Episode 12: The Reserve Department, Division X

Seoul City Saviors

Rated SPG

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Last time on SeoulCitySaviors:

They didn't understand a thing I said. Sooyoung held the back of my hair and then pulled my head out of my knees. My eyes were read. I really hid my face too keep it from the shame of showing them that I cried over not seeing Yoona. I felt like a puppy expecting to see his master come home from school but it was only the mail man.

Sooyoung: There you go. Now say it again.

She said still holding my head up.

Taecyeon: Where are they?

No one was answering. I then said.

Taecyeon: Sooyoung, could you turn my head to look at the team individually?

She did as I said. She turned my head to Seohyun first.

Taecyeon: Seohyun?

She just nodded no. Then Sooyoung turned my head to Wooyoung.

Taecyeon: Stego?

Wooyoung: Molla..

He shrugged. Sooyoung then turned my head to Nichkhun.

Taecyeon: Nich?

Nichkhun nodded no.

Nichkhun: Molla...

Then Sooyoung turned me to Junsu but Tiffany protested against.

Tiffany: Cha!

She shouted as she crouched down in front of me and Sooyoung let go of my head. She looked at me in the eyes.

Tiffany: The nurse said.. When you ran to the elevator.. Well we don't know WHERE they are..

She rolled her eyes and then looked back at me.

Tiffany: But she said that the Government took the team and the information was need to know... Frankly I think-

My badge beeped and then the team fell silent. I slid the mic set from the hedset of the badge. It was also a phone. I looked at the team. We all doubted to answer it at first. But it was my badge. I had to answer it.

Taecyeon: Hello?

Person on the phone: Go to the address I will send you on your badge. Track it down. We'll talk from there. We have your team. Do not be alarmed. We're Division X, Sout Korean Secret Service.

The person said in a muffled voice, it was distorted too and untrackable unless they sent us their coordinates. Division X. Help? Would they be of help to us? They better be. Or I'm taking Yoona from them.

And now SeoulCitySaviors...


I slid the headset back to the mouthpiece. It turned into a badge again.

I looked at the team. Our faces had a questioning look. Each of us, pretty shocked with who called us and why they took the other team. I was furious at first but it died down just as fast. I looked at the team. And then I started to walk to the end of the hall. Before I could reach the elevator again, the team had caught up with me.

Nichkhun: Where are you going?

I looked at him with a bit of anger in my eyes. And he stared me down. In turned back and pressed the down button on the elevator. Junsu, Tiffany, Seohyun, Sooyoung and Wooyoung caught up from behind me.

Taecyeon: I'm getting back the other team.

Junsu sighed.

Junsu: Taec, the team or Yoona?

Taecyeon: Junsu, it's not time for teasing okay?!

I shouted at him.

Junsu: I'm not teasing Taec, if you're going.. 

He looked down and sighed.

Junsu: If WE go there, we go as a team for the team.. Don't make decisions when you're mad Taec.

Wooyoung put a hand on my shoulder and I let it res there. It felt like a hand that awakened me. Slapped me out of anger and shook me awake from a dream full of nightmares and disappointments, departures and fallen heroes.

Wooyoung: When you make decisions when you're mad..

He looked at me straight in my eyes as I turned to him and looked straight into his.. He sighed.

Wooyoung: Nothing good comes from it. That's how we lost you in the first place right? 

I sighed. When would I get to see Yoona again. 



DirectorJung: You guys..

You're probably wondering why we're here. The team and I. Jay, Taeyeon, Chansung, Yonghwa, Junho, Hyoyeon, Sungmin and Jessica. Well, the Division X tracked us and needed our help as much as we needed theirs. They've found out that the Chaos Club have been plotting with the North Koreans, they convinced that the North Korean should be in control of the mutant meta-gene cure and that the Northerners should have the mutants who are living in South Korea, they said that only the North Koreans should have mutants. They released three mutants to the disposal of the Chaos Club to fight against us. But more are being rallied from all over the countries.

They're no better than the Nazis right? But we are, and apparently the Division X is too.

