Zelo's Mission

Best Absolute Perfect

The other day had been great. After reuniting with Totomato, the boys all had celebrated by throwing a small party. The party wasn't much, but they did eat all of their favorite foods and then later, played video games together. Zelo was extremely happy that his companion, Toto, was back. Without Totomato, Zelo had been so worried. Now that his Matoki friend was back, Zelo was determined to find the other Matoki. 

Despite being the youngest, Zelo was very stubborn. Once he put his head to something, there was no going back. It was either his way, or the highway, especially when he decided that he was going to do something. Such as now. 

Zelo had woken up early, the older males in the dorm were still all asleep, and Totomato was asleep as well. Zelo slipped out of bed before stretching some. After taking a good stretch, Zelo went and got dressed.

He had a plan of what he'd do that day. He was going to walk around town and hopefully find the captors, aka, Block B. They were such bad people, why would they go out of their way to break into their dorm, steal the Matoki, and then sell them? Yes, the Matoki were worth a ton of money, but why would you sell someone else's friends? That wasn't right.

After getting dressed in a black t-shirt, jeans, and shoes, Zelo nodded, glancing at himself in the mirror. He looked good for going incognito, but his look wasn't complete.. Zelo's eyes widened. He knew what he needed.

Zelo quietly opened the door from his room before tiptoeing out into the hallway, heading for Jongup's room. He really didn't want to wake the other up, it'd be disastrous if that happened, and it'd ruin his whole plan. He was almost done with his scheme, if he was caught now, he'd be so upset with himself. He had to make the group happy. 

Yes, they found Totomato, but he could tell that Himchan missed Tatsmato, Yongguk wanted Shishimato, and Daehyun really needed to be with Kekemato. He knew Jongup was becoming sad and discouraged without Dadamato, and Youngjae was worried about Jokomato. Zelo knew in his heart that the others had been happy about finding Totomato, but they all longed for their own Matokis, and when they didn't find them, they became a little more discouraged before. Zelo couldn't complain - he had Totomato back. But the others? They didn't have their friends back yet, and Zelo vowed to find them.

Zelo silently opened the door to Jongup's room before walking inside. Jongup was still sleeping, peacefully snoring, all cozy in his bed. Zelo weakly smiled before going over to Jongup's bed. He laughed softly. Jongup tossed and turned a lot when he slept, so the covers and blankets usually didn't cover him for long. Gently, Zelo reached over and slowly pulled up the covers, tucking the sleeping Jongup in. Zelo stepped back afterwards and watched the other continue to snore, a soft smile playing his lips. 

"Bye Jongup, I'll be back soon, I promise." Zelo whispered.

With that, Zelo glanced around the room before finding Jongup's beloved snapback (hat) sitting on his dresser. He bit his lip. If he lost it, Jongup would be really upset. The other loved that hat, he wore it often. Zelo knew he had to wear it though, he didn't have any hats of his own. He'd have to be very careful with it, then. Zelo walked over and grabbed the hat before putting it on. He glanced at himself in Jongup's mirror before forcing back a sigh. He was nervous about going out on his own, but he was helping the others. Yes, he was helping the others. Zelo closed his eyes for a moment before nodding. He had to.

Zelo had just left the dorm and was now walking down the sidewalk, outside. The sun was bright in the sky and there wasn't a single cloud in sight. It was a gorgeous day, so people would definitely be out and about, perfect. This was the exact kind of day Zelo had been hoping for, a beautiful day. That meant he had a greater chance of finding Block B, since they'd be out in broad daylight.

With his hands in his pockets, Zelo continued walking down the sidewalk, looking around with a thoughtful smile. Today would be the day he'd make the older males proud. He'd finally find the other Matoki!

Now, Zelo was in town. So far, no luck. But then again, he had just started on his mission. Zelo's mission was to successfully find Block B and rescue the Matoki.

After about an hour, Zelo had gotten bored. The young male didn't know what to do, so instead of searching, he started going into little shops. As soon as he walked in, Zelo could tell that it was a pet store. He grinned before hurrying over to a glass cage that had a little puppy inside. 

"How cute." Zelo smiled some, gently tapping on the glass to get the puppy's attention. Zelo had been so distracted by the puppy that he didn't even notice two people walk past him, coming into the store. 

Deciding to move on from the puppy, Zelo turned and started to walk over near the rodent cages. There were rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and gerbils. He had hoped to see bunnies, but that shop apparently didn't sell those. It was then that Zelo looked up, hearing what sounded like someone arguing with the man who owned that shop.

Zelo rose an eyebrow before walking around the corner, peeking over to the counter, where he saw them. Minhyuk and Taeil, both arguing with the shopkeeper.

"What do you mean you won't buy our rabbits?

