Chapter 3

First Kiss and First Impression


[A/N] This was supposed to be part of chapter 2 but i had to go to school earlier..

So here it is... Enjoy! ^-^v



               ! That was so embarrassing! Tiffany whined while staring at her reflection in the mirror of her bathroom where she hid herself from her visitor.

                Her hair was a mess, her face was so oily and her eye bags were so visible. It was a total disaster.

                She scrunched her nose in disgust.

                It was totally embarrassing for her visitor to see her like this. And not just any visitor but a very gorgeous one that she even wanted to him last night.

                She sighed.

                She bit her lip while fixing herself. Even if she would wear a gown right now she knew he wouldn’t be able to forget what he saw earlier, it was like she was part of a horror flick when she was seen by the stranger. No doubt, he wouldn’t be able to erase the horror like image he had seen of her.

                She’s sure that he’s laughing at her right now; it was clearly evident with his actions earlier, especially when she was running like a mad man to her bathroom. But she has to do something if she wants to face him again.

                She took a very quick shower.

Because she didn’t bring anything with her because of her outburst earlier, she couldn’t change her clothes. Good thing she always has a towel in her bathroom which she used to wipe herself dry.

                After fixing herself up, she shyly peeked through the door. The man was still sitting on her sofa, inspecting his wounds.

                “Good morning again,” She shyly greeted.

                He faced her. “Good morning,” He answered while smiling.

                She unconsciously stared at his lips. Her face became hot and she blushed as she remembered the kiss from last night. Does he remember what he did last night?

                She coughed.

                She shyly avoided his gaze. Her face grew hotter. What’s happening to me? She was getting paranoid in his presence.

                “Uhmmmm… I’ll just be cooking our breakfast,” She said just to avoid any more humiliations in front of him. She glanced at the wall clock. “Oh… Uhh… I meant brunch, since it’s already ten-thirty.”

                She didn’t even wait for an answer. She went straight to the kitchen and drank water to calm herself down. She felt like was dry and she couldn’t breathe. She placed the glass down and sighed.


“Can I help?”

                She was so frightened that she screamed when she heard him whisper near her ear. She suddenly turned to him while holding on to her palpitating heart. Only to be greeted by the muscular chest of the man who was leaning so close to her face. He still hasn’t buttoned up his shirt.

                She got shocked again and nearly fell backwards when she stepped back. Her ankle got hit by the table. Good thing she quickly got hold of his shoulders.

                “Careful,” he said in a husky tone.

                She got goosebumps all over her body and she looked up to him. That’s when she realized how well-built the man was while he was being trapped in his arms. She unconsciously stared at his beautiful face. His face looked a little serious. She could feel his breath fanning her face as well.

                She decided to distance herself from him to avoid drowning in his eyes again. She let go of his shoulders and ducked her way out his arms that were trapping her. She distanced herself from him while still holding the glass she had saved from earlier.

                She uneasily smiled at him. She was still shivering. It looks like she won’t be able to cook anymore because of the unexpected emotions she was feeling because of his presence.

                “Uhhmmm… Would it be okay for you if we’d just order take-out for brunch?”





comments anyone??


I love you all ~~

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Chapter 8: Yaaaa...please update thornim
Chapter 7: Just corious,who is taeyeon boyfriend
Chapter 4: Ahhh there is someone who missing a y morning girl🤭
Chapter 8: Update please.....
Chapter 8: JeTi jjang! XD
Update soon!
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 8: awww clumsy tiff is soo cute and jess likes it he is so sweet taking care of her.
KalakiMae #7
Chapter 8: awww clumsy tiff is soo cute and jess likes it he is so sweet taking care of her.
Chapter 8: Wow thats a very unplanned date :D
PJShin #9
Chapter 8: Annyeong~
Hehe. It's nice to know that Tiffany is only clumsy towards Jessi. It's like their first meeting ne? It's kind of funny to see Tiffany being oblivious while on the phone since she just woke up. Hehe. Nice one!
Hwaiting! ^-^v