Chapter Four


My name is Taemin. Lee Taemin. I'm going to be 17 this year, and my hyungs always told me I am such a lovable, huggable and adorable kid. I'm not a kid, really. If only they know how much I've grown up.

I'm living in this not so big house with my beloved hyungs. Jonghyun hyung is the appa. He's very good looking, and he's the shortest in this house. He's older by 3 years than me, and yet, I'm taller. Don't talk about height in front of him if you want to live longer. I mean it. Jonghyun hyung is very good in aikido. One funny fact about him is he loves teasing omma. He does that everyday and omma is always pissed off because of that. He claims to be my appa O.o..

The omma of this house is Key hyung. Honestly, he is my favourite hyung. He's very caring and loving. The first time we met three years ago, he already claimed me to be his son. According to Jonghyun hyung's delusional mind, Key hyung is his wife and after getting married for three years, they got a 17 year old son, which is me. How can that happen? Ask Jonghyun hyung. Even the best mathematician in Korea cannot solve this problem. Can you? Let's solve this together. Take out a piece of paper and a pen, palli!

Ready? Let's start.

The appa is 20 years old.
The omma is 19 years old.
They got married for three years.
And now they got a very cute son, age 17.

That means, omma was pregnant when he was .. 2?
Does that make sense?
And appa made omma pregnant at the age of 3?
That's impossible.

Not to forget, the omma is a male.

Like I told you earlier, no one can ever solve this problem. But one fact about me that you don't know is I'm a genius! I know the answer to this complicated family.

Jonghyun hyung is crazy for coming up with all these ideas.

Don't tell me you don't agree with me! There is no other solution. But I love his ideas. I love both of them so much. And now I have a new hyung, too! His name is Minho. He's very tall, and Jonghyun hyung always avoids standing next to him, for a reason that all of us know, kekeke. Let's not talk about this because he's practicing his aikido, now. Back to Minho hyung, his eyes are so big. Key hyung sometimes calls him 'alien'. He's a really nice hyung.

Back to Key hyung, though I said he's my favorite just now, sometimes he annoys me. Like what he did just now.

Three hours ago..

Whatever happened last night, it was not my fault! It's Alex noona's! I always know all her ideas will lead to disaster but since she's my beloved cousin, I can never say 'no' to her. She also promised that I will not get into trouble for helping her, but yeah. I know her for years. She only knows how to create disasters, and I keep on saying 'yes' when she asks for my help. Lee Taemin, you pabo!

Because of her and her never-ending stupid plans to get her dream boy [which always change as she grows up], I was involved in this so-scary-experience I don't want to think about it anymore. A very scary experience I never wanted to happen ~ aish.. If only I can meet a fairy and ask her to grant me a wish, I will wish for her to make me forget about what had happened. Noona, because of you too, I can only get back to my house in the morning! I broke my promise to Minho hyung, aish~

I glanced at my watch, and it's still early. All of the hyungs must still be in bed. I'm too tired and sleepy to climb into my room, so I decided to walk in using the front door. I got the key, kekeke. Each of us got one, obviously.

Omo.. the door is not locked? Key hyung never forgets to lock the door, so I think this must be Jonghyun hyung's doing. Minho hyung doesn't look like one who forgets to lock the door too. Hm..

I took off my sneakers and arranged them nicely on the shoe rack, and tiptoed carefully to the door. I don't want to wake them up. Never had I thought all my extra-careful acts will go to waste. I found out that all of the hyungs have their eyes on me the moment I stepped into the house. Great.

"Taemin..?" Key hyung called my name, staring at me in disbelief.

"Key hyung..?" I muttered his name, and that?s it. I don't really know how to explain this.

"Where did you come from, Taeminnie?" Jonghyun hyung quickly asked.

"I .. I thought all of you are still in bed..?" I muttered slowly. Well, I really thought they were all still in bed!

"Taemin, where were you last night?" Key hyung quickly asked. He must have noticed I'm not answering the necessary questions regarding my entrance in the house in the morning, obviously not in my room last night. Eotteoke, readers?

A few hours ago..

Onew's POV

Phone.. phone, where are you..

My fingers are moving everywhere on the nearest small table beside the bed. Ah, there you are! I finally grabbed it when my fingers found it. I'm too sleepy to open my eyes and I need to know the time right now. I need my phone.

My eyes almost fell out form their sockets when I was finally able to open my eyes and glance at the screen of my mobile phone. It's almost 11.30 in the morning, and I already missed two classes! And I have a test too, oh my gosh! Pabo Onew, how can you oversleep today?! And there, I slapped my face for being so stupid for accidentally skipping two classes in a row.

