
Naughty Kiss!

You wake up that morning then chuckles a bit. Suddenly you remember that night of your honeymoon, you fastly cover your face using your hands.

"Omo~" You bit your lips because shy. You walk out from te room.



Slowly you make your step down to go to the kitchen. You can see Kris, his umma and your umma sitting there. Slowly you walk to them.

"Uhh Ha Na~! Already wake up! Come here, let's have breakfast together."

You smile bitter while mehrong little. 

"Yah Ha Na-ahh~! Wae wake so late? You already Kris wife. You must wake early next time arra?!" 

Your mom scold you. Kris that sit beside you glances a little to you. You look down will pout.

"Josobhamnida umma~"

"Kerrey! Today is my first time want to taste your cooking. It just waste my time wake up so early. Tchh~"

You look at Kris. He is eating sandwich with cold face.


"Ahh kenchana! Ha Na ahh~"

You look at Kris umma.


"Your mom and me planning that you guys move to a new house. How is it? Kenchana?!"

Your eyes wide when heard what Kris umma said. You look at Kris. No response.

You silent. Don't know what to say.

"I would love too ma. Then we will have our own privacy when we live alone together. Right..... yeobo~?"

You bit your lips. *mwo? yeobo?!*

Slowly you nodded then smile bitter.

*i'm surely dead!*

"Good! We want to go to your house now. Wanna check on it. We will come back home this night. Have fun together!"

Kris umma said as she walk happily with your umma leave your house alone with Kris!



The environment quiet. You and Kris keep silent make you felt like you is a pabo statue.

"You think how many child will we get after this? 3? 5?" 

Kris voice break the quiet environment.


You stare at Kris with wide eyes while he look at you with charming smile.

*woah that smile~ really make me insane!*

"I know you heard what I said just now right?"

"Oppa kajima!"

Your face turn red like tomato. Kris already laugh when see your reaction.

"I think we will have our honeymoon everyday after this."

Kris said, his voice really different. Like naughty?! O_O

He stand up and mess your hair that  is available messy already. He walk away leave you while you still blur face. xD

*child?! omo bwooyah~!!!*




A/N :> hey guys ~! i know i know that this chappy is bored ~ i don't have idea to write this chappy ~ my idea just like a zupppp when think about chappy 14 ~ XD sorry bad grammar n my broken english ~ XD




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raramalvin #1
Chapter 15: update update ! btw , i love your storyline . good job authornim * thumbs up *
Chapter 15: Upgrade!!!!!!
Chapter 15: Umm ... one thing i have noticed is the kinda crappy english but if you want you can inbox me privately and i could edit your chapters for you because your story is really good, its just some things wrong with the actual story and i would love to help XD (Add me as a friend and inbox me ok?)
ilovebapyessir #4
Chapter 15: Upgrade!!!!!! It's getting soo good!!
Chapter 15: who is she????
1003dumz #6
Chapter 14: please update soon! gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...*blushing
Goldie #7
Chapter 14: Wuah! Please update soon...
Chapter 14: Ohhhhh~ Wu HaNa! hahahahahahaha
Please update soon!
Chapter 13: I loooooove this storyy~~
Pleasee update soon.. ^^
Chapter 13: Haha naughtyyyyyyy xD