All Tripped Up

Best Absolute Perfect

Daehyun's POV


I was running as fast as I could. I could hear Yongguk and Youngjae running after me but I didn't care. The smells of food and fun grew closer as I neared the carnival. Despite being called to stop and hearing Yongguk curse a few times, I kept running. Yongguk and Youngjae were both mad right now. I had to run and lose them before I was caught. They needed to cool down and calm themselves or they'd probably take their anger out on me, and I didn't want that to happen.. I didn't feel like getting hurt.

I continued running, starting to get out of breath as I ran through the carnival gates. Glancing behind, I saw that Yongguk and Youngjae had stopped thankfully, it was such a relief! I turned around the corner before stopping to catch my breath. Wow! What a rush! 


I shook my head and wiped my sweat covered brow before I resumed walking. I had some money jingling around in my pocket, it would be enough to get a few snacks, which was great. I was starving! I couldn't believe Yongguk and Youngjae wouldn't let me eat! I hoped they weren't too mad at me though, I was just hungry and needed food which they wouldn't get me. It wasn't a big deal..

Walking past several booths and a clown, I finally stopped when the smell of chicken hit my nose. Goodness, it smelled amazing. I could feel my mouth beginning to water as I turned and began walking to the food stand which was selling rotisserie chicken legs. They weren't too pricey, I had enough for one! I smiled.
"Hello, can I have a chicken leg?
"Of course, sir!" the cook happily said before getting one for me. After giving her my money, I walked off with a big and hot chicken leg in my hand. It tasted incredible, I loved chicken.

Now since I had food, I could continue searching for the Matoki. Wait.. Where did Yongguk and Youngjae go? My eyes widened suddenly and I glanced around. I felt odd, it was like someone was watching me.. I took a bite of my chicken before my lips and glancing around. Several clowns passed by me unexpectedly and gave me a scare, I nearly had a heart-attack!
After grasping my chest with my free hand, I took a deep breath and continued to walk, now slightly jumpy and nervous.
Calm yourself Dae! C'mon, it's just a carnival. It's fun, see? Clowns are fun! .... And scary.
I shook those thoughts from my head before I continued to walk. I suddenly felt anxious again, someone was watching me like before. Biting my lip, I tried to distract myself with the chicken leg, getting lost in it's beautiful aroma and taste, but I couldn't help but feel like I was in danger.. I jumped when I suddenly heard someone yell my name.
I spun around, eyes widening and mouth gaping wide open in surprise.
"Yongguk hung!" I frowned. "You nearly gave me a heart-attack! Aiishhh.." I grabbed my chest again and took a breath.
"You almost had a heart-attack? What about us?! You worried us sick!" Yongguk said unhappily as he walked toughly over to me.
I was surprised when I felt his hands on my chest in a hard shove back. I stumbled but didn't fall over, only losing my balance for a moment.
"You ran away from me and Youngjae, do you know how scared we were?" Yongguk was all fired up and angry.
"Well I told you that I was hungry, but you guys didn't listen!" I spat back, waving my chicken leg in Yongguk's face.
"Get that out of my face." Yongguk growled. Obediently, I did as I was told, and fast too. Yongguk had a temper. "Now that you have food, we're going to continue searching for the Matoki." Yongguk brushed himself off before grunting and grabbing my arm to pull me along.
"Youngjae?" I looked to Youngjae, who shrugged.
"We thought something happened to you, Daehyun. We can't separate or leave each other, we have to stay together now. There is obviously someone who knows about us and-.." He stopped short.
"What is it?" I asked. 
"My phone's vibrating." I watched as Youngjae pulled out his phone and answered. "Hello?
"Himchan?" Youngjae blinked and stopped walking. Yongguk let go of me and went to Youngjae. 
"Who is it?" he asked.
"Here. Himchan wants to talk to you." Youngjae held his phone out to Yongguk, who snatched it.
"Himchan, what is it?" Yongguk asked quickly before holding the phone away from his ear when Himchan spoke, it was loud.
"Yes? What's wrong?
"Shishimato! We saw Shishimato!
"What! Really? Where are you?" Yongguk asked before narrowing his eyes the slightest bit. "Wait... I told you to stay in the dorm.
"We went downtown to the market, I'm sorry. But.. -- We saw Shishimato!
"Did you get him?
"N-No, but-."
"But what?"
"The guy who took him is still in this area."
"How do you know? Who is it?
"I couldn't get a good look at him. He ran too fast. Me, Jongup and Zelo couldn't catch him. I'm sorry, we'll continue searching. Come downtown to the market and meet us." Himchan said. I could hear him through the phone speaker, he sounded like he'd been running, he was out of breath.
"Stay where you are, I'll bring Youngjae and Daehyun along with me."
I watched Yongguk hang up before he sighed and shook his head.
"C'mon, we need to-..." he stopped mid-sentence when he saw Youngjae staring off in the distance.
"Yongguk?" Youngjae looked at Yongguk, eyes widening. 
"What? Did you see a clown? It's okay, they're harmless." Youngjae was afraid of clowns.
"No.. Look!" Youngjae then pointed behind Yongguk. I watched Youngjae and then Yongguk as he turned, I looked to where Youngjae was pointing and my eyes widened. Was that.. No, it wasn't..
"Tatsmato!" Yongguk suddenly shouted. This seemed to alert the person carrying his cage. Whoever it was quickly turned around before taking off running. This is when I took off running too, I flew past Yongguk and Youngjae, I had to get Tatsmato, if I did, Yongguk and Youngjae wouldn't be mad at me anymore and they'd be proud of me. I continued to run as fast as possible.
At this point, I had dropped my chicken leg so I could run faster, I didn't care about it, it had gotten cold anyway. I could hear Yongguk and Youngjae running behind me as well, this was good! We would all catch him and get Tatsmato back, then find the others! I turned the corner, hot on this guy's trail, until I tripped. Of course I tripped, it was such bad luck. I had been running so fast until my foot slipped on the sand and I fell to the ground.
"ANNNGH!..." I cried out, rolling a few times before finally landing on my back, I groaned with slight pain and disappointment, even more so when Yongguk and Youngjae stopped to check on me.

"Daehyun!" Yongguk stopped running and kneeled by me. 

"Are you okay?" Youngjae skidded to a stop when he was near.
"I-I'm fine, get Tatsmato!" I tried to make them catch the kidnapper and Tatsmato, but sadly, they were too worried about my health to keep running.
"It's too late." After helping me up, Youngjae patted my head.
"I'm sorry." I looked at the ground, "I didn't mean to trip."
"You did well, let's just call the others and quit for the night.
"We almost got him." Yongguk was a little upset, he muttered a few words before turning and walking, leading us to the carnival exit. 
I felt like a failure. I had been so close to catching Tatsmato's kidnapper, but I didn't.


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Basically in this chapter, Daehyun gets in a little trouble with Yongguk for running off to get food, but then they spot Tatsmato.

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Got featured in the daily random story, yay! - 5/13/14


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 15: How have I never read this before!!! My poor Jonguppie & Jello TT^TT. This made my heart hurt, but go find Keke, so we can bring him back. Fighting!!!! (≧∇≦)/♥(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ)ノ(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 15: Can't wait to know what will happen next. Update soon~
Chapter 15: jonguppie!!!! yay ~ you guys save keke and save the day!!!! go go B.A.P
Chapter 15: Wahh continue soon please~~
Arisa_Ameiru #5
Chapter 14: Congrats on the random feature!!! ^^
Miawitch_1002 #8
congrats ^^
congrats on the random feature! c:
xxdnrw #10
Chapter 1: Congratulations^^