Guardian Angel

Best Absolute Perfect

"Don't cry..

Zelo quietly whispered to himself, pulling the sheets of the bed closer to him. He was in Jongup's room, sitting on his bed, tears flowing down his eyes. He was still shaking, eyes red from crying.

"Don't cry..

Zelo had repeated the sentence many times now, just staring into nothingness. He couldn't function properly, he couldn't do anything. Jongup was dead. His best friend was dead. How could this be? Zelo wiped his eyes before covering his face in one of Jongup's shirts. He took a deep breath, taking in the scent of Jongup. 

With a broken sob, Zelo hugged the shirt close to his chest, crying out. He was heartbroken. Jongup was dead and there was nothing he could do to bring him back.

"Junhong?" asked a quiet voice as the door creaked open, the light from the hallway spilling into the dark room. 

Youngjae took a deep breath before glancing back behind him, eyes landing on a worried Daehyun. Daehyun met Youngjae's gaze, biting his lip lightly. He reached out and took a gentle hold of Youngjae's hand, hoping to give him strength. With that, they both walked in Jongup's room quietly, heading to the bed in which Zelo was crying on. 

"Zelo, do you want to know something?" Youngjae asked, gently moving the blankets from over Zelo's face. He offered a small yet weak smile, reaching out to lightly move the hair from Zelo's teary eyes. 

Zelo sobbed once more, now looking up at Youngjae and Daehyun. At hearing Youngjae speak, he slowly nodded, sitting up to watch them.

"Well," Youngjae scratched his neck, thinking for a moment. "Jongup wouldn't want you to cry over him." he started. "He'd want you to remain tough and stay strong through this."

"Youngjae is right." Daehyun added with a nod, looking at Zelo with caring eyes. "I'm sure Jongup would want you to stay strong, not only for him, but for Block B.

"Stay strong for Block B?" Zelo asked in a tiny voice, sniffling.

Daehyun nodded some.

"You don't want them to think that they've won, do you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "If you remain strong, Block B won't be successful. Ukwon killed Jongup for a reason, to bring us fear and pain. You're upset, hurt, scared, and heartbroken, I understand. We have to stay strong.

"For Jongup." Youngjae looked to Zelo, slowly nodding.

"For Jongup." Zelo repeated, nodding as well. 

Daehyun was right. They couldn't spend their time being depressed about losing Jongup. They had to spring into action and beat Block B, once and for all. 

Zelo wiped his eyes once more before hugging onto Youngjae and Daehyun, wrapping an arm around each of them. 

"I just really miss him." Zelo whispered, sobbing again.

Youngjae held Zelo close, biting his lip as he looked at Daehyun, not sure what to say.

"We all miss him." Daehyun spoke quietly, rubbing Zelo's back. "We have to make him proud. Zelo, I'm sure wherever he is, he's watching over you."

"Really?" Zelo looked at Daehyun, eyes widening with hope. "You think he is?"

"Yes." Youngjae agreed. "He's your guardian angel."

Zelo smiled slowly at hearing this, a single tear being wiped from his cheek. Jongup was his guardian angel now? It warmed his heart. He brought the shirt back up to his face, smelling it once more. He closed his eyes, taking slow and deep breaths to try and calm down.

"Guys," a voice suddenly said in the room. All three boys turned and saw Himchan standing in the doorway. "Yongguk has something to say.

"We're coming." Daehyun stood from the bed. "Come on." he looked back at Youngjae and Zelo before turning, walking towards Himchan. 

Youngjae got up after Zelo did, moving his arm around Zelo's shoulder, gently leading him from the room.

All the boys joined together in the living room. Daehyun was sitting on the floor and Himchan was on the couch. Quietly, Youngjae and Zelo went to sit on the couch with Himchan. Yongguk was standing, leaning against the wall. Just then, all the Matoki came in the room as well, sitting on the floor.

"So," Yongguk spoke softly once everyone was in the room. "Something bad happened recently and I need to clear things up." Yongguk slowly nodded, his eyes landing on each boy in the room.

"Jongup is dead, that you all know." Yongguk cleared his throat before a glimmer of hope shone in his eye. "But you all weren't aware of something." he started, "The Matoki have powers. They have unimaginable powers."

"We already knew that they had powers." Himchan said, tapping his finger on his lip thoughtfully. "What did we not know?"

"I'm getting there." Yongguk chuckled lightly. "When the Matoki are all together, they are powerful. When they combine their powers, they can easily bring Jongup back."

