Chapter 7

First Kiss and First Impression


[A\N] Just an update before I go to my afternoon classes, ENJOY ^-^

I wrote it earlier in class and tried to update as soon as I got home...

Sorry in advance for the errors and grammar, will be editing later :)





Tiffany didn't understand why she was so furious  while dragging the guy out of the ladies' room. She felt like she was being cheated on even if she hasn't even experienced having a boyfriend. Maybe she was just symphatizing with Yuri because of what her so called boyfriend had done.


She dragged him until they were out of the department store. And when she realized what she was doing she came to a stop and faced the guy. He was just watching her with a vague expression on his face.


But if she really studied his face, it was like when he had seen her wake up in her house. He looked amused at something. Maybe he was laughing at her again.


She doesn't find the situation amusing. Isn't he scared that she might actually tell on him to Yuri? It looks like he was enjoying the situation rather than be nervous of what might happen to his upcoming wedding.


"How could you do that to Yuri?" She firmly said. She sighed. "I am so gonna tell Yuri about this. And to thinnk that Yuri's more beautiful than her. And that girl was so y, while Yuri's not only beautiful but nice. But you'd rather replace her with that girl whose face was literally covered in foundation? I think she even left her manners at home."


She got even more pissed as she remembered how the girl had ridiculed her. Who does she think she is anyway? She doesn't have the right to say those things to her.


"I didn't know that Yuri had a fan."


She looked at the guy. She couldn't believe the nerve of this guy. How could she do that to Yuri. After all the good things that Taeyeon had told her about him, maybe it was all a stupid lie.


She even believed that he was so loving as she saw the happiness in Yuri's eyes when they met. She was so pissed with him.


"If Yuri knew about this, let's see if she still marries you," She treatened him.


But she doubted that she could really do that. She doesn't want to destroy a relationship, knowing that she doesn't really know the whole story behind it. She was just mad because she had to know that the guy had cheated especially when he admired the sid guy because of the things that Taeyeon had told her about him. Then she would suddenly witness that the guy was actually a cheater. She got frustrated because of that.


"I'm not marrying Yuri," he declared with a straight face.


She got shocked of what he said. "What? Why?" Is it because of that girl? Where did this guy's head go?


"Because I'm not her boyfriend. She's my brother's fiance."


She looked at him confused. How did that happen?


"I'm Jesse Jung. But you can call me Jesse." He smiled at her. Just like how he smiled when he woke up at her house. "And thanks for helping me the last time when those thugs assaulted me."


Her forehead scrunched further. "You're Jesse? But isn't your name Yoong?" She remembered earlier that the girl called him 'Jesse'. She even got confused but she didn't bother about it because of how pissed she was.


"That's my younger brother."


She just stared at him. She couldn't process what he was telling her. Yoong has a brother?


"You don't believe me?"


She didn't answer.


"Okay." He fished his phone out of his pants and dialled someone. Moments later he was already talking to him on the other line. "I know you're with her. This won't take long. Just say who you are and what relationship we have."


He suddenly placed the phone on her ear.


"You're being weird. Yuri and I are busy right now. Can you tell me why–"


"Hello," She said to the other line. She was confused of who the guy was calling and how this so-called person could clear up the confusion.


"Hello? Who's this?" The person on the other line asked.


She raised her brow to the guy in front of him before he could swipe his phone away. "Oh... This is Tiffany. Who's this?" She asked nicely.


"Oh, You're the friend of Taeyeon that Yuri was talking about. Right?"




The guy on the other line laughed. "This is interesting." He coughed so as to stop laughing. "Yoong here. I see you've met my brother. I understand why he wants me to talk to you. You thought he was me? Not the first time, really. Many people think that Yuri's boyfriend is Jesse because of how close they are. It's just weird that my brother bothered to clear things up with someone. He usually doesn't care. Anyway, I'm a little busy with the wedding preparation. Ciao!"


The line went dead. The guy had said so many things but one thing was clear to him that Jesse wasn't Yoong and that they were brothers.


She pressed the End button.


"Are we already clear on that one?" Jesse asked.


She nodded. It was all clear to her. And It was clear to her that the guy that she had saved was not going to marry anytime soon. She secretly smiled to herself. It means she's still free to crush on him.


She suddenly remembered what happened at the ladies' room. "So, I was wrong about what I said to that girl earlier," She was embarrased with her mistake.


He nodded. "But you were right with a few thing though. I was running away from her. And what happened to us two weeks ago was a mistake. I was drunk and she took advantage of it."


Why does she feel like he was explaining to her? He doesn't really need to. But it was a good thing because his name was being cleared of the things that she was accusing of him because of the misunderstanding.


She nodded. "Okay."


He nodded too. "Okay."


"Uhmmm... By the way I'm Tiffany Hwang," She shyly introduced herself to him.


