Kim Heechul, the Second Member?

Mission X

            I can’t believe that I found the next member just like that. I wonder if I should continue looking through his phone to find other information or I should hand it back to him. Considering that he is working for KDI, I wonder which ministry he works under. Maybe if I search through it more, but I don’t want to invade privacy. “I know it should have dropped around here,” someone said while walking towards my direction. “I think it’s Kim Heechul,” I said to myself quickly ending everything on his phone.

            “Oh, Soo Jin-ah, what are you still doing here? Didn’t you have important things to do,” Sungmin said to me as they approached me. “Ah, yeah. He wasn’t there so I left. Is this your phone?” I said to Heechul while putting it in front of him. “My phone!” Heechul said trying to grab it but I moved it away from him. “Yah! Give me back my phone!” Heechul said angrily. “I want to ask you something first,” I said to him while holding onto his phone tightly. If I can befriend him and learn more about what he is working for and his purpose, then it would help me to eliminate more of the members in the group.

            “I want to be friends with you,” I said smiling to him. “Huh?! Be friends with me?! Ha! I would never be friends with someone who looks so ugly!” Heechul said coldly. “Heechul-hyung! You shouldn’t call a girl that!!” Sungmin said to him, “forgive him. He’s just like this all the time when he is angry.” “We should be best friends okay?” I said smiling to him still. He always uses the phone so this is the only chance I can actually confront him. “No way am I ever going to be friends with you! I’ll just get a new phone!” Heechul said angrily and started to leave. “Heechul-hyung!” Sungmin cried after.

            “Ah, so I see that you don’t care much about your fans who follow you right? I can write random things as I like since you’re still logged in on the phone? And I can check all your messages, and mess with your contacts as I like?” I threatened him. He stopped and turned to me with piercing eyes. He smiled and walked right up to me again. I wasn’t afraid of someone like him. He is nothing compared to me. If this is a good chance, I have to take it no matter what. My mission is much more important than being scared of a guy like this.

            “Be friends? I’m not nice to my friends. You think you can handle being friends with me?” Heechul said still with that smile. His smile is slightly creepy in a way. “Sungmin is your friend but you’re not mean to him,” I said to him bluntly. “Sungmin is just too of an optimistic guy. I don’t even know how he can still stand me,” Heechul said examining Sungmin up and down, “even I’m starting to get sick of seeing his face 24/7.” Sungmin was still smiling at us like always. “Okay, I can take on a challenge. Being friends with someone like you isn’t that hard. If Sungmin can do it, I’m sure it’s not that hard of a task,” I said to him smiling again.

            “You know I order people around a lot,” Heechul said looking at me intently. “It’s an easy job. Shouldn’t be that hard,” I said still smiling at him. “I don’t think she understands the situation that she is getting into,” Heechul said to Sungmin. “I think it would be fun with the three of us as friends!” Sungmin said smiling brightly. “Aish, alright now give me my phone back,” Heechul said angrily. “First, I want to eat lunch and dinner together to learn more about each other and second…” “Hold on. Who told you that you can make the rules? I’m the one that makes the rules around here,” Heechul said pointing to himself.

            “Well what should we look at first? Messages?” I said going through his phone. “Alright alright! We can eat together. What else do you want?” Heechul said angrily. “Second, we have to be open with each other about everything!” I said to him smiling. This would be a good way to let both parties not be awkward with each other and help me to learn more about the other members that might be involved in KDI. “Everything?” Heechul said to me annoyed. “Yes,” I said smiling to them. “Well that’s to my advantage,” Heechul said smiling a sly smile, “now give me my phone back.” He held out his hand waiting for his phone.

            “Wait, pinky promise first. I still don’t trust you,” I said a little nervous. “Alright then,” Heechul said impatiently. We shook and I gave his phone back to him. “See you tomorrow then, best friend,” Heechul said hugging me and left with Sungmin. “That was a little different. I thought it would be worse,” I said while heading back to the dorms.

            Around 11:37PM at KPFI corporations. “These are the evidence that I’ve found on the Health and Wealthfare Minister. He is actually a Doctor at the school while still a student. I heard that he already has his doctor’s degree, and he is just working as a student under KDI. He has been using hospitals as his source of income and taking thousands of won out of these businesses in funding their own organization,” I said to the commander. “I see. We’ll get this under control immediately. You did well. Keep up the good work,” he said to me and I left.

            “Ah, I’m so tired. Being in front of commander makes me feel so restless. Now back to the dorms to relax,” I said and headed to my dorm. Next Day. I entered into the classroom excited for the day. “This is going to be awesome! I finally have friends. Not girlfriends, but at least I have some people to talk to,” I said while sitting down in my seat. Heechul came into the classroom angry and annoyed. Sungmin as optimistic as ever follow behind him. “Why are so mad?” Sungmin said worried about Heechul. “Didn’t you know? My popularity just dropped down from 1 to 3. You know how serious of a matter this is!” Heechul screamed at Sungmin.

