Episode 10: Raison d'Chao (Reason of Chaos)

Seoul City Saviors


Rated SPG

                             L V

We left of with this on SeoulCitySaviors:

Wooyoung is on the phone, he just turned it off and then from the back he said.

Wooyoung: Guys for now we have bigger problems.

We all looked at him. Junsu looked from the rear view mirror.

Tiffany: Bworago?

Wooyoung: The other team? They also encountered Dragon. Yoona's injured. Dragon took some of Jay's charge and then uri Yoona took the hit. They put her in a hospital now.

Taecyeon: WHICH HOSPI-

They all looked at me, shocked with my reaction and shocked with my strong voice. Sooyoung who was seated at the back seat with Wooyoung said.

Sooyoung: Whoa there Romeo. Clam down..

She motioned her hands as if pushing down an invisible pillow. I sighed and took more control of my emotions. Aigoo.

Taecyeon: Which hospital?

Wooyoung nodded sideways at me. Sooyoung looked at me.

Wooyoung: Molla, the other team's intercom got busted from the attack and my phone just died. I was contacting Taeyeon.

We all had grim expressions on our faces now. Especially me. He took out his anger on the other team as we were all ditracted. Again, he outwitted us. How dumb of me. I should have brought Yoona with me. We all were silent for a while.

Sooyoung took a swig of tequila from a silver flask she kept in her pocket and she offered some to Wooyoung. Wooyoung just shrugged and took a sip himself.

We all got no way to contact the other team. We'd have to search the next city for the hospital they're in. Shado couldn't teleport to us though if he doesn't know what our location looks like. And we got an alcoholic herculean at the back with a half dinosaur half man.

Then Seohyun snapped her fingers and sat up from the center seat we had put her in. 

Seohyun: Which part of the city are we going to?

She asked Wooyoung from the back.

Wooyoung: If it's in Ilsanseo, they're probably in Ilsanseo General Hospital. That's the closest one where you've landed the Phoenix.

Junsu looked at her from the rear-view mirror. Nichkhun did too. Both had questioning looks for her. Tiffany who was seated left of Seohyun looked at Junsu and frowned at him. He started to focus on driving again.

Seohyun: I used to live there.

Tiffany: The mission location they had is in Ilsanseo right?

Tiffany pitched in information of herself. Junsu continued Tiffany's train of thoughts. Nichkhun also sat up from his seat.

Junsu: Yeah, the other mutant's location IS in Ilsanseo.

Sooyoung closed her flask and pocketed it again.

Sooyoung: Then Ilsaneseo General Hospital it is! KAJA!

We drove off onto the setting sun. Hoping that we're right and we would find the team there also with us are high-hopes that they've completed their mission.  But I could not take my mind off of Yoona being injured. I stared at the disappearing houses in the distance and could only sigh and say.

Taecyeon: Yoona yah.. Gwenchanayo?

We're running out of time. We need more information on the Chaos Club and what they're doing and we're running out of mutants to recruit. They would probably know that the Cure survived and they'd probably be after us more now.\


And now here we are on SeoulCitySaviors...


He never really knows. These past few days he's befriended me. He maked me feel like he needs my company and he makes me feel like I'm something precious to him and he never wants me out of his sight.

What's a girl supposed to do right?

He holds me when I'm in trouble, worries for me, protects me. Taecyeon, you dumb jock! How can you make me feel this way? Is this just infautation or is this something more? UCK! You make me sound cliche! To hell with you Torch! I looked at him as I hade finishe contemplating and recollecting my thoughts.

Every night we fly I thinke of these thoughts and try to analyze my emotions. I'm an empath and I'm the one who's supposed to be using the full potential of my brain, but with him I'm just like a kid with a teenage crush on a school day. Ugh..

Yoona: Taec?

He looked up from the tracker. We were going to Ilsandeong and Ilsanseo, Goyang to recruit two mutants there. One mutant signature was giving off a weak signal. It intrigued me though.

Taecyeon: Hmm?

I looked at him. He smiled at me. We had a bit of exchange of heated words before we took off but I had apologized already. I just think that all this teasing we get from the team members isn't good for him. Or me.

Yoona: What are we really?

