
My Husband is a Vampire

"Hyuuuuuunnnnniiie just go pleeeeeeease." 

Seunghyun grumbles. "Ne ne ne ne. I will buy it for you..." says the older starting to look for a jacket in his wardrobe. It's 4am and Jiyong is having another craving. The man can't help it because the craving get stronger and stronger and so does his personality. Jiyong rolls on his side and rubs his belly. Jirim is happy that Appa is buying bananas. 

The older chuckles. "Oh I'm sure she is happy..." 

Jiyong then pouts. "You don't wanna go out baby?" 

Seunghyun then smiles. "Of course I want to go out at 4am." 

Jiyong then rolls his eyes with a turn. The man then starts to scoot off the bed making the older freak. "Yah yah. I thought that your feet were numb today." 

Jiyong sighs. "Well my hyunnie doesn't really want to go buy bananas. I don't want to make you." says the younger trying to reach for his slippers but his belly is getting in the way. Seunghyun then comes over to his husband. "Baby...I'm sorry...I really do want to go out.." 

"No you don't." says Jiyong looking away. 

The older then chuckles. "You are cute when you are angry." The older then takes a hand and places it under the smaller chin to make him looking into his eyes. Jiyong averts his eyes with a sigh. 

"Look at me Ji ah" 

The younger then sighs and looks at his husband. "Why are you being mean to me." 

The older smiles with a crinkle to his eyes. "I would never." The older then places a hand on his lover's belly. "If our baby wants bananas. Then Appa will get bananas."  The older then sends calming sensations to his lover. Jiyong then chuckles. "Don't trick my body. It's still moody." The older then purrs. "But I love it when you are not angry. I love it when you are happy and willing to kiss me at will." 

Jiyong smiles and leans in to capture his husband's lips. "Oh fine fine. You win...just go to the store...." 

The older then stands. "I will be back in a minute." The older then disappears in thin air. The man then finds himself at the nearest mart. It's dark and the place is still cool. Since it's 4am the place is still closed. Seunghyun knows it's wrong to steal...but it's not stealing if you leave the money by the register. 

The older goes to the bananas and grabs a couple of bunches. He places his won down and then disappears back into the bed room with the bananas. making Jiyong laugh. "You look a little lost." 

The older then comes over to place a bunch by Jiyong. "Here work on theses while I put the others in the fridge." Jiyong nods and takes a banana in his hands. He peels it open and takes a huge bite. "Hmmmmm you like the fruit too huh baby girl." says the older rubbing his belly. "Your appa is sooooo good to you you know that. He buys big bunches of bananas for you." Jiyong continues to eat and talk to himself. He always talks to his belly and Seunghyun adores these moments. 

The door cracks open and Seunghyun comes back to bed. He sits on the side of the bed and looks at his lover. "So will you sleep now?" 

The younger smiles putting down his third banana peel. "Hm ne. I'm ready to sleep." The older then gets into bed and puts his arm around Jiyong. "Good night baby." 

Jiyong smiles and his eyes slowly close. Seunghyun smiles at the sleeping man and keeps his arms around him to keep him in a pleasant sleep. "Good night Jiyong ah." 

///////////////////////////Jiseung's room//////////////////////////

Jiyong waddles down the hallway to his son's room. Seunghyun is currently feeding the baby so Jiyong decided to wake up the little one. "Baby boy it''s time to..." Jiyong stops mid sentence when he sees his son's room. It's a wreck truly with how all of his clothes are every where and his son's bed is unmade. 

"Baby...where are you?" 

Jiyong moves more into the room. "Jiseung ah...where are you?" Jiyong starts to worry a bit but then stops when he hears noises under the small bed. "Son...what are you doing under there?" 

The older then slowly coos. "Come out baby." The younger does nothing but tussle a bit under the bed with out a word. Jiyong then frowns. "Now son this is not funny. Daddy wishes for you to come out now." 

"eeeeeerrrrrrr" growls a voice. Jiyong then freaks a bit. "Baby...." Jiyong then starts to bend down slowly. With the weight of his belly it is not a easy task, but to see if his son is safe it's worth a little discomfort. "Baby...there you are...come out ah." 

Jiyong pulls back his hand and there is blood. "Baby did you just...." Two eyes glow. "Hyunnnie....." It's not even seconds later Seunghyun has Jiyong transported into the other room. "How long has he been like that?" 

