Episode 14: Comeback Postponed [Mid-Series Premiere]

Seoul City Saviors

Last time on SeoulCitySaviors:


Sunny: It's hard being a hero's wife. 

But this man had burned down all their hopes and dreams. He seems to fuel off of fear. I looked at him. His eyes carried.. pity and sorrow? And from the looks of it, he also carried genuine sadness despite his face contorting differently showing a face of pure anger and hatred.

Is he?

He walked towards me with those elegant strides. TOP and Beelzebub stood up from behind me and ran next to the burning man. He looks like a personification of the fires of hell.

Could he be?

The duo, veterans of the Chaos Club stood by the man.

TOP: Let's go. We've sent our message.

Beelzebub: Dragon wants us back. 

I tripped on a rock as I was trying to back up. Then the flames died. Then stood before me was a man with red hair that fell down to his eyes. He had grown his hair long. A muscular upper body that I could clearly see as his leather jacket clung tightly to his body.

He crouched down at me as I was paralyzed with fear. He looked straight into my eyes. I looked back at him as the fear had died and was replaced with sadness. His eyes seems lost in his head. Is he even aware of what he had done to us. His former team? He breathed softly as he moved his face towards me. Our lips merely inches apart.

Yoona: Y- Yo- You... Why?~!

He tilted his head to the side and smirked at me. His eyes grew big. Where is the man I once loved? Where is the man I LOVE?

Hellfire/Taecyeon: Hello Yoona..

He said, his voice a bit raspy.

Yoona: T-Taec-

TOP interrupted.

TOP: Hellfire, Beelzebub.. Let's go!

Beelzebub held onto both men's shoulders and teleported to the top of the building where Bom is. I saw them and then they teleported again. I looked around me and saw that all my team mates have fallen to Taecyeon and the Chaos Club's wrath.

We had been picked up by the Division X from the City. We were thanked by the mayor on our way home as he had called us. Several medical vans had carried my team mates. I was the only one left untouched. Seohyun is also with Director Jung as she was the target by the Club who had attacked the Division X HQ.

Seohyun: Unnie..

She sat next to me and held my hand trying to comfort me. But all their words died down from the sorrow of what Taecyeon had done. He had betrayed us. He had broken my heart.


And now for the




The recent events could only bring tears, sadness, sorrow and pain over us. And we have learned a new lesson in life.

Not everyone is invincible.

Not every time is happy.

And we learned it all, the hard way.

We all gathered after a weeks worth of mourning. It felt like the Division HQ was a cemetery. Everyone's spirits died. With the decrease of Division X agents who fear for their lives, the decreasing interaction among the team members and especially the death of Target and his girlfriend, Daylight. The death of two of our team mates. Lee Sungmin and Lee Sunkyu aka Sunny. 

Both have lived their life well and died in vain. And for now, it will stay that way. No one dares to move. No one's spirits could be lifted with the fact that the person who killed our team mates.. is a former team mate. It's been almost empty too in the Division X mansion.

One by one.. The agents filed resignation for the safety of their families. It felt like the resignation letters became a steady stream of regret, fear and failure. What could redeem us? It also doesn't help that the Chaos Club had gained a powerful addition and that they've given an ultimatum's date. 

A few days later, I spend most of my time in the graveyard at the back of the mansion. I sat today and stared at the names on the tombstones. I couldn't believe it still. What could have compelled Taecyeon to do it?

And there he is again.

Lingering on my mind. What have I done wrong? Why am I asking myself this? I already know the answer to it. I already know he did it. I already know.. Taecyeon. My eyes started to water and a hand had gone to my shoulder. I looked up and got stunned by the sunlight. I covered my eyes with a hand and saw Yonghwa.

Yonghwa: Sup?

He said as he sat down beside me. He crossed his legs just as I did and sat staring at the tomb stones too. I looked at him. 

Yoona: Not much..

I sighed and looked back up at the sky as the sun had been covered by the clouds now.

Yoona: ..hey can I ask you something?

I said and he looked at me and nodded.

Yoona: Why do you think he did it?

I asked straightforwardly. But he wasn't even phased by the question.. A small explosion sounded from behind, up at a tree and I realized it was Chansung. I looked behind me and saw him lounging up on a tree. His back resting on the trunk, his left foot dangling from the thick branch he sat on with a banana in his hand. He closed his eyes as he took his first bite.

I can't believe how this kid loves bananas.

He opened his right eye first to peek at Yonghwa and I. He slowly opened his other eye and smiled at me. He then teleported next to me and then said.

Chansung: What're you guys doing here?

