
Best Absolute Perfect

"Daehyun! We aren't getting any cheese cake! Go put it back!" Himchan snapped, pointing to the box that Daehyun had just placed in the shopping cart.

"But Himchan!" Daehyun groaned, "We dont have any back at the dorm and I really want some!" he whined.
"No, you're just going to eat it all with Kekemato and not share." Himchan argued back, a small frown on his lips.
"I'll save you and Tatsmoto a piece if you want..." Daehyun pressed on, determined to get the cheese-cake.
Himchan's eyebrow twitched faintly with annoyance, finally giving in. 

"Fine, fine. Just remember to save us some." He said before looking to Zelo, who was running to the cart with a new skateboard in his hand.

"Himchan! I'm going to teach Totomato how to skateboard!" He put the skateboard in the cart, smiling.
Himchan stared, "Zelo? Did Yongguk say you could get that?" he asked. Zelo, the bubbly and energetic male, nodded excitedly.
"Yes, Yongguk was the one who picked it out for me!" Zelo said happily. Himchan looked behind Zelo to see Yongguk.
"We left for two minutes and the cart is already halfway full?" Yongguk asked, scanning the cart, shocked. His shock slowly went away when he looked up and saw Daehyun running up and down the snack aisles, arms full of food. "Nevermind. I can see why." Yongguk cleared his throat before glancing around, "Himchan, where is Youngjae? And Jongup?" he asked.
Zelo jumped in, "Jonguppie is looking at weights for weightlifting. He wanted Youngjae to come and help him with the prices." Zelo grinned, "Jongup isn't good at math." the younger added.
Just then, Daehyun came back and dropped everything in the cart. 

"Yongguk, I needed your muscles. I couldn't carry that on my own." he said, tired. "Can we go home now? I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry."
"That's a lie.
"No it's not~" The youngest lightly sang, poking Daehyun's stomach. Daehyun jumped back with a laugh. Zelo looked at Himchan and Yongguk after with a bored sigh, "Me and Daehyun want to go home.
"Find Youngjae and Jongup for us and we can, okay?" Himchan said. When Zelo ran off, Yongguk and Himchan watched. Daehyun stayed, walking alongside the cart as they walked to a checkout lane to buy their things and leave.
"Hurry guys, I'm starving!"

Daehyun called as he trotted down the hall, running to their dorm. Zelo was close behind, trying to ride the skateboard on carpet, which was difficult. Next to Zelo was Himchan, who was gently holding Zelo's arm to make sure he didn't fall. Behind Daehyun, Zelo, and Himchan were Yongguk, Yongjae and Jongup.

"Daehyun wants food, are we going to cook?" Jongup asked, looking at the oldest, Yongguk.

