Chapter 9

I Love You Siwonnie

Siwon… he just stares at the sleeping beauty for a little while, as he takes a step closer and admires his favorite dongsaeng’s cute face. How he missed this person… His smile, his evil smirks, his pout, his voice... Unconsciously, he Kyuhyun’s cheeks, as his face leans closer and closer until his lips are already inches away from Kyuhyun’s. However, before they touch, Siwon suddenly stands up and shakes his head.

‘No. Oh my God, what am I doing now? I need to be sure about this feeling. I don’t want to hurt Kyuhyun. He’s already been hurt so much’. He thinks before he goes back to admiring Kyuhyun’s face again.

‘Does it hurt Kyu, when you see the one you love being together with someone else? I know that kind of feeling Kyu. I’m sorry, I must’ve hurt you so much. I’m sorry Kyu’ Then Siwon leaves the room.


He sits on one of the couches in the living room and sighs. He doesn’t know what to do now that he realizes he has a different feeling toward Kyuhyun, thanks to The World’s biggest Anchovy. However, he doesn’t want to be careless about it. He needs some time to figure out what he really feels.

Siwon is too busy with his own thoughts to know that there’s someone standing beside the couch until a voice echoes through the room.

“Siwon, what are doing here?”

“Uhhhh-uuh..Yesung hyung...” Siwon is startled “Nothing. I think I have to go now” Siwon stands up to leave, but Yesung hold him back as he grips his arm.

“Siwon. We need to talk”

“Should we hyung?” Siwon looks at Yesung in the eyes.

“Please Wonnie, I don’t want us to end up hating each other” Yesung’s eyes start to well up with tears, and Siwon realizes that the older is right as he sits back on the couch.

They need to clear this problem, and even though Siwon is hurt because of Yesung’s affair, he can’t hate him. The matter won’t end if they’re all angry and not trying to understand each other’s feelings.

“Fine, as you wish. What do you want to talk about?”

“Siwonnie, I know I’m the stupidest person that betrayed the almost perfect guy on this planet. You don’t deserve such betrayal. I’m so sorry, Siwonnie. You deserve better than me. You must remember that you’re still my perfect and my lovely dongsaeng. Siwonnie, you are one of the best things that I ever had in my life. Please, I want to see you happy with your true love. You remember what I said to you back at the hospital, right? I hope you will figure it out soon. Siwonnie, I love you”

Yesung meant it. He does love Siwon, but his choice is Changmin. He loves Changmin more than anything and this is the best for them. Siwon loves Kyuhyun. He just doesn’t realize it yet... Maybe?

“Why are you like this, hyung? I can’t hate you even if I want to. Maybe this is the best for us. I didn’t want us ending up hurting each other, and I just hope you’ll never regret this and that the two of you will be happy”

Siwon smiles. He doesn’t know why he is like this. His heart…. His heart doesn’t hurt that much like the first time he found out that Yesung cheated on him. Maybe he really should let Yesung go. They’re not meant to be together.

The older didn’t give an answer. He just hugs Siwon... He knows he hurt the guy so much.

‘Siwonnie, don’t make Kyuhyun wait for you any longer’


“I’m sorry, hyung. I’m really sorry” Changmin apologizes when they meet in a cafe near Siwon’s shooting location. Changmin called Siwon earlier, just like Kyuhyun told him. He needs to apologize.

“What for? Because you took away my lover? Or because you hurt Kyuhyun? You hurt him so much. You said that you love him but why did you betray him and had an affair with his hyung who was also my lover? Couldn’t you just tell me earlier about your relationship? Maybe I wouldn’t feel this stupid, and Kyuhyun wouldn’t be hurt. I’m really upset. I really want to punch you in the face and kick your . You’re a jerk”

Siwon is gritting his teeth. Actually, he really wants to punch the guy. He’s still angry and upset with him, and if killing people wasn’t a sin, he would have killed Changmin without a second thought.

“For everything… For hurting you and Kyuhyun. I’m really sorry, hyung. You’re the one who’s hurt the most in this matter. Kyuhyun was right, you don’t deserve this kind of betrayal. You are too good to be cheated on. Kyuhyun won’t forgive me unless you do hyung” Changmin says and lowers his head down. He doesn’t dare to look at Siwon in the eyes.

