Chapter 6

In The Night

Chapter 6:


“You need to feed soon!” Leeteuk said suddenly; startling the B.A.P members. 


“Why?” Daehyun said a little shocked.  He was planning on trying not to feed at all and just live of human food; sure the hunger cravings had been very uncomfortable for him but he still felt in control. 


“Shindong, what’s the date today?” Leeteuk said looking at his dongsaeng. 


“What’s the matter?” Yongguk asked; now becoming worried.  If something was going to happen to Daehyun he needed to know about it now. 


“It’s admirable that Daehyun-shii had been able to hold out this long without feeding but the full moon is in a few days.” Leeteuk said trying to stress the importance of this to the confused members.  Super Junior had to find out the hard way about what happens on a full moon to a hungry vampire.  “The night of a full moon is when your hunger will peak.  If you haven’t feed before that night you will lose all self control.  You need to feed before then.” Leeteuk urged. 


“But…” Daehyun said glancing at the members.  He didn’t want to feed from a person; that was why he had stayed away from B.A.P for the first two weeks. 


Bang looked at his dongsaeng and knew this was going to be very hard for him. 

“How do your members feed?” The young leader asked; trying to find the best solution.  He had been worried about Daehyun not feeding and what damaged it could be doing to the younger.  It was like a person starving themselves wasn’t it?


“To be honest it was hard at first.  Heechul was like you, he didn’t want to drink blood but after it became apparent that he needed to we tried to get blood satchels; like the ones you get from the blood bank.  Heechul took one try of it and spat it out; you see even though it was blood his body rejected it.  Vampires need fresh blood.”


Youngjae frowned a bit at this.  He was hoping that they could get Daehyun blood from a blood bank but if he needed fresh blood…


“If they need fresh blood then how do they get it?” Youngjae said a little hesitantly, not wanting to know the answer. 


Leeteuk gave a melancholy smile before rolling up one of his sleeves.  A few pairs of small pin prick scars littered his forearm.  The scars where almost invisible and could be easily overlooked and concealed by make-up. 


“He feed on you?” Himchan said in shock and then let his gaze fall on a frozen Daehyun. 


“ I told him to.  There was no other way for him to get what he needed and I wasn’t going to let him starve himself.  He refused at first and it was hard on all of us but it’s now just another part of our lives.  It’s the same with the other groups like us.  It will be hard at first but you will get used to it.  Just take my word for it; you don’t want to be hungry on a full moon.”  Leeteuk said patting Daehyun on the shoulders.  “I’ll get one of our three vampire members to sit down and talk you through it if you want?  I’ll send them over before the full moon.” The Suju leader said before leaving the apartment with his dongsaeng. 


The B.A.P members went back inside and closed the door; no member daring to say a word as they went back to the living room.  They knew Leeteuks words where not to be taken lightly and that Daehyun would have to feed soon but they didn’t know how to approach the delicate topic. 


“Daehyun…” Himchan started.


“NO!” The singer shouted at them, knowing what the others were trying to say.  Before s could argue back he had used his heightened speed to escape and locked himself in their study room. 


#         #         #


It had been days since the Super Junior members had dropped by to see them the first time and Daehyun was still refusing to feed or even leave the study.  Yongguk was stressed about his dongsaeng, Zelo and Jongup where oddly quite, Himchan had tried to break the door down a few times and Youngjae was camping out in the hall way in front of the closed door. 


“I’ve had enough of this.” Bang said rubbing his temples, feeling a headache coming on for the second time that morning. 


“What are we going to do Bang-Hyung?” Jongup said, playing with his breakfast absentmindedly. 


“I am going to call Leeteuk-Sunbae and have him send one of his vampire members round.” Bang said; pulling out his phone.  If Daehyun was not going to talk or cooperate with them then he would have to get someone who would make him listen and understand. 




“Leeteuk-Sunbae, it’s Bang Yongguk.”  The leader said in a tired voice. 


“Oh Yongguk-shii, How is everything going?” Leeteuks pleasant voice said from the other end. 