He said with a mouthful of banana. He rested his weight on his hands behind him as he finished his banana and felt the sun.

Yoona: Eobseoyo.. Talking..

We all just sat there in silence again. The only sound was the rushing of the wind through the trees. And then I spoke up again determined to get an answer from Yonghwa.

Yoona: So why'd you think he did it?

I asked Yonghwa again. But it was Chansung that answered my question with yet another question.

Chansung: Nugu?

He said whilst not taking his face away from the warmth of the sky. 

Yoona: T-Taec..

I said, stuttering at the thought of him. I remembered the vengeful look on his face, the spite in him, the anger, madness yet there lived a tinge of sadness, hope and regret amidst the deadly poisons of the other emotions that showed on his face. It seemed like deep inside him there was still the true Taec as I believed it was not Taecyeon that we saw that faithful day.

From behind I heard footsteps. A set of heavy footsteps and the flutter of wings. Then followed another and another set. There was more than one person who was walking behind us now. And I'm pretty sure Tiffany was the one flying above us. I looked up at her first.

From above she was circling us until she landed next to me and curled her wings. She smiled at me and then she sat holding onto my shoulder. From behind came Jessica, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Seohyun and Yuri. Sooyoung sat next to Chansung and held his hand. I forgot to mention that some of us have dated some of the team members.

Like Chansung and Sooyoung here. Chansung lay on Sooyoung's legs.

Sooyoung: So what's up with you guys?

She said as she Chansung's hair.

Yoona: Nothing.. Just..

I sighed.

Yoona: ..thinking. Yah.. Where are the others?

I said looking around noticing that there were only a few of us at least trying to enjoy the sun and the wind out here in the backyard. Though it is also a graveyard.

Seohyun: Oh they're inside.. 

Seohyun said nonchalantly as Yonghwa stared at her. The two have been having a sort of a rough start on their relationship. But they're totally cool sometimes.

Jessica: What're they doing there?

Seohyun: I don't know.. They were in some kind of meeting or something..

Seohyun replied. She must've seen them in the conference room as she walked outside the lab. As Seohyun spoke Taeyeon came trudging from behind us.

Taeyeon: Okay something is wrong with the guys in the conference room?

We all looked at her as she crossed her arms. We craned our necks to see the scowl on her face. Lately the guys HAVE been acting suspiciously. They've spent most of the time inside the conference room. They try to pass it off as trying to track the Chaos Club but sometimes when I pass by the conference room I hear more than the guys' voices inside it.

I stood up and brushed the blades of glass that clung to my jeans. I looked at each of my team members. Jessica held out a hand to me and I took it as she stood up.

Jessica: Wae?

She asked before I could reveal what's in my mind.

Yoona: I think we need to know what they're doing in there..

We all stood up. And the others started to walk to the mansion. Seohyun draped her arms around Taeyeon's shoulders and tried to calm her down. Hyoyeon and Junho held hands and tried to talk to each other in hushed tones. I started to walk myself bu a hand had fallen to my shoulder. I looked back and saw that it was Yonghwa.

I looked at him but he isn't looking back at me. He was looking at something on the ground. That or he's avoiding my gaze. And then I remembered he hasn't answered my question yet. And as if reading my mind, well more like I must've channeled what I was thinking towards him using my mutation, he said.

Yonghwa: Noona.. I don't really know.. I have no clue..

He said. Answering my question. A tear drop fell from his eye and then everybody looked at us. Seohyun let go of Taeyeon and ran to Yonghwa's arms. She hugged him and let him rest on her chest. I wish I could feel what they're feeling right now too.

Then we all started to walk into the mansion.


Taecyeon: Pull me out! NOW! I can't do this anymore. Aish..

I said.. Pulling my hair, trying to make my image fit in the mini camera on my watch. The members who know of our plan are in the conference room as usual. This is the most freedom I could get, the most time I could get without the surveillance of the Chaos Club.

Dir.Jung: Taecyeon..

He said motioning with his hands.

Dir.Jung: ..calm down. We can't pull you out just-

Taecyeon: What the do you mean?! Do you know what they're doing to me here?

I said almost at the ends of my wit. And I really almost am. I am still aware of what I do but I do it unwillingly. By now my team mates must've found out about their second mutations. But for what I see, their second mutations are nothing compared to the Omega-level manipulation. And at some point I'm questioning why I'm here? Wasn't the plan clear?

I've known and gathered too much information now. The Director knows that the Chaos Club would make a battleground of Seoul to set an example that no one is safe from their, technically OUR wrath.

Dir.Jung: And that the only choice of mutants is to kill or be killed. Survival of the fittest Taecyeon we know.

