Episode 8: The Daegu Demons and the Fallen Angel

Seoul City Saviors

Rated SPG

                           T L V 

We left of with this on SeoulCitySaviors:

Taeyeon: Minahaeyo appa. I love you all. Tell it to Umma and Teukie oppa.

Chansung teleported us back to the Phoenix and we all strapped in our seats. Wooyoung helped Taeyeon with her seatbelts. We all got to our seats. Sungmin hyung and Nich went to the pilot seats as we all had strapped in. They asked us if we were all secured into our seats now. We started to ascend.

Sungmin: Okay hold on.

Hyung said as he and Nichkhun started to make the plain gain more altitude. Nichkhun looked at me and then he said as we already had a stable altitude and the flight wasn't bumpy. Sungmin hyung was still serious driving until he had auto-pilot.

Nichkhun: Where to next Taec?

Sungmin: Yeah Yoona?

Both asked Yoona and I. I handed the MDNA Tracker to Yoona from my backpack. She booted it up and typed in something. As she had finished, she turned the laptop screen to us. And the she said.

Yoona: Daegu. Two mutants there.

Junsu perked up.

Junsu: Daegu? I'm from Daegu.

I looked at him. And then looked back at Yoona.

Taecyeon: Well, at least we'll know our way around our next stop this time right?

On with the story, stay right here with the SeoulCitySaviors...


The Black Phoenix apparently has a button that shrink it into a black van that could fit twelve people easily. But we're eleven right now. Maybe another one to the team?

We found out about this setting as we had gone out of gas. We needed to refuel. Now we're in a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Maybe around a mile from here is Daegu. Yoona said that our next stop should be Daegu. The MDNA she had tracked is not one to be missed.

File Name Hwang Miyoung a.k.a. Stephanie Hwang. An angel-type mutant that sprouts wings from her back. Not just that she had also tracked another mutant here. File Name Choi Sooyoung a mutant that's super strong. We need to recruit every mutant we find. We can't let the Chaos Club get their filthy hands on them first.

Junsu was driving the van this time. Up front was Junsu, Jay and Chansung. He needed to stay with the two hyungs. IN the next set of seats was Yoona to the window and I was in the middle and then Sungmin hyung. The next seats were occupied by Taeyeon, Wooyoung and then Nichkhun. The last seats at the very back of the van was for Junho and Yonghwa. I stayed with Yoona to help her track down the mutants.

We were driving around for ten minutes now and Daegu looked.. odd. There were little people roaming the steets and there no children at all. Was Daegus supposed to be like this?

Well as usual, our clean recruit and leave plan will not turn out well. I just have a gut feel to it. And then the most unexpectable thing happened. We had ran over a biker. The traditional, leather clad biker. He was rugged all over adn bearded and tattooed.

Yonghwa: Ouh Yah.

Yonghwa had been smashed onto the back seat of Wooyoung. Junho was sleepeing and was awakened as he was choked on his seat belt from the backseat.

Junho: Aigho- cccccckkkk.

We all got down from the van and the biker we had ran over ran as he joined his gang and chased someone. From afar we could see  that he and his gang mates were trying to chase down a two girls. One had a brown trenchcoat, her legs looked fine but her back seemed to tell that she was limping. The other girl was clad in leather adn she was very tall.

Junsu looked over the gang. Then the girls vanished from the gang's sight and all of them ahd turned their eyes on us. The one we had ran over whispered to a bigger more buff man, he must be the leader.

Chansung: Ahhh.. hyung.. I think we should run.

Yoona walks up front and then turned back on me and said.

Yoona: What for? We could just say sorry right?

She held up her hands to her sides and walked facing us towards the gang. Aish this woman.

Jay: Yoona, no. Stop.

SUngmin: Yoona yah!

She turned around and walked to the gang. The gang smiled and I know they were thinking of foul things about her now. I turned to Jay and I ran for her.

Taec: Aish this woman.

The guys ran after me. I caught up with Yoon and she was having a stare down with the biker we had ran over. She had her hands to her waist as she was saying.

Yoona: and we just want to say sorry okay? There's no need to..

She lowered the gang member's knife, the one she was talking to.

Yoona: Gut us.. or whatever.

She smiled at all of them.

Gang Member: How about we gut them and then I bone you?