Jiyong is scared. "What is wrong with our baby?" The younger starts to cry and Seunghyun pulls his lover into a hug. "It's okay baby. It's okay." The younger shakes his head. "But  our son...he doesn't look happy. My baby isn't happy...he bit me.." 

"He didn't mean's just that...he is getting to the age of transitioning...he will have things like this happen's nothing to be afraid of...he loves you...he just doesn't understand his body yet." 

"Will he be alright?" says Jiyong wiping a tear.

"Ne...he will be just fine. He has us. Remeber baby I will help him transition. Just let me take care of it" Seunghyun smiles and kisses his husband's cheek. "I will be back" Seunghyun then teleports back into his son's room closing the door. His eyes turn red as he lifts the twin sized bed off the floor revealing his son. The little one stares back with red eyes and growls again. Making the older growl back. "Get up...." says the older with a commanding voice. The younger child does as he is told while Seunghyun puts the bed down. He then looks at his child and gravity brings the younger towards him. 

The younger child's eyes get wide as he is being brought across the floor effortlessly. Seunghyun then takes his son into his arms. "I love you Jiseung. Appa loves you so much." The little one growls and bites into his appa's skin. "That's right. Drink." The little one drinks his appas blood and as he drinks his eyes become more and more brown and then to the point of him falling into a deep sleep. 

The older knew that these days were coming but he didn't think that it would happen today. Jiseung for the next ten years will have a fight with his body in beginning to realize that he is half human and half vampire. Since Vampires are so elite in genes the vampire gene is always going to struggle making him want to act out and lose control. The great thing for the child is that his parents are in his life, so he will learn to control and that control will soon be something that will turn into instinct. 

The older places the little one on the bed and quickly cleans up the room back to a perfect state. Jiyong slowly opens the door to the room due to hearing the noises of hangers and toys being put away. "Baby...." says the man looking at his sleeping son. "Is he okay?" 

Seunghyun smiles. "Ne...our son is growing up..." 

Jiyong goes over to the bed and puts the little hand in his. The little one naturally snuggles up to his father making Jiyong hold back a couple of tears. "Thank goodness he is okay. I didn't think that he would transition so soon...." 

"He is not transitioning yet. His body is just getting prepared for the day that it does happen." 

Jiyong plays with the little hands. "I need to fix him some breakfast...he must be exhausted." 

The older then shakes his head. "Let the blood settle in first." 

Jiyong then looks at his husband. " he..." 

"He needed drink from me. To know that he is loved. Remember baby our blood has a story. Jiseung knew exactly who he was drinking from." 

"Will he remember what happened?" 

"No...I highly doubt it. He will just think that it's just a when he wakes up. Just greet him normally. We will tell him when he gets older." 

Jiyong nods. "Ne...he is going through enough changes." 

//////////////////////Three hours later///////////////

Jiyong is sleeping next to his son. He couldn't leave him and he just didn't feel right just leaving the little one by himself. Jiseung then opens his eyes. Jiyong smiles as the little one starts to wake up. "Aigo. Nice nap huh?" 

The little one cuddles his daddy closer. "I don't wanna wake up...I just want to cuddle" 

"You can cuddle as long as you like. But You would make appa and me very happy if you eat some of this soup." 

The little one glances past his daddy's shoulder to see a tray with soup. "Okay..." The little one sits up and so does Jiyong with a smile. He places the tray on the little one's lap and takes a spoon full of soup leading it to the little ones mouth. "Here baby." 

The little one smiles and takes the food from the spoon. "mmmm potato soup...." 

Jiyong smiles and nods. "Here have some more." The little one then laughs. "Daddy I can feed myself." Jiyong nods. "Neeee you can...but let's amuse daddy by letting me feed you this time ne?" 

"Okay daddy." 

Seunghyun comes into the room with Jihyun. "Ooooh lookie baby oppa is awake." The baby coos seeing her brother. "Bring her here. I want to kiss her." Says Jiseung with a smile. Seunghyun brings the little one near and Jiseung kisses her little cheek making the baby's eyes glow. "Oooooh looks like she is happy her big brother is so nice." 

"Eat some more baby." says Jiyong still focused on feeding his son. 

Jiseung chews the soup but frowns at his appa's arm. "What happen Appa?" 

Seunghyun chuckles. "Oh had a fight with a cat." When really it was his son. He forgot to cover the wound. Jiyong then changes the subject. "Did you do your homework yet?" 

The younger nods. "Ne..." 

"You study your flashcards for times tables?" 

