First Date?

Mission X

            The weekends had come by and I’m waiting outside of the movie theaters with Jong Hyun who decided to tag along. “This is going to be with a big group Jong Hyun. You being here will only ruin the atmosphere and my chances of making friends,” I explained to him. “I don’t think it’s going to be a big group. I think it’s just you two alone. More of like a date,” Jong Hyun said leaning against the wall. “I don’t understand why you and the Student President think that it’s a date or anything,” I said to him annoyed.

            “It is going to be a date. Look, he is the only one coming in this direction,” Jong Hyun said pointing his head in the direction of where Donghae was coming from. “Soo Jin-ah!” Donghae said while running up to us. “Donghae-ah, hello,” I said smiling to him. “Ah, Jong Hyun, what are you doing here? Are you watching the movie with us too?” Donghae said smiling at him. “Yeah, Soo Jin invited me because she wanted to hang out more,” Jong Hyun said smiling at him. “What? I never…” He covered my mouth. “Ah ha, well more people are coming soon. We’re a little early here,” Donghae said smiling at us and looking around. He let go of my mouth.

            “I told you it wasn’t a date,” I said to Jong Hyun whispering. “I still don’t believe it,” Jong Hyun said whispering it back. “Hey guys!” Donghae said waving at people. “I told you,” I whispered to him. “Donghae! It’s been a while!” someone said to him. “Ugh, who invited them two,” Jin Hye said while looking at us with a disgusted face. “I invited them. I thought it would be nice to hang out with a lot of people,” Donghae said smiling at us. After introducing, we entered into the theaters. “Wow, the line is pretty long,” I said out loud. “Yeah, mostly the weekends, it’s busier,” Donghae said to me smiling.

            “I never knew,” I said while smiling back. “Woo Soo Jin, want to go to the restroom with me?” Jin Hye said sweetly to me. “Um, well I don’t really…” “Let’s go,” she said and dragged me away, “we’ll be back. Please save us that spot.” After a few feet away from them she turned to me with an angry face expression. “Who do you think you are? Why did you accept Donghae’s request?’ Jin Hye said angrily. “Well, I was free this weekend so I accepted it,” I said to her bluntly. “Don’t you know that I want to be alone with Donghae? This is the reason why you are such a nuisance,” Jin Hye said to me.

            “Well, I didn’t want to be rude to a request,” I said to her. “Well you should’ve been rude! I don’t know why he would invite that other guy here either! Why don’t you two just go somewhere else together!? You two don’t even belong!” Jin Hye yelled. “That’s fine with me,” someone said behind us. “Huh? Jong Hyun?” I questioned. “I don’t like being here with you either,” Jong Hyun said to Jin Hye annoyed. “Well, then get lost,” she said trying to avoid eye contact with him. “Let’s go,” Jong Hyun said and grabbed my hand. “Hey, wait…” “Oh and for the record, that guy will never date you considering such a horrible attitude you have for other people,” Jong Hyun said to Jin Hye and we left after that. “Where did Jong Hyun and Soo Jin go?” Donghae asked Jin Hye. “Oh they said that they had other things to do and left after that,” Jin Hye said to him smiling. “Where are we going?” I said to him, “I wanted to watch a movie!” “We can watch a movie some other time,” Jong Hyun said pulling me away.

            I jerked my hand away. “I don’t like it when you pull my hand away like that. It makes me look weak,” I said to him annoyed. “You are weak,” Jong Hyun said to me bluntly. “What?! I’m not weak! I can beat you up,” I said to him sticking up my fist. “Let’s go,” Jong Hyun said walking away. “Where are we going?” I said following behind him. “We’re going to have fun,” Jong Hyun said smiling at me. “It’s better if there were a big group,” I said pouting. “You’re walking too slow,” Jong Hyun said coming to grab my arm. I moved my arm away but he grabbed my hand instead. “Huh?” I was surprised that he grabbed my hand instead.

            My heart starts racing again. This same feeling I always get when I’m with him. Do I like him? Do I not like him? I don’t understand anything. I can feel my face burning. I can hear my heart thumping, loudly, faster. I wonder if I’m the only one feeling this thumping in my chest. “Soo Jin,” Jong Hyun said to me. “Huh?” I said flushed. I didn’t realize that I zoned out. “Your face is really red,” Jong Hyun said touching my cheek. “Ah, I’m fine,” I said moving his hand away quickly. Did he notice anything weird?

            “Okay,” Jong Hyun said and continued walking. He was still holding my hand tightly. We reached the arcade and started playing some games. “You’re cheating! Stop blocking my way!” I screamed at him while playing a game. “I’m not cheating! I’m just better than you,” Jong Hyun said laughing. “No way! Stop blocking the way!” I yelled. After playing that game I saw a DDR game. “Let’s play this game!” I said to him excitedly. “You know I’m a dancer right?” Jong Hyun said braggingly. “Whatever. You look so stiff. You can’t be a dancer,” I said putting money into the machine and starting the game.