He smiled at her. "It's nice to finally know your name," he said.


"You too," She showed him her beautiful eyesmile.


Suddenly someone was calling her name. She saw Seohyun and Hwan Hee with another girl with them. They came from the department store. Their eyes were all on the man in front of her, but the expression on their faces were not all the same. Hwan Hee was a bit confused. Seohyun was amused. And the other one was smiling.


"Jesse-oppa," The newcomer said.


"I'm surprised that you know who I am this time," the man said.


She smiled. "Yuri-unnie is with Yoong-oppa. Unnie called Seo just now."


Jesse shrugged.


"Fany-unnie, we saw this dress that would fit perfectly on you," Hwan Hee excitedly told her.


She looked at the new addition to their group.


"Oh, by the way, Unnie, this is our bestfriend, Nicole." Hwan Hee introduced as she noticed that Tiffany was looking at the newcomer.


"Hi, Unnie!" Nicole waved at her over-excitedly as she was smiling. It looks like the two have already told their friend about her.


She was being pulled by the three as they were bombarding her with questions like where she went. She remembered why she wanted to escape from these kids. And truth be told, she was getting more nervous in coming with them. So she faced Jesse before they got too far.


"Do you wanna come with us Jesse?" She asked.


They stopped to wait for his answer.


"I think that's a girl thing, so I'll pass."


She pouted. Didn't he notice that she needed his help?


He suddenly smiled. "But I'll make sure to visit you one of these days," He told her.


She got happy with what he said but she didn't show it. "Why?" She causually asked even if deep inside she was jumping with joy. She was so excited to meet him again even if they haven't parted ways yet.


"I promised I'll repay you for helping me," He said to her.


She was slightly dissapointed with his answer. She just smiled and nodded. It was better than not seeing him ever again. At least, she had a reason for them to meet again.


She just let the girls drag her to the department store. She was wondering if Jesse was looking at them as they were walking. When they arrived inside, she noticed that she was still holding his phone. When he turned to look at him he was nowhere in sight already.





Tiffany waited for the shop to close so that Taeyeon and her could go home together. She was planning to have a sleep-over at her house. She kinda missed talking to her bestfriend, because they were both busy with work.


"So that's why you dont want to tell me." Taeyeon said as they were sitted at the living room of her apartment. "He's already the apple of your eyes," she giggled as she said that.


She just told her about what happened earlier at the mall. She already admitted to having a crush on Jesse which was Yoong's older brother. She was a bit shy to admit it at first because she thought that Jesse was Yoong and that he already has a fiance. But when it was all clear to her, she felt free to say it to her friend already. She totally has this huge thing for Jesse.


They were already lying on her bed but she couldn't stop telling her friend about her crush. She was used to this side of Tiffany so it was ok with her. She even told her about her boyfriend. Tiffany had so many questions like: How they met, and What does it feel like to have a boyfriend.


As she was listening to her, she felt a bit jealous of her friend. It feels like she was so happy.


Her friend was glowing. She even became more pretty to her. Ans she was always smiling. Is that how it feels like to be in love?


Truth be told, she had never been in love. It was always just crushes. She was afraid to get hurt, so she always made sure not to fall. Or maybe she still hasn't found the one that would truly make her heart skip a beat and be her other half.


Even if she looks like an innocent kid—like what others describe her—there were already a few people who were interested in her. But she could not entertain them. She always reasoned that she was more focused on her career. But the truth was she was afraid to start depending on someone to be happy. She was comfotable with where she was that she couldn't move away from it.


But when she saw how happy her friend was with her boyfriend, she felt envious. She knows it's not right but she just can't contol her emotions.


Why does she feel like everyone in her surroundings were happily in love and they were sticking it in her face. Her brother's getting married, Yuri's getting married, Taeyeon's in love. While for her she only has this one-sided crush on a guy who saw how clueless and ditzy she was.


Taeyeon already fell asleep beside her but she remained awake.


She just shrugged it off. Maybe she was just being paranoid.


She closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep.




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Chapter 8: Yaaaa...please update thornim
Chapter 7: Just corious,who is taeyeon boyfriend
Chapter 4: Ahhh there is someone who missing a y morning girl🤭
Chapter 8: Update please.....
Chapter 8: JeTi jjang! XD
Update soon!
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 8: awww clumsy tiff is soo cute and jess likes it he is so sweet taking care of her.
KalakiMae #7
Chapter 8: awww clumsy tiff is soo cute and jess likes it he is so sweet taking care of her.
Chapter 8: Wow thats a very unplanned date :D
PJShin #9
Chapter 8: Annyeong~
Hehe. It's nice to know that Tiffany is only clumsy towards Jessi. It's like their first meeting ne? It's kind of funny to see Tiffany being oblivious while on the phone since she just woke up. Hehe. Nice one!
Hwaiting! ^-^v