“If you told me earlier about this, maybe I would’ve let him go willingly. I just want to see Yesung happy, even if it’s not with me. Now you didn’t just hurt me, but Kyuhyun as well. He is too precious to be hurt” Siwon tries to hold back his anger.

“Hyung, I’m so so so sorry. Please forgive me this time. I know I’m wrong, but I promise I’ll protect Yesungie and make him happy. I won’t make you upset again… Or you can punch me and kick me as much and as you want, as hard as you can” Changmin grabs Siwon’s hand and puts it on his face.

“Huh.. You and Yesung are the same. Do you think if I punch you, it will solve this problem, and Kyuhyun’s pain that you caused will go away? ” Siwon releases his hand harshly.

“If it will decrease your anger, then just do that hyung. I’ll be fine. If you don’t want to do it for yourself, you can do it for Kyuhyun. For his pain that I’ve caused” Changmin determinedly looks at Siwon in the eyes.

“YOU!!!!! I didn’t want to do this, but you insisted. It’s not my fault if I ruin your handsome face”

Then Siwon lands a punch full of anger on Changmin’s face. It’s strange... When he punched the guy, he only had Kyuhyun in his mind. He only did it for Kyuhyun. For someone he adores so much. He didn’t even think about his own hurt. He just doesn’t want to see Kyuhyun cry anymore, and this guy deserved it because he hurt his favorite dongsaeng… His precious Kyuhyun.

“Hyung, is that all you have? It doesn’t hurt as much as I expected” Changmin chuckles before adding “I feel that your punch is full of your love for Kyuhyun. You care for him this much, ha?” Changmin walks closer to Siwon before hugging the speechless guy tightly.

“I knew about this for a long time now, but I always denied it. I kept thinking that your love for him is just as a hyung and a dongsaeng, but now I’m sure. I’m sure you love him… so much” Changmin whispers.

‘This is the third person’ Siwon thought.


Siwon stares at the hand he punched Changmin with. However, that punch wasn’t for him. It was for Kyuhyun instead. Why wasn’t he that angry with Changmin because of his affair with Yesung? Why is he angrier because Changmin betrayed Kyuhyun? He even forgot about his own hurt when he thought of Kyuhyun being the one hurt.

‘Why didn’t I feel my heart break when I heard what Changmin said to me? I only thought about Kyuhyun’s feeling. I was afraid he hurt him so much. Oh God, This is crazy!’ He ruffles his hair in frustration.

As Siwon closes his eyes, the only thing he can see is Kyuhyun’s face, making his heartbeat race as he touches his chest, right above his heart. In his mind, there’s only one person… Kyuhyun.

‘How can I be this stupid? This is the thing that I should figure out… How did I become so slow? I can’t believe I didn’t realize it before. The fact that I always miss him when he’s not around, how worried I would be when something bad happens to him, how I would rush to the dorm when I think he needs me, although I know he didn’t actually... I was supposed to figure it out when Eunhyuk hyung tricked me that night. Stupid Siwon, I have to go to the dorm right now before I lose everything because of my idiocy’ Siwon scolds himself.


Kyuhyun missed him and he can’t seem to stop thinking about him. He didn’t see him yet ever since he was released from the hospital. He really wants to see his face…

‘Siwonnie. Don’t you miss me like I miss you? Maybe I can go to his apartment? No, Teuk hyung won’t allow me to go out of here. He will nag at me like a crazy mommy.


“Kyunnie, what are thinking about?” Donghae asks when he notices Kyuhyun drowning deep into his thoughts.

“Nothing hyung. I just need to go out somewhere” Kyuhyun forces his lips to smile.

“Where are you going? It’s already midnight. Can’t it wait till tomorrow?” Donghae frowns.

“It can’t! I need to go now hyung. Please, let me go out” He argues.

“No, you’ll get sick. By the way, where are you going? Tell me”

“Hyung. I won’t get sick. You’re exaggerating. Hyung I need to talk with someone. Please, it’s a matter of life and death. You want to see me crying for the rest of my life?” he pretends to cry.

