Episode 15: Creating a Fire

Seoul City Saviors

Last time on SeoulCitySaviors:

The arguments stopped and they all looked at me. I bowed my head and then I out. But I still felt my body move. I was carried by something or someone. I tried to regain control of my body but realized my mind was in control. I floated around in the room and everybody's pushed to the walls. And then I fell on the ground.

Jessica, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung rushed to me and tried to wake me up.

I woke up in their arms and scanned the room as I held my throbbing head. I saw that the conference room's chairs have disintegrated and had become dust. And then I started to cry. 

Jessica: Are you okay Yoona?

She asked me, trying to smile despite our discovery of Taecyeon and our other team mate's plans.

Yoona: No..

I stood up and looked at the Director. 

Yoona: How could you do this?

Jay: It wasn't our plan.. Taecyeon.

I pushed jhim with my mind and he slammed to a screen.

Sooyoung: Yoona, stop.

Sooyoung came between Taec's accomplices and I.

Yoona: No! Don't pin this on Taecyeon!

Nichkhun: But this was all his plan!

I glared at him as Jessica helped Jay up. I wanted to say more but I just walked out the door opening it with my mind. They all followed me to the garage as I rode a Harley and started it. But before I could rev up the engine, I realized, it's Taecyeon's. And from behind I heard Seohyun's voice as she said.

Seohyun: Where are you going?

Seohyun asked as she pulled away from Yonghwa. From behind them I saw that the other's had caught up with me too. They were all wearing a concerned look on their faces.

Yoona: I'm getting him back.. I'm pulling him out of his mission.

Then the Director looked at me and stopped me from going out. He walked over to me and faced me and looked down into my eyes. He said.

Dir.Jung: You're not going alone.

Then Jay spoke up from Jessica's side. He had draped his arms on Jessica's shoulder for support. I must've pushed him so hard.

Jay: We're sorry okay... 

He said as he let go of Jessica and walked over to me, slightly limping.

Jay: And we've realized we've been reckless with our decision to agree with him. We all know it won't add up but we've squeezed information out of the Chaos Club too..

He said with an apologetic tone. I killed the engine and sat staring at them. I am not one to get mad for a long time and grudge on them. They're my family and I need they're support right?

Wooyoung: Let's get to the Jet- Oh right. It got.. Yeah.

He realized that the Jet he was about to suggest is nothing but scrap metal now. Then Taeyeon let go of his hand and walked to the center of the circle they've made around me. She sat beside me on the harley and said.

Taeyeon: And we don't have any idea where the Chaos Club is.

Wooyoung then rested his chin on his fist and then looked up. He looked at Taeyeon first with an apologetic look as if warning her that he knows where the Chaos Club is.

Wooyoung: Actuall some of us here know where they are..

He looked at me trying to apologize with his eyes. I nodded at him.

Wooyoung: And we know why Taecyeon killed..

He paused for a moment knowing that he'd touched a sensitive subject and put a furious look on every one else's faces except me. He had reminisced in our minds the death of Target and Daylight. He had opened the wound that had been caused by Sungmin and Sunny's deaths.

Wooyoung: ..them.. I'm sorry if I opened it up again. But we know now..

I looked up at him as I lifted my head from between my knees and wiped off the tears from my eyes. He looked back at me sympathetically. Jay, Nichkhun and Junsu also gave me an apologetic look.

Junsu: He's been mind-controlled.. manipulated unwillingly by Psicosis. She's evolved.. Just as we did..

He said, trying to redeem Taecyeon's name. I looked around and knew that I wasn't the only one who's hesitant of Junsu's explanation.

Nichkhun: It's true.. Bom's mutated again.. She can now control minds if she can touch you. Taecyeon said so.. And fighting.. Just as we did back there..

He said the last part softly as if we weren't close enough at an ear-shot range. Yuri looked at him and her eyes turned red warning him that she could fire lasers from her eyes at him anytime.

Nichkhun: Anyway.. If we fight we won't stand a chance against them.. And I think we need Taecyeon back too.. 

He looked at me but he directed his last statement more towards the Director. The director looked up from the ground as he was contemplating on something.