The Division X is not one to watch this all unfold. They've tracked us to ask for our help in suppressing the up and coming war. A war of the ages which the Chaos Club has planned to be in Seoul. A confirmation threat has been sent to them by the Chaos Club saying that Seoul will be the battleground. They asked us to be part of the Division but, we can't just agree to it without the Division tracking down the rest of the team.

He looked at us one by one as we were seated in a round table, much like the holographic table back at the now ruined SCS Headquarters. But now, well here we are at the...

Director Jung: ..are here in our department. Secret Service, Division X. Technically we don't exist.. You guys, for all intents and purposes..

He rested his hands on the table. And then looked at us one by one again. He rested his eyes on each of us for a good second or two. We were all given standard issued Division X shirts, a good place to stay for a while and a shower. A shower we needed the most.  We smelled, before leading us into this conference room, he's given us a small dinner. We all looked like homeless people who were trying to pass as normal back in the hospital.

The hospital, hopefully in which the other team would have tracked us. Then he continued his sentence from where he left off.

Director Jung: .. does not exist. You are all technically dead.

Jay: We know that. Standard Operating Procedure when joining a secret service department. Now let's talk more on what you've said us back in the hospital.

Director Jung looked at the big screen. Then the images of 18 mutants appeared on screen. Some of them were Dragon and his usual minions and Multiply, Tablo, Lion, Chameleon and Viper. Added to the bunch were some mutants obviously from North Korea, there was an army of them.

DIrector Jung: The Chaos Club's been busy recruiting.. We contacted you first since you're the team that's been recently faced with the club.

Then I said from my seat.

Yoona: What's the plan then?

I looked from Jihoon, Director Jung, to Jay and to the rest of the team. He turned to the table again. Junho, Hyoyeon and Jessica were busy catching up on what Hyoyeon and Jessica don't know. Chansung and Sungmin were trying to get a lock on the other team with the table's screen. Taeyeon, Jay and I well are talking to the Director.

Taeyeon; Shouldn't we try to negotiate with them? 

Jay nodded no.

Jay: No, we should never negotiate with terrorists.

Director Jung: Jay is right. we can't talk to them. Trying is futile too.

He looked dead serious as he said that. But my thought started to wander off to Taecyeon. I really think he's about to attack this department and the whole Division X would swarm him and try to calm him down. Of course I wouldn't show myself first.

Agent: Sir, we're being attacked.

Yeah, that's how it probably would start. He might track us down and try to get the team back, the team who're with me. But probably mainly because of me. And then the other team would be all around him trying to stop him too. How would he track us anyway?

All around me the team and the Director rushed out.

So yeah. I think that would happen. I looked up and the screen blinked at me. Black letters flashing and behind it a red blinking screen saying Code Red. I tilted my head to the side. And then to the other side. I realized it said Code Red.

Code ing Red. It's happening isn't it? How could Torch have found Division X HQ?! We're freaking out of Korea, well technically. We're right outside Seoul secluded from civilization. How the could he have found me? Much less, how could he have triggered Code Red. Chamakamanyo.. Why did I ing assume it IS Torch? 

I ran outside, through the metal double doors of the Conference room. I ran through the hall and straight through the living room and out the lawn. Outside the gate were several security guards and Division X agents. Director Park and my team were looking at a man in a leather jacket with fires flicking out of his hands. Behind him was a winged woman, a guy with platinum blonde hair, another guy in an orange jacket, a girl who looks drunk, a guy with an arm cannon and lastly a girl in all white who looks a bit far from the team and then there's another person , she's tall ans slender and y all at the same time. She looks a bit like me too. She shot lasers out of her eyes.

It's Torch, Tiffany, Wooyoung, Nichkhun, Sooyoung, Junsu and probably Seo Joo hyun, the mutant they've been assigned to track down. And the last woman must be another mutant.. Well they've probably got a case of what we had with Jessica. I tried to contain my smile. Then I caught up with the other team who were also smiling.

Sungmin: Aish..