The Director continued what I said and what I thought. And then Jay talked. He looked the same though he doesn't wear his green jacket anymore. No one does. No one wears their old uniforms anymore. What happened? It's been only five months but I felt like it had telescoped onto a year.

Jay: Just hold still Taecyeon.. Do you know your battle plan now? 

I nodded yes. I tried to make an image in their head as much as to my ability with my words.

Taecyeon: There is no plan.. 

I think I couldn't have put it better in any other way. There really is no plan. We're marching to Seoul, burn it down and collect out mutants. That's it.

Nichkhun: What do you mean there IS no plan?

Taecyeon: What part of it don't you understand?

Junsu: Calm down Taec..

Taecyeon: Shut up!

We argued back and forth on screen. I screamed ruthlessly at my former team mates. Wait former? No, I- I mean.. My team mates. I screamed at them for not understanding me. I can't calm down. Who can in this situation?

Taecyeon: They're after the city.. They're after the cure.. They want Seohyun.. They want mutants.. And you know what that means for humans..

I looked at them with rage in my eyes. I let my words linger for a second and let it grasp onto their minds. It means the end of one kind and the evolution of another. Simple as that. Dragon doesn't need an intricate plan and elaboration to his visions. He's a simple man. 

Someone from behind the guys: Extinction. That's what right?

Someone from behind my accomplices spoke up. The door opened more and I heard several footsteps walk into the conference room. Our other team mates have arrived.

Yoona was the one who spoke up from behind them. She looked..SAD. She never was when I.. was.. around. Have I done this? But she's rejected me right? That was enough of an answer for me. She looks guilty and sorrowful but she's the one who pushed me to do this. 

I put on a straight face not wanting her to see that I am starting to regret my decisions. At her sight, I just want to run to her and hold her in my arms and never let go. I want to hold her hand and we could just run until our feet don't touch the ground.

Yoona: Taecyeon..

She said my name as if it was holy. As if my name could save her from a curse. But I also felt the same. Her eyes felt like they could bore holes into my soul. Her lips beckoned for me. Her voice felt like choirs of angels singing.

Taecyeon: Yoona..

Then the connection was lost. Static filled my eyes and tire welled up the tears to fall. I can't believe how much I miss her. I can't believe I'd cry for her.


Wooyoung: Uhh.. Why are you guys here?

He said as I stared at the lost connection. Taecyeon.. What's going on? Why are Wooyoung, Jay, Junsu, Nichkhun and the Director all gathered here? What the hell is going on? And then I glared at the director and slowly passing it to each of the guys who are already here before we even came in.

Nichkhun: Uhh..

He was the one who spoke up first. Or rather, he's the first one to make a noise to break the growing awkward silence. And then Yuri walked over to Nichkhun and said.

Yuri: What the hell is going on here Nich?

Yuri scolded Nichkhun. She put her hands on her waist. Tiffany looked at Junsu and he hid behind an office chair. Yonghwa and Seohyun just held hands and watched the oncoming chaos.

Taeyeon slapped Wooyoung across the face and Wooyoung fell in a state of shock. And then she said as her anger died down a little. But she must've realized what Wooyoung had done, again and the fires of her anger had been ignited again.

Taeyeon: What the hell are you doing in this room here? This is shady as Wooyoung!

But before anything else could happen, my feet unconsciously lifted me towards the screen. I held out a hand as if I could still see Taecyeon on it. As if I could touch him through the screen. I wanted to touch him so bad, to take all away his angers and sadness. I wanted to hold him and assure him that all I said before was just a mistake. I want to turn back time.

Stupid mutation. Why couldn't I evolve to it and turn back time?

The arguments stopped and they all looked at me. I bowed my head and then I out. But I still felt my body move. I was carried by something or someone. I tried to regain control of my body but realized my mind was in control. I floated around in the room and everybody's pushed to the walls. And then I fell on the ground.

Jessica, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung rushed to me and tried to wake me up.

I woke up in their arms and scanned the room as I held my throbbing head. I saw that the conference room's chairs have disintegrated and had become dust. And then I started to cry. 

Jessica: Are you okay Yoona?

She asked me, trying to smile despite our discovery of Taecyeon and our other team mate's plans.

Yoona: No..

I stood up and looked at the Director. 

Yoona: How could you do this?

Jay: It wasn't our plan.. Taecyeon.

I pushed jhim with my mind and he slammed to a screen.

Sooyoung: Yoona, stop.

Sooyoung came between Taec's accomplices and I.

Yoona: No! Don't pin this on Taecyeon!

