

tabeko : neh neh i remember abt the prize and the winner XD. gimme some times, im going back to all sites i posted this fic on and listing the winners XD keke. OnTae ftw XD! *random, lmao*
HanaKyu : aww, thank u for picking my fic as ur first shinee fic to read ^^!
serrenatta : here's the new chapter ^^.
kpopvyshi : Jjong is a dino, lmao XD. He's funny in this fic, keke.
STARLee : Agree, Jjong pretending to be a doctor was totally a face-palming moment. :)
2maluv : thank u so much for ur encouraging comment!
keyflower : now that the fic is ending, everybody is making wild gueses, keke. lets see if u got ur guess right when the fic ends :)



Onew's POV

"Hyung, this look so nice on you!" Taemin said as he hands me a super big t-shirt. It's pink in colour, and there is a picture of a really big strawberry on it. The shirt is seriously so big, the supposedly short sleeves cover my elbows, and the length.. it almost reached my knee. I know I look so stupid right now, and Taemin is laughing so hard when he saw me in that shirt.

"Taem, why are you doing this to me?" I asked, pretending to be sad.

"Omo hyung, mianhae! I am just joking!" he said, still laughing though. He helps me to take of the big shirt and place it back from where he took it just now.

"The shirt is cute, and I think it looks cute on you too, hyung," he said, smiling. I gave him my honest smile and off he went, running and jumps onto Jonghyun's back, asking for a piggy ride.

Taemin started his school holiday yesterday, so Key decided all five of us can hang out together at the newly open mall here. For them to get to know me better, as the newest member of our not-so-big family, and also for Taemin to have fun, and rest from his school-life pressure.

Oh, did he say I look cute with that stupid shirt just now?

I gave the stupid shirt a second glance.

Minho's POV

I am sitting on one of the benches provided not very far from the clothes section, staring at Onew hyung. He looks so happy. Unusually happy, and I know it's because Taemin is around. I'm not that stupid to try making myself feel relief by denying that pair of eyes full of love Onew hyung had to sometimes steal a glance at the magnae. It has been four weeks since Onew hyung moved into our house and those two are getting along very well.

Onew hyung is smiling.

If only I can smile, too.

"If only I can smile, too,"

Did I just say that out loud?!

"Can I sit here?"

I then realized that sentence was actually muttered by Key, and he is now standing besides me, holding some paper bags in his arms.

"Sure," I said, moving a bit to the left, giving him some space to join me on the bench.

"You were saying..?" I tried to know what does he meant by saying that sentence just now. It's interesting how both of us can come out with the same line, though I didn't say mine out loud.

"Look at them," Key said. I followed his eyes, and he is staring at Onew hyung and Taemin, joking around with shirts and pants. Jonghyun hyung is there too, joining their jokes.

"Onew hyung looks happy," I said.

"Taemin looks happy, too," Key said. I notice he sounds sad.

"Key, can I ask you something?"


"Do you like Taemin?"


I wait for a few moments, but no answer came so I turn to face him, only to find him tightening his arms around all the paper bags close to his chest, staring at his feet, and he looks so hurt.

"Come," I said as I took his hand in mine, dragging him out of the mall with me. He hesitated a bit at first, but he followed my steps after that, dropping all the bags on the floor.

"Where are you taking me..?" I heard him asking. I decided not to answer his question since I don't know where are we heading too, but I know one thing for sure. Away from Onew hyung and Taemin.

I suddenly feel the urge to protect Key. I don't want him to be hurt.

Perhaps, I don't want myself to be sad, too.



Onew's POV

"Where's my wife?" Jonghyun suddenly broke my conversation with Taemin.

"He was sitting there with Minho hyung just now," Taemin said, pointing to the empty bench.

"Aigoo, Minho just kidnapped my wife!!" he unexpectedly shouted, and dash out from the mall before we manage to stop him.

"A-appa.." Taemin stuttered, watching his 'appa' who is now gone with the wind.

"Now what?" I asked. Only both of us left in this mall.

"I don't know, too.." came his reply.

