Chapter 2: Natsumi Hara. {The leader}

Summer 2011.

Note: This chapter will be on Natsumi’s POV.



“Mimi unnie! Breakfast is ready!!”

“Piss off.” I grumbled to whoever it was who woke me up from my beautiful dream.

“Come on unnie; I cooked some bacon, sausages, eggs and pancakes!”

“Piss off…” I repeated covering my face with one of the pillows.

“I know how we can get her out of bed.” I heard someone say. It was Hye.

“How?” The person who woke me up - Yurii asked.


“SHE’S WHAT?!!!!!! YUMI!!!!!!!!” I jumped off the bed, ran past Hye who was at the doorway and then ran downstairs to strangle Yumi. I found her in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal with Aerin who was eating some pancakes.

“Ohayo gozaimasu! Great morning isn’t it?” Aerin greeted me.

“Unnie why are you glaring at me?” Yumi asked as she shook like a leaf. I couldn’t see my skateboard anywhere near her. I’m going to kill Hye.

“Nothing. Eat your cereal.” I replied and then turned away.

“Hide me, hide me!” I could hear Hye’s voice panic.

“HYE!!!!” I shouted in the middle of the living room.

“Whaaat?” Was her reply.

“Come down here so I can strangle you!” I shouted some more.

“Haha no way.” She answered. I started swearing under my breath and then returned to my room. Yurii was still sitting down on my bed.

“Where is she?” I asked her. She shrugged.

“Where is she Yurii?” I repeated.

“In the toilet.” She finally answered. I ran to the toilet and then banged on the door. “GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!!”

“Alright who woke her up? You guys should know better than to wake Natsumi up in the morning!!” I heard Aerin yell downstairs.

“I did but Hye pissed her off!!” Yurii shouted as she went to the kitchen.

“Hye get your backside out here so I can kick it!!” I screamed still banging on the door. I could hear her giggling inside. I stopped banging on the door and just waited for her to come out.

“Thank goodness.” She sighed and then walked out. I quickly attacked her by putting her into a headlock. She was laughing uncontrollably even though I was trying to hurt her. Son of a .



It’s been 2 days since we first got here. The cottage is absolutely beautiful and the area were at is just very peaceful. This vacation totally kicks because celebrities were staying at the other cottage! They are shooting a reality TV show just near the area and instead of staying at a hotel in the city, they decided to stay at that cottage. But it still wasn’t perfect because they are with 3 little devils. Oh I hate them.

Park Aeyla was one of them. She’s Korean-American and I would actually want to be friends with her if she wasn’t so short-tempered! If something was said and she takes it the wrong way, she will get pissed off and start throwing out insults not caring if she hurts someone’s feelings or not. I do that. I don’t need another person doing that. And another thing why I don’t like her: she’s going out with Mir. MIR! MBLAQ’s magnae!!! Yumi wasn’t happy when she found out cos she has a little crush on Mir herself.

The second one is Lee Namine. She’s Korean-Japanese and she is simply the scary girl with no heart or emotion. She likes to cause trouble as well but the people around her just seem to find it cute. I like to cause trouble too and again I don’t need another person doing that! She’s also Taemin from SHINee’s girlfriend. Not fair! I thought SHINee wasn’t allowed to date anyway?! I blame Jonghyun.

Their leader is the one I hate the most. Kwon Marikit. She’s half Korean-half Italian. She’s my age and I know that we should get along because we were both half European but I just hated her guts. The way she stares at people and then whispers about them. She’s also dating Kim Heechul and I love Kim Heechul!! Arghhh!!! Why does Cinderella have to go out with the ice princess? My world came crumbling down when I found that she was dating Heenim.


After lunch, I went to my bedroom to read my manga. Only half an hour later, I finished it and I couldn’t be bothered to read a new one. I grabbed my packet of cigarettes and lighter from the nightstand and then went downstairs. Poor Yumi was still washing up the dishes in the kitchen. Yurii and Hye were having a dance battle in the middle of the living room while Aerin was just cleaning up invisible mess. I thought of helping Yumi in the kitchen but I was already dying for a cigarette. I grabbed my skateboard and then put on my converses.

“Where you going?” Aerin asked me.

“To pollute the earth.” I grinned. She laughed at me and then told me to not be long. Apparently we were going to play Dance Dance Revolution. Jesus.

I ran outside of the cottage and then quickly light a cigarette. I looked at the other cottage and I could just make-out the people inside. I dropped my skateboard on the ground and was hoping to ride it but then I realized that the ground was uneven. I scrunched up my face and then just carried it with me. I walked through the forest and glared at the grass all around. I can’t ride my skateboard because of all these grass and mud! I will just trip! I kept on walking, I kept on smoking until I grew tired. I think I was in the middle of the forest already because when I looked around, all I could see were trees. Tall trees. I sighed out loud not caring if I was or lost or not. I found a huge log and sat on it. I took out another cigarette from the packet: the last one. . I need to buy another packet. I lit it up, placed it in my mouth and then threw the empty packet away carelessly. I heard leaves crunching behind me and heavy footsteps approaching. I reached out for my pocket knife and ready myself to attack.

