
My Husband is a Vampire
 "Waaaaaaaaaaaah" goes the new baby in the bassinet next to the couple's bed. Seunghyun rolls out of bed and murmurs. "I got it." Vampires don't even sleep but Seunghyun finds it fun laying down. At night he takes on the role of feeder and diaper changer. So far everything has been great with the new baby. She is always in a great mood and Jiseung loves to play with her. 
Her eyes tend to glow in public at times but the little one is getting use to being around humans quickly. Seunghyun loves having another child in the house and is already planning more family nights. Jiyong who is now a stay at home dad loves being able to see his son and his little one more often. At his job before he would work during the day and wouldn't really have time to talk with Jiseung in the mornings. Of course he would prepare his breakfast, but it's not the same as waking up the younger. 
Jiyong gets that opportunity again as he quietly goes into his son's room. Jiseung is like his father.... he likes to sleep in and ignore alarm clocks. Jiyong doesn't mind waking up the younger because he loves seeing his puffy cheeks when he wakes up. Jiyong sits on the side of the bed and smiles. He takes the smaller hand in his and rubs the top of it. "Wake up my son." The younger slowly opens his eyes and smiles. "I like that you wake me up again. Appa always takes off my covers and jumps on the bed...." 
Jiyong chuckles. "Your Appa is just a man child. He loves seeing your reaction." 
The younger laughs. '' I still like jumping on the bed with appa...but I like my gentle daddy too." Jiseung sits up on the bed and hugs his daddy. "I'm going to get ready now." Jiyong chuckles. "Yea brush those teeth of yours...your breath" 
The younger chuckles and blows into Jiyong's face making him laugh. "Yah you little punk. Go to the bathroom" He laughs as he pats the younger ones . "Do you want daddy to pick you out an outfit for today?" 
Jiseung chuckles. "Dad. I can pick out my own clothes now. I'm a big boy remember..." 
Jiyong forgets at times how much his son has grown up already. He just wants him to stay a little boy a little longer. Jiseung smiles from his bathroom. "Dad?" Jiyong looks over. "Ne my love." 
"Can you pick me out some clothes for today?" 
Jiyong chuckles. "You are just trying to butter me up eh?" 
Jiseung comes back from the bathroom and hugs his dad wrapping his arms around him. "I love your taste daddy." He looks up at his dad resting his chin on the older's chest. "Pick me out some clothes daddy" He says with a whine. Jiyong releases the hug and goes to the closet. "Fix your bed my love and I will pick you out a fun outfit." 
Jiseung nods and fixes the bed. "Dad. I'm happy to have a little sister. Can I bring her to school one day to show my friends." Jiyong chuckles. "When she gets a little more acquainted with humans I will let her meet your friends." 
Seunghyun appears in the room with Jihyun. "Aw I wanted to pick out his clothes." Jiyong chuckles. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" Seunghyun shakes his head. "I will go in later. Plus Jihyun needs her feeding from appa." The baby coos while she on her father's finger. Jiseung goes over to his sister and runs his hand through her hair. "I think that she looks like me." 
Jiyong chuckles "Oh really?" 
The younger nods. "She has my eyes and she smiles like me" The baby's eyes glow red again as she looks at her brother. Seunghyun chuckles. "I Can see what you are talking about. She has your good looks...because she takes after your daddy." 
Jiyong blushes while putting his son's clothes on the bed. "Here baby. What you think of this outfit?" Jiseung nods. "I like it" Jiyong raises an eyebrow. "Really?" 
"I really like it daddy." 
Seunghyun nods. "He is telling the truth." 
"Dad." Jiseung chuckles. "No mind reading" 
"You let me in." The older chuckles again while placing the cooing baby in his husband's arms. "I'm going to start getting ready for work. See you two down stairs." Jiyong nods and looks over at his son. "I'm going to start preparing breakfast. Come down in 20 okay. We are making it to the bus stop on time today. Ne?" Jiyong has to be a little stern about timing because Jiseung can lose track of time at times. The past two days they had to drive Jiseung to school or track down the bus because he didn't pay attention to the time. 
