Best Friends






Onew's POV

"Hyung, please open the door," I said, knocking on his door. I wait for a moment after that for him to reply, but I heard nothing.

"Jun hyung, wake up. You'll be late for class again if you don't," I said, knocking still. This room mate of mine had received a number of warning letters from the college authorities for skipping classes regularly. Believe me when I said ‘regularly'.

"Hyung, I'll go to class first. Your breakfast is on the table," I gave up at last and decided to go without him. It's easy if he was to go with me, because he will take me in his car. When I'm alone [like today], I'll just walk with my best friend.

"Hyung," he greeted me politely. Choi Minho, he is living in the same neighborhood. This best friend of mine is almost perfect. He's tall, he's good-looking, his voice melts [I heard some fangirls said this], he's an athlete, he's well-mannered, he's.. well, the list goes on. And matured, yes. He's 18, still in his first year in my college, but he's not like other students sharing his age. He doesn't waste time, he doesn't chase after girls [for a certain reason that I shouldn't really talk about], he don't really care about entertainment, and is very focused on his goal;

"I want to study well, graduate as soon as possible, get a good job and get married," he said when I asked.

Imagine a fine guy with big eyes like him talking about marriage in such a young age. Well, like I said, he's not like others in his age.

"Will you attend the dinner tonight?" I asked as we walk together.

"The dinner is only for final year students like you, hyung. Furthermore, I have to pack my things," he replied with his deep voice.

"Pack your things? Why? Are you going somewhere?"

"I'm moving to another house, hyung. I'm living alone here, so I alone have to pay the rent for the whole house. I can't afford it," he answered.

"So, where is this new house? Will you have roommates there?" I asked.

"It's not far from here, hyung. I will show you later. We will be walking by it on our way. And I think I will have two or three new roommates there," he said, smiling. I nod my head to his reply, hoping for him to get nice roommates, not someone like Jun hyung. Ah, I shouldn't be talking bad about him~

Jun hyung .. he doesn't really care about the house we rent together. I keep it clean, I buy food to fill the fridge, and I cook too. He will be home for lunch, and disappear after that. He will be back when I already went to bed, and when I wake up the next morning, he is still in bed. We don't talk much, really. Thank God he is still paying the rent.

"That's the house, hyung," Minho's voice shocked me a bit. I turned to my left and I saw a regular-size house. It looks clean and comfortable, yes. The garden is green I feel like lying there on the grass right this moment. Through the window, I saw a pretty, young girl in long white dress shouting to this one teenage boy about.. I don't know.

"Minho, if one of your roommates bring his girl friend back, are you okay with that?" I asked. I think the teenage boy will be Minho's roommate, and the girl is his girl friend and they are fighting over something.

"Well, I don't mind," he gave a short reply. I turn back to the window.

"I can't believe you did this!" the boy is shouting.

"I don't want to do this either! I was forced!" the girl is shouting too.

The boy must be annoyed now that the pretty girl is pregnant. He's still young so I guess he doesn't want to have a baby at this moment. As for the girl, I think she doesn't want the baby, too. But she is pretending she wants to have the baby so that she can claim lots of money from the boy, and the boy must be from some rich family. I feel clever now, haha.

I guess I watch too many dramas these days.

"You don't believe me? Fine!" the girl snapped, and suddenly the boy .. I think he noticed someone [which is me] is watching them so he closed the window so I can't watch the drama anymore. Aish.. I hope they both will make up soon. Poor baby, having such bad parents.

"Hyung, will you attend the dinner tonight?" Minho asked all of a sudden. I quickly nod my head and gave him a bright smile.

"Of course I will! I will get myself a girl friend tonight!" I feel bright all of a sudden.

Minho's POV

Onew hyung looks so interested in my new house. I saw a boy and a girl having a fight, shouting to each other but it's not that clear, I don't really know what they are talking about.

Unlike Onew hyung, instead of paying attention to the couple, I decided to eye him. He is older by two years than me, but he doesn't really act his age. He's a bit childish sometimes, and dorky, yeah. He's a caring friend, and he owns the friendliest smile ever.

His skin is flawless. I just love his tofu-like skin. Fair and soft, I wish I can feel his skin..

"Hyung, will you attend the dinner tonight?" I asked, starting a conversation. Much to my surprise, he nods.