“Hey,” a voice called. It belonged to a guy. I turned around and saw Kyuhyun. Super Junior’s Cho Kyuhyun.

“Err hey.” I replied putting my pocket knife away. I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks.

“Smoking could kill you.” He stated pointing at the cigarette in my mouth.

“Mind your own business gamer.” I hissed at him pointing at his PSP which was in his jacket pockets.

“I won’t die by playing games…” He said. I didn’t answer.

“While that is a cancer stick.” He added. I ignored him while I finished my ciggie. He sat down beside me and I looked ahead trying to focus on all the green. I didn’t like Cho Kyuhyun. In fact he was my least favourite member of Super Junior. He annoys me. Like I said, I liked Kim Heechul.

But sadly, he’s taken.

“Listen,” Kyuhyun spoke again.


“Just listen,” he said.

“No, no.” I answered coldly. This was fun. Maybe he’ll get annoyed and he’ll decide to leave me alone.

“We’re having a party at our cottage tonight. I wanted to invite you.” He blabbered.

“Wait, you followed me into the forest so you can invite me to some party?” I interrogated him. If he says yes then he’s a creep.

He nodded. Dear Lord.

As much as I loved parties, I’m going to say no to him. The creep.

“Sorry me and my friends have plans for tonight.” I said instead.

“Oh but I already invited your friends, they’re all coming tonight.” Kyuhyun grinned. Oh those girls are going to get it.
“So will you come?” Kyuhyun asked with hope in his voice. I looked at him and I couldn’t deny the fact that he was just so pretty. Wait, what?!

“Fine I will. Now leave me alone.” I sighed.

“Great, see you at 8!” He smiled and then walked away happily.


I pursed my lips at my reflection. I looked plain and boring. My so called friends were already at the party and I could hear the loud music in my room coming from there. It sounded like a really cool party. Of course it was cool. It was filled by celebrities! I applied another coat of mascara before heading downstairs. I got to the front door and then hesitated. I closed it again and then jumped on my skateboard. I skated around the living room for a couple of minutes and just thought about stuff. As I chanted the Korean alphabet in my head twice, I didn’t realize that someone had walked in.

“Ya are you not coming to the party?” A voice boomed.

“!” I shrieked and lost balance. I fell backwards but a pair of long arms caught me. I felt my cheeks burn as I looked up to see who it was.

Cho Kyuhyun.

“I was just on my way.” I said as he helped me up on my feet.

“Come on then, everyone is worried about you.” He smiled and then offered his hand for me to take. I made a face and then walked past him with my nose stuck in the air. What makes him think that I was going to hold his hand? Pffftt! I quickly put my hood up and then walked out. Kyuhyun followed quietly behind me. When I got to the front porch of their cottage, I didn’t know if I should knock or just walk in. Kyuhyun was beside me in a matter of seconds and then he opened the door ushering me to walk in first. I flashed him a smile and as I walked in their cottage, I could smell different scents: alcohol mostly, girls perfume, boys aftershave and popcorn?! The music blared and everyone were scattered all over the place. Joon and Donghae were in the middle of the living room dancing their heart out while Yurii and Aerin were watching them with goo goo eyes. I walked past them and I went to the kitchen where I found Hye talking to Siwon who was showing off his muscles by flexing them in front of Hye who looked pretty impressed.

I found Yumi in the garden bouncing on the trampoline with Taemin.

“Who are you looking for?” Kyuhyun asked me. I’ve only realized that he’s been following me all this time.

“Umm. Heechul.” I admitted.

“He’s upstairs with Ikit-shi.” He replied as he scratched the back of his neck with his hand. Mir and Sungmin walked past us and then flashed me a smile. My eyes were wandering still as I tried to look for Namine and Aeyla. In the corner of the living room, I saw Sim Jang and Seung Hyun talking to a couple whom I haven’t seen before.

“Who are those two?” I asked Kyuhyun.

“Hana and Ji Yong.” He replied. “Ryu Hana and Kwon Ji Yong.”

“G-Dragon has a girlfriend too?!” I gasped.
“All members of BIG BANG do.” Kyuhyun answered with a sly smile.

“Hey leader unnie! Sup?” Hye greeted me with a big grin on her face.

“Sup.” I replied. Siwon was just about to talk to me when I heard voices coming from upstairs. Marikit and Heechul were just walking down the stairs all giggling and looking flustered. I think I know what they did. I sighed out loud. Namine and Aeyla appeared out of nowhere and came running towards their leader. Heechul smiled at me and I just about managed to give him a smile back.

“What’s wrong babe?” Mir asked Aeyla worriedly.

“It’s not me, it’s their magnae!” Aeyla shouted pointing her finger at me.

“Hey I just got here!” I shouted back at her.

“What’s going on?” Sim Jang asked as she approached all of us.

“Tell them unnie…” Namine pouted and urged Marikit to talk.

“It seems that your magnae is flirting with Namine’s boyfriend.” Marikit stated.

“What?! They’re just on the trampoline!” Hye screeched. “How is that flirting?!”

“Well she should be on the trampoline with someone who is not in a relationship!” Namine yelled at Hye.

