Chapter 1

First Kiss and First Impression

Tiffany was walking alone to her apartment.  It was already past midnight and the streets were dark, but she was used to it. The moon was shining bright making it easier for her to see her surroundings.

After turning on a corner near her apartment, she was shocked of the scene she was seeing. A guy was being beaten up.

She was not used to seeing someone being beaten up, and to think she was the only witness and only she has the power to stop it. She was very scared that the goons would turn their attention on her so she hurriedly called the nearest police station. Good thing she had all the emergency contacts.

After calling and making sure that the police were on their way, she uneasily drew out her pepper spray, not really sure if it would be of help to her.

She slowly walked towards the goons. She stopped just a few centimeters away from them. “HEY! STOP THAT!!” she shouted with all her might.

The guys turned their attention on her. She was shocked to see how big the guys were. As they were moving towards her, her attention was caught by the guy being beaten up. It looks like the guy would be in coma, he looked so weak.

Gulp… She’s sure that she won’t be able to handle these guys even if she was given a chance to have a one-on-one between them. She’s so small compared to these giants, she just hopes that the pepper spray she has would be enough to fight them.

Oh please, somebody, anybody… please hurry up and help me, these guys might not give me a chance… what about my clothes!? They’re new for Christ’s sake!

She bravely faced the three goons even if her knees were shaking. The goon let go of the beaten up guy and faced her. She unconsciously stepped back and tightened her grip on the pepper spray that she’s been hiding behind her back.

Just try and touch me, I swear I’ll burn your eyes, then rip them off and feed them to the dogs.

But she was suddenly shocked to see that the three goons speedily ran away. She froze for a few seconds before attending to the unconscious guy.

Maybe those goons just had nothing else to do, or maybe they were robbers and this guy whose head is now resting on her lap is just a victim. This guy looks rich just by seeing the clothes he’s wearing.

“Hey Mister, are you okay?” She shook the wounded guy to wake him up. It’s possible that this guy got into a fight judging by the scent of alcohol in his breath. Surely this guy came from the bar near her apartment.

It looks like he’s severely injured, one of his eyebrows has an open wound and his lips are bleeding. His cheeks are even bluish in color already. She’s sure that his body is covered in bruises.

She checked his pulse and good thing it was still beating.

When she faced the guy that’s when she took in his appearance. His injuries did not entirely disfigure his handsome face. His skin was white and pearly. His eyes were deep-set and his pointed nose was perfect to match with his perfect lips, if only this wasn’t bleeding.

She stopped herself from assessing the guy any further. This wasn’t the right time to show her byuntae side. She had to tend to his wounds first.

She was going to stand up when she felt a pair of hands stop her from doing so. She turned to face who it was and realized that it was him. His eyes were open. He was staring at her intently, but his brown and captivating eyes were hazy. He was still disoriented from what happened.

His eyes dimmed as his lips formed a smile. “Angel…” He lowly said.

Her forehead creased. She was going to ask him who Angel was when suddenly the guy kissed her on the lips!

Her breath hitched while her eyes widened. It felt like her heart stopped beating. It was just a light kiss. His lips barely touched hers but she couldn’t fully process it. It felt like she was still being kissed by him even if the guy already let her go.

She once again looked at the guy. It looks like he fell unconscious again.


She was broken out of her trance when she looked up to the person who called her. “Taec-oppa”  She didn’t even realize that the police already arrived. “The guys who beat him up escaped. Oppa, help me. I need to tend his wounds immediately.”

                She bought the wounded man to her apartment. It was the nearest place she can bring him to, the hospital was too far. Her apartment was of average size, it had two floors. The second floor had two rooms while there was only one bathroom beside the kitchen on the first floor.  She may give him first-aid right now and if he would wake up, she’ll just suggest for him to go consult a doctor in case of any broken bones.        

                After laying the man on her sofa she thanked the policemen and her oppa. They promised her that they will keep a close eye on the place to avoid any more incidents like what happened earlier.

                After they have left, she then went to the wounded guy. He was sleeping so soundly even if he didn’t look comfortable in his position on the sofa.

                She sighed. She went to the bathroom and hurriedly got the first-aid kit and started tending to his wounds. She started with his face. From time to time he would stir in his sleep and grunt in pain but he didn’t wake up. After tending to his wounds on the face, her eyes then landed on his body.

                For her to tend to his bruises she has to take off his clothes, which were a coat and a white pin-striped long-sleeved polo.

                She swallowed a lump on . She could almost imagine a sturdy, lean, and y body underneath those elegant clothes. She doesn’t want her innocent eyes to sin but it looks like it will be hard for her to keep those eyes innocent.

                “It’s for the good of this man. I won’t do anything bad to him.” She boldly told herself. I’m not a byuntae, she defended.

                She was sweating like crazy while taking off his clothes. She removed his necktie, and slowly removed his coat, seeing to it that she will not wake him up. Not only does he need to rest but he may think differently if he saw her undressing him.

                Her hands were shivering while she was ing his shirt. She didn’t take it off but she just opened it to inspect the bruises on his body.

                She was met with his broad chest and well-chiseled stomach. Aside from some bruises and redness in some parts, his body was a perfect ten. He still smelled of alcohol but it only made him ier that she craved to do more than just look at him.

                A y body was one of her weaknesses. And this guy just possessed a dangerous combination that women would go crazy over. A y body and good looks. And while she was looking at the unconscious guy, she thought if the guy would wake up if she would lightly drag her fingers through his chocolate abs. Or maybe she could feel it with her cheeks. He just looked so yummy.

                She scolded herself for wanting to touch his body. She was supposed to be his savior, not his assailant. She was supposed to be wholesome. She was supposed to aid him not pursuit him.

                 She started to treat his wounds again. She even treated the small cuts he had, whilst not staring at his chocolate abs, to free herself of ungodly thoughts.

                After treating him, she concluded that she may not be able to move him to the guest room on the second floor. So she bought him a pillow and a blanket to keep him from being cold. When she was sure that the guy was sleeping comfortably she decided to get ready for bed.

                She took a shower then headed to her room upstairs. Because of her thoughts that were filled of the guy sleeping on her sofa, she couldn’t really sleep. After what seems like hours, she fell into deep slumber.







[ so... what do you think? i know its crappy but i just had to write it.. sorry for the grammar... and i hope u like it ^^,

until next time ^o^ see ya!!!!!!!!!!!! ]

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Chapter 8: Yaaaa...please update thornim
Chapter 7: Just corious,who is taeyeon boyfriend
Chapter 4: Ahhh there is someone who missing a y morning girl🤭
Chapter 8: Update please.....
Chapter 8: JeTi jjang! XD
Update soon!
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 8: awww clumsy tiff is soo cute and jess likes it he is so sweet taking care of her.
KalakiMae #7
Chapter 8: awww clumsy tiff is soo cute and jess likes it he is so sweet taking care of her.
Chapter 8: Wow thats a very unplanned date :D
PJShin #9
Chapter 8: Annyeong~
Hehe. It's nice to know that Tiffany is only clumsy towards Jessi. It's like their first meeting ne? It's kind of funny to see Tiffany being oblivious while on the phone since she just woke up. Hehe. Nice one!
Hwaiting! ^-^v