They all laughed. I was to her side now. I was about to talk but Yoona had punched the guy. She was cradling her hand in her other. She was in pain. She must have hurt her hand as she had punched this guy's brick like jaw.

Taecyeon: Whoa.. Sorry man, she's ju-

And then a flying fist had connected with my face but it didn't knock me down. I just staggered back and held my face. Yoona was still cradling her hand and then a flying kick to the chest of the guy who had punched me connected. I looked up and it was Shado. They were all behind me now.

And then I continued to talk as I had held Yoona's free hand.

Taecyeon: Okay, well that didn't do anything. We'll just go now.

Another guy touched my shoulder and was about to punch me and he had gained a tackle from Nichkhun. Then it all became a free for all street brawl. Except I asked Shado to teleport Yoona back to the van and strap her in. I had joined the full fledged fist fight going on now. Junsu was about to open his arm cannon but Jay had stopped him. From afar I could hear Junho say.

Junho: Wanna dance? I have two hands that are warmed up and ready to tango.

He was in a taunting contest with another gang member. Wooyoung was also in a fist fight with another member. They were cussing each other out.

Wooyoung: Let me re-arrange your face for you.

Then he went beast on the member. I was in a fight myself. I was scanning the streets. No citizen was even responding to what was happening right now. I lit my right hand on fire and flared the ground. Everyone looked at me and then went back to plummeting each other's faces in. And then I tried to shout at them.


They all stopped. I smiled and then looked at each of them. The team wasn't looking at me and neither was the gang. Their eyes all went past me. From behind a long woman clad in shiny leather pants and high-heeled biker boots. Black shirt inside and ontop of it was a leather jacket too. She looked sweet but her face said otherwise. All the gang members cowered in fear and I assumed, we all assumed she's the gang leader.

Sooyoung: What the is going on? Who the are these people?

She was angry at the gang members. She walked past me and the team as they stood by my side. And then Yoona arrived. The leather clad miss was staring us down. Yoona came running from behind with the MDNA Tracker in her hands.

Yoona: Guys guys! Guys.. The MDNA Tracked her... She's..

She stopped as she looked up from the tracker and looked at the Gang Leader. Yoona pointed at the girl but she just continued to glare at us.

Yoona: .. that girl!

And we all looked at her. Jay looked at the ID on Yoona's tracker. We all sneaked a pic of the girl. I turned my back to her and looked at Yoona and whispered to her. I put my hands in my pocket and looked down on her.

She looked back and then blushed. I was shocked but I regained my cool and continued to ask her. She was typing on her lap top again.

Taecyeon: Uhh.. Yoona.. Are you sure? She's not that...

Yoona: Pleasant to look at and she's a gang leader. Daegu Demons. See?

She turned the laptop to me and then I passed on every information to the team. Choi Sooyoung, the Daegu Demons were also getting agitated by Sooyoung's growing impatience. We were completely ignoring her till Jay broke off the silence from us.

Jay: Choi Sooyoung?

Sooyoung snapped her look from me to Jay.

Choi: Bwo?!

Jay: May we talk to you?

She spat her next words like she was about to rip off our throats clean from our body. Well, based on her ID in the tracker she could. 500x the strenght of an average person. She could create an earthquake with a punch to the ground. She said:

Sooyoung: You. already are! DIMWIT!

Jay: Okay calm down Miss.

Sooyoung: You messed with the Daegu Demons and you've left yet another thief get away from us.

Shado interrupted Sooyoung and Sooyoung did not seem pleased with what he did.


He walked up from behind. He looked at her like he was really shocked. We all were. They looked like the typical gang, children of anarchy and a bunch of troublemakers. We were judgemental enough that they were chasing down a poor innocent person to rob him of his belongings. Or her.

Chansung: Chamkamanyo. You.. you guys..

He motioned his hands as if collectively referring to the Demons. See even their name makes you think they're a bunch of troublemakers.

Chansung: You.. saved that thrift shop?

He pointed back at the thrift shop that was smashed into pieces.

Chansung: Aish.. Hyung my head hurts.

He put his hand on Nichkhun and Sungmin. As if his head really was hurt.

Sooyoung: Yah! Go away in one piece now.. Or suffer the Hell that the Daegu Demons serve.

She threatened us and all we could do was laugh. Of course she got annoyed with this. We all laughed at her. How could one mutant beat all of us to a pulp. 1 against 10? Nope not gonna happen.