I feel like shouting for being a very bad student. I was about to wake up when suddenly I saw a tall figure adjusting her dress, her long hair, putting on her heels and quickly leaving the room.

Starlight ..? She's the girl from the ball last night.

What is she doing in my room?

And why did she paint my door white? I don't want a white door. I always like my mahogany door. And how can a girl like her be so strong? She moved my closet to the other side of the room! Why is she doing that? Just because she's my starlight that doesn't mean she can rearrange my room to her liking!


I failed. Big time. She didn't paint my door white. And she didn't move my closet to the other side of the room. That is not my door, and the closet is not mine. To be exact, this is not my room, oh my God! I rubbed my eyes with my fingers and paid good attention to the room. This is not my room.. where am I? How can I end up in this strange room with that girl? Since when? For how long..?

"You're awake," suddenly a boy stepped into the room, and talked randomly as he cleaned the room. More like a monologue, actually.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Jonghyun," he answered, without looking at me.

Jonghyun? That name quickly rang a bell. Kim Jonghyun! The one who did a stupid experiment to prove I'm actually gay, last night. Nonsense.

"No, I'm not Kim Jonghyun. He's my bestfriend. I'm Lee Jonghyun," the guy called Jonghyun suddenly said as if he can read my mind, picking up stuffs on the floor. Yeah, he's not the same Jonghyun I met last night. This Jonghyun is much taller. And his curly hair is longer. Best friends and even sharing the same name. Cool.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"In my house. I have this one empty room, and because that Jonghyun asked me to lend it for you and your girlfriend last night,"

"That girl? She's not my girlfriend," I quickly said. This Jonghyun must have misunderstood the current situation or something.

"Oh really? And why are you kissing her all over her neck and .. uh I don't know. But you two really look like a couple last night, making out in front of the hall," he said with a smirk.

"Making.. out? No no, what are you talking about?" I think a lightning just struck me a few moments ago. Me.. making out?

"OK, I'm over-exaggerating it. You're not making out with her, but almost. She even ed your tuxedo back then," he said as he stared into my eyes.

"No, she didn?t! I still have my tuxedo on!" I snapped. This Lee Jonghyun looks puzzled, still staring at me. I remove the blanket and quickly jumped off the bed and Lee Jonghyun quickly turned away.

"Put something on, for god's sake!" he snapped. What is he talking about? I turn back and I saw a tall mirror. And I screamed as loud as ever when I saw a Lee Jinki in the mirror. I grabbed the blanket back and wrapped it around my waist. What had happened last night..?

"Jonghyun asked me to let you two stay last night since my house is the nearest to the hall. He just got to know you and don't know where you live. And to protect you, too. What will happen if any of the lecturers caught you and the girl kissing like there's no tomorrow? For god's sake, you're the best student in our faculty, Lee Jinki,"

Okay, so this Lee Jonghyun knows me? Maybe because I got the "best student" title a number of times.

"You even got .. marks.. on your chest," Lee Jonghyun said again, and I quickly examine myself in the mirror. He's right, I got some.. love bites on my collar bone, on my neck, too.

Starlight, are you a vampire?

"You can go home after you dress up properly, don't forget to take this," he handed me a very beautiful, pearl bracelet with a big, silver 'A' as the locket.

"This is not mine," I quickly said.

"It must be your girlfriend's, pabo. Keep it, I don?t want to be accused as a thief later," he said as he stepped out of the room, leaving the bracelet on the bed.

What have you done, Lee Jinki?



Jonghyun's POV

"Lee Taemin, look into my eyes and answer me! I will not let you go to your room, not until you tell me where you were last night!?" Key is so mad right now, I can tell from his expression. I understand him, and I pity the magnae, too. Taemin is staring at the floor, sitting on the sofa right beside Minho in silence.

"Key, just let him go. We've been talking about this for almost two hours and it's not going anywhere. Why don't we stop first, let him go to his room to rest, you can go and rest too, and we will talk about this again tonight," I said, as calm as ever, very careful not to make Key even angrier than he already is.

"No!" he snapped at my suggestion. Aish, Taemin. Mianhae, appa is useless.

"Are you going to tell me or not?!" Key is asking again, and now the magnae looks like he is going to snap too.

"How many times do I have to tell you, hyung? I went to my friend's house to do homework!" my son is raising his voice now, aish~

"You think I'm going to believe you just like that? Even if you're not lying, why didn't you tell me you need to do your homework with a friend? And why didn't I know what time you went out last night? Don't tell me you went out through the window?!" Key is getting angrier when Taemin raised his voice just now.

