Chapter 2

The Twin Couple

Chapter 2

Nuneul gamado (do) ulil bichudeon
Bichi ajigdo (do) geudaelo isseo
Sujunghaetdeon sigandeul nan gipi ganjighagesseo

The song played repeatedly as the cell phone vibrated. The cell phone’s owner, however, didn’t seem to realize that his phone was ringing like crazy.

“Yaaaa!” Him Chan screamed from the living room, out of annoyance. “Ya, Choi Jun Hong, you go and pick up his phone. It’s getting annoying,” he continued as he ordered.

Jun Hong was watching television that moment. “Hyung, I want to watch this,” he protested. “That person who’s calling will stop soon and send a message instead,” he replied.

“Ya! Go!” Him Chan burst in annoyance.

“Arasseo!” Jun Hong yelled back and ruffled his own hair. He stood up and walked into Yong Guk’s room, where the song can be heard, the loudest.

“Hyung! Yong Guk hyung, your phone,” he said, shaking Yong Guk’s shoulder. But, it didn’t help at all. Yong Guk just turned around with closed eyes.

“Aishh,” Jun Hong sighed. He picked up the phone to see the caller ID dancing on the screen.

“Ah, Yong Nam hyung,” he murmured and touched the phone screen to accept the call and placed the phone on his right ear.

“Bang Yong Guk! What the hell?” the voice from the phone yelled.

Jun Hong took the phone far from his ear and closed his eyes out of shock.

“Yong Nam hyung. This is Jun Hong,” he said to the caller after the placed the phone back to his left ear.

“Oh?” the voice over the phone softened. “Jun Hong-ah, where is Yong Guk?” he asked after clearing his throat.

“He is sleeping,” Jun Hong reported. “Ah, hyung, why are you calling? For 21 times?” he asked after checking the phone’s history for a quick while.

“I just want to tell him about Ga Young’s sister. He should be at the airport to pick her. We are in Incheon already right now. She will arrive in Seoul today,” Yong Nam gave long explanation while Jun Hong just nodded few times.

“Oh, when will she arrive? What time?” Jun Hong asked back.

“That is what I am not sure about. Because we don’t really know the time distance,” Yong Nam hesitantly told Jun Hong. “I already told Yong Guk to wait earlier at the airport, around the afternoon maybe,” he continued.

“Ah, I should wake him up right now, right?” Jun Hong came into conclusion. “It is already passed afternoon,” he said as he took a glance to the clock nearby.

“Yeah, you should. I afraid that if Ga Young’s sister already arrived by now, bad things will happen to her. She is not from around here, she doesn’t know the roads, she doesn’t know the people, she might be lost,” Yong Nam nagged.

“Arasseo, arasseo. I will do right away, hyung,” Jun Hong said as he rolled his eyes to the nagging.

“Okay, make sure you wake him up and make him go to the airport right away,” he reminded again before hung up the phone.

Jun Hong put the phone back on the desk and went to Yong Guk’s bed.

“Yong Guk hyung! Yong Guk hyung, wake up! Wake up, hyung,” he said, shaking Yong Guk’s shoulder.

Yong Guk just turned around with his still closed eyes, he let few mumbles out from his lips.

“Aish, Yong Guk hyung!!!” Jun Hong yelled and jumped on Yong Guk.

“Ya… Go…,” Yong Guk mumbled and pushed Jun Hong, causing him to fall on the floor.

Jun Hong sighed and walked out of the room, to the living room.

“Him Chan hyung, Yong Guk hyung doesn’t want to wake up. Yong Name hyung told me he has to go to the airport right now,” Jun Hong whined.

Him Chan sighed hard as he stood up and walked into the room.

“Bang Yong Guk, wake up!” he screamed hard near Yong Guk’s ear, causing him to push him away from his ear and rubbed the ear.

“That’s too extreme,” Yong Guk groaned and kicked the pillow at his leg.

“Yong Nam called earlier! He told you to go to the airport! To do whatever! Yah, Choi Jun Hong! You do the explaining to this guy!” Him Chan said in yelling way, in fact, he was screaming real hard that neighbour from 3 houses beside their house can actually hear him.

Yong Guk rolled his eyes while rubbing his ears and stood up. He smacked Him Chan in his head and said, “I’m awake, wide awake, no need to yell.”

Him Chan whined in gibberish as Yong Guk walked out of the room.

“Ah, Yong Guk hyung, Yong Nam hyung told me that you have to pick Ga Young nuna’s sister, at the airport,” Jun Hong said as he saw Yong Guk in the living room. However, his eyes were focused on the television.

“Omma!” Yong Guk slapped his own forehead. “I totally forgot about it,” he announced.

“I thought so, that’s why you were sleeping like a pig,” Him Chan said as he walked out of the room, rubbing his head.

“Eh, how to pick her up, what does she look like?” Yong Guk panicked.

“You babo dude. She is Ga Young’s twin sister, remember? Do you expect her to look like Jun Hong or what?” Him Chan answer sarcastically.

“Oh, she is from Britain right? What if she doesn’t speak Korean? What do I do then?” Yong Guk panicked, walking back and forth in front of the couch.

“She’s Korean,” Him Chan said, in disbelief.

“She stayed in Britain for like 10 years or more. What if she can’t speak Korean now?” Yong Guk kept asking and panicking. “Jun Hong-ah, go get Young Jae, at least he can do basic conversation, right?” Yong Guk commanded Jun Hong. “Him Chan, give me the car keys,” he ordered. “Oh, I can’t drive,” he remembered. “Him Chan, you wait inside the car, start the engine or something, I’ll go get Young Jae,” he said and walked away.

Him Chan just shook his head and walked into the room, to take the car keys. After that, he already outside, warming the car’s engine, while waiting for the other guys.

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I can only update once a week now. College can absolutely kill.


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hippo_guk #1
Chapter 14: Keep Updateing!!! Your story is getting sooooo good...
Chapter 14: Glad I found this story, hehe. :3 I hope her mom would cancelled the wedding {if she really going to do it like what Na Young guessed} because Yongguk seems like in love with her already!
Chapter 14: Oh man..I hate two faced people... the mother is soo unfair!
Wahhh, Dong Yi is my name!
Chapter 12: Gaha the maid is sooo right! XD
Chapter 12: lo yongguk,na young just cut u off~~~~~~~haha....
Chapter 12: lo yongguk,na young just cut u off~~~~~~~haha....
Chapter 11: Dong Yi is kind of irritational?
Chapter 11: Wooo...I want more Stories about yong guk...
Haha but this was funny...Jonguppie~