Sungmin scratched his head playfully. Jay started to run down the stairs, Chansung and Junho were laughing as they rested their hands on the banister of the concrete stairs.

Jay: Whoa.. he's on fire..

jay said comically. That was his attempt at a witty remark but I noticed that he wasn't really. He literally meant that taec IS actually on fire. All around him is fire. His body is hugged by a thick layer of red hot fire and his eyes were like white hot branding irons.

Taeyeon: Wooyoung ah!

Taeyeon started to run down the lawn to the gate for her boyfriend. I was kinda sad for her, when we were attacked she was really devastated by the fact that we are going to be separated from the other team for a while, adding up to the situation is the Division X showing up before the other team could arrive at the hospital I was admitted in. 

I felt how Taeyeon felt, devastated because of separation. I mean she lost Wooyoung for a long time, didn't it seem unfair that she was separated from him again. She ran for the gates. Chansung teleported out of the blue.

Chansung: Soo-

I looked at the gate and for sure there he is on the other side. Hyoyeon tapped me on the shoulder and I ignored her for a second before I completely turned around to entertain her question. But Jessica was the one who spoke up.

Jessica: Are those the members of the other team?

She pointed at the guys on the other side of the gate.

Yoona: Yeah and they're causing a scene..

I was interrupted by Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon: I'm guessing the guy on fire is Taec?

I nodded at her. Jessica scoffed.

Jessica: He's the only one causing the scene though.

We started to walk to the gates. Hyoyeon, Junho, Jay, Jessica and Yonghwa trailing behind me. As we reached the gates. Director Jung was giving commands to the guards to lower their guns away from Taec and the other team. Taeyeon was in Wooyoung's arms, Chansung was behind Sooyoung saying something and Sooyoung was replying without even looking at Chansung.

Director Jung: Lower your guns. They're the other team.

Torch was on his knees as the guards held him at gun point. He stood up and put out the fires around him. I looked at him and he looked like he was tired. He was really tired, literally. And my heart made a little skip as his eyes trailed from my feet up to my eyes. And then we held it for a second.

Yoona: You found us..

He didn't respond immediately. The girl who was shooting lasers out of her eyes helped Taecyeon up and then stood beside Nichkhun. Junsu and Tiffany were holding hands as the gates opened.Torch brushed off the dirt in his pants and then walked to the gate. Director Jung held out a hand to him but he ignored it and walked towards me.

Yoona: Taec..

But he stopped me mid-speech as he hugged me tightly.

Taecyeon: Shut up. Don't say a word. You seem okay. Did your parents ever tell you not to go with strangers?

My mind was rattled but my heart felt like it was in place. Beside him. My arms felt like water as it flowed to his body effortlessly. He hugged me tighter by the second and I didn't mind. My eyes started to tear-up.2

Then Jay spoke up interrupting our small reunion.

Jay: Well it seems like we're all here.

Taecyeon greeted each of the team members. We were all having a small reunion really. But all the time we talked he didn't let go of me. Except for Director Jung, everyone seemed to be in a festive spirit. The director walked back to the mansion with the guards and some agents. As the gates closed Junsu said.

Junsu: Well.. Introductions please Jay.. I think we all need to catch up on everyone's missions.

Junsu said smiling a bit.

Jay: Well.. Jessica and Hyoyeon's been added to our team..

He pointed at Jessica and Hyoyeon and then looked to the other team's addition.

Jay: Who are those two now? Are they..

Taecyeon looked at me in the eyes and then let me go. And walked beside the girl who was beside Nichkhun.

Taecyeon: Yuri, Kwon Yuri, Plasmeye and here's..

He walked towards the girl in all white.

Taaecyeon: And you know.. the meta-gene? The Cure? Well here she is.. Switch. Seo Joo Hyun.. Seo Hyun..

Jay looked at the girl.

Jay: Is she really?

He charged his hands to explode and then walked closer to the girl Taecyeon named Seohyun. His hand was fully charged now and he could detonate it in command but as he walked closer to the girl, the charged wavered and disappeared.