"Me and Himchan will prepare a meal for us all. I'm pretty sure Daehyun will be helping too, you can as well if you'd like." Yongguk said.
"Can I wash and cut the vegetables?" Youngjae offered, a smile gracing his lips. 
"That sounds great Youngjae."
"Want me to set the table?" Jongup asked. When he received a nod, Jongup smiled brightly and continued walking.
All three however stopped and looked up when he heard Himchan yell.
"Our dorm!" Himchan stared at the open door to their dorm, it was a mess! The furniture was thrown around, broken and tattered, papers were scattered on the floor, there was broken glass, it was just a chaotic mess!
Yongguk dashed towards them, stopping when he saw the dorm.
"My goodness." He blinked with shock, glancing at Youngjae and Jongup when they came over as well.
"Did someone leave the door unlocked? Someone must have robbed us!" Himchan cried out, half scared and the other half upset and sad. "The last person to walk out of the dorm was Jongup." Himchan pointed an accusing finger at the male.
Jongup hadn't been paying attention so when he heard his name, his eyes widened.
"N-No, I promise I locked the door! I think I did anyway.. I can't remember.." He bit his lip at seeing Himchan giving him a dark look.
"No one else was here besides the Matoki-.." Daehyun trailed off, eyes widening.
"The Matoki!" Yongguk rushed inside, everyone else following. "Shishimato?" Yongguk called, "Jokomato? Tatsmato?" he looked around nervously as he ran through the dorm, looking for the little bunnies. "Dadamato? Kekemato? Totomato?" He finished before wiping his forehead, "Guys?" he called lastly.
"Where are they? What happened to them?" asked a scared and upset Zelo. 
"Don't be worried, Zelo, it'll be fine." Youngjae hugged Zelo close. Zelo stayed silent, hugging Youngjae tightly.
"Maybe they went out to get dinner?" Jongup spoke up, clueless. Everyone gave him a glare.
"Jongup! Then why is the dorm a mess?!" Asked Himchan. Jongup pouted faintly and didn't speak, looking down.
"The Matoki! They've been kidnapped!" Yongguk cried out. 
"By who?" Daehyun asked, "Maybe Jongup is right. They could have gone out to eat?" he glanced at Jongup. 
"That still doesn't make sense!" Youngjae piped up. "Why would they randomly leave the dorm? They've never left before."
"We need to know who kidnapped them, though!" Daehyun fussed, frowning.
"That's what we're trying to figure out!" Himchan shouted.
"Guys! Stop fighting!" little Zelo suddenly cried, "We have to find them!" he wiped a tear from his cheek, "I was going to teach Totomato how to skateboard!"
"And me and Kekemato were going to eat the cheese-cake!
"Dadamoto wanted to lift weights with me when we got back.." Jongup joined in sadly.
"We'll find them, come on guys! We can't be sad, we have to stay strong if we want to find them." Himchan said. Everyone nodded. "Now," Himchan paused, "We need to devise a plan."
"We don't need a plan! This isn't like one of those ninja superhero movies that you, Zelo, and Jongup watch." Youngjae snapped.
"Hey! Leave me out of this.." Jongup frowned lightly.
"You were already in it!" Youngjae shot back, glaring at Jongup. "You caused this to happen! You left the dorm unlocked!
"No I didn't!" Jongup pouted more, looking down at the floor. "I know I locked the door when we left.."
"Well unless someone we don't know has a key, I don't know how they could get in!?
"Guys!" everyone turned to see Daehyun looking at the front door, "They didn't need a key, there are shoe marks, look, see?" he pointed to a dirty shoe smudge on the door near the handle.
"Oh come on, that only happens in movies!" Youngjae frowned.
Yongguk walked to the door and looked. "Daehyun's right. Someone kicked the door open." He said.
This made Youngjae blink with surprise, now keeping quiet.
"This was on purpose. Whoever broke in knew what they wanted.. They wanted the Matoki." Daehyun said, biting his lip. 
"Well, then what do we do?" Zelo asked.
"We need a plan!" Himchan piped up again. 
"Like what?" Jongup asked. 
"I say, tomorrow we all get up bright and early to begin our search. It's too dark out by now anyways, we wouldn't get far. Besides, the kidnapper must be in town somewhere. How far could he or she have gotten? Those Matoki can be feisty and if there was only one perpetrator.."
"What's a perpetrator?" Zelo interrupted.
Himchan looked at him, "A criminal." he said. When he got a blank look from both Zelo and Jongup, he sighed. "The bad guy?"
"Ooooh!" they both nodded.
"How do you know there was more than one person?" Daehyun asked.
"We weren't here. There couldn't have been just one, it would be impossible for one person to take six Matoki.
"True.." Himchan nodded.
"There must have been at least six or seven people. That's the only way this could be logical." Youngjae shook his head.
"Do we know seven people that don't like us?" Zelo asked.

"I'm sure a lot of people don't like me."
Yongguk sighed with irritation.
"Guys." he paused, "Can't we discuss this tomorrow? We're all hungry and tired. We need to rest before making any logical decisions." he said.
"We can talk more after we eat." Daehyun said before wandering off to the kitchen, "They better not have taken any food from the fridge!" he grumbled from the kitchen. 
"Come on guys, let's all make dinner." Himchan walked to the kitchen as well, the others following like lost puppies.
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Got featured in the daily random story, yay! - 5/13/14


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 15: How have I never read this before!!! My poor Jonguppie & Jello TT^TT. This made my heart hurt, but go find Keke, so we can bring him back. Fighting!!!! (≧∇≦)/♥(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ)ノ(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 15: Can't wait to know what will happen next. Update soon~
Chapter 15: jonguppie!!!! yay ~ you guys save keke and save the day!!!! go go B.A.P
Chapter 15: Wahh continue soon please~~
Arisa_Ameiru #5
Chapter 14: Congrats on the random feature!!! ^^
Miawitch_1002 #8
congrats ^^
congrats on the random feature! c:
xxdnrw #10
Chapter 1: Congratulations^^