"I don't sell rabbits!" the shopkeeper fussed.

"But these aren't just any rabbits. They're special!

"You two are crazy!"

"Sir, just listen to us!"

"We aren't crazy!"

Zelo's eyes widened. Those two, they were trying to sell the Matoki to this shop! How could they!? Zelo was about to run over and confront the two, but he suddenly realized that it wouldn't be a good idea. Two against one was never good. Instead, he backed up into the aisle, becoming scared. He was in danger, wasn't he? Two of his enemies were in there, Minhyuk, aka B-bomb, and Taeil. This was bad. He was in trouble. 

"These Matoki are worth so much! If you bought them from us and then sold them to an overseas company, you'd be rich!

"You'd make millions." Taeil smirked, nodding as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. 

The shopkeeper just shook his head before waving his hands, wanting the two gangsters out of his shop.

"You'll regret this!" and with that, Minhyuk and Taeil turned and stormed out. 

Zelo watched as the two walked right past him once more, eyes wide. How did they not see him? His disguise must have worked! Zelo found himself starting to walk out from his hiding place, going to the exit where the two Block B members had just left from. Zelo stepped outside, glancing around. He could see Minhyuk and Taeil walking down the sidewalk, going into an alleyway. He puffed out his cheeks, starting to walk in their direction. He was going to follow them into their hideout. Wherever Block B was, the Matoki would be there too.

After a while of following the two Block B boys, Zelo had stopped outside of a rundown looking building. The building appeared to be old, it was quite big too. The windows were broken, plants had grown on the building, covering the walls in a shroud of greenery. There were broken beer bottles scattered outside the door's entrance as well as a dumpster, little bits of trash everywhere. It was rather ghetto and scary looking. Zelo got goosebumps just looking at the building. The sky had now turned an ominous dark grey, a huge change from the beautiful blue it was that morning, signaling that a thunderstorm was on it's way.

The two, Minhyuk and Taeil, had gone inside, but Zelo was apprehensive, starting to rethink his once brilliant plan. If he went inside of that building, there was no guarantee that he'd make it out alive. He promised Jongup that he'd be back. He couldn't break his promise..

Without much thought, Zelo got out from his hiding place behind the dumpster, heading to the front door of the building. Wait. He suddenly stopped. Going in through the front door would be too easy. Was it a trap? He had just seen Minhyuk and Taeil go in through there, but he wasn't welcome there, so it'd surely be a trap. 

Biting his lip, Zelo glanced around. Well, now what? His eyes settled on the dumpster, moving up the building, seeing a window. If he stood on the dumpster, he could jump up and reach the broken window and squeeze through.. Zelo quickly hurried over before climbing up onto the dumpster. It was hard, the dumpster was rusty so he had to be careful, but once he got up, he was fine. 

Zelo stood and looked up at the window. He could probably reach it, but it'd be hard to avoid the bits of shattered glass that laced the window opening. Zelo jumped and grabbed the windowpane before grunting, pulling himself up. Once he was up, he pushed himself forward, falling into the room. He was in. He was in the Block B hideout.  

The room was dark and musty, damp and not well taken care of. Zelo could tell. He made a face, this hideout was disgusting! Why did Block B stay here!? Zelo sat up, glancing around. It was hard to see since the room was dark and the door appeared to be closed, but there was a light trickling in from the hallway. Slowly standing, making sure he was safe, Zelo began walking over to the door. He pressed his ear against the door, trying to listen and see if he heard anyone in the other room and or hallway.

Hearing nothing, Zelo opened the door. It suddenly squeaked, and loudly. He cringed and let go quickly, eyes wide and heart beginning to thump rapidly in his chest. Crap! He just gave himself away! He needed to get out of there! Zelo ran from the room, running down the hallway. He ran inside another room before shutting the door behind him, heart pounding. He stayed absolutely silent and still for a minute or two, just listening. It didn't seem like anyone heard him, he could hear the boys of Block B just going about their business downstairs, like nothing ever happened. Good. Zelo was a better stealth than he thought! 

Zelo looked for a light switch before finding it. He pushed the light button, but nothing happened. He pressed it once more before the light flickered a few times, but managed to actually turn on. Wow, that was a big surprise. It was dim in the room, but bright enough for Zelo to see. 

After glancing around, Zelo suddenly gasped loudly, an instant grin coming to his face. In front of him were a bunch of cages, including the Matoki inside of them! 

"Zelo!" it was Tatsmato who first noticed Zelo, the others all began to excitedly chatter about, jumping around in their cages with joy at seeing Zelo coming to their rescue.

"Shh, keep it down! I've come to save you all." Zelo gave a big grin before hurrying to the cages. He crouched down and peered in all of the cages. It appeared that every Matoki was there, except Kekemato.

