We Have Toto

Best Absolute Perfect

Back At The Dorm

"Guys!" Zelo called with excitement as he ran inside, Totomato snug in his arms. 

"Zelo slow down! And don't drop me!" Totomato squirmed.

"We have Totomato!" Zelo said as he ran into the living room.

"Junhong! How did you guys manage to get Toto?" Youngjae quickly stood, rushing over. 

"Oh my gosh! Toto!" Himchan laughed happily before looking at Yongguk, who was grinning and clapping.

"That's great! Who found him?

"Jongup." Zelo smiled.

"We first saw two guys walking around.. We couldn't catch one, but Jongup caught the other. It turns out that Block B is behind this.

"What? Block B?" Himchan looked at everyone, surprised. "I thought we got rid of them?"

"They are back and wanting revenge."

"I don't understand, why do they want the Matoki?" Himchan shook his head, "Toto, tell us what happened.

Totomato squirmed and hopped out of Zelo's arms before jumping onto the coffee table, looking around at everyone.

"It was Zico and his gang, Block B." he said, nodding before reaching up, grabbing one of his bunny ears shyly.

"Umm.. Well, they said that we were going to be sold and they'd be rich afterwards.. They were trying to sell us for high prices, most of the people declined, except for one..

"Who? Was a Matoki sold?"

"Y-Yes.. I'm afraid so..

"Who was sold, Toto?"

"It was Kekemato." Toto said quietly, looking at Daehyun. 

Daehyun closed his eyes and looked down.

"We're going to get Keke back, aren't we?" he asked.

Yongguk stood and went over to him.

"We'll try to get everyone back, we'll just have to wait and see, okay?" he smiled weakly, but Daehyun shook his head and left the room, upset.

"Daehyun!" Youngjae frowned weakly, "Yah!" with that, Youngjae left the room, going after Daehyun to help comfort and calm him. 

The rest of the room was silent, until Jongup sat down and began to pet Totomato.

"We will get them back." he said. "I'll make sure of it." Jongup firmly nodded. "Block B won't get away with any of this, they can't kidnap and sell our friends." Jongup closed his eyes and sighed.

"Toto." Yongguk's deep voice spoke, "How are the others?"

"The others are fine, just shaken up because of Kekemato.." Totomato said quietly. "Block B is scary, y'know? There was this one guy, his name started with a U and he kept wanting to play with us.."


"Yes, that's the one. And then there was a larger male with a really deep voice and small eyes.."

"P.O." Himchan said, looking at Yongguk and then to Toto, nodding. "That's P.O." Himchan nodded again before pursing his lips.

"No one is hurt though, right?"

"No sir, Keke was hungry but I don't know how she is now..

"Okay. So Keke was fine for the most part?"

"Yes, she was okay."

"That's good, and the others?"

"Dadamato and Jokomato were really scared."

"What about Shishi and Tats?"

"Ah, Shishi and Tats are doing well, they were trying to escape the cage. Tats was smart enough to figure out how to open the cage, but he was caught and put back. Shishi was trying to cause a fight, he kept insulting Zico and Taeil, they had gotten so mad. It was kind of funny.."

"It's good to know that for the most part, they are all fine.

"But we still have to get everyone else.."

"And we will, Junhong."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm positive." he said, "In fact, I'll go out looking tomorrow morning. Who wants to come with me?"

"I will."

"Okay, great."


So in this chapter, they talk to Toto and learn more about Block B and how the other Matoki are doing, finding out that it was Kekemato who was sold. Himchan then announces that he is going to search, and Yongguk asks to go with him.


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Got featured in the daily random story, yay! - 5/13/14


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 15: How have I never read this before!!! My poor Jonguppie & Jello TT^TT. This made my heart hurt, but go find Keke, so we can bring him back. Fighting!!!! (≧∇≦)/♥(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ)ノ(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 15: Can't wait to know what will happen next. Update soon~
Chapter 15: jonguppie!!!! yay ~ you guys save keke and save the day!!!! go go B.A.P
Chapter 15: Wahh continue soon please~~
Arisa_Ameiru #5
Chapter 14: Congrats on the random feature!!! ^^
Miawitch_1002 #8
congrats ^^
congrats on the random feature! c:
xxdnrw #10
Chapter 1: Congratulations^^