Chapter 5

In The Night

Chapter 5:


“Now for the latest entertainment news.  Yesterday at 5:20pm TS Entertainment realised a statement saying that missing B.A.P member Jung Daehyun had been found.  The singer was found unconscious at the back of his entertainment building early yesterday morning.  The singer was immediately transported to Yongdong Hospital.  Mr Jung did not sustain any injuries other than a slight concussion from a blow to the head.  We have been told that he has since been released from the hospital and is now resting at the B.A.P dormitory.  He was believed to have been abducted by Sasaeng fans before being left at his company’s headquarters.  Daehyun will be said to be returning to the stage with the other members of B.A.P in a few days time.”


B.A.P sat and watched the news report in awe, the companies really where prepared for idols getting turned into vampires.  They had even supplied statements from doctors at the hospital to back up their story.  The fan pages had been frantic with all the fans sending them messages of joy and strength. 


Yongguk muted the television as their doorbell sounded, before getting to his feet to open the door.  He was greeted by the smiling face of Super Juniors Shindong and Leeteuk.  Bang was a little shocked before quickly bowing and greeting his Sanbae’s.  B.A.P didn’t really know the members of Super Junior well but they had met them a few times at events and done radio shows with both of the Hyungs standing in the door way.  Bang quickly invited them inside, still very confused as to why they had visited then at their apartment. 


“Thank you for coming Sanbae-nims but if you don’t mind…why are you here?” The young leader asked, not wanting to sound rude. 


“We came to see how you are doing.” Leeteuk said as he pulled his shoes off before going into the apartment. 


“Hyung, who is it?” Youngjae called from the living room. 


“Super Junior Sanbae’s” Bang called back. 


“What?” His dongsaengs voices sounded in confusion, wandering if they had heard their leader right.  The other members made their way into the entrance to see if Super Junior had actually turned up. 


The two members of SuJu smiled back at them before greeting them themselves. 


“We came to see how you where, I know the transition process can be a bit hard.” Leeteuk said looking at Daehyun.  It took the members a second to realise what the older leader was talking about and then remembered that Super Junior where one of the other groups who had a vampire members among them. 


“It’s been okay Sanbae.” Daehyun said a little awkwardly.  He already knew that these two members were not vampires; he could still hear their heart beating. 


“Ah, please come and sit down.” Himchan said, realising that they were all just standing by the front door. 


“Oh that’s okay, we can’t stay long; we’re on our way to a schedule and thought we would just see how your going.  Our manager told us Daehyun got bitten and as a rookie that can be hard to handle.  I’m glad you’re okay.” 


“Thank you.  Can I ask who your member is that’s like me?” Daehyun said quietly; not knowing if it was considered rude to ask. 


“We don’t just have one unfortunately.  The first one was Heechul and that was quite a few years ago now so we’ve had a lot of time to get used to living with vampires.  Kyuhyun and Yesung got bitten at a K.R.Y event three years ago.”


“Three?” Daehyun didn’t know what to say.  Should he say sorry that three of Super Junior’s members where bitten?


“We only have three vampires but there have been a few times when other members where almost bitten.  You just have to be careful.”  Leeteuk said shrugging his shoulders.  To him this was just another part of his life now; he had been dealing with the trials that came with being a leader of what they called a Vamp-dol group for a while. 


“Oh, we have to go now but we’ll talk more later okay?” The B.A.P members nodded and started to show the SuJu members out but Leeteuk suddenly turned around. 

“Have you feed yet?” He said seriously. 


“He hasn’t.” Bang said looking back at Daehyun. 


“How long has it been since he has been turned?” Shindong asked


“This will be the fourth week.” Daehyun said slowly. 


“You must be hungry then, Heechul can’t go a week without feeding.” Leeteuk said curiously.  He knew from experience that vampires got hunger cravings and then he remembered something very important.  “You need to feed soon!” Leeteuk said urgently as the memory of Heechul’s first feeding struck him. 




Sorry for the small chapter but I thought I’d be evil and leave it here.  BUT fear not little lovelies (FYI this is what I call my readers) I will update tomorrow so just be patient gwaenchanh-a!!!


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Chapter 9: Won't you please update this? ;A; Its such a waste if not orz
This is addicting please update as soon as you can
Chapter 9: woohoo!! thanks so much for the update I really love this fic!
Chapter 9: awww i love this so much. i got really sad when dae cried when jae passed out. so. he likes jaejae? i mean who wouldn't his adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEJAE! I LOVE YOU! :D <3
Chapter 9: I acually dont like read but since this a vampire fic...
Why not? :)
Chapter 8: omg this is so good! update soon!
xyaaar #7
Chapter 3: Really like your story!
Mangoo #8
Chapter 8: ohhh nice story so far :D
Interesting plot and nice writing style! There are some spelling mistakes here and there but not that BIG and noticeabel :O Just wanted to mention it to you lol sry

Oh BUT!!! finally some DaeJae interaction going on *3*
I like that <3
Vamps are damn smexy, especially with all the biting going on lololol But of course this will take a while for them to adjust to first. It's such a huge change....and obviously really frightening because it's so foreign and strange, especially for Daehyun. He slowly has to get used to it, but B.A.P will definitely help him out so much and stay by his side, like a family <3 I think such moments are so endearing if people care so much for other people, not thinking much about themselves, but just wishing their beloved ones won't get hurt and doing everything they can to make them feel better, to share their struggles and find solutions together <3<3<3 soooo nice <3 this just shows how much love is going on here lololol