Director: We need to pull him out quick.

He decided as he looked at me trying to comfort me in some way. Hyoyeon released Junho's hand as she walked towards me and knelt.

Hyoyeon: We'll get him back Yoona..

She said as she knelt beside me and tried to comfort me. Seohyun sat beside me and held my other hand.

Yuri: Yoona.. We'll get him back.. It isn't easy but we will..

She said to me and then the last part of her sentence she directed to Nichkhun.

Yuri: ..right?

She looked at him with a hard look. Nichkhun nodded and cleared his throat. He walked closer to Yuri and I.

Nichkhun: Yeah we will..

But I couldn't hold the question in me anymore. It's too dangerous to risk anything right? I just wanted to ask them the second biggest question that's been glued to my mind. We know where they are, we can retrieve Taecyeon anytime but a plan must be done cause even if we do know where and when we can get Taecyeon back.. We don't know..

Yoona: How?

And now for this week's episode of SeoulCitySaviors:


I woke up, feeling battered and beat up. What happened?

Oh yeah.

I got tortured by them. The Chaos Club. And might I add, it wasn't fun. And then a thunderous slap across my face woke me up fully. I've been tortured for a two days now. And my torturers don't even give me the slightest shot of a clue what they want to do with me after they've found out I'm a double spy.

TOP: Wakie wakie match head.

TOP tapped my face a bit. To my sides my hands were frozen to a steel crucifix and my feet are frozen to the bottom. Around me were the members of the Chaos Club. Lion, Chameleon and Tablo were lounging around a wide-screen television. My surroundings, well it's the usual warehouse. Our cheap- of a leader didn't buy a good safe house for the Club. 

Taecyeon: Waddup -TOP?

Daseung punched me on my left cheek with his steel-absorbed hand. I let my head hang on my right for a while as I spat out blood. Why don't they just kill me? I would love that feeling. But then my mind always get back to that one thing that stings me to life. Yoona.

Taecyeon: That all you got Col--us?

I smirked and then gave them my most annoying chuckle. Dragon walked up to me before Lion could to anything to me. He held Lion's wrist as he had raised it with his claws unsheathed.

Dragon: Don't be so sure we won't be using you first before we kill you Taecyeon..

He smirked at me and then I breathed fire at him but before it could reach his face he caught it in his hands and absorbed it. He shuddered at the sudden surge of power that he absorbed. He looked back at me and then walked up to my face. His hand glowed red, meaning he was about to use the energy he absorbed from me.

Dragon: You know..

He placed his hand on his shoulder and it burned him and his clothes. Under his hands his skin started to sizzle. It sounded like he was cooking steak. But it smelled just so awful.

Dragon: ..that I've had my second mutation before you did Taecyeon.

He took away his hand from his shoulder and as soon as it was in my vision it started to heal. He could heal potentially anything with the energies he absorbs. He just disclosed this to me after they've caught me talking with the Division X team. And now they're planning on a second attack before the big thing. But I don't just know how they would do it.

He turned to Bom and nodded at her. She walked up to me. More like stride to me seductively and then laid her hands on my face. I thrashed trying to get out of her hold but TOP and Lion help my head for her. She took her goggles off and revealed the side-effect of her 2nd mutation.

Her eyes, they were totally black. The whites of her eyes were totally black. Her eyes were totally...

Bom/Psicosis:  Hellfire..

She caught me with her hypnosis. She had this 2nd mutation after the events of them attacking Yoona's team when we scouted for Hyoyeon and Seohyun. She caught me with it and now she's gonna make me do something with it. Something that I would regret and something that I would surely be mad about.

Psicosis: ..kill..

I don't know why at the moment but I had this strong urge to repeat everything she says and do what she says. I know what I'm hearing, Heck I even know what I'm about to do but the thing is, this is her mutation, she can manipulate anyone with her eyes and I am one of her victims. 1st and 2nd victim and hopefully the last. 

She mind-controlled me to kill my former team mates. And I've been wanting to abort this double-agent mission since then. But I just can't make a clean exit from these guys.

Taecyeon: Kill.