I need to talk to Siwon hyung. I can’t bear it any longer. These past few weeks had already being a torture for me. I need him now… Donghaeeeeee hyuuung. You are a bad person… I really want to lock him in a box then send him to Eunhyuk hyung.

“Kyunnie, don’t cry please. You can tell me anything. So who’s that someone?” Donghae walks closer and pats Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

“He’s just someone” Kyuhyun pouts.

“Who?” As Donghae crosses his arms over his chest.

“Aaaahhh.. Just forget it hyung. I’m gonna go now” He takes his sweater and walks out to the door.

“Kyuuuuuhyuuun” Donghae walks after him, but Kyuhyun pretends he doesn’t hear him.

However, just as Kyuhyun opens the door, he freezes. There’s someone standing there that makes him blink his eyes in disbelief.

“H—Hyuu----- mmpphmph..” Kyuhyun is shocked even more when he feels something soft touch his lips... Siwon’s lips just touched his.

“That’s the answer to your confession” Siwon says while smiling and looking at Kyuhyun’s orbs that are full of confusion.

Siwon kisses Kyuhyun again. He catches his upper lip and nibbles on it, letting all of his feelings that he just realized that night, to come out. When Kyuhyun realizes what’s happening, he kisses Siwon back, and when the latter releases his lips, he’s suddenly upset.

“That’s for your heart that hurt so much lately”

Siwon Kyuhyun’s red face, which feels so hot because he’s embarrassed. However, the older isn’t done yet. Siwon kisses Kyuhyun again, but this time it’s more passionate.

When they pull away because their lungs ran out of air, Siwon whispers…

“And this is for my idiocy” He then hugs Kyuhyun tightly.

They don’t realize that Donghae is standing still behind them, trying to absorb what just happened. When he realizes he’s gaping, he shakes his head…He doesn’t know what to say…

‘Maybe I need more sleep’ as he massages his temples.

Suddenly, Kyuhyun releases his body from Siwon’s. He just remembered that Donghae is still there. He wanted to go to him, but Siwon holds his hand and pulls him into a tight hug again.

“Youu twoooo. Get a rooom. Oh my God! My innocent eyes! Where’s my Hyukkie?” Donghae mumbles to himself as he walks toward his shared room with Eunhyuk,

When Donghae left them, Siwon rests his forehead on Kyuhyun’s and looks him in the eyes. They stare at each other for a moment, before Siwon puts his lips on Kyuhyun’s once again. He kisses him softly and sweetly, sharing with him his feelings through the kiss. Kyuhyun just closes his eyes and enjoys Siwon’s sweet taste.

“I love you, Cho Kyuhyun” Siwon whispers between their kiss.

“I love you too, Siwonnie”

‘My love belongs to you’


Finally i can finish this chapter ..

I'm sorry if this isn't like what do you expect.. I have no idea how i write this chapter.. I hope you'll enjoy it :


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Chapter 10: So beautiful story 💕 💖 💗 ❤️ 💕 💞 😍
Chapter 10: So beautiful story 💕 💖 💗 ❤️ 💕 💞 😍
CholifatulLianaII #3
Chapter 10: Kyaaa suka suka suka end nya. Berasa bangettt mereka saling memiliki. Muuachhhh my wonkyu. Haha
CholifatulLianaII #4
Chapter 9: Yeayyy akhirnya kata kata sakral itu keluar juga. haha
CholifatulLianaII #5
Chapter 8: Yes you are. Yes you love your dongsaeng, Siwon.
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Chapter 7: Siwon i know you're angry with your Sungie, ahh no ex-yesungie but why did u slap him??
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Chapter 6: New fact = new trouble. Yesung with Changmin?? Yashhhh. Kyunnie!! I know that in hurts. Be patient Kyu. Siwon is too
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Chapter 5: Adeuhhh so complicated. Afuuu. Who's the trouble maker?? Kyuhyun? Siwon? Yesung or even Changmin?
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Chapter 4: Kyaaaa akhirnyaa setidaknya melalui jawaban Kyu, Siwon peka. Peka Siwonn, peka!!
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Chapter 3: Selingkuhannya yesung belum dibongkar ya.? Siapa ya kira kira. Jadii Kyu bertepuk sebelah tangan. Poor BabyKyu.