Chapter 4

First Kiss and First Impression

[A/N] Sorry for not updating for days ^-^v

but here I am with another chapter update just for you guys :*




                Tiffany was very excited as she dialed a number on her phone. She excitedly waited for it to be answered.


                “Taetae, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me last night―I mean after midnight,” She smiled as she corrected herself.

                “Let me guess… You met a guy from the assignment you worked at. He asked for your number, and now he’s your instant crush,” She guessed.

                “WRONG” She said in an overly excited manner, even if the tone of her friend was so boring. “I just saved a hunky angel and―”

                “You already have a crush on him?” She cut her off. Her smile just grew wider, like she was grinning. “He’s so dreamy, and so gorgeous, and―”

                “So, you do already have a crush on him?”

                “Yup!” She chuckled at her confession. “Taetae, if only you were here and saw him, he was so handsome, hot, and y. He’s such a perfect knight.”

                “Okay. So, how did you save this so called hunky angel?” She asked uninterestedly.

                She animatedly told her of how she saw the guy when she was going home, how she took care of him when the police brought him to her house, and what happened after she woke up. “But, I looked so stupid,” She pouted.

                She remembered how she looked like a fool because of her actions. She bet she looked like a caveman who just saw another human being for the first time.

                Also, the guy didn’t eat there when he remembered he had to do some stuff. He just looked for his clothes and shoes and bid his farewell to her because he needed to go home. He thanked her for saving him and taking care of him. He didn’t even ask how he got to her house and what happened last night or how he managed to be at their place. He looks like he was in a hurry. But she doubts it if they ever meet again.

                “Do you think he’ll come back?” she suddenly asked.

                “If you were in his situation, you found yourself in an insane persons’ house, would you want to meet them again?” taeyeon asked.

                “Hmm… It depends if the insane person you’re referring to would be handsome.”

                She chuckled at her answer. But she doubted if the man ever found her worth giving a second look. She already looked insane and she even looked like a nomad earlier.

                She sighed. So much for putting her best foot forward. It totally slipped her mind that she had a visitor when she was going downstairs.

                “So, what’s his name?” She was suddenly broken from her deep thoughts by her friends’ question.

                She pouted. She didn’t even have the chance to ask his name. He totally looks like he was in a hurry. Now, she can’t even fantasize his name. She suddenly thought that the guy was being greedy, not telling her his name even if he doesn’t know she had a crush on him.

                “You didn’t ask,” she guessed.                                                                                                            


                She let out an ahjumma laugh. “It’s the first time you didn’t get any basic information about your crush.”

                “YAH! It’s not like I have that many crushes.” She frowned.

                “Oh, really?” She decided to .

                She frowned a bit more.

                A few moments later, taeyeon laughed. “Relax fany-ah. It’s ok. Who doesn’t have crushes? But don’t you think were already too old to have crushes?”

                “Yah! I’m not that old,” She protested.

                Well, she had to admit she did have many crushes. And even if she’s already twenty-four, if ever she gets attracted to a guy she always regards it as a crush. She just believed that age was not a reason to stop having crushes. “Crush” means “admiration” in her dictionary.

                “So that’s why every guy you encounter becomes your crush?”

                “Not everyone…”

                She remembered the guy she saved and took care off. She suddenly thought of what she admired about the guy. She remembered his good looks and his magnificent body. Her eyebrows furrowed and her forehead creased. Was that the only thing he admired about him?

                Quite often, what he admires in a guy is his personality and talent. But with the guy he helped, she doesn’t remember any of his personality that would be fit for what he prefers in a crush.

                It was almost the whole morning that he was asleep in her house. And when he woke up they didn’t even have the chance to talk properly because of her weird reaction and that he had to leave immediately. So she had no time to know him on a personal basis, except for him being so handsome and all.

                Shocks! Are her standards for her crushes that low already?

                 She wasn’t the type who cared about appearance. She always went for what was inside rather than outside. Brains rather than brawn. But that man, there was just something about him. Something which had made her become so aware of his presence. And that was the first time she was attracted to someone that way.