"Oh hey, you two!" suddenly a guy approached us, and I saw a small crowd are all over the guy, who is holding a microphone.

"Come and join us in CC the July Session!" the guy said, grinning. I think he is an MC or something.

"CC.. ? What's that?" Taemin asked. I second that. CC the July Session.. ?

"Oh my god, are you two new in this town?" the MC asked.

I was about to tell them I was born here, but Taemin quickly cut in and said both of us are new, giving me his 'let's just go with the flow' glare.

"No wonder you guys didn't know what CC is. It stands for Couple Contest! We played the game in this town once in a month," the MC replied excitedly. Couple.. what?

"Ah.. I see," Taemin nods his head.

"We already have five lucky couples, waiting in the second level. I'm looking for the sixth couple, interested?" the MC asked, shoving his microphone to me.

"Uh.. what kind of couple?" I asked, scratching my head as I look at the five couples, waiting up stairs. They are.. normal couples. I mean, you know.. male and female? I don't know what is funny about my question but the crowd burst into laugh.

"Couple with special relationship, of course! And let me tell you something," the MC said as he leans down a bit, pretending to whisper to me [using his microphone, is that even considered whispering?], "your girlfriend is so pretty,".

"Girlfriend.. ?" I muttered, not knowing what he is talking about. But then I saw Taemin's cheeks blushing in rose upon hearing that sentence, adjusting his leather jacket a bit. I then understand. The MC thought Taeminnie is a girl.. and Taemin's act with his jacket just now is to hide his flat chest. Another his 'let's just go with the flow', eh?

"I can see that you like boyish type of girl," the MC said again as he walks us to the other couples, and I heard small laughter from the audience. I look at Taemin, and he is smiling. Well yes, if he is really a girl, he is a boyish type, because of the way he dresses. And he'll make a very tall 'girl' too.

Taemin and I took our place and stand next to the fifth couple. The MC then greets the audience and crack some jokes, too. I look at Taemin. He looks gorgeous with that long hair [except that his bang almost covered his pretty eyes], his black leather jacket and red, tight pants.

Pynk : I just thought Taemin in his black jacket and red pants in Lucifer MV is hot XD

Too pretty.

"Today's game is very easy," and now I started to pay attention to the MC.

"We must win this, hyung!" Taemin said excitedly. And I know I want to win this. I don't want his smile to disappear.

"Don't tell me you just called him 'hyung'?!" suddenly the MC asked, and now all pair of eyes are on us. Uh oh..

"Calling him 'oppa' makes me sounds too feminine and weak," Taemin quickly said, and he softens his voice a bit.

"Ah, so you're that tough kind of girl?" the MC asked, and Taemin nods his head. LOL, Taemin.

"Ok, I see that we have a very interesting couple today," the MC said, tricked by Taemin.

A few seconds later a few guys in green appear. They must be from the production of this CC game, I can see their company logo on the back of their t-shirt.

Each one of them is pushing an empty trolley and gives one to each pair.

"What's your name?" the MC then asked me.

"Onew," I said, and I heard laughter from the audience.

"Cute name," the MC said as he hands me a large amount of cash. I took it and I gave Taemin a glance. He stares at the money in my hand with his big eyes. The MC then gave the other couple the same amount of money, too.

"7 000 KRW is now in your hand. Here are some simple rules for you guys to win this game. We already emptied this floor from customers so that you guys can play this safely. All you guys have to do is shopping! Yes, shop everything from this mall with the money I just gave!"

IMPORTANT : I don't know how much is 7000 KRW, lol. So let's just paly along with me and imagine its a BIG amount of money, okay?

"That sounds easy," one of the contestants said. I second that.

"Yes it is. But! The payment at the end must not be more than the amount, even by just one cent!"

"What if we can't reach that amount?" Taemin asked.

"The couple with the closest amount to 7 000 KRW will win. No calculator is allowed, so please hand in your mobile phones," the MC said with a smile, and one of the staff started to collect our mobile phones. Who needs a calculator to count prices within 7 000 KRW?