Psicosis opened my eyes wider, just to get her message clear.

Psicosis; The Division X team. Understand?

Nod no, Taec! I wanted to scream at myself, burn myself, slap myself, punch myself anything just to wake me up from Bom's trance. But I couldn't do it. I just felt my head bob up and down. I nodded at her. And then Colossus, Daesung, punched the ice shackles that crucified me and let me go. My body, still bruised all over, my hands full of whip marks but I stood up straight wanting to finish my goal as soon as possible.

I needed to turn back. But I wanted to kill. 

My body started to burn, my sweat evaporated from my body. Frostbite, Sandara, pushed me into a fireproof steel box before I could burn the warehouse down. Dragon knocked on the steel from the outside but I didn't mind. He shouted.

Dragon: Let's get this fireworks display started.. It's a long drive..

He said.

Dragon: From here.. to the Division X HQ.


We just finished another danger room simulation. With a very unusual simulated-villain.

Jihoon: Good work team. Take a break.

The PA system of the danger room sounded Director Jung's voice calling us to take a break for a while. It's been good for the past week. We've tried and succeeded with coping with the deaths of our team mates. And we've all decided not to make rash decisions and to promise to ourselves and to our deceased team mates that they have not died in vain.

As long as we live.

Jay walked out first and Jessica followed. From the exit Seohyun gave each of the members a  bottle of water. She smiled at each of us. Yonghwa then reached the door but instead of taking the bottle from her he took a bottle of water from the cooler and helped her pass it out. Seohyun looked at her and he smiled back.

I forgot, the two have been a couple now too. That's why I won't let anyone, anything hurt these guys anymore. They've grown into each other and found love with each other and they're my family. I've lost my parents back in the SCS Department, I can't lose this family now. I've lost him. But these guys have promised me that they, we could take him back. And the least I could do is to protect them in helping me.

Seohyun: Unnie?

I looked up at her, she held out a bottle to me. I must've spaced out from thinking. I took the bottle and smiled at her. And then Yonghwa said.

Yonghwa: Spacing out again noona?

He said with a playful smirk. I just laughed at his remark and then we all exited the danger room. We took off our jackets and then I reached the living room. There I saw the team watching the news. They all had a serious look on their faces as the TV flashed an almost similar sight of Seoul City back when we faced TOP, Taeyang and.. Taecyeon. And then the TV Reporter said.

TV Reporter: Tragedy on Seoul City again as the Chaos Club left a trail of destruction in their wake.

He paused and then a cell phone video of their attack is shown on the TV.

TV Reporter: The Chaos Club did not make a statement this time but just passed THROUGH.

He put an emphasis on the word through cause it is what it is. The Chaos Club literally passed THROUGH the city. Buildings collapsed and everything in sight was on fire. It was like a living hell on earth.

TV Reporter: They warned the police that they did not want to kill any officers but they sure wanted coverage of what's to come. They said that it is a 'prequel to the end'  those were the exact words of the Chaos Club leader, Dragon aka Kwon Jiyong a mutant and the number 1 most wanted man in the world. The US government tried capturing the Club but with the help of new additions to the terrorist group they have failed.

And then the reporter held his earpiece and listened to it for a second and paused. He looked straight into the camera and said. He then coughed and cleared his throat and said.

TV Reporter; This just in, they Chaos Club is being followed by the police, the SWAT and some media from a safe distance. Our on-field reporter said that they're heading to the Division X Mansion HQ. It looks like our only hope of being saved  from hell and the Chaos Club would be facing off today.

Director Jung then turned off the TV and looked at us. He was about to speak as he opened his mouth but then we fell in horrific silence. The only thing that broke it was the sound of an explosion from afar. Out the window we see smoke in the distance in the direction of our gates. Jay was the first member to stand up.

He rushed to the window and didn't wait for us to reach him, he ran to the hallway and ran outside slamming the door in the process. I was the last one to react. I just thought, NOT AGAIN?! I looked and saw that a the Chaos Club had lined up on our wide- lawn. In the center stood Dragon holding hands with Bom, and to his right is a steel.. box? With chains all over it.

