting with me?” I questioned.

            “You were saying that you had no one to sit with so I’ll sit with you,” Jong Hyun said eating his food. I smiled at him and continued. Though he has such a bad personality he is still kind-hearted. “Look at them. Are they dating?! Doesn’t that girl know that Kim Jong Hyun is evil? Maybe he bewitched her or something. I heard that she was his next prey or something. Really?! I feel sorry for that girl,” some girls said while pointing at me. “Uh,” I said to myself. How did things turn out like this? I looked at Jong Hyun, and he was smiling while eating his food.

            So he planned this all along?! This jerk! I thought he was just trying to be nice! I quickly finished my food and got up. He pulled my arm and made me sit down again in the chair. “Where are you going?” Jong Hyun said to me. “I’m done eating so I’m leaving,” I said to him trying to stay away as far as possible. “You have to stay until I finish eating,” Jong Hyun said while holding onto my arm. “Let go! I want to leave,” I said to him struggling to break free from his grasp. He started speaking loudly, “Ah, Soo Jin! Once we get back to the dorms, remember to lock the door okay?!” Some people started staring at us.

            “What are you doing?!” I said with a whispered shouting voice. He continued, “Don’t you remember that we are rooming together!! Don’t forget to lock the doors or else people would steal our stuff!!” People started whispering again. “Jong…Jong Hyun!” I whispered trying to shush him. “She’s rooming with him!? I can’t believe it! I feel so bad for her even more! Just glad that we weren’t roomed with him,” the girls and guys said muttering to each other. I sighed. My chances of making friends are totally down the drain by now because of this guy. This guy. He annoys me so much.

            No way am I in love with this guy! There is definitely no way at all! I stood up and jerked my hand away from him. I took my tray and left as quickly as I can. “They were holding hands. They must be dating each other,” they continued whispering. Jong Hyun just smiled and continued eating his food. “No! No way do I like him! No way am I love with that jerk! How can anyone like him?! He is so rude and never listens to anyone! Argh! I hate him!” I yelled out loud while walking towards the dorm. “But aren’t you being rude as well?” someone said near my ear. “Ah!! Student President please stop scaring me!” I jumped backwards.

            “It’s fun,” Jeong Su said smiling at me. “I don’t see how you enjoy scaring people to death is fun,” I said to him annoyed. “So what happened this time?” Jeong Su said while sitting on a bench. I sat next to him, “well this time he was making fun of me. It annoys me so much!” I said folding my arms. “You look like a little kid,” Jeong Su said laughing at me. “Well, he made everyone think that I was his girlfriend or something! It annoys me so much! I don’t even like him! He just wants to see me suffer!” I said ranting my anger.

            “How do you know if he is doing that? Did you ask him personally?” Jeong Su said to me. “Are you taking his side?” I said to him. “I’m not taking anyone’s side. I’m just trying to explain the truth to you,” Jeong Su said smiling at me. “Well, even if I ask, he would just ignore me and act as if I don’t even exist,” I said to him. “Hrm, well he did announce that you were his next prey so I wouldn’t be surprise at what they are saying,” Jeong Su said looking at me. “What does he mean by prey or next target? I don’t understand what everyone is always saying,” I said to him.

            “Well, many of us come from the sister and brother middle schools. Considering how this school is now co-ed, it’s a little different than how it was before. Many of the students in the sister and brother middle schools will enter into the sister and brother high schools. Since the brother high school is suddenly made into co-ed, some of the students from the sister middle school decided to come here,” Jeong Su explained. “Well that doesn’t really help to understand why I’m a prey,” I said to him. “I’m getting there,” Jeong Su said laughing, “during the middle school days, Jong Hyun bullied many of the students in the sister and brother middle schools.” “Both schools?” I said to him shocked.

            “Even girls were targeted by Jong Hyun but not many. I only heard rumors of girls being targeted. Not really seen any. You are the first that I’ve seen that he has actually targeted, but many of the guys were dangerously hurt,” Jeong Su said to me. “Dangerously? How dangerous are you talking about?” I said to him. “Some of them were driven to the point of suicide,” Jeong Su said smiling at me. “Suicide?!” I said shocked. “I myself was a victim of almost killing myself,” Jeong Su said looking down at the ground. “Eh? You too, Student President?” I said surprised. “It’s hard to imagine that I was almost not here anymore,” Jeong Su said smiling.

            “But, why is he still here?” I questioned. “Why? I don’t know why. He just wants to be here,” Jeong Su said smiling at me. “What? But shouldn’t he have been expelled or something for doing those things to people,” I said to him angrily. “He had money and power so he still here. If you really want to know the reason why he’s still here, why don’t you ask him yourself?” Jeong Su said and got up, “well, I have to go check up on each dorm now. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night and be careful. It’s dangerous at this time of night.” Afterwards, he left. “That is such a mystery,” I said while heading back to the dorms.

            “Even if he has the money, how is he able to still stay here? Everyone is so afraid of him. I just don’t understand why. He is just so rude and annoying!” I yelled. Bump! I fell on the ground. “Ah, who is standing right in the middle of nowhere,” I said while looking up. “Well well, who can this be?” someone people said while walking up towards me. “Huh,” I said moving backwards. Flashback: “Be careful. It’s dangerous at this time of night.” They were gang members. About 5 of them. And I just happened to run into them.

End of Chapter 3.

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