Taeyeon: I think we should leave guys.

She said as she clinged onto Wooyoung's arm. Wooyoung thought of course that messing with them wasn't a good idea either. Wooyoung spoke up.

Wooyoung: Uh guys.. I think Taeyeon's right.

Sungmin: Nonsense man.. She couldn't do it..

Junho: Yeah man.. Chains? Psh? Pipes? Wussies.

Sungmin and Junho mocked the gang. I was thinking now. Maybe if we showed her...

Taecyeon: Yoona, mental link now.

I whispered to Yoona. She immediately set up a link to every team member and I talked to them trying to make my plan into a go. Jay spoke up first though, followed by Nichkhun.

Jay: Guys, how could we get her to come with us?

Nichkhun: Yah.. I don't want bruises okay? I might heal fast but it still hurts.

Then I said.

Taecyeon: We'll make her show her mutation to us. And we'll show her ours too. 

Then I spoke up aloud.

Taecyeon: You seem like a hero here huh?

Sooyoung just looked at me. She scanned each and every one if us like a realization had dawned on her. She turned her back and commanded her gang to retreat. She was about to walk away too to the direction her gang had rode off to. But I looked at Junho and asked him to stop her. Junsu was silent all of this time. I wonder why.

Taecyeon: Let's talk.

Junho ran to Sooyoung's side and Chansung teleported to the other. She shrugged them off but the two were persistent. She then pushed the two back.

Sooyoung: I don't want to!

She punched the gournd and it cracked on our feet. We dodged it to the side. Taeyeon had phased Wooyoung and her and appeared from behind her. Chansung teleported all the team members beside Sooyoung as she was about to punch the gorund again. She lifted her left fist and was about to punch down but Nichkhun held her left hand.

Chansung blocked her right foot with his. Taeyeon sunk her left food to the concrete. Junsu opened his arm cannon. Jay, Sungmin, Wooyoung, Yoona and I were in front of her. Junsu was at the center. Sooyoung was immobile now.

Then I was about to speak up but Junsu seemed to have collected or rather recollected his thoughts and I let him speak up first. He seems to have known the name of the Gang back then.

Junsu: Now, let's talk gang member to gang member.

He lifted the sleeves from his upper arm in his bicep was tattoed the name in traditional hangul. The words Daegu Demons were tattoed in red and black ink in it.

Junsu: Yep. Remember when we were in Busan guys?

He asked us.

Junho: Yeah?

Junsu: The gang I was talking about?

Wooyoung spoke up as he walked from behind me upfront.

Wooyoung: Yeah hyung. Wae?

Junsu looked at us nervously. He was about to speak up but Nichkhun had stopped him and replied.

Nichkhun: AHH! Daegu Demons. The gang you had joined before we entered Busan Juvy.

Junsu smirked and Sooyoung was still in shock.

Junsu: Yeah.

Then Sooyoung spoke up. Everybody stopped immobilizing her and we all stood in front of her. Her left foot was still sunk to the concrete but she had broken it loose.

Sooyoung: You... You're a former demon? 

Junsu nodded in approval. She looked at him wondering if he wasn't saying bull. But after a second or two of wondering she had accepted it. She held out a hand to Junsu and they had shaken hands. And then she turned to all of us and said.

Sooyoung: You're.. You're mutants too?

Taecyeon: Yeah..

Then Yoona continued.

Yoona: And the country need you.

After a brief talk she had invited us over to a bar where her gang usually hangs out. She ordered a dozen beers and two shots of tequila. She dropped one shot in a mug and drank it straight. She wiped with the back of her hand. She dropped the other in another mug. Taeyeon refused the beer and Chansung had drunk it straight too. Competitive drinkers. Psh.

We took a sip each and I forbade Yoona from drinking. She protested that she could not get drunk though, though I believed her since she had full control of all the potential of her brain which makes her impervious to alcohol. I still took away the mug from her.

Yoona: Anyway.. Can you tell us your story first?

She looked at Junsu who was chatting up with her. She gave him a look that said stop chatting up and start recruiting. He coughed and tried to make her spill her beans. Out on the table.

Junsu: Okay.. Uhh.. Sooyoung ah.. Tell us.. What happened with the Demons?

She put her boots on the table and started to speak up. She was about to give Junsu a catch up on the Demons.

