Chapter 1

In The Night

“Now we continue on with the story or missing B.A.P member Jung Daehyun.  The lead singer from the popular Rookie group B.A.P was reported missing two weeks ago by his fellow team members after he failed to return to their practice room on Friday the 9th of November.  He was believed to have been on his way back from a small café just a street from their company building when he went missing.  The other five members of B.A.P became concerned for the 20 year old when –”


Youngjae turned the TV off before the story continued any further; he had heard the report a hundred times in the past two weeks and he didn’t need them to remind him what had happened and what he and the other members had lost.  Yongguk sighed next to him as he stared at the blank television screen.  All of B.A.P, obviously excluding Daehyun, where sitting in the living room and had been watching TV together before the news report had come on but now they were all quite. 


The realisation that Daehyun was now a missing person had hit them all hard; to have a member suddenly disappear from their tight nit group was very traumatising and for them to be offered no answers or closure had just made it worse.  The night Daehyun had gone to the café and not returned was probably permanently etched in everyone’s minds.  They had started to get worried when Daehyun had been gone for over an hour and when they had tried calling him but he had not answered his phone.  After walking back and forth between the practise building and their regular café and not seeing the singer they had called the police. 


After a full night of investigations and interviews the B.A.P members had been told to go home and wait for any news.  There was also a chance that their lost member would try and make his way back to the dorm.  The next morning the police had not seen any sign of Daehyun but they had been able to confirm that the singer had in fact made it to the café and had bought his usual order of coffee and pineapple cake.  The contents of this order had been found in an alley way by the company building along with the reseat that proved the destroyed food had been purchased by Daehyun. 

This was of no comfort to the other members and the fans.  This information meant that Daehyun had not disappeared for his own reasons but that something had happened to him on his way back to the practice room. 


After the incident B.A.P had been bombarded with interview requests but the members had all refused.  They had continued to go to practice at their company building but they would not appear on TV until the matter settled down and the group was also refusing to do live performances without Daehyun.  The press had been asked to leave the members alone on the rare occasion that they actually left their apartment.  Their company had encouraged them to make at least one appearance on TV to comfort their fans but the rookies had refused.  They settled for communicating through their fan page to let the Babies know that they were doing okay. 


They now spent most of their time at the dorm, just talking or sitting around in a confused state.  They were starting to regain small pieces of their normal personalities but the progress was slow. 


Youngjae let out an exasperated sigh before pulling himself of the couch and making his way to their shared bedroom.  He walked in and his eyes immediately feel on Daehyun’s bed.  It was unmade and just as messy as the day that Daehyun had gone missing.  The members had avoided moving any of his things but the shoes by the front door and the jacket slung over the back of the chair at the dining room table had caused them to break into tears on many occasions.  Most of the members now slept in the living room in an attempt to escape seeing all their beds filled bar one. 


Youngjae grabbed his jumper from his bed and ran out of the room as quickly as he could.  Himchan looked up from his place on the couch to see Youngjae getting ready to leave the apartment. 


“Youngjae, where are you going, it’s already late?” Himchan said looking at the clock.  He sounded a little panicked about one of the other members going out by themselves. 


“It’s okay Hyung, I just need so air.” The younger said while pulling on his shoes and trying to ignore the pair that belonged to their missing member.  Himchan got up and pulled on his own jacket while walking over to him. 


“I’m coming with you.  I don’t want you walking around by yourself.” Youngjae would usually complain and say that he could take care of himself but Daehyun had also said that a lot in the past.  Now whenever a member of the group wanted to go out for a walk the entire of B.A.P would tend to go out as well.  This time only Youngjae and Himchan where going to go out as Zelo and Jongup had both fallen asleep and were now using their leader as a pillow. 


The pair made their way down from their apartment and out into the night air.  They decided to walk down to the night markets in their local area to take a look around and maybe bring back some hot food for the other members since they were so fond of it. 


Himchan and Youngjae talked quietly to each other, not really focusing on where they were going before they realised that they were walking past their companies training building . . . and the alley where Daehyun went missing.  The two members slowed their steps as they walked past, both of them watching the darkness of the alley with sad and cautious eyes.  Youngjae stopped when he thought he saw a movement at the back of the alley and grabbed Himchan’s arm to stop him as well. 


“Hyung, I saw something move.” The older stopped at Youngjae’s words and turned to look into the alley as well.  “Daehyun?” He called out hopefully thought he knew that the chances of a response was close to none. 


The younger took a small step closer to the alley as he saw movement again and it was Himchan’s turn to grab his companions arm.  Just as the older was about to move his dongsaeng away from the alleyway a hand shot out of the darkness and pulled Youngjae off his feet and into the alley with inhuman strength.  Himchan cried out in alarm as the younger was ripped from his grasps and swallowed by the darkness. 


Youngjae was confused and disorientated; his eyes were taking a while to adjust to the darkness around him.  Pain shot through his back as he was pushed into a brick wall with enough force to make him see stars.  A strong hand was holding him by his throat and then suddenly let go; making him slide into a sitting position.  He could hear Himchan’s voice coming from somewhere in the darkness and what sounded like a punch being thrown.  The orders voice turned into small gowns of pain and the hand was once again being pressed to his neck. 


