Waking Up

Best Absolute Perfect

The sun was rising as morning approached. Light trickled in through the windows of the quiet dorm. All was quiet, the boys were still sleeping peacefully. It had been an hour since Zelo left and no one knew he was gone, but that was about to change as the males began waking up.

The first to wake up was Himchan, who promptly woke up Yongguk. After waking Yongguk up, Daehyun sleepily left his room to go be with Youngjae. Jongup woke up on his own, surprised that Zelo hadn't come in to wake him up. Usually, if Jongup didn't wake Zelo up, Zelo would wake him up. But no, that didn't happen. The dorm was unusually quiet, Jongup had noticed right as he stepped out of his room. Why wasn't Zelo playing video games with Daehyun, or complaining about eating breakfast? Where was the youngest male in the group?

Jongup walked into the kitchen, seeing the gang all sitting at the table.

"Good morning, Jongup!" Himchan waved, smiling his stupid smile.

"Morning." Jongup bowed his head to the older boy before slowly making his way to his seat at the table.

"Where is Zelo?" Yongguk asked as he glanced up from his breakfast. He blinked in surprise, staring at Jongup.

"I was about to ask you that, actually.." Jongup admitted, beginning to feel worried about the youngest.

"He is probably sleeping still, go wake him up, Jongup."

"Okay." Jongup nodded for a moment.

And with that, Jongup turned and left the kitchen. He could feel his worry growing. His palms felt clammy and his heart was beginning to race. Finally, after walking down the hall, he was in front of Zelo's closed door. Jongup moved a hand out and gently knocked.

"Zelo?" Jongup called, knocking.

Once. Twice. Three times. No answer.

"Junhong?" the male's voice was filled with concern and confusion.

Deciding to see for himself, Jongup slowly opened the door, taking a few hesitant steps inside. Jongup hadn't been expecting what he saw next. Zelo's room was clean. The bed was made, there weren't any dirty clothes thrown about on the floor, it was surprisingly spotless. But there was something wrong with the scene in front of Jongup. Zelo wasn't there. Where was he?

"Guys, where is Zelo?" Jongup hurried back into the kitchen, looking at the others.

"He wasn't sleeping?"

Jongup quickly shook his head, feeling sick to his stomach from fear and worry. Where was Zelo? The youngest boy in the group just vanished without a trace? How was that possible?

"Are you sure you checked his room?" Himchan laughed.

"He wasn't there, I just looked!" Jongup sputtered, eyes wide.

"Let me go see.." Yongguk quickly got out of his seat, rushing to Zelo's room. The other boys got up as well and followed nervously.

"Zelo?" Yongguk said, voice loud, walking into the other's room. Jongup was right, there was no Zelo.

"Where can be be?!" Jongup asked, forcing himself not to just start freaking out. His best friend was gone and no one knew where he was. This was terrifying.

"He left a note, I think." Daehyun said slowly, looking down at the floor sheepishly.


"A note?"

"What did it say?" Jongup walked over to Daehyun, eyes wide.

"I-.. I don't remember, I didn't read it. I threw it away."


"It was on the fridge and I didn't think it was important.." Daehyun bit his lip nervously. "I'm sorry! I think it's still in the trash can if you want to go check."

Jongup ran from the room, speedily making his way to the kitchen. He opened the trash can before looking inside. It was there, a crumpled up piece of blue paper. Quickly, Jongup snatched it from the garbage before unfolding it.



" I am going out for a while this morning.

I went to the pet store to look for the Matoki.

I should be back by the time you wake up, so don't worry! 

- Zelo "


Jongup spun around, looking to the others when they came in the room.

"The note! He's at the pet store!"

"Let me see!" Yongguk grabbed the note from Jongup's hands before reading it.

He said he'd be back before we woke up.. He isn't here." Yongguk said after reading it, glancing up at Jongup.

"We still need to go and look for him!" Jongup was starting to panic.

"Jongup, just calm down-.."

"Do not tell me to calm down!" Jongup interupted. He was extremely frantic, even beginning to sob. "Zelo is out there, we have to find him!" Jongup turned and started hurrying to the door, about to leave, until Yongguk grabbed his arm.

"No!" he pulled Jongup away from the door. "You have to stay here, it's not safe for us to go out on our own."

"Zelo is out there alone! If it isn't safe, we need to find him and bring him home!" Jongup snatched his arm away from Yongguk, but it was grabbed once more.

"You have to stay, Jongup. Listen to me!" Yongguk tried to plead with Jongup, who was freaking out. "He'll be fine, just trust me."

"Let me go." Jongup growled.


"I said, let me go." Jongup's voice was cold and demanding. His eyes glared into Yongguk's with an intense and fiery sparkle.

Yongguk let go.

"Fine." Yongguk didn't want to let Jongup go, but he couldn't stop him.

Jongup stared at the leader, eyes still wide.

You can go. Just please be careful, okay? I don't want anything happening to you." Yongguk's heart felt heavy.

"Thanks." Jongup turned to go, but he heard Yongguk start speaking once more.

"Wait." he moved to a shelf before picking something up. "Take this." he held out the object to Jongup, a gun.

"A gun?"

"It's dangerous, and if you run into Block B, you might need it."

"Thank you. I promise I'll be back soon, if not, come look for me." he gave Yongguk a hug before exiting the dorm.

Jongup could feel the gun wedged tightly in the back of his pants as he trotted down the sidewalk. After he had left the dorm, Jongup had gone straight in the direction of the pet store Zelo said he went to. His heart was pounding and his mind was going crazy with the possibility that Zelo could be in trouble, or injured. He was so scared and upset, words could not describe what he was feeling, but it definitely wasn't good.

How could Zelo be so stupid as to go out by himself? Jongup would have to have a major talk with him later once he found him. If he found him, that is. No. He would find him. He had to stay positive, or he'd get lost in depressing thoughts. Zelo would want him to stay positive, so he had to.

The pet store was in view, and once he saw it, Jongup could feel his heart skip a beat. He was almost there, minutes away from Zelo.

Bursting through the doors, Jongup looked around frantically, eyes wide with fear. Where was he? Jongup walked down every aisle and even began calling Zelo's name, but no answer.

"Excuse me, sir?" Jongup ran up to the front desk, breathing hard from running the entire way.


"I lost my friend. He is really tall and skinny, with blond hair. I think he was here earlier today, did you see him?"

"That sounds familiar. Yeah, I remember someone like that!"

"When did he go?"

"After two weird men tried to sell me rabbits, he left after they did."

"Rabbits?" Jongup gasped, nodding quickly. "Which direction did they go in?"

The pet store owner pointed.

"O-okay, thank you!" after nodding, Jongup turned and started running, leaving the pet store.

He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he was going in the right direction. Now all he needed to do was find Zelo, or Block B. If he found Block B first, they'd lead him right to Zelo. But if he couldn't find them, there was the chance of not finding the younger male.

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Got featured in the daily random story, yay! - 5/13/14


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 15: How have I never read this before!!! My poor Jonguppie & Jello TT^TT. This made my heart hurt, but go find Keke, so we can bring him back. Fighting!!!! (≧∇≦)/♥(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ)ノ(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 15: Can't wait to know what will happen next. Update soon~
Chapter 15: jonguppie!!!! yay ~ you guys save keke and save the day!!!! go go B.A.P
Chapter 15: Wahh continue soon please~~
Arisa_Ameiru #5
Chapter 14: Congrats on the random feature!!! ^^
Miawitch_1002 #8
congrats ^^
congrats on the random feature! c:
xxdnrw #10
Chapter 1: Congratulations^^