
"SooMin-ah! Can you give me my phone? It's in my room!" You sighed as you walked into the messy room of your older brother and tried to search for the phone.

You looked at the clock and realized you were going to be late for the bus and quickly rummaged through his clothes.

Finally, you found it underneath a pile of dirty clothes next to his bed and you stared at his room.

*I'll have to clean it when I get home from school.* You thought as you quickly ran down the stairs and gave the phone to your older brother who was putting on his coat.

"Thanks." ChangSub said as he took the phone and put it in his pocket.

"Your welcome. And don't forget that today you have to come home early from work if you want to go to the therapist." You said as you out on your own jacket.

"Okay, I'll make sure to remind myself later." ChangSub patted the top of your head and you giggled.

He always tapped the top of your head which made you know that he was in a good mood.

"You better get ready for school or you might be late." ChangSub said as he opened the front door and put on his shoes.

"Dont worry about me oppa. Just go already before your boss punishes you for being late again." You hugged him good bye and waved as he walked off to the bus stop that was just around the corner.

Once he was out of sight, you sighed and rubbed your arms as you went back inside to get ready.

Winter was coming soon and you thought you could see snow already start to fall.

Instead of waiting at the bus stop with the other students your age, you waited until they all left before going to the bus stop where your brother had gone to.

Of course he was already gone and you stood ther shivering in the cold, waiting for the bus to come.

You dreaded the winter so much because of how cold it was and it reminded you of the past which you rather not think about.

It has been a year since you cut school and got a job to earn money for the family.

Of course ChangSub doesn't know yet about it because he is too busy with his own job at a big company.

You work at a flower shop that is it downtown which isn't that far away from your house.

Finally, the bus comes and everyone gets inline to ride the already crowded bus.

You end up standing towards the front which was the worst spot to be in because whenevr the door opens, the cold winds blow into your face, making you colder.

After three more stops, you get off and breathe in the cold air that stung your lungs.

Quickly, you ran inside the fimiliar flower shop and sighed in relief as the heat thawed your face.

"Oh. Hey SooMin!" IlHoon said as he looked up from the counter and it looks like he had been sleeping.

"Hi." You said with a big smile and you went through the mini doors that led behind the counter where IlHoon was sitting.

"Is Mrs.Hwang not here yet?" You asked as you hung your jacket on one of the empty hooks towards the back.

"Nope but HyunShik Hyung and SungJae are in the back getting ready." IlHoon pointed to the back door with his pen and you nodded.

"Okay then. I guess I'll get ready as well." You walked through the back door and entered the small room that you called the garden because it always smells like soil.

"Hey SooMin-ah!" SungJae said as he waved eagarly at you and you chuckled.

"Hey SooMin." HyunShik said with that same small smile he gave you everyday and you smiled back as well.

"Hi Oppas." You grabbed an apron and some gloves and began to put the flowers into the pots with them.

"Does anyone know why Peniel is not here today? He called in saying that he had something important to do today." HyunShik asked as he stuffed a flower into the pot, still managing to keep it clean.

"I heard his brother in law or something told him to stay with him at work or something today." SungJae said as he dusted off the access dirt off the flowers and made sure the flowers were ready to be displayed.

"Maybe. Who knows?" You said as you poured in the soil until you heard the door open.

Everyone turned their eyes towards the door and you all bowed.

"Hello Mrs.Hwang." All of you said at the same time and she smiled that small eye smile she had.

She maybe 50 years old but she always seems as if she was like 20 more years younger than that.

IlHoon also came into the room as well which made you confused.

"I have an important announcement to make."

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Chapter 11: "Oh Ilhoon ah...it's alright. I'm here for you. Waiting for you to come to me and accept me for who I am."

This is what I'm going to say If I'm in that scene. XD Haha.
Anyway, can't wait for the ending. Hwaiting.
marjv98 #2
New reader here! Please update soon~~
Chapter 5: I love it! All I can say is I love this story.
Chapter 3: Awwww Minhyuk is so sweet
Chapter 3: Omo author nim! Double update? Good for you ^^
Chapter 2: Wah this story is daebak!
Hope you can update soon~