Remembering Names

Coffee For You, Sir !

* Me ?? ME !??? * you smiled unknowingly as the other waitresses sighed and glared at you.

You slowly sat down smiling. 

Suzy gave you a thumb up and mouthed ' Good Job ' .

You smiled to her and the manager continued his 'small talk'.

After the meeting ended, everyone started gathering around you, asking for a favor.

" W-Wait wait , guys -- " you tried to get out of the circle of people around you.

" Hey, get off her. " someone said loudly, but not shouting.

The waitresses looked at that person and quietly scrabled away.

You looked at him and he came near you.

* He's... Kris, right ? * 

" Hello, princess ~ " he took your hand the kissed the back of it.

You quickly pulled back and smiled awkwardly. " Uhm... hi.... "

" Woah wait, you don't know who am I ? "

You shook your head instantly.

He smiled and took your other hand. " C'mon, let's go meet your Princes, and of course, I'm one of them "

He winked at you and you rolled your eyes and smiled. * Suzy's right. *

You went to another room full of guys, and you felt out of place.

" She's here ~!! She doesn't know who are we, so ..don't worry . "

" Erm... nice to meet all of you... " you bowed a few times.

You looked around seeing all of them sitting down in different postures.

* Wow, it looks like a scene from a comic. * you thought.

One of them walked infront of you and shook your hand. " Hi, I'm Lay ! Nice to meet you ! What's your name ? "

You looked at his face and opened your mouth. " ..... I- I'm you... Nice to meet you too.. "

He smiled a little wider and said, " What a nice name !  A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. "

You laughed awkwardly as he went away. You squeaked when another person was infront of you so suddenly.

" Hi ! Remember me ? " you stared at his face and your mouth formed an 'o'.

" Oh, the Rubik's .. cube.. guy.. " you clapped your mouth with one hand, realized that you called him ' Rubik's cube guy '.

He smiled sweetly and ruffled your hair, " I'm Luhan, nice to meet you, you "

He winked to you too, then turned around and said, " Well, all of you, introduce yourselves !! "

* Is it me of are these boys a little flirty.... *

ALL of them introduced themselves kindly to you and you can't really remember their names.

" Err... I don't really remember your names now.... " you told them truthfully.

Some chuckled and one of them said, " It's normal. No one can remember our names at first. "

You smiled and opened your mouth, wanting to say something.

" So I start waiting my 'Princes' next month ? " you joked a little.

" Of course, princess ~ " Kris replied.

" A princess doesn't need to wait princes.. It should me maid. " one cute guy, I remember him as the youngest, whispered.

" Shut it, Sehun. " Kris whispered back, still smiling. Sehun pouted and replied, " But it's true.... "

* Oh, so he's Sehun.He's quite cute though. *

You smiled before one of them spoke, " Well, it's nice to meet you, but... we're late for our practice !! "

" Oh my gosh, I totally forgot ! "  " Me too !! "  " I was too excited ~! "

All of them scrambled out with a short goodbye and all I heard from outside the room are squeals and screams.

You wanted to walk out as a few waitresses came in.

"you - sshi ~ Can you do us a favor !? " one of them asked happily.

" Is it... big ? " you asked, a little hesitant.

They shook their head eagerly and you hesitantly agreed.

They squealed and gave you a scroll of paper.

You unrolled it and it was a long piece of paper with things you should get for them from the guys.

* Ahhh, ottoke !? *

After going back home, you greeted your parents and went into your room.

You took a piece of paper and started writing down their names to remember.

* Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Kris..... Lay...... *

You tapped your pencil on your chin and looked up the ceiling. " 7 more.... ah, Luhan... " you whispered and smiled unknowingly.

You wrote down on the pirece of paper and you tries to remember all oftheir names that night, but failed.

" 4 more names and I'm done remembering... right? " you asked yourself in your own room.

You yawned and kept the paper in your working bag.

You brushed up and went to sleep, awaiting for a new day.





Hope you like it ~

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I guess I was over acting just now, but still, why are babies cheating? Isn't fair :(

Please don't bash me, okay ? TT__TT

I was TOOOOOO angry...

Forgive me :/

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 9: update please...
Yeajin #2
Chapter 9: Please update it's getting really good
Chapter 9: Pls update soonauthornim..... make a funny and memorable ending.... something uniqe... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^_^
Chapter 8: Update soon! Luhan and Daehyun can be rivals and maybe Suzy'll end up with Kris? *Q*
shoelaceuu #5
Chapter 8: :D Please update soon! Maybe Luhan and Daehyun will be rivals to get the girl?
Chapter 8: please update soon...... : )
Chapter 7: Lol I would have done the exact same!