Chapter 7

In The Night

Chapter 7:


“Daehyun-shii, you need to feed.” Kyu said approaching carefully.  Even thought Daehyun was a new vampire and he didn’t know how to use his abilities, a hungry vampire was always unpredictable. 

The young singer was looking at his two Sanbea’s like a dear caught in headlights and it was obvious he was having a hard time restraining himself against the call of his instincts. 


“Yah, Daehyun, listen to us; if you don’t feed to your going to either end up killing yourself or someone else.” Heechul said, pushing past Kyu and grabbing the young vampire by the arm to make him face them.  Kyuhyun resisted the desire to roll his eyes.  Heechul knew how dangerous Daehyun was right now but sill he treated him with no caution.  The maknae understood Heechuls bad mood though; the diva knew very well what happens when vampires don’t feed before a full moon.   He did not want the same thing to happen to B.A.P. 


Heechul sighed and this time gently turned Daehyun to look at him.  This was not his first time helping someone to feed.  All the newly turned where the same; they were reluctant to feed, especially since the best people for them to feed on was their own band members.


B.A.P where lucky that Daehyun had taken the transformation easily and he had strong will power; some people took the transition from Human to Vampire very badly.  It looked like Daehyuns body hadn’t put up much of a fight against the venom so he hadn’t used up much of his human blood and was living on that for now. 


When humans turn the venom uses that person’s blood to power the transformation; if your body changes quickly then the vampire had lots of their own blood left to sustain their hunger but in the unlucky case where the transformation his hard and the body puts up a fight then most of the blood will be used up.  The vampires that suffer transformations like this awake with an insatiable hunger.  These vampires must feed right away and would tend to attack the closest person; as was the case for SHINee.  Key had lost all of his control and attacked Jonghyun; thankfully Super Junior had already been with them when Key woke up but it had taken all three SuJu vampires to pin the younger down. 


“Daehyun, listen to us please.” Heechul said softly.  Now the diva of Super Junior was not known to be soft and gentle but he saw helping younger vampires through the first few months as his duty.  He had had no one to help him through his transformation and he had made quite a few mistakes along the way; mistakes that had almost cost his band mates their lives. 


“Daehyun-shii I know it is hard but you do need to feed.  Almost all your own blood has been used.” Kyuhyun said moving to crouch next to Heechul.  Daehyun had closed his eyes in concentration and his hands where balled into tight fists, obviously trying to fight his instincts.  The younger singer was whimpering as he in shaky breaths, even thought he did not need the air. 


“Daehyun, Please.” Heechul begged; thought this was his first time meeting any of the B.A.P members other than a passing “Hello” in the hallway, he was already beginning to care for the younger. 

Kyu smiled on the inside at his Hyung’s quite pleading.  The maknae had seen Heechul like this on numerous occasions and had even been on the receiving end. 

Heechul held a special type of care for those members of the idol world that where vampires.  The diva felt a bit like their older brother or father; each time news of someone getting turned reached their ears Heechuls smile would falter, knowing that yet another young entertainer would have to suffer through the long adjustment stage. 


Daehyun just shook his head every time Heechul would try and talk to him so the elder tried a different approach.  He sat down next to the young singer and rubbed his back, soothing the ragged breathing that made his whole body shake. 


“What’s stoping you from feeding?” Heechul asked.  If Daehyun could understand more about their feeding process then maybe the singer wouldn’t be so reluctant. 


“I-I don’t want to h-hurt them.” Daehyun stuttered in a weak voice.  Heechul had to smile slightly at the new vampires care for his band. 


“It’s okay; you won’t hurt them as long as you don’t take too much.” Heechul soothed. 


“B-but, it hurt when she bit me.” Daehyun still had his eyes closed against the strong pull in his body to feed but he was finding it easier now that he was focusing on talking it his Sanbae’s. 


“It’s only a small bit of necessary pain; your members will understand that.”


“I don’t want to turn them.  I don’t want them to live like this.” Daehyun said opening his blood red eyes to look at the older now.  Both older vampires gave reassuring smiles now at the younger’s fears. 


“You can’t turn them Daehyun; at least not at the moment.  It takes a few months for your body to start producing venom.  And even if you did have venom you could only turn them if you wanted to.  A bite alone won’t turn a person, it needs to be intentional.” The diva said; hoping that now that they had clarified the younger’s fears that he would feed.  


Daehyun sat quietly for a minute, lost in thought.  “Will you feed now?  Your band mates are worried about you.  Listen; Youngjae hasn’t moved from in front of the door since you locked yourself in here.”  Daehyun didn’t need to listen, he knew Youngjae was outside and it was just casing him more pain.  It would have been much better if the younger had completely rejected him when he had found out what Daehyun now was. 