            “Good morning,” I said happily to both Sungmin and Heechul. “Don’t talk to me!! I have to do something big in order to move myself up again!!” Heechul yelled at me. “He’s just having a mental breakdown. It happens once in a while,” Sungmin said smiling at me. “Looks like you made some new friends,” someone said to me. “Huh? Oh yeah,” I said turning away again. “Ugh, even ignoring me when I was trying to be nice,” Jin Hye said while sitting in her chair with force. “Today seems even more livelier than before,” Donghae said smiling as he entered into the room.

            “You!” Heechul pointed at me. “What?” I questioned. “Quickly go and buy me something to drink! I think I’m hyperventilating,” Heechul said while rushing me out of the door. “Hey wait…” By now, I was already out of the door. “He didn’t even give me money. Did he expect me to use my money?!” I said while going to the drink machine. “So she is finally gone. I wonder how she will do,” Heechul said to Sungmin. “So the real test begins?” Sungmin said smiling. “Bingo!” Heechul said. I quickly bought the drink and returned back to the room. “Here you go,” I said to him giving him green tea. “Why did you give me that? I don’t even like green tea!” Heechul said annoyed. “Go get me something else!” he screamed at me. “But class is starting soon. You either have to drink this or go without,” I said to him.

            “I thought we were friends? Friends go get it despite whatever the time is,” Heechul said with puppy eyes. “Okay then. What do you want?” I said to him. “I don’t know. Just go buy something else and I’ll see if I like it,” Heechul said while still typing on his phone. “What?! I would be wasting my money then if I do that,” I said to him annoyed. I don’t know what he is trying to do but if this is some trick, I don’t like it at all. “Just tell me what you would like to drink. Friends don’t waste each other’s money as well,” I said to him with crossed arms. “Get me whatever,” Heechul said still typing away on his phone. “Ugh, I’ll be back,” I said annoyed and left. After a few minutes, I was back with another drink. “I don’t like that flavor. Get me another one,” Heechul said to me.

            By then I got almost all of the drinks from the vending machine and brought it back to him. “Now choose from this pile that you want!” I said to him out of breath. “Hrm, I’ll choose this one,” Heechul said while grabbing the green tea drink. “I thought you didn’t like that flavor?” I said annoyed. “Well, none of them fits my taste so I’ll just stick to something that you got before,” Heechul said opening the green tea and drinking it. “Yah!” I screamed at him. Ding Dong Dang. “Well, you better go to your seat,” Heechul said shooing me away with his hand. “Aish,” I grabbed all of the drinks that I bought and took them to my seat.

            Lunchtime came around and I quickly got my food. “I’m so hungry!” I said while sitting down at a table. “Isn’t she the girl that is dating Jong Hyun? I heard that it was her. Ah, they are so scary! I don’t even want to sit at the table near her. She might come attack you!” some girls muttered to each other. “Ah, the rumors still continue. I’ll never live to see the day when those rumors will disappear,” I said eating my food. Clank. “Soo Jin-ah!” someone said as they placed their trays down.

            “Sungmin-ah! Heechul-ah!” I said almost in tears. “Don’t call me Heechul-ah, you old lady!” Heechul said sitting across from us. “Old…old lady! Yah! I’m younger than you!!” I shouted at him. “When is your birthday?” Heechul said holding his chin up high. “Mine is May 15! When is yours?” I said holding mines higher than his. “July 10! Hah! Old lady!” Heechul said and started eating his food. “You jerk!” I said going to grab him. “Soo Jin-ah!” Sungmin said while stopping me. “You jerk! Just because my birthday is in May does not mean that you have the right to call me an old lady!” I said shaking my fist in the air.

            “Ah, they are so loud,” Jin Hye said annoyingly. “It’s interesting to see her so lively as always though,” Donghae said smiling to Jin Hye. “I don’t like her. I feel as though she has ulterior motives or something. No one is that jumpy,” Jin Hye said while sitting down. “I think she’s interesting. She gets the mood going. No more gloomy atmosphere,” Donghae said while eating his lunch.

            “Heechul sticks his tongue out at me and gets up and starts running around the cafeteria. “Yah! Kim Heechul! I’m going to kill you!” I yelled while running after him. “Ah, they are so rowdy and crazy! I can’t eat anymore!” the girls said and started leaving one by one. “Soo Jin-ah! Don’t run in the cafeteria! It’s dangerous!!” Sungmin said while chasing after us. “Hey everyone!! Did you guys hear?!” a guy said while running into the cafeteria. “Kim Heechul! Come back here!” I yelled still chasing after him. Heechul stopped running and I bumped into him. “Why’d you stop out of nowhere?!” I screamed while getting back up.

            “Shh! There’s news about something,” Heechul said listening intently. The cafeteria went completely silent as if time had stopped. “Listen to this! You guys know that Doctor who is a student here?! Yeah, well, he got expelled!” “WHAT?!?!?!?!”

End of Chapter 8.

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