Chapter 8

In The Night

Chapter 8:


As soon as Youngjae’s blood started to flow past Daehyun’s lips the young vampires mind went blank.  His band mate’s smell was intoxicating and the warm liquid that was meant to taste coppery was oddly sweet.  As soon as the first few drops rolled down his throat his hunger seemed too doubled and the dull burn in his throat turned into a fiery furnace. 


Then the thoughts started.  Images and emotions that did not belong to him started swimming through his mind like a river.  Memories stored over countless years and the rawest of emotions crashed into his consciousness.  Thought they were not very clear; just snippets here and there; he could still tell who those memories belonged to.  Youngjae!  Images of his childhood and his trainee days, memories of them as B.A.P and scenes for memories he too shared but told from a different angle.  He wasn’t sure if Youngjae had been inside his head or if he had been inside the younger’s. 


Pain slowly started to creep into the memories as Daehyun continued to watch on.  It was only a small amount but it was still there and growing stronger by the second.  Then just like that the connection stopped and Daehyun felt himself slowly returning to his own thoughts and feelings.  The world around him came back into view and he realised what was really happening. 

Heechul was holding him securely around the waist and Kyuhyun was standing between the two B.A.P singers.  Yongguk was supporting an unconscious Youngjae and the other members where sitting frozen behind him. 


The situation slowly sunk into his mind.  The pain he felt was Youngjae’s; he had been hurting him.  He had taken too much, how could he have done that to his best friend?


The singer struggled in his Sanbae’s hold as he tried to get away from the room of people and their gazes as all eyes fell on him. 


“Let go of me!” Daehyun yelled as he tried to get to his feet but Heechul only held him tighter to his chest.  Kyu quickly moved to help his Hyung to hold down the younger as he struggled to break from their grip. 


Daehyun just wanted to get away; to leave before he hurt another person he loved; before he killed someone.  How could he have done that to Youngjae, Youngjae of all people?  There were no words to describe how much he hated himself right now. 


“Let me go please.” The singer’s loud yells slowly turned into heart breaking pleas as cold tears started to fall down his face.  The two older vampires slowly lessened their grip as the distraught vampire stopped pulling against them and just sat on the floor between them; face angled down to hid the tears that where slowly starting to soak into his shirt as they run down his neck. 

Himchan got up from his place on the couch and made his way over to try and comfort his dongsaeng.  Kyu moved over slightly to allow him to get to Daehyun but as soon as Himchan got close the singer was darting backwards  to keep the distance between them.  Unfortunately his progress was halted once again by Heechul, who blocked him from behind. 


Heechul held the singer in place as Himchan wrapped the young singer in a strong embrace as he cried into the elder’s shoulder.  They stayed like that for a few minutes and waited for the young vampire to calm down before saying anything more. 


The silence was broken by a soft groan as Youngjae started to regain consciousness in the leader’s arms.  Daehyuns head snapped up to look at the younger but made no move to get closer to him. 


“See Daehyun-shii, you didn’t hurt him.” Kyu said, sitting next to him on the floor. 


“But I felt the pain, he passed out.”  Daehyun said quietly. 


“The only reason you could feel the pain was because you took a little too much.  The only reason you couldn’t control it was because you had gone so long without feeding.” Kyu said grabbing a tissue from his pocket and wiping away the blood that had gathered at the corner of Daehyuns mouth. 


“You could feel him inside your head right?” Heechul said.  Daehyun gave a hesitant nod with his eyes still to the ground; not wanting to look any of the B.A.P members in the eyes.  “When vampires feed their mind links with the person the bite, that’s how you can tell if you’re taking too much.  It’s also the reason why Youngjae passed out.  It takes a little while for a human to become used to the mind link so as a protection measure their minds will shut down if they can’t take it.  It does take a while but he will get used to it.  Leeteuk still passes out from time to time.” The diva said smiling. 


By this point Youngjae was completely conscious and was inspecting the bite mark Daehyun’s fangs had made on his arm.  He had been bitten just a few minutes ago but the wound was already closed and two small silvery scars were all that was left against his white skin.  The scar was almost identical to the ones he had seen on Leeteuks arms and the two little dots where colder than his normal skin temperature and more like Daehyuns new body temperature.  Daehyun.

Youngjae looked up to see Daehyun sitting on the floor next to the Super Junior Sanbaes and Himchan.  His face was stained with tears and kyu was trying to clean off some of the remaining blood that clung around the singer’s mouth.  His fangs had retracted again and his eyes where no longer a vibrant read but their normal colour.  He could tell from his friend’s distressed look that he had not enjoyed feeding on one of his friends.  Youngjae himself felt completely fine other than a slight light-headedness, in fact he couldn’t really remember how he had felt when he had been bitten, he had planked out almost straight away when Daehyun’s fangs had touched his skin.