His smug smile rubbed off his face. He gave me a nervous smile

Taecyeon: We're friends right?. And you said we're being professionals right?

The guys and the girls were still sleeping. I stood up from my chair. Nichkhun and Sungmin were still busy piloting the Phoenix through the clouds. I walked over to the back of the Phoenix. It was lined on the sides with ejector seats and x-straps. The floor collapses and serves as the stair to exit the Phoenix or a ramp for a vehicle that could be loaded inside the Phoenix.

I walked to the windows and stared. He walked behind me. From the reflection he motioned his hand as if he wanted to place it on my back. I turned my head a little expecting his hand to land. But on the reflection he decided not to. Then I turned towards him and he said.

Taecyeon: Is something wrong Yoona? Is this still about.. you know..

He hesitated at first. He was about to speak but I interrupted him. The sun was starting to show again. It must be around 4pm now.

Yoona: Yes it is. And, Taec why do you make me feel this way?

Taecyeon: Make you feel what?!

He was starting to get confused now. I should start to tell him about this.. About what I'm feeling. Everybody else was starting to wake-up or get an idea of what was happening. Jay took of his headphones and he looked at Taecyeon and I. Junho and Chansung woke up. Sooyoung took out her flask of tequila.

Yoona: Taec, these past few days.. You said we're friends..

I looked at him but my gaze left him just as fast. I was looking all over the inside of the Phoenix.

Yoona: But you make me feel like we're not JUST friends.

I put emphasis on the word JUST. 

Taecyeon: What do you mean?

Yoona: Aish.. You're always beside me, you worry for me too much. You protect me. You show genuine happiness when you're with me. It seems like you've forhgotten about Nicole..

He was looking at me now with hurt in his eyes. I didn't want that reaction. I held his hands and put them into mine. I came closer to him and looked him in the eyes. My eyes were starting to tear-up and my heartbeat got faster. Junsu dropped his laptop and the right earphone fell off Tiffany's ear and the left fell off from Junsu's. 

Junsu: AIsh.. Minahae.. Don't mind us.

The song by 2PM was playing. ~Listen to my hearbeat... And it didn't help the situation. taecyeon and I looked at him and then back to each other's eyes. But this time he avoided my eyes.

Yoona: .. and when I'm about to open myself to you, you keep shying away or pushing me back, far away from you again.

Taecyeon let go of my hands. He walked away from me. He nodded no.

Taecyeon: Minahaeyo.. Yoona-yah..

I got infuriated. All of that, I said and all he could do is apologize?! What the hell is wrong with this man? What the actual is wrong with this lighter? This no-good candle brain?! The team gathered alla round us now.

Yoona: You dumb ! You numb tard! How could you be so numb! I'm practically throwing myself at you, for you and you throw me away like thrash!

I said with all the conviction in the world.


Yoona: Pabo! Aish..

I shouted at him. Sungmin and Nichkhun were about to land the Black Phoenix in a forest that would conceal the Phoenix in the outskirts of Goyang. Jay, Nichkhun and Junsu were between us. Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sooyoung were behind him together with Yonghwa and Junho. The other guys, Chansung and Wooyoung, are all behind me now trying to calm me down.

Chansung: Noona, calm down.. Jebal?

And then Taecyeon shouted back at me.

Taecyeon: What the hell are you talking about woman?!

Jay came between us and then came closer to Taec.

Jay: Taecyeon, stop it ok-

I pushed him back with my mind and slammed him onto the controls in between Sungmin and Nichkhun. They both protested and then Nichkhun said.

Nichkhun: Taec what the hell? Settle down okay?

Nichkhun unstrapped and helped him up. His controls were set on auto-pilot by Sungmin and Sungmin looked at him with pity. He looked back at me with a clear look of shock on his face. He took small steps towards me. He pointed one hand at me.

Taecyeon: Did you just push me?!

I glared at him. My head was bowed a bit, my eyes starting to get.. teary? I didn't want to cry for him, but I guess this is all the pent up tears I've kept since like.. ever. His shock faded. The guys tried to stop him.. he muttered in his trance.

Taecyeon: Yoona... Are you..

Then I pushed him back again slamming him stronger thand the first one.

