Chapter 2

In The Night

Chapter 2:


Yongguk was sitting between Zelo and Jongup, playing with their hair as they slept.  His adorable dongsaengs had suffered a lot the past two weeks and he had been proud that they had all been so strong despite the terrible situation B.A.P was currently in. 


Bang’s fatherly thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang on the front door and Youngjae’s voice calling out to him.  The leader was on his feet in an instant, unfortunately this meant that both Zelo and Jongup were thrown to the floor as their pillow got to his feet. 

Bang ran to the front door and almost ripped it off its hinges in his hurry to open it.  The members had all been on edge after Daehyun went missing to the point that they were jumping at everything.   All the members had been in a state of panic a few days ago when they had heard Zelo scream come from the bathroom.  It had turned out to only be a spider that had jumped out at the maknae. 


“Youngjae what’s wro-” The leaders next words died in his throat as he opened the door and say Youngjae with non tother than Daehyun standing next to him.  Bang just stood there and stared at his previously missing member.  Daehyun felt uncomfortable under his leaders stare and subconsciously shifted the passed out Himchan on his back.  This movement brought Yongguk’s attention away from the lead singer and to Himchan’s motionless form.  Bang’s shock immediately subsided as his protective instincts kicked into overdrive. 

“What the hell happened?” Bang said as he ushered the three members inside. 


“It’s a bit of a long story Hyung, Himchan’s not hurt too bad he just got knocked out.” Youngjae said as rushed to help Daehyun put the unconscious man on the couch.  The two youngest members had now woken up enough to notice the presence of their missing member and practically launched themselves at him, grabbing him from both sides. 


“Hyung, where have you been?” Zelo whined, almost close to tears.  Jongup was also clinging to him and hiding his face in the older’s shoulder.  The room was quite as they all waited for Daehyun to respond.  The singer looked around at them nervously; lost for words in front of the people he cared about most.  Inside his head he was panicking about what to tell them until he felt a hand grip his in comfort. 

He looked down to see Youngjae looking back at him expectedly.  The younger knew part of the story and was smart enough to figure out the unclear parts from what he had heard and seen in the alley way; he wasn’t called Brains for nothing. 


“Daehyun, where did you go?” Bang asked gently, knowing that the younger was feeling uncomfortable. 


“Like I said, it’s a bit of a long and crazy story.” The singer said hesitantly.  “When I disappeared I was going back to the practice room and I walked past the alley next to our building.  I heard a girl crying so I called out to her but she didn’t answer me so I went in to take a look.  The next thing I know I’m being attacked from behind.  I felt her bite me and everything went black.  When I woke up I was in a small apartment and I felt kind of strange.  I thought the girl must have drugged me or something; I mean when the girl came back she was talking about crazy stuff.  She was going on and on about B.A.P and how much she loved us and how she knew everything about us.”  Daehyun said in a rush. 


“Sasaeng fan!” Bang said under his breath and the singer nodded.


“Then she started talking about Vampires.” Daehyun said hesitantly; not meeting any of the others eyes.  Zelo and Jongup looked confused and Youngjae gave Daehyun’s hand a small squeeze of support.  Bang just waited patiently for his dongsaeng to continue but when it was clear that he didn’t know how to, Bang stepped forward and put a hand on the singers shoulder.  Daehyun looked up and tried to pull away when the leader suddenly pulled down the collar of his shirt to expose his neck. 

Yongguk’s suspicions where confirmed as he saw the two small scars sitting just above Daehyun’s collar bone.  Bang could understand what the singer had been trying to say even if he was having a little trouble believing it.  He wouldn’t say he didn’t believe in the supernatural it was just that he had never really put much thought into it.  If it had been any other situation he would have thought that his dongsaengs where trying to pull a prank on him but he knew Daehyun wouldn’t put them through so much emotional turmoil just to pull a prank. 


“Did the bite turn you?” Yongguk asked seriously.  Daehyun’s head snapped up at his leader words.  Yongguk was taking this seriously?  He though that he would have a hard time trying to convince them that he had been attacked by a vampire. 


“Yes.” Daehyun said quietly, still avoiding the others eyes. 


“How did Youngjae find you and why is Himchan unconscious?” Bang asked looking over at Himchan’s sleeping figure. 


“We were walking past the alley where Daehyun went missing and I saw something move.” Youngjae said.  “It thought it was Daehyun but it was the fan that attacked Daehyun.  She knocked Himchan out and had me pinned to the wall, thankfully Daehyun showed up and chased her off.” Youngjae said giving the singer a thankful smile. 