The younger nods. "Neeeeee" 





"Goood boy." says Jiyong with a grin. "Now keep eating" 

"Neee daddy" 

Seunghyun chuckles at  Jiyong making the two have eye contact. Jiyong can't help it. He loves education and he wants nothing but the best for his children's lives. He wants them to go to college with no problem and not having to suffer with money issues like him and his hyunnie. 

"What was it like when you were dating appas?" 

Jiyong chuckles. "You already know this story." 

"I know" The younger grins. "I just like to hear it." 

Seunghyun sits on a chair with the little one. "Well I will tell it since I tell stories better than your daddy." 


"Well it's true." 

//////////////////////////////Spring 2003/////////////////////////

Flash back to the times where Jiyong and Seunghyun were not together yet. Of course Seunghyun will tell the Disney version of the story...but for people who don't know...this how they really met.

"Aish..." says Jiyong slamming a pillow over his head. His neighbor is blasting music and having with some random girl again. "Of all the people in the world. WHY DO I HAVE TO LIVE NEXT TO  THIS BASTARD AISH!!" says Jiyong SLAMMING his fist against the wall. The motion meaning nothing but Jiyong feels like he is doing something productive. 

Jiyong pounds on the wall again to hear a pounding on the same wall back and loud moans. *POUND POUND POUND.* With a muffled. "oooohh...oohhmmmm......." Jiyong rolls his eyes and just gives up. "The man is a jerk...." 

It's the next morning and 7am where everyone is in a fight to use the closest urinal and shower stall. Jiyong is not much of a morning person and he can't stand seeing that jerk grinning next to him, but what is a morning with out Seunghyun.

Jiyong starts to brush his teeth when a shirtless Seunghyun comes next to the younger turning on the other sink. Jiyong can't help but grumble to the presence of the other. 

"Do you hate me that much." says Seunghyun looking at the younger with dark eyes. Jiyong averts his eyes. "I didn't say anything to you." 

Yeah Jiyong didn't say anything but his mind is saying plenty about the man. How Seunghyun is such a jerk but it's a shame how he is good looking too. The older continues to brush his teeth with a smirk making Jiyong even more pissed. Jiyong turns off his sink and so does the other. Jiyong pays the older no attention as he continues to leave the bathroom. 

"What is your major?" 

Jiyong turns around at the half dressed man. "Excuse me?" 

"What's your major." The older then grins. "Just making conversation..." 

"Pre med." says Jiyong turning around to start walking down the hallway. 

The older then catches up to the younger. "So is mine." 

Jiyong then rolls his eyes. "We are in four classes together....I know..."

The older then stops in his tracks because Jiyong's thoughts are now consuming the air. "Do you hate me that much?" 

"Why do you keep asking that question?" 

"Well obviously you find me's just interesting how you hate me so much..." 

Jiyong has had it. "You wanna know why...?" 

"Oh please do tell." 

Jiyong then says it. "I hate you...I hate that you come from such a rich family and don't even realize how great of an opportunity it is for you to be here. I hate that you just sit in the back of class and don't even pay a attention...I hate that you never show up to labs but then all of a sudden have perfect scores on all of your text. I hate that you blast your music all day! All ing day and your girls against the wall that I sleep. I hate that you make me loose my sleep just thinking about you and your sorry !!!" 

The older doesn't respond but smirks. "Oh that is how you feel must be jealous." 


"You are jealous that I can live such a easy life and you have to study. Isn't that right. Oh and that I more girls than you. That should sum up your frustrations." 

Jiyong then yells. "Yah!!" He then turns around in a huff leaving the older with a smile on his face. "Kwon Jiyong." The older says not even inches away. Jiyong stops in his tracks. "How did you get here so fast." 

"Because I can" The older smiles. "Go to dinner with me." 

"What?" says Jiyong confused. The older is confused too because he never asked any one on a date but he felt the urge to. "Go to dinner with me. I'll buy..." 

Jiyong looks the man in the eyes. "What's the catch..." 


"Will you leave me alone if I say yes?" 


Hours later Jiyong can't even believe that he is sitting in the school cafeteria. He can't believe it. The younger then stands "I'm nuts....I'm nuts..." 

"You are not leaving are you?" says a dark voice. Jiyong then shakes. "My god! Why are you so quiet!" 

The older sits in a chair. "My apologies...and why did you choose to eat here?" 

"Because it is cheap..." says Jiyong opening his yogurt. The older eyes the younger. "Where are you from?" Seunghyun already knows the answers simply by reading Jiyong's mind...but he ask anyways. 


"I'm from Busan." 