Taecyeon: What the ?!

Jay: Taec HAJIMA! Yoona, stop! That's an order.

I shouted. Jay asked the pilots to land us. We all calmed down a bit as we landed. As we landed Sungmin opened the exit ramp and we all walked out. We were greeted by a rainforest. Jay walked outside. He was infuriated now. He lit my hands on fire. Oh so he wants to fight now? Okay. I looked at him as if asking him to bring it! 

Taecyeon: You asked for this!

Yoona: Bring it candle brain!

We taunted each other. I ran towards him now as he ran from the opposite end. Jay, Nichkhun, Sungmin, Junsu and Wooyoung came between us. We were running at top speed now. Jay charged the ground and detonated it sending Taec and I back to our corners. Tiffany and the other girls attended to him, the guys attended to me.

I stood up and brushed the leaves off my jacket and pants,he stood up too and brushed off the dirt that clung to his pants. The girls helped him up. He fixed his jacket and then I started to tear up. He was gonna walk towards me and I would have gladly opened my arms to him but Jay spoke up.

Jay: Okay enough.

He said. He looked at Taecyeon and I like he was a very disappointed father.

Jay: Stop it guys. We don't have time for our personal problems.

He pointed north.

Jay: The Chaos Club's out there marching the North towards us. We don't have time for this. They're marching an army of mutants. We don't have time for love troubles arasso?

Taecyeon and I nodded at him but I started to cry now. Chansung, Yonghwa and Junho comforted me. Nichkhun booted the MDNA Tracker again.

Nichkhun: Cha.. Mutants in...

He typed in something on the tracker.

Nihckhun: Opposite directions, 500 km east and the other 400 m west. I think we should.

Sungmin interrupted him.

SUngmin: Split up. Arasso. I'll stay here and rest. I'll wait for you guys okay.

He brought out 11 ear pieces. Blue tooth earpiece of some sort. He gave each team member one and then he walked close to Taecyeon and he probably said something. After he had said something to Taec he looked back at us.

Sungmin: Intercom..

He put one in his hands and showed it to the team.

Sungmin: Just talk to it okay? It automatically links to your badges and serves as the satellite that connects us to each other.

I had a panicked look on my face now. He looked at me but I looked at Sungmin. He looked at me and smiled and I asked him in our minds if Taecyeon and I were linked and he answered that we weren't. His head said so too. I got relieved by that then Jay spoke again.

Jay: Team splits arasso?

He looked at Taecyeon. Behind him now was Wooyoung, Nichkhun, Tiffany, Junsu and Sooyoung. Sooyoung from behind gave Jay a look saying that they got him. Jay nodded at her. He trusted her. We all do. We all trust each other, it was kinda silent agreement since we're all in this together.

Jay: Cha, team A lead by Taec members Sooyoung,Wooyoung,Tiffany,Junsu and Nichkhun. Team B..

He looked at me then back Taecyeon.

Jay: Uhh.. her.

He motioned a thumb behind his back pointing at me.

Jay: And Chansung, Yonghwa, Junho, Taeyeon and I. Intercom always ready arasso?

We all nodded at him.

Jay: Cha.. Move out.



We drove off into Ilsanseo. Not a word came from Jay, or Chansung, or Junho even Yonghwa. Taeyeon was the only one who had the guts to talk to me. I understand the guys.

I mean, we've been friends for a long time now but I think they still can't handle girl problems. We were walking up a small village the tracker lead us to. The guys were far behind but Taeyeon ran up to catch up on me.

Taeyeon: You okay Yoona?

I looked at her and smiled. She was not that tall so I kinda looked down on her a bit from behind. She smiled at me and I nodded at her. Reassuring her that I was fine. Her smile quickly faded. She knows that inside I'm probably dying. And I am.

The guys had caught up with us and said.

Jay: Don't worry Yoona.. He'll come to his senses.

Jay said looking at me and then he smiled.

Yonghwa: Yeah, hyung is just like that.

Yonghwa shrugged a bit when he said that and then looked at me and smiled.

Chansung; Plus he just broke up with you know who right?

Uri maknae said being a smart- again. I just looked at him and smiled too. What they were saying was pretty reassuring.