                Yes. That must be it. She was attracted to the guy. Even though she knew it was just plain crazy, knowing that he just met him. And he was just asleep in her living room and even after he woke up she understood that he wasn’t in his proper mind. And the fact that they didn’t even have a proper conversation at that time made it even worse.

                On the other thought, it is normal to happen like that. Physical beauty does attract the opposite . And the man was oozing with appeal. Without a doubt, she wasn’t the very first woman to become attracted to him at first sight. But like what usually happens when she starts to admire someone, the feeling will eventually disappear.

                “So, what are you gonna do about your feelings?” Taeyeon asked which broke her out of her thoughts.

                “Nothing, since I’m sure we won’t be able to meet again. I already told you earlier, He left immediately. I didn’t even have the chance to get his name.”

                “Why do I sense a feeling of regret in your voice?” She teasingly asked Tiffany.

                “It was such a waste.” She jokingly answered back.

                Taeyeon laughed. “Why don’t you come visit me at my house sometimes, so we could bond over some re-runs. I miss those days,” she quickly changed the topic.

                “I can come this weekend,” she excitedly suggested.

                “Ok, just give me a call or a text then.” She said to end the conversation.

                After putting down her phone, she stretched her arms then leaned on the sofa where the stranger previously laid. She can still smell his scent from the pillow he used. She still hasn’t bought it back to the guest room.

                She regretted not having the chance to have breakfast with him. Maybe she will never have another shot at meeting him again.

                She yawned. Slowly she was falling asleep.




                “How’s my favorite brother?”

                “I’m your only brother, and pay some respect I’m older than you,” He answered his brother Yoong.

                Yoong just shrugged his shoulders. He sat down together with his girlfriend Yuri on the couch opposite to him. It looks like they decided to be all touchy-touchy in front of him.

                He sighed and decided to focus his attention on the papers in front of him. “If you’re just trying to make me envious of what you’re doing then you’re out of luck.” He coldly told them.

                “My, oh my. Your brothers’ still as grumpy as a troll.” Yuri chuckled as she was hugging Yoong.

                Yoong also chuckled but Jesse didn’t fail to notice how his grip on his girlfriend got tighter.

                He just shook his head. It looks like he isn’t over the idea that Yuri used to like him. He’s so paranoid.

                Yoong is a year younger than him but he has a mind of a twelve year old. Maybe he’s just a natural choding but its making him worry even more. Yoong has these rebellious tendencies. He even chose to put up a restaurant with his best friend than manage their own family company. That’s why all the pressure from their father was forced on him.

                Good thing that after a few years Yoong learned to accept that he also had to take responsibility over half of the company.

                “What do you need from me that you had to come and disturb me in the middle of work?” Jesse asked them before they get too caught up in their own little world.

                They both faced him when they remembered why they were there at the first place. Because of the grins that were on both faces, he already had a hint of why they were there.

                “We’re planning to get married. And Hyung, guess what!? You’re my best man,” his brother declared.

                He was right. That’s what they were gonna tell him. He didn’t even question it. He was happy for him. He was happy that he had finally found the girl who would change him from being a playboy to a proper guy. Yuri was a very charming and lovely woman. And he can clearly see that they were happy with each other.

                “Don’t you think Soo would be mad if he found out he’s not your best man?”

                “Oh, I don’t think so he’s also busy with his own wedding.” He chuckled as he answered his brother.

                His eyebrow rose. It looks like he was just a second choice. “Wait, He’s also getting married?” He faced Yuri. “Don’t you think it would be bad luck to have both your weddings on the same year?”

                Sooyoung’s girlfriend is Yuri’s sister and if the guy decided to get married this year too then it would be bad luck for both couples (Some Filipino superstitious belief J ).  It’s not like he believes in those superstitious beliefs or anything, it’s just that it’s better to be safe than sorry.

                “They’ll be getting married next year. That’s why your brother wants to get married sooner. So we’re planning to have the wedding in two months since it’s already October.” Yuri answered.

                “Yeah, and I can’t wait for us to get married already,” Yoong sweetly answered his girlfriend.

                “Me too,” She agreed.

                “We should just get married this weekend already.”