Jiyong nods and eats some more. "You know you can leave now...." 

The older makes a confused face. "Why?" 

"You asked me to dinner to apologize right? Don't worry. I won't tell the RA(resident assistant) what happened." 

"You won't...what? Jiyong you are mistaken." 

" what?" 

"Jiyong I asked you to a date...." 

"A date?" Jiyong laughs to himself. "Is this some kind of joke." 

The older shakes his head. "No. I don't lie...there is no reason to for all the years that I have lived." 

"You talk as if you are 400..." Jiyong mutters. 

"Try 600" The older laughs making Jiyong look even more confused. The younger then stands from his seat. "Thanks for dinner....but I need to study..." Seunghyun then grabs on to the younger's hand making the two stop their movements. There is a feeling going through them and the feeling is strong. There is a connection where only the two of them can feel and Seunghyun never thought that he would feel it. 

Jiyong puts his arm down in fear. "I need to study." 

The older then nods. "Ne ne...but I'm sure studying can wait." says the older moving in a swift motion connecting the two again in a hug. Jiyong struggles. "Yah you weirdo..." 

"You feel it too huh?" The older chuckles to himself. "I never knew that I would experience this with a human." The older releases the hug. Jiyong is even more confused. "Freak...."

 "Kwon Jiyong. Go out with me." 

This man is crazy. Jiyong just wants to run away from this nut case that happens to be deadly y with his black button up and denim wash jeans. "Me?...but you are straight." 

The older smiles. "I'm Bi...go out with my boyfriend." 

"You are crazy..." 

One week later Jiyong is in the lab. He can't stop thinking about that feeling...about Seunghyun.  Jiyong is in the lab which is dimly lit due to the school wanting to save power. He just needed to keep his mind off of things. He just wants to forget that loud man...but the man is no longer loud too. There are no more more loud music. Nothing but smirks. 

A door opens and Seunghyun comes into the room making Jiyong chuckle. "Are you going to follow me every where?" 

The older smiles. "I'm just doing some work." 

"Your samples are already in the fridge...what else is there for you to do?" 

The older smiles again and comes over to Jiyong's table. He stares at Jiyong's sample and then back at the man. Jiyong then stops "Will you just go do something else...I can't concentrate." 

"Oh I didn't know..." says the man with a smirk as he continues to read Jiyong's mind of thought of his hyung. 

Jiyong then looks into the man's eyes. "You look at me as if you already know what is going on in my know you are weird right..." 

"Oh I know...but I can be charming." says the older with a grin. "Try me out...go on a couple of dates...if you hate me...then dump me." 

Jiyong then mutters. "You girls all the time...." 

"I stopped. I stopped everything for you..." The man is serious and he is not letting this person go. It's not often when you truly feel a connection with a human. The feeling that they shared was not just like. It was a bond of love that they are not even aware of yet. Seunghyun has found the one. 

The dark eyes smile. "I will stop asking you if you just try a couple of dates. I'm a nice guy I promise." 

Jiyong looks at the man. He doesn't know why but he feels he doesn't want to miss this chance. So much for no boyfriends until after graduation. "I guess I will try..." 

The thing about vampires unlike humans is that they find what they want and they waste no time to get it. 

Seunghyun got his Jiyong.


"So daddy played loud music and then asked you to lunch and that's when you fell in love" says the little one making the parents chuckle. "Neeeee that is exactly what happened baby boy." 

Jiyong then rubs his stomach. "We dated for a year and then you came along my love" 

"I hope to find love like yours too." 

Jiyong smiles. "Oh you will." 

*Thanks for reading!! Please sub! And thanks for waiting!! Comment below!



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great fic authornim its so cute and funny in ways and vamp seung is what i need hahaha and all those cute pics you put up melted my heart especially that cute baby @.@ adorable kekek
Chapter 14: I miss this story... read it again and well, i wonder since you marked it completed.
ros_ie #3
I miss this awesome story.. hope u can update it soon.. :)
GentleLockedHearts #4
Chapter 14: I read this before I made an account, this is awesome.
wani_oneni #5
Chapter 14: Please update soon!
mikadosm #6
Chapter 14: Really sweet and so much fluff! I like Seunghun's and Jiyong parenting. Continue writing!
YtotheB #7
Chapter 14: I'm so happy you updated! I love this stody so much, please don't abandon it. Kkk. :')
Ahh, I love this~!
Chapter 14: kyaaaa~~~ you're finally update tjis story. thank you. i really missed thi family♥♥ kkkkkkk