Episode 11: Reality and Realization of the Magnitude of the Situation of the recent events caused by the Emotion called LOVE

Seoul City Saviors

Rated SPG

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Last time on SeoulCitySaviors:

I woke up and Jay and the team including Jessica and Hyoyeon greeted me.

Hyoyeon: Oh she's up.

She called on Junho who was lecturing her and Jessica together with Jay and the other team members. Taeyeon was passed out on a couch. It was around 9pm already. Night sky reflected on the window.

Yoona: How long have I been out?

Jay stood up from the chair that faced Jessica. Junho and Chansung smiled. They also both stood up then Jessica and Hyoyeon followed suit. Yonghwa walked in with food and drinks in his hand.

Yonghwa: Oh noona you're up.

Jay: You've been out for about 6 hours now.

I looked around scanning the room but no, the others haven't arrived yet. Have they even contacted them succesfully? Junho noticed what I was doing and then Chansung smiled.

Jay: They're not here yet.

Jay smiled at me. He sat beside my bed. Taeyeon woke up and rubbed her eyes. She focused on me and smiled when she realized I was already conscious. She stood up and walked beside me. Yonghwa handed her a bottle of coke. She drank from it and then she smiled and said.

Taeyeon: I've contacted them half an hour ago.. He'll be here later.

Yoona: Who?

I asked, acting like I didn't know whe they were talking about. But then Jessica laughed hard.

Jessica: Don't act like you don't know who Taeyeon is talking about. They told us stories...

Then Hyoyeon butted in.

Hyoyeon: Torch? Torchu? Taecyeon? Lieutenant?

Junho laughed, Yonghwa dorpped what he carried on the couch and rolled on the floor with Chansung. All of them laughed. I blushed more and I got more curious.

Jay: AHAHAHAHAH! You've been muttering in your sleep Yoona! KEKEKEKEKE!

He pointed at me, clapped his hands and laughed harder. I took the blankets up to my face and buried in it.

Jessica: It's okay.. They'll be here soon..

Jessica patted me from outside the blankets. I really do hope they'd be here soon.. I hope HE'd be here soon.

Yoona: Oh yeah? What're you're codenames?

I unsheathed my face from the covers and asked Hyoyeon and Jessica, I figured Jessica would want that since she was complaining about it when we were attacked.

Jessica: Adamas. It's Latin for Diamonds.

Then I turned to Racer who was talking to Hyoyeon and then Hyoyeon smiled at me.

Hyoyeon: Barrier. The force field thing.

Jay looked at them and then at the whole team. He muttered to himself.

Jay: At least we stand a chance now... Now only if we could find the Division X.

He turned to me.

Jay: While you were out, out badges signaled us that we're being tracked down by the Secret Service, Division X. They could help us.

And now here we are on SeoulCitySaviors...

Ilsanseo Genereal Hospital

1700 hours

No time to waste.

As our car-jacked van parked on the curb of the hospital I walked out the van first. Tiffany, Seohyun and Sooyoung followed suit. Wooyoung walked out after the girls. Junsu killed the engine took out the keys and got out of the van himself and stretched for a little. Nichkhun came out and then I started to walk to the front doors of the hospital.

Taecyeon: C'mon guys...

Nichkhun looked at me and smiled as I looked over my shoulder. I stopped on my tracks and he said.

Nichkhun: Don't worry too much man, we're here already. She's fine.

I sighed and then looked up at the sky. It was clear, no cloud in sight. I took a deep breath and recollected whart had happened between Yoona and I before we split up into teams. Then Junsu said.

Junsu: She's fine man. You're worrying too much.

Wooyoung said something himself.

Wooyoung: Hyung..

He pointed at his forehead, circling.

Wooyoung: Wrinkles.

Everybody laughed and I gave them all a smile. We needed a good laugh right? It's been so long since we've all had one. But I can't hold onto the smile for too long, the thought of Yoona having been hurt by Dragon pained me inside. Her words rang in my ears? Why do I keep pushing her? I ended it with Nicole already right? What's to stop us from being together? Shouldn't I have moved on from Nicole now?

But sometimes I also think that from hom she's just there, sitting on weekends and working on weekdays, killing time. She's probably hoping, wishine, praying that I'll ba back in her arms once again. But I'm still not sure of everything. I can't put my emotions ahead of me. The country's in need right now. I can't be selfish and solve my own problems first.

Tiffany looked at as the growing frown on my face worstened by the second. She placed her hand on my shoulder and looked at me with her beautiful, captivating smile and said.

Tiffany: Let's not waste time then?

She looked at everyone from me to the others. I looked at them again and gave them a smile as they returned the favor.

Wooyoung; KAJA! I miss my Taeyeon already!