"Ne daddy. I will pay attention to the time." 
Jiyong grabs his son's smart phone. "I will be taking this to help you focus." 
"Nerp...you will get this when appa walks you to the bus stop." 
"Appa is taking me....he sniffed my friends again." 
Jiyong rolls his eyes. "Aigo...I will talk to him. Understand appa my love" The younger nods and smiles. "I still love him" Jiyong smiles and kisses the top of his son's hair. "Okay. Heading down now. Get ready okay." 
Jiyong walks down stairs with is baby in hand. He goes to the kitchen and places the little one in the high chair that use to be Jiseungs at one point. Jiyong loves to have another baby sitting in the chair that he missed so much. The baby has already been fed so he just focuses on feeding the family at the moment. 
Seunghyun comes into the kitchen and Jiyong chuckles at his entrance. Normally he likes to appear from somewhere. "Trying to be human today?" Seunghyun chuckles. "Sometimes I miss what it feels like to walk down stairs....I don't miss it..." He then appears next to his lover. "So my love...how is your morning?" He kisses Jiyong softly. The younger still after years of marriage gets all getty around him. "I'm good. You want breakfast?" 
"Ne...I like your cooking always baby. You never need to ask" 
Jiyong chuckles "Ne. Well I'm cooking some eggs today. How do you want them?" 
The older back hugs his lover and purrs. "Scrambled...hard" He kisses the back of Jiyong's ear. 
Who knew saying how you want your eggs could be so y. Jiyong who is use to his y husband makes the eggs  as requested. He doesn't mind being the house dad because he simply loves staying at home. When he decided to work again it was simply out of bordem now that their son is older. Now that they have a little girl staying at home is fun again. 
Seunghyun likes that he can get out the house more....to sniff more people. He loves walking with his son to the bus stop. Sniffing kids at the bus stop is something that the older can't help. All humans have a scent and Seunghyun loves the sweetness of younger blood. He was attracted to Jiyong because his scent was addicting. There were times when they were dating he would bit his lover just to get a little taste of his sweet blood. 
For their 10th wedding anniversary Jiyong gave his husband a bag of his blood for him to drink. Seunghyun only drinks it on special occasions. Blood is like an thing when it's between married couples. It's what bonds them together and what keeps them in a happy marriage. Jiyong getting a cut on his finger easily can be turned into hot . 
Of course Jiyong doesn't mind his lover obsessed with him because who wouldn't. "Here you go" says Jiyong putting the food in front of his husband. Jiseung comes to the table and puts his backpack behind the chair. "Yay eggs daddy" 
Jiyong puts Jiseung's plate in front of him followed by his phone. "Good job coming down on time my love" 
The younger eats the food and shoves the phone in his pocket. Seunghyun chuckles "You kids and those phones. Back in my day we didn't have such things." Jiyong chuckles. "Oh yea that's true huh. Tell me how they made the wheel again baby" 
Seunghyun smirks as he watches his lover take a seat next to him. "Funny funny Jiyong ah." 
Jiseung laughs. "How old are you appa?" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "How old do you want me to be?" 
"Well daddy is 24...does that mean you are 24 too?" 
Jiyong chuckles. "Well if he was human he would be 25. Remember appa is a year older than me in human years." 
"How old are you in vampire years?" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I don't remember....very old" 
Jiseung chuckles. "You are a old man appa. But you look so young." 
"You will live a long time too my love." Seunghyunn wipes some crumbs from Jiseung's mouth and stand from the table. "Come on son." It's time for them to leave for the day. Seunghyun puts on his lab coat and smiles. "We are going to depart now Jiyong ah and baby hyun." The older kisses the little cheeks. 
Jiseung looks at the time. "Appa time to go" He runs up to Jiyong and kisses his cheek. "Later dad." Jiyong chuckles and waves as the two depart. The door closes and Jiyong feels his stomach. "...shouldn't have eaten those eggs" He says to the baby who smiles back at him. "You know what I'm talking about baby girl?" The little one wiggles and smiles again. She is too young to really talk yet but she does smile a lot. 