Sooyoung: After your generation left the Demons.. Daegu fell into a dark age. Criminals have never been scared of us anymore. You know, the Daegu Demons still try to rack up the crimes in this place right?

Junsu nodded and pitched in a piece of information for all of us. He said that the Daegu Demons were like us, the Department. Except that they weren't legally into it. They were a gang that helped people in a not so giddy goody two shoes way.

Then Sooyoung continued.

Sooyoung: Well we've gottten this place in our hands again since I joined. The people? Their not scared. Actually that thrift shop owner, she was the one who called us there. This, trench coat girl keeps on stealing from shops here. She's that one criminal with lots if guts.

Then we asked her about the Chaos Club. Her expression grew dim as the question took her by surprise. 

Sooyoung: My brother... Minho.. He joined them..

She looked at her mug as if she wasn't interested in drinking from it anymore.

Sooyoung: Dragon.. He had convinced my brother to join. I joined the Demons to take him back.

That was what I wanted to hear. I sat up from my chair again. She drank all her beer at once again. Chansung pulled Yoona's mug as she was about to take a sip. He drank it all at once too and looked at Sooyoung intently.

Taecyeon: Then join us..

She looked at Chansung then back at me. Jay, Nichkhun, Sungmin and I had explained to her what the Chaos Club was planning. To march over to Seoul and push the North and South into war. Then the world. All she could do was order another round of beer and drink from it as she said.

Sooyoung: Anniyo.

Jay stood up. Sungmin and Nichkhun did too. They couldn't believe it.

Jay: Bwoya?

Sungmin: Your "gang" could not do much okay? Against several mutants. With us you stand a chance.

Nichkhun: Look, we're all gifted. And would you rather get plowed by the Chaos Club and let innocent humans be part of a death march against them?

Nichkhun said with much conviction. Sooyoung looked around the bar and looked at his young gang members. Almost around her, Chansung, Junho and Yonghwa's age. She nodded no.

Taecyeon: And the only way we stand a chance if we take our powers altogether and stand against Dragon. 

We all stood up and I held out a hand to her. She was about to take it and seal the deal but Chansung stopped her. 

Chansung: Drink battle now.


....1 hour later....

Taeyeon: Chansung's pretty drunk huh?

She was looking at Chansung and Sooyoung who were now engaged in a puke fest. Apparently both can not hold a keg of beer each inside of them. Sungmin and Nichkhun had gone to get the Black Bull. Yeah, we nicknamed it if it was in van mode.

They parked up next to Chansung and Sooyoung. They were about to ask us to get in but then Yoona had alerted us that she had tracked down the other mutant to a warehouse. We pushed Sooyoung and Chansung in as the rest of us had gone inside too. 

After a ten minute drive, we arrived at an abandoned warehouse. Inside were children. Children who looked like they were being beaten to a pulp. Then a girl.. no an angel. She had wings. She gave the kids food and clothes. She was even clothing a baby.

Sungmin: Well here we are.. Angel Drive.

Sungmin looked at the GPS tracker as we all went down. Nichkhun looked up at the sky.

Nichkhun: It'll be morning soon. We couldn't stay here for another day. Let's get this over with.

Chansung and Sooyoung snored at the same time. Chansung walked out the van. He was still groggy but he tried to go on with us still.

Chansung: Can we grab a bite after this mission?

We all pushed him back inside beside Sooyoung. He was definitely drunk still. Then Sooyoung went outside and said almost the same thing.

Sooyoung: Can we grab a bite after work?

We all did the same to her. She rested her head on Chansung's and they both fell asleep. We all walked in and everyone was in a panic. The children started screaming and the Angel started to spread her wings. She flapped it and sent a wave of dust towards us obscuring our eyes. Junsu was smart enough to cover his and opened his arm cannon. He jumped up as the angel started to fly. He knocked her down with him and caught her in his arms.

Junsu: Not now angel.

We sat her down and talked to her.Jay asked her. She was tied to a chair since the first three times we tried to calm her down she kept in blasting us with dust. Finally we decided to tie her.

Jay: Nuguaeyo?

Tiffany: Stephanie Hwang.

Junsu crouched in front of her.

Junsu: You're the thief right?

Tiffany: That thrift store ownere made these kids work with no pay. She's the thief. She robbed these children of their freedom.

Junsu: But this.. these things you do.. It doesn't justify the means of it you know that right? Come with us..