We all walked into the Mansion the Director met up with us and asked us to go to the conference room. We all gave the other team a catch up on what was happening. We also introduced Jessica as Adamas and Hyoyeon as Barrier to the other team. We asked Yonghwa to bring Seohyun to the research lab and keep her there with guards and scientists. The director did not want Seohyun out in the open ever again till the war is done.

The director gave us all quarters after the meeting. We all headed to dinner and then out for a night of leisure. We all neede it. To relax for a while. Some of the guys and girls namely, Chansung, Sooyoung, Junho, Yonghwa, Seohyun, Nichkhun, Yuri, Jay and Jessica watched the television. Might show some news on the Chaos Club.

Junsu and Tiffany were out on the field talking. Sungmin was sleeping early. Hyoyeon was in her given room. And Taecyeon and I are here outside. I was resting on the banisters as he walked close to me. He broke the silence of the night by saying,.

Taecyeon: I'm sorry..

I looked at him blankly.

Yoona: For what?

He sighed and then looked down.

Taecyeon: For being numb.. Mianhae.. Yoona.. If it means anything now.. I've sorted everything out..

He walked closer beside me. I looked at him. But I thought to myself, maybe I am not ready for everything that's happening between us yet. 

Taecyeon: I think I'm in love with you too..

He said those words and it rang in my ears and reverberated down my spine. I felt goosebumps in my arms. I faced him but my thoughts still lingered around the fact that I may be rash with my decisions. I think I need more time to think about everything.

Yoona: Taec.. Mian..

His face crumpled up as if he didn't understand what I just said. As if I talked in an alien language.

Yoona: But.. let's not do this for now.. We can't be rash about our decisions right? That's what I've realized since we've been apart..

I teared up and so did he.

Yoona: We can't be together right now.. MIanhaeyo..

I bowed to him and then ran back to the mansion and left him in the cold autumn breeze in the night. He started bawling out in tears. I walked up to my room and out the window I see him pumping his fists down on the concrete.


The days have past and we've been monitoring the activities of the Chaos Club via satellite. We were all busy in the past few weeks we've been here in the Division X mansion. The Director, Jung Jihoon, has been kind and caring for all of us. He said he's been under the supervision of Director Park back then in his first days in the secret service. He told us that he was a former SCS Agent but not a mutant.

He's been promoted to head Division X after 10 years of service to the SCS. He also told us that Director Park had been a good man and they've been like brothers. For the past few weeks we've all been busy with training too. We were all trying to sharpen our controls over our mutations. At some point Seohyun had turned off her nullifying mutation and Yonghwa showed her his batons, charged with blue electricity.

Seohyun: Yah! You could cook a goguma with that!

She said back then. And Yoona and I.. we've avoided each other again. The team had noticed it and tried talking to us both. I walked to the lobby as we all had a break from training. The Director said he would be the one to unlock our full potential without even harming us.

Thea team had gathered around as the news was on and Jay called on me.

Jay: Torch, guys look at the news..

I sat on the sofa and on the other side was Yoona, between us, Seohyun. Seohyun's been growing close to me in a sisterly way. And I opened up pretty fast to her. Jay sat at the sofa nearest the TV, Jessica was at the window seat, Chansung and Sooyoung were standing at the corner, Yonghwa, Junho, Junsu, Woyoung and Taeyeon were behind the sofa I sat in. The rest of the team was scattered around the room. Sungmin and Hyoyeon ran downstairs and had caught up with the flash report.

Yoona was glancing sideways at me and I did the same and caught her eyes for a second or two. I immdiatley averted my eyes away from her as the TV Reporter said.

Reporter: ... all around Seoul, the numbers 10-11-12 have been graffitied on every storefront..

The numbers 10-11-12 showed up on a storefront.

Reporter: ..building, house and any infrastructure that is in Seoul. One was different among the others though as it said. D-Day.

Nichkhun: The Chaos Club must be behind this.

Junho: They surely are, but what do the numbers mean?