Jiyong minutes later feels his stomach again. "Ooooh my....why does it feel so weird..." 
"Because you are pregnant." 
Jiyong turns around and sees his husband again. "Pregnant?...and I thought that you were going to work?" 
"I'm still going....but my love...how long have you been feeling like this?" 
Jiyong looks down at his stomach..."I'm pregnant....but I thought that was impossible?...When...." The two look at each other and remember the night they got Jihyun. Jiyong then nods. "Oooooh.." Seunghyun walks up to his lover and rubs his stomach. "How are you feeling baby? Does it hurt?" 
Jiyong is still in shock. They just got a new baby and now another is on the way. "I'm just a little crampy...how long have you known?" Vampires always know how their lovers are feeling. It's like they feel the same as they do. 
"Ever since we conceived it" Seunghyun kisses his lover on the lips and then looks at their new baby. "Guess what Jihyun. We are getting you another brother or sister." The baby smiles and Jiyong walks up to his lover to hug him in an embrace. "I'm pregnant." Jiyong starts to tear up. "Will the baby survive...I thought for another mmm" Seunghyun shuts up his panicked loved in a kiss. 
"It will baby..." He looks into his lover's eyes. "We can do this together. Medicine has advanced since Jiseung was born." Seunghyun really doesn't know how this pregnancy is going to go but he knows that it will be okay. It's just that Jiyong is going to be in a lot of pain at times while the baby makes room again in his stomach. The first trimester is always hard on humans. 
Jiyong wipes a tear. "Why am I crying...this is a happy time....I can't believe I'm being blessed with another blessing. We will have three beautiful children..." Seunghyun kisses his lover again. "Our dream of another child is happening sooner than I thought. I better start bringing in the money huh?" Jiyong chuckles. Money has never been an issue and they love that it's not. 
Jiyong rubs his belly. "There is something brewing in here. Thank you hyunnie" 
"Oh it's no problem. The Choi like Jiyong very much" 
Jiyong chuckles. "Go to work you...I need to bathe our beautiful Jihyun." Seunghyun nods. "I will go in after mother gets here. I summoned her when I dropped of Jihyun." 
"She knows too?" 
Seunghyun chuckles "Forgot already baby?" 
Mrs. Choi likes to keep tabs on her son in laws vitals. She loves him so much she could sniff him all day. "Ne I'm sure she knew I was pregnant before I was pregnant." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Ne...my mother is weird." He goes over to the high chair and picks up Jihyun. The little one coos as she is being picked up. He then takes his lover's hand in his. They all then appear in the upstairs bathroom. Jiyong is use to transporting but his lover never says when he is leaving. "Baby..." Jiyong whines as he rubs his belly. Seunghyun kisses his lover's cheek. "I rather have you safely up the stairs than not. The baby is too heavy right now in your first trimester. Jiyong chuckles at his concerned husband. "I love your overly concerned observations. It's such a blessing to have you." Jiyong kisses his lover's cheek.
Seunghyun chuckles as he turns on the water. "You make everyday a blessing."
**Thank you for reading! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Please leave feedback. I love your comments. Also leave an upvote to support this story. Thanks again. Until next time! Love!


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great fic authornim its so cute and funny in ways and vamp seung is what i need hahaha and all those cute pics you put up melted my heart especially that cute baby @.@ adorable kekek
Chapter 14: I miss this story... read it again and well, i wonder since you marked it completed.
ros_ie #3
I miss this awesome story.. hope u can update it soon.. :)
GentleLockedHearts #4
Chapter 14: I read this before I made an account, this is awesome.
wani_oneni #5
Chapter 14: Please update soon!
mikadosm #6
Chapter 14: Really sweet and so much fluff! I like Seunghun's and Jiyong parenting. Continue writing!
YtotheB #7
Chapter 14: I'm so happy you updated! I love this stody so much, please don't abandon it. Kkk. :')
Ahh, I love this~!
Chapter 14: kyaaaa~~~ you're finally update tjis story. thank you. i really missed thi family♥♥ kkkkkkk