Episode 5: The Chaos Club makes Black Marble Rubble and Dust

Seoul City Saviors


Rated SPG

                                L V 

SCS Headquarters

[01:00 hours]


We were gone for a night of mission and we get back to headquarters and this is what greets us. The SCS HQ, all the black marble.. now dust and rubble. 

No one to blame but the Chaos Club. We all rushed inside what's left of the bulding. We pushed through the glass double doors and ran to the center of the establishment. At the center there stood Dragon and his minions. What the hell had happened we don't know. Why? We're more clueless.

But what happened before this well I could tell.


SCS Headquarters

[07:00 hours]


We were all awakened by a siren that is actually an alarm around here in the headquarters. The mutant quarters were separated from the government employee quarters. In the hall we all walked out as we had finsished our baths and morning rituals. I had gone on to wear my old uniform. This one already has a sleeve and inside it is sews a gas tank for my using. Connected also to it is the wrist watch like contrapment that holds the flint rock for my utility.

Black pants also was part of my old uniform and some combat boots. I walked out my familiar room. The room I had stayed for duration of my employment in the SCS, but of course I shared it with Yonghwa. But now we all had individdual rooms. 

As I stepped outside I smelled perfume. SOmthing unnecessary to our line of work. I walked outside and looked at Yoona. She had a muscular sent on. She looked me in the eyes and squinted. She backed up her head a little.

Yoona: Bwoya? Waeguraeyo?

I just stared at her then we heard the sound of perfume being sprayed out of a bottle. We bothe looked to the left and we both saw Chansung, already in his Shado get up spray perfume and toss it back to his room.

Chansung: What? I already look unattractive with my uniform at least let me smell good..

He walked past both Yoona and I and headed straight to the conference room. Yoona still looked at me and she wanted to smile but she hesitated. I looked at her. Then bowed my head thinking for a second. Maybe I was cold to her? Maybe we could work together and after all she would be the one I had less attraction or rather connection with. At least we could start fresh right? I also thought about this with my other form- err.. with my team mates. Start fresh.

Taecyeon: Sorceress, Yoona.. Maybe we coul-

As I speak I slowly turned up my head and she was already halfway across the hall that led to the lobby. I looked at her and I  shouted at her.

Taecyeon: Yah!

She continued to walk not even phased with what I had just shouted. With my shout! What the hell?

Taecyeon: Aish.. YAH! YOONA-SSI!

I ran to her. She was about to open the double doors out into the lobby but I stopped her. I spun her around not to hard and she looked at me with a fake smile on her face. I would like to smack it off her face.

Yoona: Torch.

She greeted me.

Taecyeon: Let's talk.

She sighed. 

Yoona: Okay, you're gonna ask for an apology right?

She looked me in the eyes beckoning for an answer. I nodded at her.

Yoona: I'm sorry I didn't tell you at first. We didn't want to shock you. And your girlfriend...

She stopped for a while. She looked me in the eyes with concern. Her look asking permission to go on with her words. I nodded at her but I kept a straight face on.

Yoona: So maybe we could start fresh.. that's what you're thinking. Well we could. Plus I'm new to the team. Maybe you could show me the ropes to being part of it.

She held out a hand.

Yoona: IM YOONA codename Sorceress. Telepath, telekinetic, empath and well I'm the newest addition to your team.

It means she could move stuff with her head and link us all together in her mind so that we could speak in our minds freely with the team. She could be our intercom. And she's an empath too, she could read amotions and control them. I looked at her outstretched hand.

I doubt at first that this would be outr situation. Chums that are also team mates. The team, I cold not be in good terms very well yet except for Nich and now with Yoona. Yoona could be a confidant. She was new. A new face. A fresh face that could be part of my world as of the moment.

I took her outstretched hand in mine and shook it.

Taecyeon: OK TAECYEON codename Torch. Fire manipulator. Your team lieutenant. Jay's the captain still right? 

She nodded.

Yoona: Well Torch. Uhh.. meeting isn't gonna start for about.

She looked at her watch and then looked back at me. How could she blush now when all the times.. whoa all two of the times I saved her all the reaction that she could give me was a straight face.