Chansung: And seriously? Graffiti?

Yonghwa: Yeah, that's anew low for the Chaos Club.

I looked at three side glancing at Yoona in the process as they said that. Jay's eyes were still glue to the TV. He had a grim look on his face. Sooyoung spoke up.

Sooyoung: Yeah, the most villainous criminals and they're just tagging.It doesn't make sense.

Director Jung walked from the hall and then said.

Director Jung; They're dates.. 

We all looked back at him. He stood there beside the television and said.

Director Jung: D-DAY? Doomsday..

Jay: Of course!

Jessica: yeah.. they're warning us..

Director Jung looked at Jay, Junsu, Nichkhun, Sungmin, Woyoung and I. Our secret plan must be put to a go now. We can't let them reach D-Day before our plan has been put in motion.

Yoona then stood up from her seat and to the center of the room.

Yoona: What do we do now? We're all just here.. Are we just waiting for something to happen?

I stood up and a rush of sadness if I was, we were going on with our plan I must not give her anything to want me to stay right? But I might give her something to regret. I thought of it and emptied my mind, she might read it.

Taecyeon: Are we? We're all traning aren't we?

I spread my arms wide. Everyone looked at me. I acted angrily towards Yoona.

Seohyun: Taec oppa..

She stood up and put her arms on my back.

Yoona: We're WAITING! Not doing anything! Why don't we track 'em down! I'm starting to regret coming to this place! 

Jay: Yoona, stop..

He stood up from his seat and Jessica came closer to Yoona's side. The others started gathering around us again. Director Jung looked at me seriously and then sternly at Wooyoung, Sungmin, Jay, Junsu and Nichkhun. He was probably giving them a signal that I was starting to make the cover for our plan. 

Our plan is simple. Infiltrate the Chaos Club and destroy them from the inside, know all about their plans and intel to the Division. The other members must be clueless about this. Or one would go and track me down. Yes, I've volunteered to be the spy.

Taecyeon: Don't pin your disappointment on the Division!

Yoona: No I'm not! How could I be disappointed, I just want us to do our jobs!

Taecyeon: We can't go do it now! We can't be rash about our decisions right?! Doesn't it ring a bell?

She looked at my injured knuckles.

Yoona: Taec...

I trudged out of the room and straight into Director Jung's study. There, I waited for him to follow and the other guys.


Later that night, I sneaked out of my room and ran outside the garage. There the Director and the guys had been waiting. I met up with them and nodded at the Director.

Director Jung: You ready Torch?

I nodded at him. I took the keys to the hot rod car he had given me. Sungmin came close to me and rolled up my sleeve and injected something on my arm. 

Sungmin: RFID Tracker.

He was referring to what he injected.

Sungmin: GPS too. Don't blow your coveer.

Nichkhun gave me my jacket with the built in tank and flint rock.

Nichkhun: Good Luck man..

Wooyoung: Yeah hyung.. Be safe.

Jay: You sure you wanna do this?

Jay said as he looked at me. He probably thought this was a bad plan, crazy even. But we both know it would work. I just nodded in approval.

Taecyeon: Take care guys.. of Yoona too.

They all nodded. The director opened the garage doors and let me drive off into the road. I road into the sun rising from the east. Hopefully I would track down the Club before the Division does and before Yoona makes some stupid decisions for me leaving. I really hope she doesn't though.

The Director turned back to the team and said.

Director Jung: Hellfire. He said he wanted to be code named Hellfire for the time being.


To Be Continued...

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Chapter 1: Soon. Watch out.
When will you comeback authornim? :-( :-(
tupiemoppars #3
Chapter 16: Yay! Welcome back!
Chapter 15: Welcome back author-nim!!
Chapter 16: It's been 6754321 years authornim keke I'm happy that you're back.
Chapter 16: Yay! You're back! :)
Chapter 16: Guys.. I;m back. ;P
Chapter 15: i hope you'll update this story soon :D
darkhorse15 #9
Chapter 15: update please been months
tupiemoppars #10
i miss your updates authornim ><