“I got angry at her when I found out she . . . turned me, so she thought I would forgive her if she turned you guys as well.” Daehyun said.  “I was keeping a close eye on you guys encase she tried to get you.” He explained. 


“Why didn’t you come back home?  I you where nearby why did you make us worry?” Jongup said, a little angry at his Hyung. 


“I’m not exactly human anymore . . . I’m not safe to be around.” The singer stated with his head hung. 


“That doesn’t matter.  You should have come back and there is no way in hell that you’re leaving again, even if you are a vampire.” Bang said.  Bang very rarely used his influence as leader amongst the members but this was a time that he was palling rank. 


“But Hyung, I’m dangerous.” Daehyun pleaded.  He knew it would be for the best if he left them to continue on with their lives now that he was frozen in time but he also knew that if Yongguk ordered him to stay then he could not refuse him. 


“No Deahyun, your stay with us and that’s final.”  Bang said and the lead singer sighed in defeat, though still glade to finally be back with the other members. 


“Hyung, what do you mean your dangerous?” Zelo asked as he sat down next to Himchan. 


“I get hunger cravings.” Daehyun said simply. 


“Oh…” Zelo felt a little guilty for asking such a question. 


“Have you ever-” Youngjae started, not really wanting to know the answer. 


“No.  The cravings aren’t too bad and I’ve found that normal food seems to lessen the hunger but only a little.” Daehyun said with a small smile, he was proud that he hadn’t given into his new instincts and he was sure that he had the strength to resist whatever the monster in him was telling him to do; especially now that the people that were at risk were B.A.P. 


“Do you know anything else about being a Vampire or did she not tell you anything after she turned you.” Bang said moving to sit back on the couch and motioning for the others to do the same. They had all passed the shock of finding Daehyun and his new found condition and now they needed to know what he needed to be able to manage his state comfortable so he could stay as a member of B.A.P. 


“She didn’t tell me anything other than that I was a vampire and I left before she could tell me much more.  I did however find some things out on my own.”  Daehyun said, now feeling more confident now that s where helping him through this.  “I don’t know much; I get blood cravings but normal food seems to calm me down but not for long.  I have heightened senses like I can move fast, hear really well and see in the dark.  I’m essentially dead, I mean my heart has stopped and I don’t need to breath.  I can still get hurt and feel it but I heal faster than normal people.  I can still sleep but I don’t need much to get by and I can go into churches without getting struck by lightning or being burnt alive.” Daehyun said checking each characteristic off his fingers as he went through. 


“Cool Hyung, you sound like a superhero…minus the blood cravings.” Jongup said happily and grabbed the elders arm.  “Oh, and your colder than normal people too.  Not like a block of ice but just cooler.” He said.  With that all the other members lent over to feel Daehyun’s skin and marvel at how cold it was. 


“What about sunlight?” Youngjae asked, still holding the elder’s hand, liking the coolness from his touch. 


“I don’t know, I was too scared to try going out in the sun, I thought I might burn up.”


“We it looks like we might be testing what you can do for the next few days.  It’s the first step to get you back to working with B.A.P.” Yongguk stated.  A thought then just occurred to Youngjae. 


“Hyung, how are we going to explain Daehyun’s sudden reappearance to the company and the press?”


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Chapter 9: Won't you please update this? ;A; Its such a waste if not orz
This is addicting please update as soon as you can
Chapter 9: woohoo!! thanks so much for the update I really love this fic!
Chapter 9: awww i love this so much. i got really sad when dae cried when jae passed out. so. he likes jaejae? i mean who wouldn't his adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEJAE! I LOVE YOU! :D <3
Chapter 9: I acually dont like read but since this a vampire fic...
Why not? :)
Chapter 8: omg this is so good! update soon!
xyaaar #7
Chapter 3: Really like your story!
Mangoo #8
Chapter 8: ohhh nice story so far :D
Interesting plot and nice writing style! There are some spelling mistakes here and there but not that BIG and noticeabel :O Just wanted to mention it to you lol sry

Oh BUT!!! finally some DaeJae interaction going on *3*
I like that <3
Vamps are damn smexy, especially with all the biting going on lololol But of course this will take a while for them to adjust to first. It's such a huge change....and obviously really frightening because it's so foreign and strange, especially for Daehyun. He slowly has to get used to it, but B.A.P will definitely help him out so much and stay by his side, like a family <3 I think such moments are so endearing if people care so much for other people, not thinking much about themselves, but just wishing their beloved ones won't get hurt and doing everything they can to make them feel better, to share their struggles and find solutions together <3<3<3 soooo nice <3 this just shows how much love is going on here lololol