
My Husband is a Vampire


"Hand me the toast" 
" don't eat toast...I don't even know why you eat this stuff." Ji Seung hands his appa the food. 
"I like the way it crunches." 
Ji seung looks at his dad weird and Seunghyun shrugs his shoulders. "I have been eating toast way before you were you have a problem?" The older takes a bite of his food and smiles as he chews his mouth full of food. Ji Seung shakes his head. "You definitely are weird appa..." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Watch might inherit some of this" He crunches into his toast again and Jiyong comes down stairs with wet hair. Ji Seung leaves the kitchen and Seunghyun takes a look at his husband with dripping wet hair. His eyes glow red and he appears next to his lover. 
Jiyong chuckles. "Ne hubby?" says the younger turning to look at his husband's lustful eyes. Seunghyun takes a hand and caresses his lover's cheek. "Oh you look so y today baby." The older brings his mouth to Jiyong's neck and kisses it gently making the younger moan. Seunghyun growls as he pulls his husband closer to continue to devour the ivory skin. He and the neck making new marks of claim....concealer can't cover these. 
Jiyong moans again and shakes his head.  "Yah...mmm yah hyuunnn mmiee.." Jiyong nudges his husband to try to get him off. Seunghyun murmurs. "Just a little more...*kiss* your apple shampoo*kiss* smells divine." The older continues to kiss and rub against his husband. Jiyong then has to take control...Seunghyun's touch is driving him crazy and he knows that the man is making him lust for him at the moment. The older brings his hand to Jiyong's back side and the younger's eyes get wide. "Ooooooh ..." whispers Jiyong loudly. His husband is at again ing him with just his touch. 
The older rubs his hands around Jiyong's and squeezes it tightly. Jiyong then moans loudly. "Ooooh...Hyunnie...our son...mmmm" Seunghyun kisses the neck again and continues to rub. The older has...distracted their son for a bit so no worry of getting...."DAD!!!!" ...caught...
Jiyong pulls his husband into a hug in much did he see. " long were you standing there...?" 
Ji Seung just stands there in the kitchen. He just witnessed his parents making out again. "Appa...why you have to do this here..." Seunghyun is still speechless. "How did did you come down here. Why do you always blame me." Whines the older
The kid turns his head to the side. "I just came down stair like any other human being in this world...can't I come down stairs appa?...and of course you started it..." 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "No I mind." 
Ji Seung shakes his head. "Appa what are you talking about?" Their son still doesn't know that his appa distracts him while they are intimate. Seunghyun is now seeing the half vampire is starting to spark. Jiyong who is now not with a hard one releases the hug from his husband. He goes over to his son and kisses him. "Sorry baby...we just love each other very much...." 
Seunghyun smirks. "Your daddy is a good kisser" Ji Seung shivers. "Stop Appa." Jiyong glares at his husband and Seunghyun reads his mind. He automatically changes his smirk to a gentle smile. He loves reading Jiyong's mind when allowed to. Jiyong lets him in only when having and when they are talking to their son. 
Seunghyun comes over and hugs his son too. "We will tone it down baby..." Ji Seung nods "Good daddies...well I need to catch the bus." Jiyong looks at his watch . "Aigo aigo...your lunch baby." He runs to the frig and pulls out his lunch pale. He walks with his son to the door and places a kiss on his forehead. "Have a good day baby" Ji Seung hugs his father and leaves the for his bus. Jiyong closes the door and he can finally breathe. 
Seunghyun appears next to his lover. "I'm so confused..." 
Jiyong sighs and looks at his husband. "I thought that you would distract him or something...we can't be having in the kitchen hyunnie" 
Seunghyun leans against the stairs. " are right....and I did distract him..." Jiyong gets wide eyed. "And he broke the distraction..." 
"Yea...and he didn't even know he did it...he is indeed half vampire...Mom said that this would happen..." 
"What would happen" says Jiyong going towards the living room. He takes a seat on the sofa and Seunghyun sits next to him. "Well mom said that he would gain abilities off and on. Since he is so young it's just little sparks of abilities. Nothing is ever permanent until he's 18." 
Jiyong nods. "Well we need to be more careful then." Seunghyun then nods and reaches in his pocket and takes out his phone. Jiyong leans over. "What are you doing?" 
"I'm opening my note pad." Seunghyun turns and smiles at his lover. "Let's write your parents a note ne? We can think of things to say and I will write the letter for you later baby..." Jiyong turns pale..."I....umm...." Seunghyun leans over and kisses his lover on the lips. "Baby I will be with you every step of the this for this for our child. I really wish for him to know his other grandparents...well at least the human side." 
Jiyong sighs. "It's just really hard for me baby. They were not apart of my life since I left the house saying I was gay...they don't know that you are a will they take that will they deal with me conceiving a child...." 
Seunghyun chuckles "We are just sending a greeting. We will only tell them what you want. We just want to open that line of communication...I already warmed them up with little notes and updates about us. They know that I'm married to you...and that Ji seung is our son. They don't know he's a conceived child but like I said. It's a greeting not a tell all" 
Jiyong chuckles "Well...that's true..." Seunghyun sits closer. "Let's about we say. Hello this is Jiyong. I have missed you dearly." Jiyong frowns. "I haven't missed them." 
"Okay then um...Hello I just wanted to connect with you. I know that we have a past, but I really wish to reach out to you now...enclosed is a family picture of my husband,son, and me. Looking forward to reconnecting. about that baby?" Jiyong laughs. "You already had this planned out. Why did you ask for my help..." 
"Because I want you to at least sit here during the thinking process." 