Nichkhun: But this was all his plan!

I glared at him as Jessica helped Jay up. I wanted to say more but I just walked out the door opening it with my mind. They all followed me to the garage as I rode a Harley and started it. But before I could rev up the engine, I realized, it's Taecyeon's. And from behind I heard Seohyun's voice as she said.

Seohyun: Where are you going?

Seohyun asked as she pulled away from Yonghwa. From behind them I saw that the other's had caught up with me too. They were all wearing a concerned look on their faces.

Yoona: I'm getting him back.. I'm pulling him out of his mission.

Then the Director looked at me and stopped me from going out. He walked over to me and faced me and looked down into my eyes. He said.

Dir.Jung: You're not going alone.

Then Jay spoke up from Jessica's side. He had draped his arms on Jessica's shoulder for support. I must've pushed him so hard.

Jay: We're sorry okay... 

He said as he let go of Jessica and walked over to me, slightly limping.

Jay: And we've realized we've been reckless with our decision to agree with him. We all know it won't add up but we've squeezed information out of the Chaos Club too..

He said with an apologetic tone. I killed the engine and sat staring at them. I am not one to get mad for a long time and grudge on them. They're my family and I need they're support right?

Wooyoung: Let's get to the Jet- Oh right. It got.. Yeah.

He realized that the Jet he was about to suggest is nothing but scrap metal now. Then Taeyeon let go of his hand and walked to the center of the circle they've made around me. She sat beside me on the harley and said.

Taeyeon: And we don't have any idea where the Chaos Club is.

Wooyoung then rested his chin on his fist and then looked up. He looked at Taeyeon first with an apologetic look as if warning her that he knows where the Chaos Club is.

Wooyoung: Actuall some of us here know where they are..

He looked at me trying to apologize with his eyes. I nodded at him.

Wooyoung: And we know why Taecyeon killed..

He paused for a moment knowing that he'd touched a sensitive subject and put a furious look on every one else's faces except me. He had reminisced in our minds the death of Target and Daylight. He had opened the wound that had been caused by Sungmin and Sunny's deaths.

Wooyoung: ..them.. I'm sorry if I opened it up again. But we know now..

I looked up at him as I lifted my head from between my knees and wiped off the tears from my eyes. He looked back at me sympathetically. Jay, Nichkhun and Junsu also gave me an apologetic look.

Junsu: He's been mind-controlled.. manipulated unwillingly by Psicosis. She's evolved.. Just as we did..

He said, trying to redeem Taecyeon's name. I looked around and knew that I wasn't the only one who's hesitant of Junsu's explanation.

Nichkhun: It's true.. Bom's mutated again.. She can now control minds if she can touch you. Taecyeon said so.. And fighting.. Just as we did back there..

He said the last part softly as if we weren't close enough at an ear-shot range. Yuri looked at him and her eyes turned red warning him that she could fire lasers from her eyes at him anytime.

Nichkhun: Anyway.. If we fight we won't stand a chance against them.. And I think we need Taecyeon back too.. 

He looked at me but he directed his last statement more towards the Director. The director looked up from the ground as he was contemplating on something.

Director: We need to pull him out quick.

He decided as he looked at me trying to comfort me in some way. Hyoyeon released Junho's hand as she walked towards me and knelt.

Hyoyeon: We'll get him back Yoona..

She said as she knelt beside me and tried to comfort me. Seohyun sat beside me and held my other hand.

Yuri: Yoona.. We'll get him back.. It isn't easy but we will..

She said to me and then the last part of her sentence she directed to Nichkhun.

Yuri: ..right?

She looked at him with a hard look. Nichkhun nodded and cleared his throat. He walked closer to Yuri and I.

Nichkhun: Yeah we will..

But I couldn't hold the question in me anymore. It's too dangerous to risk anything right? I just wanted to ask them the second biggest question that's been glued to my mind. We know where they are, we can retrieve Taecyeon anytime but a plan must be done cause even if we do know where and when we can get Taecyeon back.. We don't know..

Yoona: How?


To Be Continued...

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Chapter 1: Soon. Watch out.
When will you comeback authornim? :-( :-(
tupiemoppars #3
Chapter 16: Yay! Welcome back!
Chapter 15: Welcome back author-nim!!
Chapter 16: It's been 6754321 years authornim keke I'm happy that you're back.
Chapter 16: Yay! You're back! :)
Chapter 16: Guys.. I;m back. ;P
Chapter 15: i hope you'll update this story soon :D
darkhorse15 #9
Chapter 15: update please been months
tupiemoppars #10
i miss your updates authornim ><