Yoona: Maybe wanna catch up on some things.. maybe over a.. cup of..

I continued her sentence as I opened the door. Agents walked around the lobby in their suits.

Taecyeon: Coffee.. Yeah coffee sounds good around this time of the day.



[08:oo hours]

We were sitting outside a cafe. I had taken off my red leather jacket to pass of as a normal citizen and Yoona had also taken off her purple leather jacket and her utility belt. Inside we just wore black long sleeve sweaters.

I had ordered two americanos as she had liked and we were there about to start a conversation with each other. I don't know why but I have confidence in her that she could keep the secrets I would say. I don't plan to stay too long after the job to eliminate Chaos Club.

Yoona took a sip of her americano and put on her shades. I still know she looked at me as I sipped from mine.

Yoona: So what's your deal? Wait, I already know your juvy story.. Believe me the guys wouldn't stop talking about you..

I set down my cup and then coughed gaining my voice again. 

Taecyeon: Well I left the department..

She looked at me and lowered her sunglasses to her knows. As if asking why?

Taecyeon: JYP killed my parents. My parents asked to be killed to trigger my mutation. That's it.

She looked at me and then put on her glasses right again and sat up right. And then leaned forward setting her cup aside. She looked at me in the eyes again and then said.

Yoona: No.. About you and your girlfriend. It's obvious that your break up is still bothering you..

I didn't answer. I only had a straight face and thought of Nicole again. Yeah.. what really is the deal with her and me?  I miss her and I still love her very much. But now I feel like I should have never met her and have never exis-

Yoona: I was also like you..

She looked out into the streets. Looking at a family from across the street. The father was holding the daoughter from the right and the mother on the left.

Then she looked at me and had snapped me out from staring at the family too. She looked at me and then she sighed and started to talk again.

Yoona: I was an experiment by my parents when they were still alive working for the SCS.

She sighed and then looked at me as she reclined on her seat again. She was deep in thought as she looked back at the family.

Yoona: I never felt the feeling of having a family.. I was just an experiment to them. They provided education for me, a place to live in and some needs I didn't actually need. But they never let me feel their real presence.

She looked at me and then I looked at her. Her eyes were starting to tear up as she bowed her head.

Taecyeon: And let's go now. We'll be late for the conference.

I took out the keys from my pocket and stood up. She looked at me and then she also stood up. We walked to our parked department issued car. And then we drove off back to the department.




Conference Room,

SCS Headquarters,

[10:00 hours]


As we walked into the conference room. The round table was filled with the team. The team sat around a hologram of 13 people's information and codenames and several other things we are to discuss. Dir.Park was in a paltform to the side. The team sat Jay next to Nichkhun and then Chansung, Junho, Wooyoung, Junsu, Yonghwa and then there were two empty seats which meant they were Yoona and mine.

Yoona: Sorry we're late.

Nich: Where've you two been?

Then Yonghwa, that sly kid said.

Yonghwa: Yeeeeaaah. Where have you two been?

He winked at me but I glared him off. Director Park had coughed a sign that we should take our seats.Then he started to speak of the Chaos Club.

Director Park: The Chaos Club is started by Kwon Jiyong.

Thaiger passed out individual folders for us to look at  that was just recent information about them.

Director park continued.

Dir.Park: And his girlfriend Park Bom. And your former team mates Faith Lee or CyLocke and Choi Seunghyun or TOP. And then other mutants like Kang Daesung or Colossus, Choi Seungri or Gravity, Gong Minji better known as Jetstream, Dong Youngbae or more known as Beelzebub. They've been caught providing military services to North Korea. And they've been also on the hitlist of North Korea since they've double-crossed the Communist country. Now we're here to eliminate them.

Shado: Wae-

Director Park looked at Chansung.

Shado: Okay go on..

Dir.Park: Now they're planning well to put North Korea on a hunting track to the South directly to Seoul. They want the two nations to clash and settle this once and for all. They've been spotted in pyongyang by a stealth aircraft of ours.

I absorbed every word he said. I looked at Yoona and she was shifting through the contents of her folder. 

Dir.Park: Tonight you guys would be out on a surveillance on the possible whereabouts of the Chaos Club. You will be with The SKSS. South Korean Secret Service. And guys..