“Or someone who doesn’t have a high maintenance and clingy girlfriend.” I muttered but she heard me.

“Excuse me?!” Namine sneered at me.

“Piss off, I’m older than you.” I hissed at her. I felt Kyuhyun’s hands on top of my shoulders as if to keep me on my spot. I’m not the type who’ll get into a physical fight (I would sometimes but it‘ll only be play fight); I’ll usually attack someone by my sharp words. I shook Kyuhyun’s hands off my shoulders and then glared at Namine.

“I wouldn’t piss her off if I were you.” Hye muttered. “My neck still hurts from this morning.” She added.

“Girls do calm down…” Siwon mumbled. Just then, Taemin and Yumi walked in laughing their heads off. Namine instantly focused her death glares at Yumi.

“Namii-shi, are you okay?” Taemin asked her. Namine ignored him. Yumi looked innocent and she just looked at each and everyone of us trying to assess the situation.

“You !!” Namine screamed and then started pulling Yumi’s hair. Yumi yelped in pain as she struggled to let go of Namine’s hold. Siwon was trying to get in between them; Taemin was trying to pull Namine away while Sim Jang wanted to step in but Seung Hyun stopped him. Hana, Ji Yong and Sungmin hanged back and looked terrified while Kyuhyun was stopping me to go anywhere. Mir was standing in front of Aeyla protectively while Marikit was just smirking.

“Aren’t you going to stop your friend??!” I yelled at her. She responded with a shrug and then pulled Heechul with her to go upstairs.

“Wait--” Heechul said but Marikit pulled him even harder. They disappeared upstairs while the fight continued on. Yumi was losing by a mile. I don’t understand why the boys can’t seem to stop Namine. Was she that strong?

“Kick her in the balls Yumi!!” Hye shouted.

I then remembered my other friends who were still in the living room. They were tough and they can handle a fight unlike Yumi, Hye and I.

“YURII! AERIN!!!” I shouted on top of my voice. Sungmin was now helping Taemin get Namine off Yumi.

“OMO what’s going on???!” Aerin gasped as she saw the commotion.

“HEY NO ONE HURTS YUMI!!” Yurii the overprotective one, started to tug on Namine’s hair. Aerin who knew how to handle bullies jumped in too and pulled Namine from Yumi. Sungmin helped Yumi up while Siwon and Hye checked her for any bruises or something. Aerin suddenly pushed Namine on the floor and Yurii was going to kick her but Taemin begged.

“Please, don’t.” Taemin said.

“We better go.” I announced. “Sorry for the trouble.”

I felt so useless. I would have done something if it wasn’t for Kyuhyun holding me down. Namine started crying and then ran to the kitchen. Taemin followed her. Joon and Donghae started to ask Siwon and Mir what had happened while Yurii, Hye and Aerin walked out of the cottage. I stayed by the front door and waited for Yumi. Sungmin was still checking up on her.

“Just so you know you can’t come here anymore!” Aeyla shouted.

“Like I’d want to after you’re troublemaker of a friend treated our magnae!” I shouted back at her and then I stuck my middle finger up.

“No need for that!!” Siwon gasped. Ooops.

I quickly grabbed Yumi and we walked out of the cottage.

“Are you okay?” I asked her. She nodded stiffly.

What a ing eventful night, I thought.




Author’s Note:

Don’t worry guys, the 3 minors wouldn’t be as bad in the next following chapters. I hope you liked this chapter.

The next chapter will be on Park Yurii’s POV (: 

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CupcakeChoi93 #1
“Ya where did you find my chainsaw?” Hye asked surprise.

“You have a chainsaw?” Siwon gasped.

“You know I pack a chainsaw dear,” Hye winked at him.

This was so great... But I'm still sorry about Taemine couple...<br />
I love your style ^^
cute :)) i love it. :))<br />
thanks for this fic!
awww, that almost made me cry T^T. I was so close<br />
to not saying goodbye to Donghae Q_Q. This last<br />
chapter really was sad T^T, but hey you finished<br />
the story :D. I think you're the first author<br />
that's ever finished a story I applied for XD.<br />
Lol, it was great fun reading all the stuff<br />
that happened! Thanks so much for letting my<br />
character be part of your story! ^^
CupcakeChoi93 #5
Well Worth the wait my man :D <br />
Sure :D <br />
CupcakeChoi93 #6
Aww! Taemin and Namine broke up!? I hate that manager now -_-<br />
OMG EunHae XD "Do you want it to be?" Lol, that was hilarous!<br />
Natsumi actually had my favorite line in this chapter XD It's<br />
the "Alright chubby cheeks! Calm your !" XD I laughed so<br />
hard when I read that line. Lol, anyway, great update :D I'm<br />
looking forward to reading more ^^ ~화이팅!
CupcakeChoi93 #8
Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy, Update ^_^
CupcakeChoi93 #9
“Ya where did you find my chainsaw?” Hye asked surprise.<br />
“You have a chainsaw?” Siwon gasped.<br />
“You know I pack a chainsaw dear,” Hye winked at him.<br />
<br />
Legend!! OMFG I'm never this happy in the mornings but hahahahahahaha. <br />
"Oh , the preist heard us..." I love this fic