"The stuffs you need to buy must be from various categories. You will be eliminated if you only buy electrical appliances," the MC said again.

"The MC is clever. I thought of buying electrical items too," Taemin said as he chuckled.

"You can start shopping now!" the MC said, and all of us [including the other contestants] are staring at him.

"What are you guys waiting for?!" he shouted.

"You mean the game started already?" I asked, blinking my not so big eyes.

"Of course! Go, go!" the MC pushed me, and only after that all the contestants flee from the place they were standing just now, pushing they trolley like crazy.

"Hyung, let's go!" Taemin said as he grabs my wrist. I grab the trolley and both of us run together and the first section we reach is the shoes section.

"Hyung, let's find some expensive shoes!" Taemin said as he started browsing all the racks. I look at all the shoes. They smells expensive..

"Here, I got two pairs!" Taemin suddenly appear in front of me with two leather shoes and throws them into the trolley.

"How's the price?"

"310 KRW each," he said as he grabs the trolley and ran to the other section. I grab another three pairs with the same price tag and run after Taemin.

"This is the best section!" Taemin said when we reach the electrical appliances section. I put in the three shoes in the trolley and I went after him.

"I don't know iron is this cheap," he said, showing me the price tag of the iron he is holding.

"120 KRW.. Let's look for other appliances then!" I said as I run deeper into the section. I was busying my eyes looking for a good price tag when I saw a fridge.

"Taem, come here!" I shouted for his name.

"Did you found anything, hyung?" he asked when he reached me, and I point to the fridge. He stares at the fridge and he smacks me on my back after that.

"Hyung, the price is 7 400 KRW! We can't afford that!"

"Ah.." I just saw the price tag after that and I gave Taemin a grin.

"I can't be mad at you, hyung," he then said, pinching my cheeks, and I swear I must be so red right now.

"Let's take these!" Taemin said as he grabs a large number of irons and rice cookers. I quickly make a simple calculation in my mind. He just stuffed in another 1200 KRW into the trolley.

"I'll go to the books sections!" I said and I quickly make my way to the said place. The book store is huge, I don't know what books should I buy.

"Hyung, palli! Let's go to the other section!" I heard Taemin's voice, so I quickly grabbed five sets of Harry Potter books. Seven thick books, multiply by 5, I think I just broke my arms carrying these sets and put them inside the trolley.

"Hyung, you're clever!" Taemin said when he saw the sets.

"As long as we can reach 7 000 KRW," I said, wasting somewhere around 1800 KRW on the five sets of the same books.

We're on our way to the clothes section when we heard the MC's loud voice.

"One and a half minute left before we end the game!!"

I swear I dropped my jaw, and Taemin drop his too.

"He didn't talk about the time limit just now!" Taemin said as he pushed the trolley, and then came in another announcement!

"You have to buy at least ONE intimate item!"

"W-what??" Taemin almost shouted.

"I think he is talking about those.." I said pointing to one small section, and we saw lots of bras and . I saw Taemin's rosy cheeks, but he grabs my wrist and drag me with him to the section. There is another couple there, too. They grab a few and left after that.

"What should we buy..?" Taemin asked. If only I have the answer.

"Um.. what's your size?" I asked before I realized it was a stupid question.

"Hyung!" he pouted.

"Mian, mian. Let's just take this.." I said as I stuffed in one pink bra inside the trolley. Gosh I feel so embarrass, seriously.

"One minute left!!" the MC is shouting again, and I saw the other couples are panicking as well.

"Hyung, let's go back to the electrical items section and grab a plasma TV!" Taemin said and both of us pushed the trolley together. The trolley is almost full, and thanks to the books and the electrical items, the trolley is very heavy.

"Omo, hyung. Which one should we buy! There are lots and with different price too!" Taemin said as he stares at all the TVs.

"This one," I said, pointing to the one in front of us.

"Why?" Taemin asked.

"It's 3 100 KRW. If we buy the other TVs, our expenses will be over 7 000 KRW," I said.

"Hyung.. you calculated all that..?" he asked, blinking his eyes.