                “Oh sweetie, I’d want to invite our close friends. Many would get angry if we don’t invite them.”

                His eyes glimmered as he thought of an idea. “Why don’t we get married this weekend then get married in two months for the guests?”

                And the two drowned again in sweetness, oblivious of their surroundings.

                Man, this was bothersome. He scratched his neck trying to avoiding looking at them. He was silently praying that they would leave already. He had so much work to do.

                “Don’t be absent during the fitting, ok?” His brother said as he realized where they were. “I want everything to be perfect.”

                “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be there,” he just answered.


                “What about you Jesse-oppa, when will you start planning for your future?” Yuri asked.

                He could’ve guessed that Yuri would ask him that. Women. He just shook his head.

                “Ah, I think we should just let hyung be,” he interrupted. He put his arms around her shoulders and whispered. They both laughed like there was something funny with what Yoong whispered. He was sure that it was about him.

                If they hadn’t bid farewell yet he would’ve flicked his brothers’ forehead for revenge. After they left he still didn’t get the chance to finish his paperwork.

                He leaned on his swivel chair and started to space out. Memories of the past came surging in as silence made its way into his room when the YoonYul couple walked out the door. And only one face was painted on his mind.

                He almost got married to a girl he thought was his one true love. He even thought it was destiny. But things got a little hazy between them. And before he knew it, the engagement was broken off.

                He let out a sigh and forced himself not to think of the nasty events that started to occupy his mind. He promised himself not to think about it anymore. Or if he would think about it, it wouldn’t weight so much on his chest. Besides, it was all for the best.

                He suddenly thought of the girl who saved him three nights ago. He was really so amused with her. If he hadn’t remembered that he had a meeting back then, then he would’ve probably stayed for brunch.

                He also thought of how he can repay her kindness. He was planning on giving her a present but he didn’t know what her interests were. She seemed to be a very simple girl. And in his experience, it wasn’t very easy to find a girl like her something that she would really like. As in, really like.

                He didn’t even have the chance to ask her name. He only realized it after he had already drove his car which he fetch at the bar.

                He promised that he would come back for her. Not just to properly thank her for saving him but also to get to know her a bit. There’s this part of him that really wanted to meet her again.

                He was supposed to go back on that same day. When he got home he took a shower and prepared himself, even if he doesn’t normally this for a date or for an appointment. He usually went out wearing comfortable clothes and never made too much of an effort to look good. But not at that moment, he didn’t want to look like a drunk that was beaten up in front of her. He didn’t want her to see him in that unfortunate state again. That wasn’t a very good first encounter.

                But he needed to go to a meeting in Singapore that Yoong was supposed to attend to. Because he had an emergency at their restaurant, so he had no choice but cover for him. He just got back yesterday and he was faced with a lot of paperwork in the office this morning.

                He was itching to visit the girl that saved him. He wanted to see her again. Badly. Maybe that’s how it feels when pregnant and craving for something. You can’t stay still unless you eat the thing that you want so badly. He was just craving for something—or someone. He wanted to see the face of that y angel who saved him three nights ago.

                For him to be able to do so, he needed to speed up everything and be done with it. He breathes out a lungful of air and went back to being his busy self.



Please do comment.. It always gives me much encouragement ^^

and I just wanted to say that i am a loyal ACE shipper ^-^

until next time :)

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Chapter 8: Yaaaa...please update thornim
Chapter 7: Just corious,who is taeyeon boyfriend
Chapter 4: Ahhh there is someone who missing a y morning girl🤭
Chapter 8: Update please.....
Chapter 8: JeTi jjang! XD
Update soon!
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 8: awww clumsy tiff is soo cute and jess likes it he is so sweet taking care of her.
KalakiMae #7
Chapter 8: awww clumsy tiff is soo cute and jess likes it he is so sweet taking care of her.
Chapter 8: Wow thats a very unplanned date :D
PJShin #9
Chapter 8: Annyeong~
Hehe. It's nice to know that Tiffany is only clumsy towards Jessi. It's like their first meeting ne? It's kind of funny to see Tiffany being oblivious while on the phone since she just woke up. Hehe. Nice one!
Hwaiting! ^-^v