“That’s why I’m calling Sunbae; can you send Heechul, Yesung or Kyuhyun-Sunbae over, we’re having some problems with Daehyun.”  Bang said, stress clear in his voice. 


“What’s wrong?  Is everyone okay?” The Super Junior leader sounded a bit alarmed one the other end of the phone. 


“We’re okay but it is kind of argent.”


“I’ll send Heechul and Kyu around now.  Yesung has a schedule.” The older leader said.  Bang thanked him and hung up, waiting for the two vampires to arrive and help them out. 


A few minutes later Bang was opening the door to let Maknae and Diva of Super Junior in. 


“What’s up?” Heechul said as he came in, looking around for Daehyun.  He was always saddened when the manager would come to them and tells them every time another Idol would get turned.  He knew very well what they would have to go through before they go stability back in their life.  He absolutely hated it when rookie Idols would be turned.  They were too young and inexperienced to have to go through crap like being a vampire.  He found that rookies weren’t as good as dealing with it as someone who had been in the industry longer.  That he had found out when B1A4 had a member turned last year. 


“Daehyun’s refusing to feed.  He’s locked himself in the study.” Yongguk said pointing to the hall way. 


“What, has he had any blood since he was changed?” Kyu said from beside Heechul. 


“No, after Leeteuk-Sunbae said he needed to feed and he found out how you…feed, he absolutely refused when we tried to get him too.”


“That’s very dangerous; doesn’t he know that he only has two days till the next full moon?” Kyu said looking at Heechul for help.  Heechul immediately took off towards the hallway only to pause when he saw Youngjae lying on a mattress outside a shut door. 


“Sunbae?” Youngjae said, wandering why the two members of Super Junior where here and then he remembered that these tow where vampires like Daehyun.  “He’s locked the door.”


“That’s not a problem for us.” Kyu said before holding his hand over the lock and a small click sounded as the door swung open.  Youngjae sat up straight and rubbed his eyes.  Had Kyuhyun just unlock the door without touching it?


“Yah, Daehyun.  What do you think you’re doing making your members worry so much?” Heechul called out loudly into the dark room.  Daehyun’s head snapped up from where he was sitting on the floor to see his SuJu-Sunbae’s.  He couldn’t hear their hearts beating and he could smell the difference between them and humans. 


Heechul took one look at Daehyuns condition and pulled Kyu into the room before locking it behind them.  The young singer was pale, even by vampire standards and his eyes where a startling red.  Long pearly white fangs protruded from his lips and he was breathing heavily. 


“Jung Daehyun this needs to stop now.”



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Chapter 9: Won't you please update this? ;A; Its such a waste if not orz
This is addicting please update as soon as you can
Chapter 9: woohoo!! thanks so much for the update I really love this fic!
Chapter 9: awww i love this so much. i got really sad when dae cried when jae passed out. so. he likes jaejae? i mean who wouldn't his adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEJAE! I LOVE YOU! :D <3
Chapter 9: I acually dont like read but since this a vampire fic...
Why not? :)
Chapter 8: omg this is so good! update soon!
xyaaar #7
Chapter 3: Really like your story!
Mangoo #8
Chapter 8: ohhh nice story so far :D
Interesting plot and nice writing style! There are some spelling mistakes here and there but not that BIG and noticeabel :O Just wanted to mention it to you lol sry

Oh BUT!!! finally some DaeJae interaction going on *3*
I like that <3
Vamps are damn smexy, especially with all the biting going on lololol But of course this will take a while for them to adjust to first. It's such a huge change....and obviously really frightening because it's so foreign and strange, especially for Daehyun. He slowly has to get used to it, but B.A.P will definitely help him out so much and stay by his side, like a family <3 I think such moments are so endearing if people care so much for other people, not thinking much about themselves, but just wishing their beloved ones won't get hurt and doing everything they can to make them feel better, to share their struggles and find solutions together <3<3<3 soooo nice <3 this just shows how much love is going on here lololol