            As we began playing some people started to gather around. “Wow, they’re both good!” some people started saying out loud. “You’re going to lose, Jong Hyun,” I said confidently. “Yeah right. I’m going to destroy you!” Jong Hyun rebuked. “Winner player 1!” the machine announced. “Woo!!” the crowd clapped. We got off afterwards and some other people decided to play. “You were just lucky that I missed that last one! If I didn’t miss I would have totally beat you,” I said to him annoyed. “Alright, I understand. Let’s get something to eat,” Jong Hyun said holding my hand again.

            After ordering, we sat down to eat.  “I’m going to use the restroom first. I’ll be back,” Jong Hyun while leaving. I started eating my food. “Ah, it’s Soo Jin-ah!’ someone said while walking up to me. “Oh? Sungmin-ah! What are you doing here?” I said to him. “Heechul-hyung and I decided to have a little fun. What are you doing here? Are you on a date?” Sungmin said while standing next to me. Heechul was clicking away on his phone like always. “Just hanging out as well,” I said smiling to him. “Really? With who?” Sungmin asked me. “Jong…” I just realized that we were the only ones hanging out. Does this make it a date?!

            “Sungmin, let’s go somewhere else. It’s getting a little crowded here,” Heechul said while pulling on Sungmin’s shirt. “Alright, we’ll see you around then,” Sungmin said and they left. “Don’t tell me this is a date with Jong Hyun? My first date?!” I started panicking. “I’m back,” Jong Hyun said while sitting down. He started eating his food as well. I looked up at him. His face was very slim. Eyes concentrated on his meal. Lips touching each other as he eats. Why am I examining him so closely?! Calm down, Soo Jin.

            I can feel my heart thumping again. My face burning hot. I quickly finished my food as fast as I can. “I’m going to go to the restroom,” I said to him and ran at the speed of light trying to avoid eye contact. I started throwing water at my face. “Ah, why am I so flushed red? I don’t like Jong Hyun or anything. Why am I acting like this?” I said looking in the mirror. After leaving the restroom, I saw Jong Hyun waiting for me. “Ready to head back to the dorms,” Jong Hyun said to me. “Yeah,” I said looking at the ground. We started heading back home. Somehow he was walking slower than before. Is he walking the same pace as me?

            “Thank you for today. It was really fun,” I said as we reached the dorm room. “It’s good to go out once in a while,” Jong Hyun said smiling at me. “I have something to do so I’ll be back,” I said to him and left the dorm. “Well, I have to find that doctor and talk to him. This heart is definitely out of whack,” I said while heading to the infirmary room. “Oh, Sungmin-ah? You guys are back?” I asked them as they were heading to the dorms. “Yeah. How was your date?” Sungmin said smiling at me. “Ah, it wasn’t really a date but it was fun,” I said blushing. “Hey, how can you not call it a date? It was just you two,” Sungmin said slapping my shoulder.

            “Well, it was fun, but I’ll see you later. I still have stuff to do,” I said to him and left. “Alright then, bye!” Sungmin said and left. Infirmary room. Knock Knock. “Doctor, are you in there?” I said entering in the room. It was empty. “I wonder if he is on break again. He always goes on break,” I said looking around the room. I saw a folder on his desk. “Isn’t this the folder he is always writing something in,” I said grabbing the folder and looking in it. “Huh?! What is this?!” I said shocked. It contained information about the recent transactions that he recorded from the hospital and its uses towards KDI.

            “Evidence that he is working for KDI. So it is true that he works for the Health and Wealthfare Ministry,” I said taking out a camera and taking pictures of the information. “I wonder if his other folders contain information as well,” I said while searching through other folders. The other folders contained information about student health records. “Nothing important as of yet. How come this is the only folder with information about KDI?” I said trying to search for other information. I tried checking the cabinets to see if I can find any other information. “Hrm, I wonder if he has anything in these drawers,” I said while opening each of the different drawers. The last one didn’t open.

            “I wonder if there is any information in this drawer,” I said trying to find a key somewhere. After a few minutes of searching, I can to nothing. “He must be holding the keys. I don’t think it would open it unless it’s important,” I said while leaving, “maybe I can talk to him later about more information. So far, I got one person down with evidence of fraudulent activities. Still 11 more left.” I left after that and started heading back to the dorms.

            “This is much difficult considering how big this school is. To narrow down to just 12 students, it’s going to take much time. I wonder if he has information written down about other members. I wonder what’s in that last drawer. It must contain even more information about KDI yet how am I going to get into it,” I said, “huh? What’s this?” I picked up a phone while walking back to the dorms. I looked at the phone confused. “I wonder whose phone this is,” I said checking to see if it had their name inside.

            New Message. “Oh, this person got a message. I wonder if I should check it or not. It would be invading their privacy if I did that,” I said and accidently opened it, “Ah! What did I do?!” I started fiddling around with it for a few seconds. “Huh? What’s this?” I said reading one of the messages. Kim Heechul. Money successfully entered into KDI account. “Eh? Kim Hee Chul is part of KDI?!”

End of Chapter 7.

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