Junho: Give him a week more, tops.

Then we stopp in front of a tradtional hanok much like Taeyeon's parents' house.

Jay: Is this it? 

He aske as we all halted in front of the door. We all looked at the oak double-doors. Jay looked at me, over my shoulder Chansung, Yonghwa and Junho looked at the tracker, tha map's signal was pointing at the house. I looked at the tracker and then at Jay. I nodded.

Junho pushed open the double doors and the mutant Hyoyeon greeted us. She was.. dancing. She's dancing a traditional korean dance. She was also dressed for the occasion. And around her were people who were watching. Apparently we hadn't noticed that her village was a tourist spot.

Junho: Kim Hyoyeon?

Junho shouted because of the loud traditional music. We weren't getting anyone's attention specially when we looked just like tourists. The tourists were all watching her not even minding the 6 of us. Jay looked all around. He closed his eyes and breathed in. He was gonna do somthing outrageous again. He mad a fist with his right hand and then he punched the ground he exploded the ground on impact.

Then silence. Hyoyeon stopped dancing she looked at us. Then on of the tourists, she had blonde hair bhut she definitely looked Korean. She was wearing a camera around her neck.

Jessica: Yah! You interrupted the show. GREAAAAAT.

She said in fluent english. Jay looked at her and then frowned.

Jay: We need to talk to her right now. We're sorry we interrupted the show.

Jay looked at the crowd as he walked in the center of the yard. He pointed at Hyoyeon as he referred to her. Then Jessica threw her camera at him and it hit him smackl in the face.

Jessica: I'm enjoying my vacation here and you're ruining it!

The girl shouted at Jay. Jay was going for her. He was infuriated with the girl's actions. He was trudging towards her. The tourists stood up from their indian sit. Chansung was running for Jay but he was having a hard time concealing his samurai.

Taeyeon was looking at me. Yonghwa brought out his batons but weres till collapsed and looked like handles. Junho was gonna go for Hyoyeon but then, the most unexpected thing happened. Materializing in front of us from the haze of a miniature explosion, the sign that something or someone had teleported infront of us.

Dragon was at the center, his eyes mad with fury. To the end of the line the Chaos Club materialized to was Beelzebub, ready for acton drawn were his tonfa blades. next to him was Colossus, his body pure rock now, and then Jetstream then the Sooyoung's brother, she's been telling us stories about him. She said he was a naughty kid using his powers to bully his own tormentors. Dragon called him Multiply.

Then next to him was another addition to the Chaos Club. Another SCS Prison escapee codenamed Tablo, the Light Consumer. He can bend the light around him and make darkness come out of his hands. He literally makes darkness and eats the light out. Then to Dragon's left was Gravity who cracked the ground as they had teleported, TOP who's starting to make a tornado from his hands. Next to him is Frostbite, had her hands frozen. Next to her is CyLocke. One clap from that could deafen us all.

Then next to her were three more mutants. Unidentified at first but I looked closer and realized they're escapees too. Jonghyun codename Chameleon, who can blend into his surroundings color and then there's Eunhyuk codenamed Viper, one touch from his violet colored poison hands and you'll surely die. Lastly, there's another maximum security level escapee, Donghae codenamed Lion, he was the prototype to Thaiger's experiment before his bones had been turned to metal except Donghae's clause come out from his nails.

Chansung: Aigoo..  Uhh... We're in trouble now aren't we?

I nodded at him but I tried to keep my cool.

Yoona: Dragon looks pissed too doesn't he?

Junho ran for Hyoyeon behind them and then ran back behind the defensive line we've created. The girl that had argued with Jay was more infuriated now. Jay had pulled her to his side and to my side. Chansung drew his sword and so did Yonghwa with his batons.

Hyoeyeon: What's going on? Are you here for my mutation too like them?

Junho: Explain it later. Right now we could sure use whatever your mutation is.

Hyoyeon asked and Junho gladly answered her. Then Yonghwa

Yonghwa: Noona, I think we're in for a fight right now. Those four additional escapees don't look so good right now.

Jay: Shut up girl. You don't know the gravity of the situation right now.