"It's.. easy," I said. I hope I don't sound arrogant.

"Omo hyung! You should teach me mathematics tonight!" he said with a cheerful tone.

"Sure, no problem. Well, we have one problem now,"


"This TV will not fit into the trolley," I said. Taemin stared at the almost full trolley before he nods.

"Taem, go find another 300 KRW worth items! I'll carry this to the MC!" I said with a smile.

"Are you sure, hyung?" he asked.

"Yes. Just go! 30 seconds left!" I said, and he quickly runs to his left after that. I stare at the TV for a few seconds before I pick it up with all my strength. Gosh, who made such a heavy appliance..

I kick the trolley with all my might and it rolls on its own to the MC. I heard loud cheers from the audience together with my kick. Now that I don't have to push the trolley, I can carry the TV freely.

"You're strong.." the MC said when I reach him.

"Thanks," I said, panting.

"15 seconds left!!" he shouted, and I saw the other couples already standing in their place just now, looking so tired and sweaty too.

The audience counts the seconds left, together with the MC when Taemin appear with two big teddy bears in his hug when we only have 5 seconds left.

"Time!!" the MC shouted, marking the ending of the game.



Minho's POV

Both Key and I are walking home together. It's already night. I already text Onew hyung not to wait for us.

The past few hours were beautiful.

We didn't do much. Just sit at the corner of an air-conditioned cafe, drinking a few cups of coffee latte, and talk.

We talk a lot, believe me.

My feelings for Onew hyung is no longer a secret. He knows it. And his pain watching Taemin with Onew hyung is being shared, too.

We decided that we'll be happy if our beloved are happy. Cliche. But it's the truth.

Furthermore, it's not that Onew hyung and Taemin broke our heart on purpose. They don't even know our feelings. Can't blame them.

"Maybe we should found a club together!" Key suddenly said. We are standing in front of our house now.

"What club?"

"A club for people who got their heart.. broken," Key said. He's smiling, though.

"I can be the vice president," I said, motioning him to the door.

"The door is not locked," Key said as he steps into the house. We found Jonghyun hyung lying on his stomach on the sofa, asleep. He looks tired.

"Aigoo, hyung.. wake up!" Key pats on his back a few times and he finally opens his eyes.

"Yeobo!" he quickly give Key a hug before being pushed away.

"Aish, don't call me that. What's these mess?" Key asked, pointing to tissues everywhere on the carpet.

"Um.. mianhae~" came in Jonghyun hyung's reply.

"Hyung, why are you like this, playing with tissues. You're already 20," Key started nagging.

"I know I'm 20, that's why I can marry you legally," Jonghyun hyung replied with a grin.

"Stop with that jokes, hyung. Now you better clean up all these mess before you go to bed, arasso?"

"Neh.. why are you so angry?" Jonghyun hyung bend down and pick up all his tissues on the floor, pouting. Poor hyung. Key is not playing along with his 'husband and wife' game.

"Let me help you," I said, volunteering.

"No, Minho. Let him do it by himself," Key said.

"Ah, Key! Where's the paper bag I gave you earlier?" he asked. I turned to Key, and he looks startled. I just remembered he dropped all the bags when I dragged him out from the mall in rush.

"I.. I left it in the mall.." Key replied, and he sounds so guilty.

"Ah.. I bought a t-shirt just now. Well, I guess I'll just but a new one later," he grinned, and I saw a relief expression on Key's face. I must say the most cheerful person in this house is Jonghyun hyung. Sadness must be so scared of him.

"I'll buy you a new one tomorrow, hyung," Key quickly said, and Jonghyun nods with his usual cheerful grin. I don't know why but I started to feel jealous over those two..


Onew's POV

"You are still smiling," I said, watching Taemin. Both of us are now lying on the green field, not very far from our house.

Stargazing is much beautiful with Taemin on my side.

"Of course, hyung! We won the game! Furthermore everything we bought during the game are now ours! Key omma will be pleased with all the rice cookers," Taemin replied cheerfully.

"I enjoy the game so much, although it's tiring," I said.