“Daehyun. Are you okay?” Youngjae asked; wobbling slightly as he stood up to walk over to the anxious Vampire.  Daehyun would not meet any of the member’s eyes and just focused on the floor under his feet.  Youngjae understood that Daehyun was probably beating himself up right now but he really had no reason to.  He got down on his knees and joined Himchan in hugging the lead singer and then all the members where holding him as he cried. 


#         #         #


After Daehyun had calmed down and they explained that he was in no way causing harm to his friends by feeding from them, the Super Junior vampires sat down ready to answer any questions Daehyun or the other members wanted to ask. 


“Sanbae’s there is something I have been wondering about.” Jongup was the first to voice his question and Heechul motioned for him to keep going.  “Leeteuk-sanbae said you’ve been a vampire for a few years right?” The dancer said. 


“I’ve just passed the six year mark.” Heechul said, trying to remember how many year it had actual been.  All of B.A.P looked shocked.  Heechul had been a vampire for six year and people still hadn’t noticed. 


“SIX YEAR?” Zelo all but yelled. 


“You know that car crash I was in back in 2006?” Heechul asked; all the members nodded their heads, that story had been everywhere.  “Well that was a cover up.  I got bitten and it took me a long time to get used to it because I was the first vampire Idol so it took us a while to get used to dealing with the new condition and finding out what I could and couldn’t do.”  The young group could not really believe what they where hearing.  That whole incident had been to cover up Heechul being turned. 


“I’ve seen the pictures every time Super Junior does a debut and you have aged.  You can obviously tell that you’re growing older.” Youngjae said sitting forward.  He thought vampires didn’t age and they where meant to live forever. 


“WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT ME LOOKING OLD?” The diva snapped; startling everyone in the room other than Kyu who was trying to hide his grin. 


“He does age, we all do.” Kyu said in answer while Heechul silently fumed next to him.  “Ever wonder why some Idol groups don’t seem to look their age and always look young?  A lot of people say plastic surgery is why we still look young but it’s because we age very slowly.”  Kyu explained. 


“But not every member of your group are vampires, why does it look like they haven’t aged?”


“Because they haven’t.  The people vampires feed off start aging slowly too because of the connections they establish though feeding.  So don’t be shocked when in a few years you still look around the same age you are now.” Kyu said.  Yongguk was very relived at these words as where all the other members.  He was worried that if Daehyun stayed frozen in time that he would have to leave the group eventually because people would start to notice him not ageing but if he continued to grow and the other members grew at the same rate than they would be able to stay together. 

Daehyun was in much the same mind.  He had feared that while he stood frozen in time that he would have to watch his closest friends grow old and eventually die; leaving him alone. 


“Kyuhyun-shii, who did you unlock the door before?” Youngjae asked, remembering back to earlier that day. 


“Vampires can move things without touching them and control people’s minds.” Kyuhyun said, acting as if it was the most normal thing on the planet.  What was life like at the Super Junior dorm with 15 crazy members where three of them where vampires?


“Daehyun will be able to too soon.  He should get it in a few months; around the same time he develops his venom.  But call us as soon as he does.” Heechul said in a serious tone.

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Chapter 9: Won't you please update this? ;A; Its such a waste if not orz
This is addicting please update as soon as you can
Chapter 9: woohoo!! thanks so much for the update I really love this fic!
Chapter 9: awww i love this so much. i got really sad when dae cried when jae passed out. so. he likes jaejae? i mean who wouldn't his adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEJAE! I LOVE YOU! :D <3
Chapter 9: I acually dont like read but since this a vampire fic...
Why not? :)
Chapter 8: omg this is so good! update soon!
xyaaar #7
Chapter 3: Really like your story!
Mangoo #8
Chapter 8: ohhh nice story so far :D
Interesting plot and nice writing style! There are some spelling mistakes here and there but not that BIG and noticeabel :O Just wanted to mention it to you lol sry

Oh BUT!!! finally some DaeJae interaction going on *3*
I like that <3
Vamps are damn smexy, especially with all the biting going on lololol But of course this will take a while for them to adjust to first. It's such a huge change....and obviously really frightening because it's so foreign and strange, especially for Daehyun. He slowly has to get used to it, but B.A.P will definitely help him out so much and stay by his side, like a family <3 I think such moments are so endearing if people care so much for other people, not thinking much about themselves, but just wishing their beloved ones won't get hurt and doing everything they can to make them feel better, to share their struggles and find solutions together <3<3<3 soooo nice <3 this just shows how much love is going on here lololol