Jay said to the girl as he gripped her hand. But the girl pulled her hand away form him with a shocked look.

Jay: Why don't you get outta here?!

Jessica: You think I'm a dumb blonde American right? EOBSEO! NO! NADA! And I have a name, I'm Jessica Jung and I'm not completely useless.

She fired her words at Jay as if she was killing him with her words.

Jessica: I watch the news and they're the Chaos Club, am I right?

We all looked at her with wide eyes. Then she realized the gravity of the situation she's been caught in the middle of. She ran behind the walls of the doorway.

Jessica: I'll be right here.

Jay nodded at her. Then turned back to the Chaos Club. He pointed at Dragon.

Jay: What now Drag-queen?

Dragon: Don't start with me Reactor!

Then he turned to me. I was shocked. His eyes were full of venom.

Dragon: Your boyfriend pissed me off. Saw him jump off a building. Don't hope he's okay though. Threw their 'recruit' out the window. And now..

Taecyeon, no. He must be safe. Aish. I was taken aback the Chaos Club attacked. Shado teleported and was in a tonfa to samurai fight with Beelzebub. Frostbbite, Multiply and Tablo were fighting with Stunner. Phantom was trying to sink TOP to the ground and she was also fist fighting with Psicosis. Racer was running away from Gravity and Jetstream. And then Dragon was running to me now.

Jay threw charges at him and then he smiled. Hyoyeon's turn to show her mutation. She took off the top part of her hanbok and exposed her upper body which was covered with bandages.

Hyoyeon: Not in my village!

She pushed Dragin back with a transluscent forcefield. Dragon used the charges he had absorbed from Jay and fired it at her force field. She fell back but I helped her push the force field with my mind. Jay threw more charges toward Dragon but he just absorbed it. 

Dragon: HAH! Bring more energy Reactor! Bring it!

Reactor: Shut it Dragon! What did Taecyeon do?

Dragon threw more charges back.

Dragon: Pissed me off.. Sided with the humans completely. You'll all suffer for his ignorance though..

Then a flash of crystal light clotheslined Dragon to the ground. The Chaos all around was halted by none other than..

Jessica: Yep. Told ya not that totally useless.. And..

She looked back at Jay and then smiled a smug smile.

Jessica: Diamonds are a girls bestfriend.

Her body had been changed into pure diamond. All over she was shining like a wedding ring. Her hair, eyes, lips everything that's part of her has turned into a diamond. The other CHaos Club members surrendered and ran to Dragon. Reactor ran to Jessica's saide and to mine. I was starting to try to contact the others. 

Reactor: You're a freaking mutant?

Jessica: Why'd you think I wasn't shocked with what you did to the ground back there?

Shado: Uhh hyung .. I think the Club isn't so pleased with what Jessica here did..

We all looked at them as Chansung spoke up interrupting Jay and Jessica's conversation.

Sorceress: I think we should call for back-up now.

Taeyeon ran to my side.

Phantom: Yah!

She shouted at the Chaos Club.

Phantom: You want more of that we've got her on our side here!

She taunted Dragon. Then she looked at Jessica. Jessica didn't know what exactly was going on, her face had turned expressionless. Cold cut like a diamond. Then Dragon stood up.

Dragon: Beelzebub, take us back.

His minions formed a line beside him again. He looked from me to Jay to Chansung, Junho then Yonghwa. He looked at Hyoyeon and Jessica then turned to Taeyeon.

Dragon: Little Miss, we'll fight another day.

Phantom: Psh.. go run back to your umma's skirt.

Dragon smirked and then they teleported out. Taeyeong turned to us and we all still got worried look on our faces.

Jessica: Shouldn't you NOT be shouting my name like that? Sjouldn 't I have a codename too?

Jay: You're not part of the team..

Jessica sulked for a bit, crossed her arms on her chest and then said.

Jessica: Yet.

Junho was giving the informal orientation to Hyoyeon and after much arguing Jay decided that Jessica might be a risk to the department's secrecy so he decided to have her tag along.

But then smoke out of nowhere appeared again and then Dragon and Beelzebub were there. We were all shocked by their come back all of a sudden. Dragon threw a charge at me and it hit me square on the shoulder and made a bullet size wound on my right shoulder.