"Neh.. and hyung, you're so awesome with the counting! I can't believe we spent the exact amount they gave us!" he said as he turns to me.

"Well, I guess numbers like me," I said as I chuckled.

"Hyung, you're funny," he replied with a smile as he turns back to his position, and both of us are now staring at the stars.

"Taemin, is it okay if I talk about Jun hyung..?" I decided to ask.

"Well.. yes," came in his reply.

"About what you saw last month.. it's really not my fault.." I said. I don't want him to think I ruined his relationship with Jun hyung.

"I know," he said.

"H-how did you know..?"

"Remember the day I have to submit my essay last month? After I submitted it, I went to your university and look for the noona I met in Jun hyung's house the day I know he's a liar. It took me sometimes, but I manage to find her and she told me what had happened that day. She said you disturbs her precious moments with Jun hyung, so she left. So I just concluded he actually attacked you after the noona left.." he replied, and his melancholy tone made me sad.

"I'm sorry.." that's all I can say for now.

"It's not your fault, hyung. At least I know he's a jerk, and I got to know you," he replied, and I can see his lips formed a smile.

"I'm glad I meet you, too," I replied with a smile. Both of us stay in silent for a few moments, breathing the fresh, night air.

"I love stargazing," suddenly he said.

"Me too. But I love starlight more that stargazing," I replied.

"Why is that?"

"My mom said the star will not be pretty if it's not shining,"

He took a few seconds before he said "Neh, I agree with your mom."

"So a star always need it's starlight to be complete. I'm still looking for my starlight," I said.

"Really..?" Taemin asked.


And right then I remember that I actually already met my starlight. I remembered the one night stand with the long-haired girl. I remember what Lee Jonghyun told me about us making out in front of the hall. I remember Kim Jonghyun arranged a room for us to save my reputation in front of the lecturers. I remember when I woke up . I remember the fragrance Alex's perfume, and I know she's the one.

But I wish Taemin is my starlight. Other than him is not important.

I only want him.

"Taem, please.. b-be my starlight.."

I can't believe I said that!!

I waited for a few moments for his reply, but he didn't.

"T-taem.. I'm just joking.." I muttered slowly as I turn to face him, only to find him sleeping soundly, using his right arm as a pillow.

I'm more than glad he didn't hear what I said. What if he doesn't feel the same?

He looks so tired. I grabbed for his leather jacket besides him and cover his upper body, protecting him from the night cold. I then, lean down a bit and give a him a kiss on his forehead.

I love him.

To be continued..

I am extremely sorry for the late update! Believe me, my new semester is a killer and it's very hard for me to sit and write my fics!

So yeah, Onew and Taemin is progressing rapidly! Jonghyun is cheerful and cute as usual, and I know all of you like his character in here ^^, I can see that in your comments. He's lovable, right? And you can see a lil bit of MinKey, too. I know some of you were asking about Alex. She will be back in the next chapter!

And I want to tell you that actually there is a hidden scene in this chapter. That scene will only be revealed in Starlight 02, so please don't go anywhere ^^.
Random. I got these from SHINee World Malaysia ^^! Starlight 01 was voted as the best on-going SHINee fic for 2010. These awards makes my day ^^! I actually won four awards, but the other two are not related to fics.

Drop you comment and make me happy!

Till the next chapter,

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i hope you update... its really been a while
please update!
Jinkimababy #3
Are you still updating? It's been quite a while now..
Jinkimababy #4
UPDATE! its such a cute fanfic(:
Lee_juliette #6
PLEASE UPDATE!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!! sorry. i went a little spazzy there for a sec. anyway. im reading who am i to you, and please with love! and i love your writing! but you havent updated this in a while, based on the comments... sorry, i dont want to make you feel bad, i totally understand if you're busy or not motivated to update! so ontae ftw!!
congratz~ :D I'll read the fanfic later but OMGOSH! ONTAE!!!! :DDDD They are so cute here~ but I feel bad for MinKey. And Jjong is oblivious. :( Update~ I want to see where this is going to go~ :)
Wooohoooo~ Gonna read it :3333