"So what if I jumped out from the window? Why do you care?!" Uh oh, son. Hold your tongue.

"Why do I care, you asked?! Am I a stranger to you?!!" Key will burst soon, like a volcano, believe me.

"This is my life, and you have no right to interfere! I hate you, hyung!" and with that, Taemin leave the living room for his room, and slammed the door so hard it hurts my ears so much.

"Fine! Lock yourself in your room as long as you want! No dinner for you tonight!" Key shouted back, and he slammed his door, too. How childish. But I do notice something. Key looked so hurt when Taemin said he hates him just now.

Poor Key.

"Are they always like this, hyung?" suddenly Minho asked.

"Well, quite.. They had around four or five fights similar to this last year. But five fights in a year is much better that two fights in a week," I replied.

"So this is the second time they fought this week?"

"Neh," I nod my head. I still remember how bad Key had scolded our son last two days, and Taemin did not talk to him for 24 hours because of that.

Minho's POV

"Neh," he said as he nods his head. Hurm, two fights like this in a week? This is not good. I hope they will make up soon.

Suddenly my mobile phone beeped in my pocket, marking the incoming of a new message. I can't help but to smile when I saw the name of the sender. Onew hyung.

"Minho, are you busy? Can we meet somewhere? I really have something really important to talk about!"

The message sounds urgent, so I quickly gave him a 'yes', asking for a meeting at our favorite cafe in the campus. I'm late for college today because of this "family problem", thank god I have no morning class today.

"I'm going, hyung," I said to Jonghyun hyung as I stood up.

"Aish, what am I going to do alone in this house? My son and my wife are not talking to each other, and to me, too~" Jonghyun hyung is whining, but I ignored him and stepped out. I'm meeting him in a while, and I can't help but to smile.

It took me less than 15 minutes to reach my college, and I quickly walk to the cafe. I quickly spotted him in the back corner of the cafe, burying his face in his folded arms on the table.

"Hyung," I said as I patted on his shoulder. He lifted his face up, and adjusted his seat on the chair when he saw me.

"Thanks for coming, Minho," he said, and he is stared at me blankly.

"What had happened, hyung?" I quickly asked. He looks so disturbed.

"Something that I never, ever wanted to happen had happened last night," he said, whispering.

"What..?" I asked, as curious as ever.

He grabs the empty glass in front of him, looking at it with so much interest, ignoring my question.

"Hyung.." I called him, and he sighed.

"I think I just lost my ity.." he said in a very low tone. I think I almost screamed when I heard him, believe me!

"Hyung, this is not funny. Are you joking?" I asked, and I chuckled a bit, realizing I really fell for his stupid joke a moment ago. But I guess I was wrong. Onew hyung.. the soft part of him suddenly disappeared when he threw the glass on the floor, attracting all the customers to us.

"Hyung, what are you doing!?" I tried to get a hold of his arm, but he let go of his arm from mine harshly and pushed me away.

"Do I look like I'm joking? I'm not, Minho, I'm not!" he shouted and he walked off, leaving me all alone. I look at the shattered glass on the floor. Onew hyung, are you for real?

To be continued..

Let's talk a bit about this chapter. Taemin and Key were shouting at each other. Don't get Key wrong, he loves the magnae, really, but the thought of Taemin having a boyfriend [remember the 'Hyung' in the last chapter?] made him uneasy and easily get angry, that's all. As for Onew.. you see, everybody made mistakes, and Onew made a big one in this chapter.

Oh yes, please welcome
Lee Jonghyun from CNBLUE as a cameo, lol XD. I love featuring cameos these days :)

Lately, I got so many ideas for Starlight 03. I was so excited to work on it, but then I remember I only have four chapters for Starlight 01, and haven't started Starlight 02, LOL~ I have to be patient. It will be a long journey before I can start working on the third book.

So yeah, that's all.

Till the next update,

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i hope you update... its really been a while
please update!
Jinkimababy #3
Are you still updating? It's been quite a while now..
Jinkimababy #4
UPDATE! its such a cute fanfic(:
Lee_juliette #6
PLEASE UPDATE!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!! sorry. i went a little spazzy there for a sec. anyway. im reading who am i to you, and please with love! and i love your writing! but you havent updated this in a while, based on the comments... sorry, i dont want to make you feel bad, i totally understand if you're busy or not motivated to update! so ontae ftw!!
congratz~ :D I'll read the fanfic later but OMGOSH! ONTAE!!!! :DDDD They are so cute here~ but I feel bad for MinKey. And Jjong is oblivious. :( Update~ I want to see where this is going to go~ :)
Wooohoooo~ Gonna read it :3333