"W-Where is Keke?"

"They took her, Zelo. We have to get her back!" Jokomato cried. 

"I'll find her once I free you all." Zelo nodded some before moving to start opening the cages. 

The first cage he opened was Jokomato's, followed by Tatsmato. Now, he was working on Shishimato's cage. Zelo was so focused on opening the cages, which were hard to open, that he didn't even hear the door behind him open. 

"Look who we have here." it was Zico. 

At hearing Zico's voice, Zelo jumped and turned, looking up at the other from the ground where he was crouched. Zelo quickly scrambled, standing up. 

"I've found the Matoki! Your plans are ruined, Zico!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes! After I free them, I'm going to beat you all!"

"So, one against seven?

Zelo's heart dropped as the other Block B boys came in the room behind Zico, smirking and snickering to themselves. 

"You've fallen right into our little trap."

Suddenly, Kyung lunged forward with a frying pan in his hand, slamming it into Zelo. With the sudden impact to his head, Zelo was knocked to the floor, unconscious. Ukwon and Jaehyo grabbed Jokomato and Tatsmato before stuffing them back into cages.

"You can't do this!" Tatsmato squeaked, glaring at Zico. A disturbing smirk came to Zico's face. 

"Watch me." with that, Zico his heel, leaving the room. "Guys, tie him up. Don't let him escape."

With their leader's orders, P.O and Taeil nodded and grabbed Zelo's unconscious and limp body, dragging him from the room.


Wow! So, I had said that I was continuing this fic after an indefinite hiatus/was going to quit the fic. I wanted to come back and bring this fic back to life with a longer chapter, so here you all go! 

Since Block B will be appearing more in the upcoming chapters, they will be color coded for whenever they talk.



So, I'll recap what happened from chapter 1 through today's chapter, 9, since it's been so long since I've last updated. 


1.) The boys come back home after grocery shopping and they learn that the Matoki have all been kidnapped. They find that the dorm was broken into, and they decide to come up with a plan to find their friends.
2.) Jongup wakes up Zelo to have him go and search for the Matoki, but Himchan tags along. They go to the market place and realize that Himchan just wanted to go shopping, but then Zelo spots Shishimato in a cage, carried by a mysterious man.
3.) Yongguk, Youngjae, and Daehyun have gone out looking the same day Jongup, Himchan, and Zelo do too. When they walk past a carnival, Daehyun, who is hungry and bored, runs off in search of food. Yongguk and Youngjae hurry to find him, but Yongguk doesn't feel his phone vibrating when Himchan tries calling him.
4.) Yongguk and Youngjae finally find Daehyun at the carnival. Himchan calls Youngjae and then talks to Yongguk, telling him that they saw Shishimato. Youngjae then sees Tatsmato, and Daehyun runs to catch him. As he's running, Daehyun slips and falls, failing to rescue Tatsmato.
5.) Zelo wakes up Jongup and they get ready to go search for the Matoki, when Daehyun tags along, despite being injured from the other day.
6.) Zelo, Jongup, and Daehyun go out searching and spot two mysterious men with the kidnapped Matoki and they chase them, but Daehyun and Zelo lose Jongup during the chase.
7.) Jongup finds Totomato after getting into a fight with Zico and finding out that Block B is behind the whole kidnapping.
8.) After successfully bringing Totomato home, they talk to him and learn that Block B is planning on selling the Matoki, and one Matoki has already been sold.
9.) Zelo wants to find the Matoki so he goes out on his own. He ends up in a pet shop, where he finds Minhyuk and Taeil trying to sell the Matoki to the shopkeeper. They leave and Zelo follows them into their hideout. Zelo finds the Matoki but doesn't get to rescue them, getting knocked unconscious before he could.

And I want to say, thank you for the readers who have stayed with me from the beginning of this fic, and continue to read it with my latest update/today. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So many of you requested for me to continue updating and writing this fic, and after a long break, I decided I finally would. 
Again, thank you, and feel free to subscribe and leave comments. 

- TrueLover ♥ 

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Got featured in the daily random story, yay! - 5/13/14


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 15: How have I never read this before!!! My poor Jonguppie & Jello TT^TT. This made my heart hurt, but go find Keke, so we can bring him back. Fighting!!!! (≧∇≦)/♥(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ)ノ(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 15: Can't wait to know what will happen next. Update soon~
Chapter 15: jonguppie!!!! yay ~ you guys save keke and save the day!!!! go go B.A.P
Chapter 15: Wahh continue soon please~~
Arisa_Ameiru #5
Chapter 14: Congrats on the random feature!!! ^^
Miawitch_1002 #8
congrats ^^
congrats on the random feature! c:
xxdnrw #10
Chapter 1: Congratulations^^