Chapter 4

In The Night

Chapter 4:


“D-Daehyun?” The manager stutter.


“Hi Manager-Hyung.  I can explain.” The young singer said trying to give a small smile but it ended out coming out more like a grimace. 


“How? Where have you been?” The older man said in shock, still not able to believe his eyes. 


“I…” Daehyun was at a loss for words, how could he explain what had happened.  Telling the members was one thing but letting the manager know was completely different. 


“Manager-Hyung, please sit down.” Bang said, stepping in to control the situation.  Usually Yongguk was a leader that played his role behind the scenes but when his dongsaengs needed his guidance and protection he would not sit back. 


“Yongguk-Hyung?” Daehyun said in surprise.  What the leader really going to tell their manager that he was a vampire? Bang gestured for all the members to sit down too and Daehyun tried to take the seat furthest from the manager but was forced to sit in between the leader and Youngjae. 

They sat in silence; neither party knowing where to start. 


“How long has he been back?” The manager asked; deciding it would be best if he started asking the questions, to help guide B.A.P. 


“A few days.” Himchan said in answer.  The manager raised an eyebrow at this.  If the singer had returned that long ago why hadn’t they alerted the company? 


“Did you leave on purpose?” He said, now directing his questions at Daehyun.  The singer shook his head in response, not trusting his voice. 


“We found him, he didn’t come to us.” Youngjae said, trying to explain but unsure of how much to say about the situation. 


“Daehyun was attacked by a fan the night he went missing.” Bang said.  The members decided to leave the explanation to Daehyun and their leader and they would just go along with it.  The manager narrowed his eyes at Bangs last words, suspicion colouring his face, confusing the members.  What he suspicious of their story already?


“Daehyun managed to get away from her when he came-too but then she went after Youngjae and Himchan a few nights back and Daehyun stepped in.” Yongguk knew he was leaving out the major detail in the story but was hesitant to actually say it. 


The managers eyes widened and shot to Himchan and Youngjae, looking them over for injuries. 


“Did she bite you too?” He said in a panic.  B.A.P’s eyes widened and all looked to Bang for help, though the older was equally as shocked. 




“She was a vampire, right?” The manager said, now creasing his eyebrows.  


“How did-” Yongguk said looking at Daehyun for help. 


“So I was right? I that why you didn’t come back Daehyun, She bite you?” The manager said looking along the singer’s neck for the two little scars he suspected where hidden under his cloths. 


“How did you know that Hyung?” Zelo said chiming in for the first time. 


“He’s not the only Idol that’s been bitten.  There have been a few over the years.” 


“WHAT?” Daehyun said almost jumping out of the chair, the only thing stopping him was Youngjae’s arm on his leg.  “Why where we never told? How had the media never found out?”


The manager sighed and readied himself for a long explanation.  As soon as he saw the singer standing with s completely unharmed he had suspected that he had been turned. 


“This type of information is not told to other idol groups for obvious reasons.  Only groups that have members who have been turned know.  All the companies and managers are well aware of their presence and know that extra steps have to be taken to cater for them.”  The manager said rubbing his temples. 


“How many are their?  Have you met any of them?” All the B.A.P members started asking questions all at once. 


“Ssshh, I’ll get there.  I understand this is all new to you but please understand; you where never meant to know about any of this.  We only tell you if the group joins those that have a vampire member.  Now that Daehyun is turned we have to be more careful.” The members nodded in understanding and sat quietly; waiting for the manager to continue.  “Now, even though all managers once assigned to a group are told about the vampires and explained the situation, it’s still my first time dealing with this.  Only a few groups have vampire members so there are only a few managers who have experience with looking after them and there are no vampires in our company so Daehyun is the first.” B.A.P nodded.  Daehyun was feeling slightly better about resuming activities with B.A.P now that he knew other idols where the same as him but where still active. 


“What groups have vampires?” Jongup said leaning forward, curiosity sparkling in his child like eyes. 


“Okay, that information must stay within this group.  Idol groups without vampire members are not allowed to know about any of this.” The manager warned them before he gave out any names. 


“There’s no way we’re going to tell anyone! If we said anything we would be putting Daehyun at risk too.” Youngjae said as the other members all nodded in agreement. 


“There are quite a few groups with members like Daehyun since vampire fans think it’s a good idea to turn their favourite idols.   I won’t tell you all of them but among them are Super Junior, B1A4, SHINee, Boyfriend, U-KISS, FT Island, Infinite and a few others.” The manager said trying to remember the list he had been given. 


“That many?” Daehyun said in disbelief.  He would never have guessed that these groups all have vampires among them. 


“Like I said, there are a lot of them.  The companies try and stop the idols from going out by themselves because that just makes them more of a target.  This year we were told to keep a close eye on the rookie groups due to the large fan following you have already attracted.  As soon as Daehyun went missing security was doubled around the other rookies.”  The members where feeling a little lightheaded from receiving all this information at once.  The manager must have noticed this and stood up and started to pull on his jacket. 

“It’s been a long few weeks for all of you, get some rest okay.  I know you have more questions but just get settled in first and then we’ll talk more.  I have to go and talk to the company now and update them on the information.  We already have an explanation for the media written up for times like this.  Will give it to them later today and say you’re resting at home.  After that we’ll look at starting up B.A.P activities okay?”


The members nodded dumbly and Bang got up to show the manager out of the apartment before they all collapsed back into the living room; not really knowing what to think but happy that they had other groups to look to for help if they need too. 



YAY a new update, I’m on a roll. 

So those are some of the groups that will have a vampire member (or member’s hehehe) I’m not going to tell you who is a vamp yet so you’ll have to keep reading.  I’ll have a look at writing stories about those groups later, so keep a look out. 

If there are other groups you want me to add as being a part of the Vamp-dol’s let me know and I’ll have a look. 





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Chapter 9: Won't you please update this? ;A; Its such a waste if not orz
This is addicting please update as soon as you can
Chapter 9: woohoo!! thanks so much for the update I really love this fic!
Chapter 9: awww i love this so much. i got really sad when dae cried when jae passed out. so. he likes jaejae? i mean who wouldn't his adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEJAE! I LOVE YOU! :D <3
Chapter 9: I acually dont like read but since this a vampire fic...
Why not? :)
Chapter 8: omg this is so good! update soon!
xyaaar #7
Chapter 3: Really like your story!
Mangoo #8
Chapter 8: ohhh nice story so far :D
Interesting plot and nice writing style! There are some spelling mistakes here and there but not that BIG and noticeabel :O Just wanted to mention it to you lol sry

Oh BUT!!! finally some DaeJae interaction going on *3*
I like that <3
Vamps are damn smexy, especially with all the biting going on lololol But of course this will take a while for them to adjust to first. It's such a huge change....and obviously really frightening because it's so foreign and strange, especially for Daehyun. He slowly has to get used to it, but B.A.P will definitely help him out so much and stay by his side, like a family <3 I think such moments are so endearing if people care so much for other people, not thinking much about themselves, but just wishing their beloved ones won't get hurt and doing everything they can to make them feel better, to share their struggles and find solutions together <3<3<3 soooo nice <3 this just shows how much love is going on here lololol