We walked inside the hospital and straight to the front desk. A nurse in a scrub suit greeted us. She looked like she was around her late twenties. She had glasses on and huge smile.

Nurse: Hello, how may I help you?

She had a bun on and a nurse cap. She placed her hands together on the front desk and looked at us all one by one and smiled.

Taecyeon: Uhh.. May I as for Im Yoona's room? We're her..

I looked at the team, we all looked like a bunch of ciminals, thieves probably or kidnappers with and insane asylum patient in all white and a Thai prince.I looked at each of us and then back at the nurse.

Taecyeon; Friends..... ?

She looked at me suspisciously but probably assumed we really are her friends, she smiled at me nervously and then continued to type in her computer and I looked at the team nervously. She was squinting at the screen now, the nurse's glasses fell from her nose bridge to the end of her nose. It seems like she was reading an article in a newspaper that said saomething really unbelievable.

Nurse: Room 921 sir but she was alread-

Before she could look up I ran to the elevator about ten feet from the front desk. The cold air of the hospital's airconditioning ruffling through my spiked, rough and unbathed hair.

I had no time to waste and ran after getting Yoona's room number. The voice of the nurse fading to the sound of several people's footsteps following after me. I ran to the elevator that was already going up filled with different people. I squeezed in as the doors were slowly closing.

Junsu reached the closing doors and said.

Junsu: Taec! But the nurse said-

Then the doors closed. I breathed pretty heavily and then scanned my surroundings. The elevator is filled with 5 men and a woman with a baby in her hands and two small children clinging to what seems like their father. The children looked at me and I smiled at them. Then one kid who looks like she's around 9 years old asked.

Kid: Are you here to see someone important?

I looked at the kid as I wiped a bead of sweat falling down from my hairline to my right eye.

She had a white wool jacket on and she's mssing a tooth. The woman and the man, probably her parents both smiled at me too. I gave them a smile of my own.

Taecyeon: Yeah.. She's pretty important.

Then the kid looked at the doors and held her brother's hand.

Kid: We're seeing someone important too..

I smiled at the parents then crouched down to meet the kid's eyes and then she continued to talk.

Kid: She MUST be. You smell like broken concrete and sweat..

She scanned me from head to toe as I crouched down and nervously laughed at her remark. Then she continued to talk as she stopped scanning me and rested her eyes on mine.

Kid: You must've forgotten to shower and still you don't mind.

I looked at her a bit shocked but then I beckoned her to go on with what she's saying.

Kid: She MUST be important enough to stop caring about yourself and rush over here right?

Then the elevator bells sounded and the family got off together with the other people who rode the elevator. They stepped on the 8th floor, a floor before my own destination. Then the family looked at me.

Mother: I'm sorry. Our kid's a bit..

The mother was at a loss of words and then the Father continued what his wife was about to say.

Father: Comically witty. B ut she really is LUCKY and she MUST be important. Sorry about that young man, for meddling into your situation right now.

He apologized but I gave him a look that no offense was taken from what their kid said. Before the elevator doors could close I said.

Taecyeon: Oh don't apologize ahjussi. Take care of your witty daughter over there. Anyeong!

Then the doors closed and in about 30 more second I'd be facing that LUCKY and IMPORTANT girl the family I've met were talking about. The elevator still moved up. As I was ascending time felt slower. I thought about what the kid said.

Yeah, Yoona must be important really right'? It's easy to see that in me. I'm just the one restraining myself from believing everything they, the family, said to me. I don't care about much and I don't care about anything else at the moment except for... Yoona..  I'm too cautious at times, or rather most of the time. Sometimes I think I gotta let loose right? Let go of all my inhibitions and just do things.

I've got to risk it to get the biscuit. Move Forward, Never Look Back, Never Back Down, right? I should forget of the past. After all we should learn from the past right? And never make mistakes in the future. The past is never really essential anymore. Leave the pas behind and move forward. The past must not be part of me anymore.

Taecyeon: Yoona-yah...

I said as I exhaled at the same time. It felt like with my exhale, I also let go of the cautions and warnings I bombarded myself with. 

The elevator doors opened and then I took my first step outside. And breathed in. I'm probably gonna regret this decision if she rejects me this time but I'm pretty sure I really want to tell her how I feel now.


The feelings I'm feeling right now reflect my mutation. I feel like I'm on fire, my sleeve caught on fire and I panicked a little but I patted the flames out. I felt like a hellbent evil spawn wandering the mortal world looking for an angel to save me.

I took another step and turned right. I headed to the hallway of rooms numbered 910-20 and looked for the room the nurse had told me Yoona is in. I walked past the other rooms and past a door that said Stairs. I ignored that too and kept walking till I found it. And then I found Yoona's room, room 921 at the Ilsanseo General Hospital. I breathed in again. I decided against knocking and wanted to go straight in.