"Of course I will! I will get myself a girl friend tonight!" and he looks so happy.

I forgot that not everybody is like me.

He's straight.


Key's POV

"I will never cook tonight! Jonghyun hyung will starve to death soon and I will be the happiest person ever to stand on earth!" I'm talking to myself, choosing the best carrots for me to make healthy juice for my son tonight. He is not talking to me for three hours already and I miss him so much.

"Pack these for me," I handed the cashier those selected carrots. I hope to see him smiling again tonight.

"Yah, Kim Kibum!" his annoying voice is everywhere, oh my God.

"What do you want, hyung~" I replied with no interest.

"I thought you want to let me die of starvation," Jonghyun hyung who appear out of nowhere asked as he jumps right in front of me. Is he following me here or something?

"These are for my son,"

"Our son,"

"What do you mean?"

"We live together for two years and we have him,"

"You're crazy, hyung," I said as I walk out from the shop, and I heard him chuckling.

"You look pretty when you're mad, Key," he said between his chuckles. Pretty?

I don't want to look pretty. I want to look manly. I want to convince him that I can protect him.


Onew's POV

The theme colour for tonight is black. My classmate said it's y. I don't know, I never cared about colours before. Any colours suit my fair skin. My tofu-like skin, Minho once said.

I laid my eyes on a pair of black tuxedo in my closet. My parents gave me that on my birthday a few months ago. I wore it once before, and since it's fully in black, I think I can wear it tonight. I quickly took off my shirt, throwing it on the floor. I was about to try on my tuxedo when suddenly Jun hyung barged into my room.

"Hy..hyung!" I covered my bare chest with the tuxedo. This guy, is it so hard to knock before coming in?

He stood there in front of the door, saying nothing, and his eyes creepily eyeing me from head to toe. I feel like I'm being….

"I will not be here tonight, so you don't' have to.. to.." I was about to tell him not to wait for me for dinner tonight because I will be attending the ball when he steps towards me. I stuttered my words because of that..

"You don't need this," he said as he grabbed the tuxedo I used to cover my half- body and he pinned me to the wall.

"Hyung, I don't have time to play around like this," I tried to sound angry, but I failed. His action is scaring me.

"Shh.. let me finish what I had started," he said as he kiss me on my neck. I, then pushed him as hard as I can and he fell on the floor.

"Yah, what are you doing?" he shouted at me when he stood back on his feet.

"Supposedly that question is mine. It's okay if you want to play dumb, hyung. Just remember that I'm not gay, and please leave," I'm holding such a big wrath right now. I feel like I can kill people with this volume of anger in myself.

"You will never know if you don't try, Onew," he softens his voice a bit, and he was about to bring me into his arms when I took a drastic action by punching him on his face.

"Get out!" I shouted.

"You'll regret this, Lee Jinki!" he snapped as he walks out. Man, I hate him!

My mobile phone beeped once, marking the new incoming message. I took it from my bed and read the message. It's from Minho.

"Have fun, hyung,"

I don't feel like attending th
e ball already..

To be continued


Jajang! The first two main characters are introduced in the first chapter. A great welcome to Onew and Minho ^^.

Please don't leave just because the pairing is not like what you expected T^T.  If anyone of you find this awkward,  I PROMISE YOU it will get better as the chapters go on!!

Owh, Key and Jonghyun had made their debut too ^^. Key with his omma-ness is always my favourite ^^. And JongKey is always funny together. Taemin's fans, wait for his debut in the next chapter, ne?!


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i hope you update... its really been a while
please update!
Jinkimababy #3
Are you still updating? It's been quite a while now..
Jinkimababy #4
UPDATE! its such a cute fanfic(:
Lee_juliette #6
PLEASE UPDATE!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!! sorry. i went a little spazzy there for a sec. anyway. im reading who am i to you, and please with love! and i love your writing! but you havent updated this in a while, based on the comments... sorry, i dont want to make you feel bad, i totally understand if you're busy or not motivated to update! so ontae ftw!!
congratz~ :D I'll read the fanfic later but OMGOSH! ONTAE!!!! :DDDD They are so cute here~ but I feel bad for MinKey. And Jjong is oblivious. :( Update~ I want to see where this is going to go~ :)
Wooohoooo~ Gonna read it :3333