Dragon: Parting gift.

Then they teleported away. After that the pain of the charge Dragon threw at me came into full attention to me. I thurt so much. I t felt like a white-hot branding iron had singed me on my shoulder. I clutched it in pain.

Jay: Let's take her to a hospital. Soemone contact the other team the best he or she can. Jessica, do you have a car?

Jay turned to her as he was ordering everybody around. Jessica nodded at him. 

Jay: let's take her there. 

Jessica ran out the hanaok and ran to her red lamborghini. Jay turned to Hyoyeon now.

Jay: Hyoyeon, hey.. what's the nearest hospital around here?

Hyoyeon: Ilsanseo Genereal Hospital. About a 5 minute drive from here.

Jay: okay let's go.

Chansung and Junho carried me to Jessica's car. We alld rove into the hospital and I got admitted in. As I was moved to a hospital bed the pain had made me pass out.


I woke up and Jay adn the team including Jessica and Hyoyeon greeted me.

Hyoyeon: Oh she's up.

She called on Junho who was lecturing her and Jessica together with Jay and the other team members. Taeyeon was passed out on a couch. It was around 9pm already. Night sky reflected on the window.

Yoona: How long have I been out?

Jay stood up from the chair that faced Jessica. Junho and Chansung smiled. They also both stood up then Jessica and Hyoyeon followed suit. Yonghwa walked in with food and drinks in his hand.

Yonghwa: Oh noona you're up.

Jay: You've been out for about 6 hours now.

I looked around scanning the room but no, the others haven't arrived yet. Have they even contacted them succesfully? Junho noticed what I was doing and then Chansung smiled.

Jay: They're not here yet.

Jay smiled at me. He sat beside my bed. Taeyeon woke up and rubbed her eyes. She focused on me and smiled when she realized I was already conscious. She stood up and walked beside me. Yonghwa handed her a bottle of coke. She drank from it and then she smiled and said.

Taeyeon: I've contacted them half an hour ago.. He'll be here later.

Yoona: Who?

I asked, acting like I didn't know whe they were talking about. But then Jessica laughed hard.

Jessica: Don't act like you don't know who Taeyeon is talking about. They told us stories...

Then Hyoyeon butted in.

Hyoyeon: Torch? Torchu? Taecyeon? Lieutenant?

Junho laughed, Yonghwa dorpped what he carried on the couch and rolled on the floor with Chansung. All of them laughed. I blushed more and I got more curious.

Jay: AHAHAHAHAH! You've been muttering in your sleep Yoona! KEKEKEKEKE!

He pointed at me, clapped his hands and laughed harder. I took the blankets up to my face and buried in it.

Jessica: It's okay.. They'll be here soon..

Jessica patted me from outside the blankets. I really do hope they'd be here soon.. I hope HE'd be here soon.

Yoona: Oh yeah? What're you're codenames?

I unsheathed my face from the covers and asked Hyoyeon and Jessica, I figured Jessica would want that since she was complaining about it when we were attacked.

Jessica: Adamas. It's Latin for Diamonds.

Then I turned to Racer who was talking to Hyoyeon and then Hyoyeon smiled at me.

Hyoyeon: Barrier. The force field thing.

Jay looked at them and then at the whole team. He muttered to himself.

Jay: At least we stand a chance now... Now only if we could find the Division X.

He turned to me.

Jay: While you were out, out badges signaled us that we're being tracked down by the Secret Service, Division X. They could help us.


To Be Continued...


Watch Out for the Next Episode of SeoulCitySaviors! 


Next Episode: The Reserve Deparment; Secret ServiceDivisionX



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Chapter 1: Soon. Watch out.
When will you comeback authornim? :-( :-(
tupiemoppars #3
Chapter 16: Yay! Welcome back!
Chapter 15: Welcome back author-nim!!
Chapter 16: It's been 6754321 years authornim keke I'm happy that you're back.
Chapter 16: Yay! You're back! :)
Chapter 16: Guys.. I;m back. ;P
Chapter 15: i hope you'll update this story soon :D
darkhorse15 #9
Chapter 15: update please been months
tupiemoppars #10
i miss your updates authornim ><