I put my hand on the doorknob and twisted it. The sound of it echoing in the empty hallway. I pushed the door a bit and then stopped myself. No one was talking. They must be sleeping, tired of waiting for us.

I opened the door fully, and I tried to say something as I did but what greeted me shocked me...

Taecyeon: Yoona-yah.. I'm here-

No one was in the room, not even a sign of life. Then the door that was labelled stairs opened and slamed after 5 peoply came out of it. They looked to the left hallway and found me on the right hallway. I was just standin there, completely shocked and confused. Falbberghasted at most.

Wooyoung: Hyung! There he is!

He pointed at me. I left the door closed and then rested my back on the wall and slid down to a sitting position. I put my head between my knees and my hands on my hair and tugged on them a bit.

Nichkhun: Taecyeon.. You can't go off running like that..

He said also breathing heavily in the process. Junsu who was with Seohyun and Sooyoung who caught up with Nichkhun and Wooyoung said.

Junsu: Neh! Plus.. We have bad..

And then he looked inside the empty hospital room and then back at me.

Junsu: I guess you've already seen our bad news.

He sighed and sat next to me trying to catch his breath. Tiffany opened the window of the empty hospital room and flew in from the outside. She landed on the tiled floors and then tucked in her wings and braced them again.

Tiffany: Guys have you caught up with hi

Before she could walk outside the room completely she had spotted me on the floor as I wept. I don't know why I'm crying but I guess it's because of my disappointment. I felt like a kid who expected a gift from christmas but was trolled by his own parents. I guess that's how Yoona felt. She felt like she was about to get something out from me but then.. nothing. I guess destiny's friends with karma right?

Tiffany: -m. I'm guessing yeah.

We became silent for a while and then Sooyoung spoke up from the growing silence.

Sooyoung: I know you're disappointed Taecyeon.. 

Then Seohyun continued her words.

Seohyun: ..and we all are too. But at least we know where they are.

It didn't brighten me up. I still kept my head on my knees and then said.

Taecyeon: Wrrr... arrrr.... thrr...

I was still saddened. I expected too much. From the looks of it they didn't understand.

Nichkhun: Bwo?

Junsu: What the hell are you saying Taec?

Tiffany: Huh?

They didn't understan a thing I said. Sooyoung held the back of my hair and then pulled my head out of my knees. My eyes were read. I really hid my face too keep it from the shame of showing them that I cried over not seeing Yoona. I felt like a puppy expecting to see his master come home from school but it was only the mail man.

Sooyoung: There you go. Now say it again.

She said still holding my head up.

Taecyeon: Where are they?

No one was answering. I then said.

Taecyeon: Sooyoung, could you turn my head to look at the team individually?

She did as I said. She turned my head to Seohyun first.

Taecyeon: Seohyun?

She just nodded no. Then Sooyoung turned my head to Wooyoung.

Taecyeon: Stego?

Wooyoung: Molla..

He shrugged. Sooyoung then turned my head to Nichkhun.

Taecyeon: Nich?

Nichkhun nodded no.

Nichkhun: Molla...

Then Sooyoung turned me to Junsu but Tiffany protested against.

Tiffany: Cha!

She shouted as she crouched down in front of me and Sooyoung let go of my head. She looked at me in the eyes.

Tiffany: The nurse said.. When you ran to the elevator.. Well we don't know WHERE they are..

She rolled her eyes and then looked back at me.

Tiffany: But she said that the Government took the team and the informtion was need to know... Frankly I think-

My badge beeped and then the team fell silent. I slid the mic set from the hedset of the badge. It was also a phone. I looked at the team. We all doubted to answer it at first. But it was my badge. I had to answer it.

Taecyeon: Hello?

Person on the phone: Go to the adress I will send you on your badge. Track it down. We'll talk from there. We have your team. Do not be alarmed. We're Division X, Sout Korean Secret Service.

The person said in a muffled voice, it was distorted too and untrackable unless they sent us their coordinates. Division X. Help? Would they be of help to us? They better be. Or I'm taking Yoona from them.

To Be Continued...


Next Episode: The Reserve Deparment; Secret ServiceDivisionX


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Chapter 1: Soon. Watch out.
When will you comeback authornim? :-( :-(
tupiemoppars #3
Chapter 16: Yay! Welcome back!
Chapter 15: Welcome back author-nim!!
Chapter 16: It's been 6754321 years authornim keke I'm happy that you're back.
Chapter 16: Yay! You're back! :)
Chapter 16: Guys.. I;m back. ;P
Chapter 15: i hope you'll update this story soon :D
darkhorse15 #9
Chapter 15: update please been months
tupiemoppars #10
i miss your updates authornim ><