He stood up and untied her. She held onto her wrists as she was free from the chair.

Junsu: And you can be part of something bigger.

Wow I couldn't believe this would be easy. After that we explained thet her helping these kids isn't enough. In the morning we called on the Daegu Demons commanded by the hungover Sooyoung who couldn't remember that we had caught her and Chansung kissing to bring food for the children. And for them to take care of them for a while.

Then as we boarded the Black Phoenix now, we talked about the Sooyoung-Chansung incident.

Taecyeon: Hey there lovebirds.

Sooyoung looked at me groggily and so did Chansung.

Yoona: Kiss much?

Tiffany laughed as she was being strapped in to her seat by Junsu. They locked eyes for a second and then they both turned away. 

Junsu: There, if you feel uncomfortable with your wings.. Just tell me. I'll sit by your side.

Sooyoung strapped herself in and glared at me and I raised my hand in protest. As Chansung was strapping himself in next to Sooyoung he said.

Chansung: At least I kissed her. And not just give her my jacket or something small like that..

It struck me that he was talking about Yoona and I then Sooyoung looked at him.

Sooyuoung: Whoa whoa there. We're not a thing yet, you and I, okay?

We got all settled in now but Yoona chose to sit opposite me beside Taeyeon and the exit door. Taeyeon clasped Wooyoung hand as she had finished strapping her seatbelt. Then Jay asked our new team mates.

Jay: Oh yeah.. Standard procedure.. Can we have your codenames now?

Sooyoung looked up and then she said without hesitation.

Sooyoung: Invictus. Strong..

Chansung: That's invincible sweetie.

He draped his arm around her shoulders and pushed him off his seat ripping his seatbelt. He stood up and sat next to her right away as we all laughed.

Chansung: I'm fine. Gwenchana gwenchana. 

Sooyoung: This ChanSoo will not catch on okay?

Chansung: See.. we even have a couple name now.

Sungmin and Nichkhun, the pilots laughed so hard.

Chansung: Hyungs, please take this phoenix off ground now. Cha.

Jay stopped laughing and asked the same question to Tiffany. Junsu looked at her and he seemed to have grown a special affection for her.

Tiffany: Saint.

Jay: Nice choice.

Junsu looked at her and they both smiled. Sungmin and Nichkhun had taken the Phoenix off ground and we were now in a steady flight. Everyone had their own businesses.

Junsu and Tiffany were trying to get to know each other and the team, but specially with each other. Taeyeon and Wooyoung were also helping Tiffany and Sooyoung get a catch up with the team and the department. Chansung fell asleep but Sooyoung keeps on checking on him.

I unstrapped and sat next to Yoona. She was on the tracker again. Jay was liistening in his iPod and asked us from up front. Yonghwa was seated next to him.

Jay: Any news Yoona?

Yoona typed some things in and ignored me completely.

Taecyeon: Hey are you ignoring me?

She ignored me again.

Taecyeon: Is this about the teasing we get from them? C'mon ignore that not me.

She ignored me again and asnwered Jay's question.

Yoona: Take us to Ilsandeong, then Ilsanseo, Goyang. Two mutants, Seo Joo Hyun and Kim Hyoyeon. 

And then she turned towards me.

Yoona: Taec, whatever we have is just friensdhip right? We're strictly being professionals right?

She's right and all I could say is.

Taecyeon: Yeah.. And Nicole remember, I just want to be your friend. Plus being with the guys again I'm still not used to this again okay?

She ignored me again. Though when I mentioned Nicole's name, there was a clear look of hurt on her face. Though she's an empath, her face keeps showing her true feelings.


To Be Continued...


Watch Out for the Next Episode of SeoulCitySaviors! Where's the Chaos Club now. And what do you think would happen to the growing team and Taec and Yoona's "friendship?" Find out on the next episode!





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Chapter 1: Soon. Watch out.
When will you comeback authornim? :-( :-(
tupiemoppars #3
Chapter 16: Yay! Welcome back!
Chapter 15: Welcome back author-nim!!
Chapter 16: It's been 6754321 years authornim keke I'm happy that you're back.
Chapter 16: Yay! You're back! :)
Chapter 16: Guys.. I;m back. ;P
Chapter 15: i hope you'll update this story soon :D
darkhorse15 #9
Chapter 15: update please been months
tupiemoppars #10
i miss your updates authornim ><