An orchestra of gasps filled the room. 

"What?" Youngjae asked, sitting forward in his seat, looking at Yongguk with surprise.

"Really?" Daehyun looked at the Matoki before his eyes widened. "You guys can really do that?"

"We can get Jongup back?" Zelo asked, eyes widening with hope and shock. 

Shishimato nodded.

"Of course we can." he said. "But there is only one problem.

"What's that?" Daehyun asked.

"Well, Keke is still missing."

The room grew quite.

"We will find her." Zelo spoke up, nodding firmly. "I know we can."

"Yeah, but how?" Himchan asked. "She wasn't in the Block B hideout."

Yongguk his chin as he thought for a few moments, the dorm growing quiet. He honestly had no idea how they'd find and save Keke. Where was she? Yongguk let out a quiet sigh before suddenly snapping his fingers, thinking of an idea.

"You guys can help us find Keke!" Yongguk said as he looked at the five Matoki sitting together on the floor.

"How can we help find Keke?" Toto  asked, looking around at his friends.

"I have an idea!" Tats suddenly hopped up to his feet, waving his little arms around with excitement. "Do you guys want to hear?

Everyone in the room quickly nodded, putting their attention on Tatsmato. 

"Jokomato can sense when Matoki are near!" Tats quickly nodded, "We can walk around town and search, and when Joko feels Keke, we'll know that we're close to her!

"Ah, good idea!" Shishi jumped up, happily high fiving Tats. 

"So, when can we go out and find her?" Joko asked curiously, raising his hand to shyly play with his bunny ear.

"I think we need to go out in groups." Himchan announced. "Me, Yongguk, and Joko should go together. Daehyun, Youngjae, and Zelo can search together.

"What about the rest of us?" Toto asked, pouting.

"We need to keep you all safe.."

Yongguk pondered some, not quite sure what to do. If they brought the other Matoki, they could get lost. On the downside, if they left them at the apartment, Block B could come and take them again. What was the right thing to do?

"Actually, you guys can come along. Let's see.." Yongguk looked around at everyone in the room before scratching his nose. "Himchan, any ideas?"

"Ah, yes!" Himchan stood, looking over everyone. He clapped. "I know who should be with who now!

"Well, are you going to tell us?" Daehyun snorted.

Himchan shot him a light glare before laughing.

"Okay." Himchan rubbed his hands together before beginning to point at each person (and Matoki) in the room, picking them out as he spoke. 

"Daehyun, you will go with Zelo, Totomato, and Dadamato." Himchan said. "I will go with Tats, Yongguk, Shishi, Youngjae, and Joko." he announced.

Everyone nodded.

"Sounds good." Yongguk nodded with approval. "We can start looking whenever you all are ready." he said. "Now, just remember. Stay with your groups and make sure no one strays off."

"How will we keep in contact?"

"Everyone bring your phone. If we find something, we'll definitely need to tell each other.

"What else should we bring?

"One person in each group will have a gun." Yongguk said. "Himchan can the gun in my group and Daehyun, you can have the gun in your group.

"Great!" Daehyun grinned some. 

"We can go now?" Zelo asked, looking at Yongguk, somewhat anxious. 

"Yup." Yongguk nodded.

It's been a while since I've updated with a chapter, I hope you enjoyed this one! It's not the longest chapter, but I felt like I needed to get out a chapter since it had been a long time. /cries

The next chapters will be filled with action, so they'll definitely be longer, too.

I got featured on the daily random story thing a few days ago and I have to thank everyone who left comments and subscribed. I tried to message you back to thank you personally, but so many people were commenting and I lost track, so this is my thank you!

Keep leaving cute comments and upvoting, it's highly appreciated!

- TrueLover

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Got featured in the daily random story, yay! - 5/13/14


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 15: How have I never read this before!!! My poor Jonguppie & Jello TT^TT. This made my heart hurt, but go find Keke, so we can bring him back. Fighting!!!! (≧∇≦)/♥(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ)ノ(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 15: Can't wait to know what will happen next. Update soon~
Chapter 15: jonguppie!!!! yay ~ you guys save keke and save the day!!!! go go B.A.P
Chapter 15: Wahh continue soon please~~
Arisa_Ameiru #5
Chapter 14: Congrats on the random feature!!! ^^
Miawitch_1002 #8
congrats ^^
congrats on the random feature! c:
xxdnrw #10
Chapter 1: Congratulations^^