“Hello Youngjae-oppa.” A sweet voice said close to his ear.  His eyes were beginning to adjust and he could see that his captor was a pretty girl around his age.  Her long black hair was hanging in front of her face as she spook to him with a sweet smile. 


“Who are you?” Youngjae had intended for his voice to sound strong but it came out as a ruff whisper as the hand around his throat tightened. 


“Me?  I’m just a big fan.  It’s an honour to be meeting you at last Oppa.” Youngjae started to get extremely worried.  He had seen the Sasaeng fans of the older groups and they had frightened him severely.  It had shocked him to see what these fans would do to meet there idols. 


“Please let me go.” He choked out, trying to get her to let go of him while avoiding angering her. 


“I’m afraid I can’t do that Oppa; you see I’ve seemed to anger a friend of yours for separating him from you and the others.  If I change you and Himchan-oppa like I changed him than he won’t hate me anymore.”  Youngjae was even more confused now but her words scared him even if he didn’t understand what she meant.  The singer began to struggle as the fan gave him a smile before moving closer to his neck.  Her smile had changed; her canine teeth had grown longer and they needed in a vicious point.  He couldn’t believe what he was seeing as she opened a little wider. 


Was this girl really a vampire?’  The thought was swimming through his mind, adding to the confusion he already felt. 


He could feel her hot breath on his neck as he tried to break her hold on him but the girl was incredibly strong for her size however; they both froze as a loud voice rang out in the darkness. 




Youngjae would know that voice anywhere even if he hadn’t heard it in two weeks.  Daehyun.


“Daehyun-oppa, you came back.” The girl squealed excitedly.  As she pulled back from Youngjae but did not let him go. 


“What do you think you’re doing?” Daehyun spat; his voice dripping with rage.  The girl shrank back a little but stood her ground. 


“Oppa, if I turn them then you can still be with B.A.P and me; everything will be okay again.” She said smiling; completely overlooking Daehyun’s anger. 


“You’re insane.  Do you think I want them to have to live like this; I’m not putting them through that.  I will never be with you, you don’t even know me and you thought you had a right to pull me away from the life and people I love?”


“But I do know you Oppa; I’ve seen all your TV shows and interviews, I’ve read all the articles and your twitter posts.  I know everything about you, I love you.” She said as she finally let go of Youngjae to move closer to Daehyun. 


“You know nothing about me; if you did you wouldn’t have turned me.  Now leave them alone and disappear.  I don’t want to see you ever again, especially not near the other B.A.P members.  You leave them alone, understand?” The fan looked close to tears as Daehyun shouted at her and she hid her face in her hands and ran from the alley. 


By this point Youngjae had slipped down the wall and was in a kneeling position.  Once Daehyun made sure the girl had gone he ran forward to check on Youngjae, who was gasping slightly and holding his saw throat. 


“Youngjae, are you okay, did she bite you.” Daehyun said in a rush as he pulled back the hand covering the younger’s neck to take a look.  “It doesn’t look to bad but you’re probably going to end up with a bruise.” He said before moving over to look after Himchan who was lying unconscious on the ground.  The older wasn’t hurt; he had just been knocked out and was probably going to have a headache when he woke up. 


“Daehyun . . . what just happened, where have you been for the past 14 days?” Youngjae said quietly; obviously still in a daze from the night’s events.  Daehyun paused and gave him an apologetic look before lifting Himchan up onto his back with ease . . . a little too much ease. 


“I’ll explain everything once we get back to the dorm.  It’s not safe out here.” Daehyun said before helping Youngjae to his feet and leading him out of the alley. 


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Chapter 9: Won't you please update this? ;A; Its such a waste if not orz
This is addicting please update as soon as you can
Chapter 9: woohoo!! thanks so much for the update I really love this fic!
Chapter 9: awww i love this so much. i got really sad when dae cried when jae passed out. so. he likes jaejae? i mean who wouldn't his adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEJAE! I LOVE YOU! :D <3
Chapter 9: I acually dont like read but since this a vampire fic...
Why not? :)
Chapter 8: omg this is so good! update soon!
xyaaar #7
Chapter 3: Really like your story!
Mangoo #8
Chapter 8: ohhh nice story so far :D
Interesting plot and nice writing style! There are some spelling mistakes here and there but not that BIG and noticeabel :O Just wanted to mention it to you lol sry

Oh BUT!!! finally some DaeJae interaction going on *3*
I like that <3
Vamps are damn smexy, especially with all the biting going on lololol But of course this will take a while for them to adjust to first. It's such a huge change....and obviously really frightening because it's so foreign and strange, especially for Daehyun. He slowly has to get used to it, but B.A.P will definitely help him out so much and stay by his side, like a family <3 I think such moments are so endearing if people care so much for other people, not thinking much about themselves, but just wishing their beloved ones won't get hurt and doing everything they can to make them feel better, to share their struggles and find solutions together <3<3<3 soooo nice <3 this just shows how much love is going on here lololol