Heechul got up slowly and pulled the singer up after him; knowing that he was going to need to give Daehyun a little push to get things moving.  Kyu climbed to his feet to an unlocked the door, but not before checking that Heechul had a firm grip on Daehyun’s arm.  Even thought Daehyun was in control there was still a chance that he would be overcome by his instincts when he got close to his human members. 


As soon as Kyu opened the door Youngjae was on his feet and looking past Kyuhyun to see Daehyun.  Kyuhyun quickly directed him to join the rest of B.A.P in the living room and Heechul gently guided Daehyun along behind them. 


Once all the members where sitting in the large room Heechul decided to get things moving. 


“You guys know Daehyun needs to feed, and it’s probably best if he does it now before he is over come by his instincts.  Unfortunately his best and probably only option is to feed from you.” Heechul said seriously, looking all the members in the eye.  The five humans in the room where quick to nod the heads in agreement; they had all heard what Leeteuk had said when he had come to visit and they had plenty of time to think the situation over. 


“What are the risks of him…feeding from us?” Yongguk said curiously.  He didn’t believe that Daehyun would ever put them in harm’s way and he knew that this was a necessity for his survival but if there was and side effects to the act then he would not allow Zelo and Jongup to be bitten.  Himchan was old enough to make this decision on his own and he suspected that if he tried to stop Youngjae from helping there would be hell to pay. 


“There are none just as long as it’s not on a full moon and that he is not extremely hungry like he is now.  At times like this Daehyun may not be able to control himself once he tastes blood and he may end up taking too much the same goes for the night of the full moon.  If so some reason Daehyun does get as hungry as he is now don’t let him bite you until another vampire is around to stop him before he takes too much.  It’s okay for him to feed now because we are here.”  Bang relaxed at Heechuls words, knowing that Daehyun was going to be able to feed freely without too much worry and he wouldn’t be causing any harm to the others. 


Daehyun was sitting quietly next to Heechul and he could practically feel the others eyes on him.  As much as he wanted to stop the pain inside his chest he was still so reluctant to feed.  Even though he now knew that he wouldn’t be hurting them he didn’t like the idea of constantly taking from his friends, without being able to give the same in return. 


“Daehyun.” Youngjae’s voice made him look up and see his friend sitting in front of him with his arm stretched out and his shirt rolled up to the elbow.  The singer froze at Younjae’s gesture.  He knew he had to feed but now that he was faced with the reality he didn’t think he could.  That was until his eyes fell on the vain in the younger’s forearm.  It was if he could see the warm blood causing under the skin, inviting him in; promising him an end to the almost constant burning in his throat. 


Heechul could feel Daehyun strain against his grip slightly but the diva didn’t just let the newly turned vampire go.  The first feeding was always the hardest on both parties and he wanted Daehyun to take it slow. 


Heechul allowed the young singer to move forward slowly until he was knelling close to Youngjae.  Thankful Daehyun was in enough of his right mind to allow Youngjae to brace himself as Daehyun took his arm delicately in his hands.  Both of the Super Junior vampires stayed close by Daehyuns side; ready to restrain him if necessary. 


Daehyun let his instincts take over as he pulled his friends wrist up to his lips, parting them slightly to reveal his extended fangs.  And with one swift movement he buried his teeth into the soft flesh of Youngjae’s arm. 



Yay, Daehyun is feeding…on Youngjae :[ (<- this is meant to be a vampire icon)

Sorry for leaving it on a bit of a cliff hanger, it’s only a little one though. 

I’ll start adding in some of the other Vamp-dol’s in the next few chapters.  Thank you to all those people who commented and subscribed, it means so much to me. 

Let me know what you thought J



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Chapter 9: Won't you please update this? ;A; Its such a waste if not orz
This is addicting please update as soon as you can
Chapter 9: woohoo!! thanks so much for the update I really love this fic!
Chapter 9: awww i love this so much. i got really sad when dae cried when jae passed out. so. he likes jaejae? i mean who wouldn't his adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEJAE! I LOVE YOU! :D <3
Chapter 9: I acually dont like read but since this a vampire fic...
Why not? :)
Chapter 8: omg this is so good! update soon!
xyaaar #7
Chapter 3: Really like your story!
Mangoo #8
Chapter 8: ohhh nice story so far :D
Interesting plot and nice writing style! There are some spelling mistakes here and there but not that BIG and noticeabel :O Just wanted to mention it to you lol sry

Oh BUT!!! finally some DaeJae interaction going on *3*
I like that <3
Vamps are damn smexy, especially with all the biting going on lololol But of course this will take a while for them to adjust to first. It's such a huge change....and obviously really frightening because it's so foreign and strange, especially for Daehyun. He slowly has to get used to it, but B.A.P will definitely help him out so much and stay by his side, like a family <3 I think such moments are so endearing if people care so much for other people, not thinking much about themselves, but just wishing their beloved ones won't get hurt and doing everything they can to make them feel better, to share their struggles and find solutions together <3<3<3 soooo nice <3 this just shows how much love is going on here lololol