I ran outside almost knowing what or who is inside that steel box. I reached the team in time walking.

Junho: What do we do?

Chansung: Attack.

Chansung said laying out his hand and acted like cutting his palm as he said it. Everybody looked at him and he nodded no and said.

Chansung: No?

Nichkhun: We've done this.

Wooyoung: Actually we've trained about facing them just a while back.

Junsu: Yeah even with that living human torch.

They were all right. That odd denager room simulated villain I was talking about? It was an exact living, android replica of Taecyeon and his powers. We just trained about fighting him literally a few minutes ago.

Tiffany: So plan of attack guys?

Jessica: Yeah, how about laying it down for us first?

Tiffany said referring to Junsu and Jessica said looking at the older guys. Jay walked over to us from leaning on the threeshold of the cemented grounds of the mansion.

Hyoyeon: Director?

Hyoyeon looked at the Director. He nodded at us and then he looked at Jay.

Director: Jung: Do what you do best team. Good luck.

Jay then said as he joined our huddle. 

Jay: So attack plan "Extinguisher" bag Taecyeon, subdue the rest and back off ara-

Dragon: Are you gonna huddle that long?

Dragon shouted. At that remark we walked down the stairs and to face off with the Chaos Club. When we reached them Jiyong had just finished yawning. And then he spoke up.

Dragon: Before anything else, we are not ready for war yet.

He said letting go of Bom's hand and walking to the center of the field. He's ten steps away from us now. Twenty steps away is his team and that steel box. The box thrashed as if something wild contained it.

Dragon: We're here to drop off a present. A return-to-sender mail. We battered him up for you.

I started to realize he IS talking about Taecyeon. I looked at my team mates faces and saw the angry look on each and every-one's. An eerie feeling fell on them, the feeling of wanting to avenge the death of someone they loved or they cared about dearly. I had mixed emotions though, do I feel the same as they do or do I grieve for what they have done to Taecyeon?

Dragon: Beelzebub, we're leaving.

He shouted as he started to walk back to his line. He stopped beside Lion and said something to him as he tapped him on the chest. 

Dragon: Oh, open him up first Lion.

Lion unsheathed his claws and then roared at Nichkhun. Nichkhun unsheathed his claws as well. He took a step but Plasmeye, Yuri, stopped him putting a hand over his chest. Lion then proceeded to slash and hack at the chains on the steel box. It opened to reveal a man standing in it with flames covering every inch of his body.

Dragon: Till the end, my friends.

He said as they had started to dematerialize. Sandara, Frostbite,  and TOP left us with a parting gift of their own. Frostbite blasted us with a frost and TOP stirred up a mini hurricane. GraVIty punched the ground opening up a twenty foot fissure dividing out defensive line. We ducked and rolled to the side as they had teleported away completely. The door of the steel box opened and I saw and confirmed for myself what was inside.

Yoona: Taecyeon..

I muttered as I looked at him. Although it wasn't obvious with his body on fire, I could see wounds and bruises on every part of his body. He then started to take a step. The ground had started to melt, really melt, as he had made contact with it. Lava had started to brew around the radius of his aura. Lava bubbled all around him.

But we all had to do. The team and I could handle this. After all we said and promised that they would not die in vain, Daylight and Target. They would not be dead for no reason. And that we would do absolutely anything.

To retrieve Taecyeon.


To Be Continued...


Advertisement: please help this roleplay that I am in, wevare need of members and several idols are not taken yet. We really need the 2pm members to be with us. Thiugh Taec is already taken. Plus several SNSD members are also available! So check us out! ~_~ Here is the link: 



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Chapter 1: Soon. Watch out.
When will you comeback authornim? :-( :-(
tupiemoppars #3
Chapter 16: Yay! Welcome back!
Chapter 15: Welcome back author-nim!!
Chapter 16: It's been 6754321 years authornim keke I'm happy that you're back.
Chapter 16: Yay! You're back! :)
Chapter 16: Guys.. I;m back. ;P
Chapter 15: i hope you'll update this story soon :D
darkhorse15 #9
Chapter 15: update please been months
tupiemoppars #10
i miss your updates authornim ><