Chapter 9 + Important information

In The Night

Chapter 9:


“Daehyun will be able to too soon.  He should get it in a few months; around the same time he develops his venom.  But call us as soon as he does.” Heechul said in a serious tone. 


“Why?” Daehyun all but groaned; he was almost scared to ask what would happen once his new abilities showed up.  All the other B.A.P members looked equally worried at Heechuls new serious tone. 

Kyuhyun smirked at the younger’s scared expressions before lightly slapping Heechul on the arm, earning himself a glare in return. 


“Don’t look so scared, Heechul-hyung is just overreacting.  Nothing bad happens when you get your abilities.” With that B.A.P breathed a collective sigh of relief. “The only thing to be careful of is that when Daehyun-shii’s powers do final start developing it will take some time before he is able to control them properly.  They are triggered by his emotions at first so just don’t get to emotional and you’ll be fine, though do call if you’re having a hard time getting the hang of it.” Kyu reassured. 


“Now that you are a vampire Daehyun, you can protect the other members for getting turned like you did.” Heechul said.  The lead singer gave a true smile at the older’s words.  Even thought they now knew how to manage the vampire condition he still didn’t want the other members to go through what he had to.  “Because you can tell vampires apart from humans you are able to stop vampire fans getting to close the group.  The most common place for idols to get bitten is at concerts actually since the managers try and stop idols from walking around in public by themselves.  When you see idols reach their hands into the audience during a performance they are putting themselves at risk of getting bitten.  It just takes one small intentional bite and you’ll turn.”  Heechul said.  All the B.A.P members now looked a little on edge.  They would have to be really carful when they start having solo concerts of their own. 


“Now that Daehyun is one of us he will be able to tell the vampire fans from the real ones and tell you to keep a distance or not to go to close to that part of the audience.  We do this all the time for our Super Junior members.” Kyuhyun said; slightly proud that he could help keep his team safe.  “But don’t beat yourself up if a member is bitten.  Sometimes there is really nothing you could have done to stop it.” Kyu added and nudged Heechul to tell him his words where directed at him.  Kyu’s words where true, there was really nothing Heechul could have done to stop the maknae and Yesung from being turned. 

Daehyun have a small nod at this but he continued to wish he would never be put in a situation like that. 


“I have a question.” Himchan said raising his hand slightly.  The two older vampires turned to him and motioned for him to continue.  “I don’t know if I’m allowed to ask but can you tell us other vampire Idols, just so we know who we can turn to for help or other vampires around Daehyun’s age?  I just don’t want him to go through this alone.  I know he has us but it might help to have other vampires who know what he is going through.” Himchan said quietly, unsure of what was considered rude to ask or what information they were not allowed to tell.  Heechul smiled at the younger’s nervousness. 


“Sure, all us vamp-dols know each other.  Now let’s see, including your group we have 9 idol groups with vampire members.”  The diva said, staring at his hands trying to remember all the names and which groups they belonged to.  All of B.A.P looked a little shocked as Heechul continued.  “Most groups only have one vampire members but there are a few with two.  As you know Super Junior has Yesung, Kyuhyun and I so that’s three.  SHINee has Key, FT Island has Hongki and Jaejin, Infinite has L (Myungsoo), MBLAQ G.O, B1A4 Gongchan, U-KISS has both Dongho and Soohyun, the twins from Boyfriend and now B.A.P Daehyun makes 14 of us in total.”  Heechul said ticking everyone off his fingers. 


“T-That’s a lot.” Youngjae stuttered.  They had all meet quite a few of the people Heechul had named and they would never have suspected them to have been turned. 


“We actually consider ourselves very luck.” Kyuhyun said, “In relation to how many Idols there are in Korea the percentage is not actually very big.  Though we where hoping to get through this year with anyone getting bitten.” Kyu finished smiling to himself sadly.  He looked up at the questioning glances B.A.P were throwing him; clearly not understanding his last comment.  “You see, Daehyun-shii is the first to be bitten this year and seeing as how it is December now we thought we might make it a year.  The last two years have been pretty bad for turnings and we where hopping to not have any this year.” 


“The majority of the vampire we mentioned where turned in 2010 and 2011.  That’s why the companies started taking more precautions with the rookies this year.” Heechul chimed in. 


B.A.P nodded silently, a little overwhelmed with information.  The two Super Junior vampires noticed this and decided they had said enough for today, the younger’s needed time to take everything in. 


“We had best be going now but call us if you need anything.” Kyu said standing up beside Heechul and started saying their goodbyes B.A.P. 


When the older vampires had gone the six boys stood around the living room in a little bit of a daze before they were awakened from their stupor at the sound of Zelo’s stomach grumbling.  With this Himchan headed to the kitchen to make diner with a hopeful Jongup and maknae trailing behind him.  Yongguk sat down in the living room and turned the television on to celebrity news.  Daehyun sighed slightly and made his way out into the hall and up to their shared bedroom.  All the information he had received over the cause of the day was giving him a headache though he knew he would not be able to sleep; he was still had too much energy from feeding earlier. 


Youngjae, noticing the older’s low mood, followed after Daehyun, wanting to know what was wrong.   He knocked lightly on the bedroom door before opening it slightly.  He knew he didn’t have to knock seeing as how this was his room as well but Daehyun looked like he might want to be left alone, though Youngjae knew he couldn’t do that so he settled for being polite instead. 