The double doors opened and came in one of the legendary SCS Agents. He was one of the Alpha Team. But now that team is out retired. Well we needed the back up though.

Dir.Park: We called in LEE SUNGMIN codename Target. A probabilities mutant.

Meaning he could shoot or aim at things or rather be sure of all the probabilities of everything that could happen.

Target: Anyeong.

Stunner: Anyeong hyung. But waeyo?

He took the seat next to Yonghwa.

Target: I could hang out with a new team once in a while could I?Especially when the old team is out retired.

DirPark: Okay so much for introductions. Now tonight at 19:00 hours. Surveillance mission is a GO. Affirmative for departure.

We all stood up.

DirPark: If there are no more questions.. You may all go.

The rest of the guys had all gone with Sungmin. They all chatted and talked knowing that I wasn't still in the mood to sink in with them yet. But Thaiger was a persistent and brave friend. He walked up next to me as I had falen behind. Yoona was too. Nichkhun had stopped form walking through the hallway. He walked with me as I took a left going into the employee lounge.

Torch: Bwo?

He just continued to stay by my side. Yoona had just arrived and sat at a table looking over a tablet that had a hologram of the Chaos Club popping out from it.

Thaiger looked at me as I looked at Yoona and then he started to talk.

Nichkhun: So still gonna be hard to penetrate your tough guy image?

I looked at him and then smiled.

Torch: Still the same old thaiger.

I gave him a handshake as we started to walk over to the table Yoona had sat in. She looked up at me and Nichkhun and then continued to read on.

We three had all started a conversation. I told them about how I met Nicole which was when I was out of luck from resigning from SCS and I was in a bar. She was there with some friends and then from that we had started dating. Oh and yeah from the bar we had a one night stand that led to another that led to being buddies and being co-workers and then a serious relationship.

The three of us also had caught up with each other but more of NIchkhun and I had done it. Yoona also pitched in from time to time with the missions the team had had with her.

Nichkhun: So man... You gonna stay for long this time?

I looked at him in the eyes as my smile faded. Then I turned to Yoona. Both had expectant faces on them. I looked back at Nichkhun and gave him a sly smile.

Torch: Thinking about it man.

Then the guys had come in from their rooms and into the employee lounge too. The others had all pulled tables and connected it to ours. I was shocked and I tried to protest and gave them all a glare.

Torch: I-

Jay: Shut it man.. We'll eventually break throuhg your tough guy image and then we'll alal reconcile.

Junsu: But can't we get past that cheesy part? It'll be boring.

Yonghwa: Plus hyung.. It'll be hard working with each other with you sulking all the time.

Everyone pitched in and I started to smile at them. They all smiled back at me as they set down snacks and took a seat around the three tables they had all pushed in together. Sungmin hyung was also in the fuss laughing at all of us. Sungmin hyung was close to us even then when his team was still in missions. So he's already close with us and he knows our stories. 

He was very close to us. It was only a matter of being from different teams that separated him from us.

Sungmin: C'mon Taec.. 

Wooyoung: You can't deny a legend hyung.

Yoona giggled at the side as she looked at me and everybody exchanging words and throwing words at me. I could only go back to my seat and laugh.

Torch: Well.. You're all right.

They're all shoulders to cry on really. I'm like this cause of Nicole and I's break-up. It called me back to duty and I tried to put the balem all on them, but in reality I'm bitter of our relationship. I was already ready to come back to them when they helped me against Dragon. It was easy really to come back to them.. It was just hard on my part to leave Nicole really. It might be a small thing in my story and not much detail to it but she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.


Chaos Club suspected Warehouse

[00:50 hours]


Torch: HQ, we've surrounded suspected warehouse now.

We all crouched behind steel drums and steel pipes and broken down concrete walls. The ten of us all crouched down as we had surveyed the warehouse. Several people had entered the warehouse, all of them wearing different colored hoods and all of them had their faces obscured from our views. Chansung was inside, he teleported in.

Yoona has set a telepathic link to the ten of us and all of us had tried to communicate with it. Sungmin hyung had pulled out two steel tonfas even though he also carried a gun with him. Either way we were all sure he couldn't miss a target.