“Daehyun, is something wrong?” the singer called softly into the dim room before entering and closing the door behind him.  He could just make out the shape of Daehyun lying on his bed through the dimness and went to sit on the bed across from it. 


“No, it’s just a lot to take in is all.” Daehyun’s smooth voice sounded in the quite room, sending small shivers up Youngjae’s back.  Now Youngjae didn’t classify himself as gay, straight or bie.  He had never thought about his uality at all actually.  He hadn’t had a girlfriend/boyfriend before so he wasn’t really sure.  If he found someone attractive he kind of just went with the feelings, not really worrying if those feelings where trigged by a girls or a guy.  He supposed that kind of classified him as bie but he never really liked being put in a category.  Of cause none of the other members knew this.  It wasn’t like he tried to hide it; it was just that it had never come up in conversation.  During the time he had spent with the members while they were trainees and now as B.A.P, Youngjae had grown quite attached to Daehyun.  Don’t get him wrong; he was extremely close to all the members but he had found himself paying the older singer a bit more attention than a ‘just-friend’ would.  With that Youngjae moved over to Daehyuns bunk and sat down next to his best friend. 


The vampire felt the dip in the bed from the extras weight and rolled over to come face to face with his closest friend/crush.  It took him all of three seconds to realise just how close their bodies actually where on the small bed.  Daehyun could feel the heat radiating of Youngjae’s body as well as his gaze lingering on his own surprised face. 







Sorry about the wait Lovely’s.  I went away for Christmas to a place that had NO INTERNET and I couldn’t update and when I got back, work took over my life for the first two weeks. 

I feel evil for leaving it on a cliff hanger like this one, DaeJae!!! 


Have you all seen the new B.A.P MV Rain Sound?  OMG it is so amazing, Daehyun looks so hot in it.  He really was turned into a vampire ahahah. 



I have NEWS.  I have officially decided to make this fan fiction into the first of a series I will do.  It will be called “The Night series” and each vampire idol group will have their own fan fiction that tells the story of them in this world.  When you see the members of one fan fiction interacting with other idol groups, that interaction will appear in the other idol groups fan basically the stories are all set in the same universe and all interlink.  The individual fan fictions will start at different points in the time line so for example the SuJu fic will start when Heechul gets turned which is set 6 years before the B.A.P fic. 

As I mentioned in this chapter there are 9 idol groups with vampire members so each one will have their own fanfic and of course that number is at the B.A.P point in time now I’m going to give some little spoolers for the overall series:

  1. I have planned for there to be 12 fic so far so that’s another 3 groups to get a vampire member and no I will not tell you which groups they are yet, you will just have to read on and see who is turned next hehehe
  2. There will be a big event that happens that will affect all the fics and we may see different vampire groups banding together to get through it.
  3. Any relationships that I do add will most likely be boyXboy relationships
  4. There may be more than 12 fics down the track as new rookie groups come out and I start listening and learning about other groups.
  5. Those of you that are fans of Boyfriend I will tell you a secrete – there is a twist in their fic already planed and it’s going to be GOOD
  6. Out of the 9 groups that I have already mentioned a few of them will have more members turned further down the track


So this way I can write individual stories and adventures for each group that interweave with the other fics as well as the big event I have planned latter on.  This way people can read the stories through the eyes of their favourite groups and not just the one I started off with originally so if you have friends that don’t necessarily love B.A.P but love a different group, tell them about the series and I’ll let you know when new fanfics are uploaded.


Feel free to suggest your favourite groups or other members you want to see turned or little sub plots for any of the groups listed above and I’ll see what I can do. 


Oh and all join in with me saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY Youngjae!!! 


Seng il chook ha hamni da~~
Seng il chook ha hamni da~!
Sa rang ha nuen Youngjae!
Seng il chook ha hamni da!!


I know it’s a day early but I probably won’t be able to update before his actual B’day. 

 DaeJae pictures to celebrate his special day!!!

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Chapter 9: Won't you please update this? ;A; Its such a waste if not orz
This is addicting please update as soon as you can
Chapter 9: woohoo!! thanks so much for the update I really love this fic!
Chapter 9: awww i love this so much. i got really sad when dae cried when jae passed out. so. he likes jaejae? i mean who wouldn't his adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEJAE! I LOVE YOU! :D <3
Chapter 9: I acually dont like read but since this a vampire fic...
Why not? :)
Chapter 8: omg this is so good! update soon!
xyaaar #7
Chapter 3: Really like your story!
Mangoo #8
Chapter 8: ohhh nice story so far :D
Interesting plot and nice writing style! There are some spelling mistakes here and there but not that BIG and noticeabel :O Just wanted to mention it to you lol sry

Oh BUT!!! finally some DaeJae interaction going on *3*
I like that <3
Vamps are damn smexy, especially with all the biting going on lololol But of course this will take a while for them to adjust to first. It's such a huge change....and obviously really frightening because it's so foreign and strange, especially for Daehyun. He slowly has to get used to it, but B.A.P will definitely help him out so much and stay by his side, like a family <3 I think such moments are so endearing if people care so much for other people, not thinking much about themselves, but just wishing their beloved ones won't get hurt and doing everything they can to make them feel better, to share their struggles and find solutions together <3<3<3 soooo nice <3 this just shows how much love is going on here lololol