Shado: Report from the inside.

He said using our telepathic links.

Reactor; Yeah?

Shado: It seems that there are hundreds of 'em hyung.

Torch: How many?

Shado: Hundreds.

Sonic: How many?

Shado: Hund-

Racer: How many?

Shado: Aish.

He teleported outside and appered next to Racer to his surprise. Racer jumped back a little.



Target: Plan?

He asked Reactor out loud. We were all surrounded by SK SS agents too. They all looked like a bunch of SWAT teams ready for battle. 

Reactor: Set up the X-Ray and DNA scanner and tracker. We'll track Dragon's DNA signature.

Yoona booted up two laptops that were directly connected to a DNA Recognition Satellite set up by the SCS MDRCA Dept. It was launched at an undiclosed date into space.

Yoona typed in Dragon's criminal code and his name. A picture of him appeared on the screen and had tracked his location 50 feet directly ahead of us. And the X-Ray had showed Shado's estimated hundred persons present.

Reactor took out his metal marbles and charged them with explosion. Stunner had brought out his batons and charged it with electricity.

Racer: Well here we go.

Stego had gone into full stegosaurus mode. Spikes protruded out his elbows and shoulders and knuckles, stegosaurus plates came out his back.

Sungmin hyung got ready with his tonfas, Sonic had brought out his arm cannon which is technically his arm. Yoona looked at me and I nodded at her. I twisted the flint rock a little in my hand and started a spark, an inch of gas came out the sleeve tank and turned into a full fire.

Reactor: Okay we're coming in hot.

He said in his intercom that was for the SKSS teams around us.

Torch: We're packing heat. Let's go.

We all ran to the warehouse. Yoona's laptop she had decided to levitate with us as we had raided the warehouse. Shado had already found the lights as I had directed him too. But as we the lights. Yoona had been alarmed and was trying to say somthing to me.

The view before our eyes was unbelievable. The hundred started to shift bodies and crash into each other and become a single person.

Yoona: Dragon's DNA is present.. but only his blood.

The bodies shifted still and was now a single man that was hooded. Stunner had stunned him on the knees and Racer had cuffed him from the back. Reactor had unhooded him and revealed another SCS Most Wanted Mutant. Choi Minho codename Multiple.

Multiple: OKay.. I give up..

Then Beelzebub appeared next to him and Sonic shot a wave of sonic beams at him but he had teleported away. We were tricked.

Yoona: We're tricked.

Target: Oh now. Shado to base now. I think we've been tricked.

He called on Shado and held onto him. He also called on Reactor and explained to him that we might have been tricked so that the base would be out of security or low on security and it would be fair game for them to just.. do something with it.

Shado: Come one hold hands. We're teleporting now.

Yoona was the nearest person to me. She looked from both laptops. She closed it and then turned to Reactor.

Yoona: DNA Scanner found Dragon's signature.. SCS HQ Shado now!

Reactor: Let's go. Come one Torch!

Target looked at Shado and the rest of the team had held hands. Yoona had no choice but to hold mine. I looked at her but we couldn't doubt, well I couldn't but I felt something as we held hands. We shrugged it off as nothing. Reactor looked at both of us with a worried look. And then Shado teleported us back to base.


SCS Headquarters

[01:00 hours]


 And here we are now. Dragon and his minions.

Dragon: Evolution. Korea first and then the world.

With that, Beelzebub had teleported them all away. And we were left dumbstruck of what had occured. What had happened and what we had done wrong. Maybe we were too off guard by not being united fast enough.

We're screwed.




Watch Out for the Next Episode of SeoulCitySaviors!


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Chapter 1: Soon. Watch out.
When will you comeback authornim? :-( :-(
tupiemoppars #3
Chapter 16: Yay! Welcome back!
Chapter 15: Welcome back author-nim!!
Chapter 16: It's been 6754321 years authornim keke I'm happy that you're back.
Chapter 16: Yay! You're back! :)
Chapter 16: Guys.. I;m back. ;P
Chapter 15: i hope you'll update this story soon :D
darkhorse15 #9
Chapter 15: update please been months
tupiemoppars #10
i miss your updates authornim ><