Jiyong laughs again. "I didn't did the thinking." Seunghyun sticks out his tongue at his lover. "Whatever...I just read your thoughts and put them really you were thinking..I just put them all together for you." Jiyong smirks and playfully slaps his lover. "I know you did..." 
"No you didn't" 
"Well I let you in" 
"You have had your mind open since the day we conceived our baby. Still...I respect and only go in when needed." It's true that vampires who conceive with their loves can't read their mind, but it is possible. Only if their lover or spouse allows them in. Jiyong and Seunghyun have a strong trust so Jiyong never refused. 
Jiyong smiles and then cuddles next to his lover. "So now that that is in process...what are we going to do about adoption?" 
Seunghyun takes his lover's hand in his and looks into the coffee eyes. "You really want a baby now?" Jiyong nods "Ne...I miss the feeling of a baby in the house. I want our family to grow a little more." Jiyong snuggles closer. "Soon we will be able to conceive another child." Seunghyun kisses the top of his lover's head. "Ne. I can't wait to see another beautiful baby come from your womb." 
"So can we go to orphanages soon?" 
"Of course my love...we can go to one tomorrow if you wish." 
Jiyong lights up. "Thank you hyunnie. I really wish to have a baby girl." 
"I think that is a great idea." 
//////////////////////Woodland Orphanage/////////////////
Jiyong and Seunghyun walk up a wooded surrounding to approach a beautiful house. There are children running around and the spring trees makes the perfect shade as the children play. Jiyong gets excited as he approaches the house. Seunghyun squeezes the smaller hand in his and looks down at his lover. The smile on his face is something that he has never seen before. 
A woman comes down to greet the two men. She bows deeply and smiles. "Hello and welcome to Woodland. I'm happy that you made it out today." Seunghyun bows. "Thank you for letting us come at such a short notice." The woman chuckles. "It's no problem. It's not often that people are so eager to adopt. My name is Yun Yee by the way." The married couple follows the woman into the house. It is huge with the large windows and open surroundings. They are lead to a office and Yun Yee gestures for them to sit. 
The couple takes their seats and Yun Yee takes out a note book. "So I want to thank you again for coming. What kind of child are you looking for?" 
Jiyong doesn't understand the question. "Kind of child?" 
Yun Yee chuckles. "Sorry. We rarely have mortals come. Would you like a full blooded vampire baby for a half blooded?" Seunghyun then speaks. "We wish to have a half blooded vampire baby." 
Jiyong then pouts. "I can handle a vampire baby..." Seunghyun chuckles. "Baby I wish for you to be alive when I get home from work." JIyong makes a scared face and then looks at the coordinator. "Are they really that tough?" 
Yun Yee nods. " child feed from all of us until she was at least two. A vampire baby would be lured to your smell." 
Jiyong then agrees. "Ne...a half vampire baby would be best. Do you have any girls?" 
"Oh yes we have three beautiful girls. There is a baby that I would like for you to see" Yun Yee then motions for her assistant to come in.  The couple turns around to see a pink blanket and small moving hands. Jiyong immediately gets up and takes the baby from the woman's hands. He holds the little bundle of joy and gently starts to rock her. He looks up and smiles. "She's beautiful...what's her name?" 
Yun Yee grins. "I knew you would like her. Her name is Ji Hyun" The couple looks at each other and chuckles. Seunghyun stands next to his lover and stares at her bright eyes. The baby coos and her eyes turn red as she sees Seunghyun. The older chuckles. "I think that she wants to see me" Jiyong nods places the baby in his arms. He puts out his finger and lets the baby on it. "She already wants to feed from me" 
Jiyong chuckles "Ne...just like Ji Seung" 
Yun Yee then goes over to the couple. "This precious baby could be if you wish..." Jiyong looks over at the woman..."It's that fast...isn't' there paper work?" 
"Ne there is paper work but this is not a place of pure mortals. It's all a fast process." 
Seunghyun grins. "We would love to take her home today...but we don't even have a proper nursery set up." 
Yun Yee chuckles. "Well we can hold her until you get things settled. Also we need to get her human vaccinations done as well." 
Jiyong nods as he takes the baby once again from Seunghyun. He is totally in love with her big eyes and already full head of black hair. "We will take her next week...we just need to get things ready for her. Thank you for showing Ji hyun to us...can I kiss her?" 
The woman nods and Jiyong hugs the little one close to him. "Would you like to sit in the living room and feed her?" Jiyong nods again and the assistant goes to hand Jiyong a bottle of blood. Half vampire babies require a lot of blood because their immunity is not as strong. For months their bodies are getting use to vampire cells and human cells. With out the proper feeding a baby could get really sick which is nothing to be taken lightly. Thanks to Seunghyun Ji Seung never ran out of blood. The two would bond by having Ji Seung feed from his daddy's finger. 
The two walk out into the living room. The place is calm right now because most of the little kids are out side. Jiyong sits with the baby and the little one eagerly starts to the blood from the bottle. Seunghyun feels the soft skin of the baby. "She really is beautiful..." Jiyong smiles down at her. "I love how well she eats." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I will be drained." Jiyong laughs. "No you won't" The older puts an arm around his lover. "I know I know...just joking is this going to be our new daughter?" Jiyong looks at his husband. "Hyunnie I'm so ready to care for her. I will quit my job tomorrow. I love doing this...taking care of our children." 
Seunghyun kisses his lover. "I'm glad that this makes you happy, so will you stay at home now?" Younger nods continues to feed the baby.
The bottle empties and Jiyong puts the bottle down. He then starts to pat the baby's back to help her burp. "You are a natural." Seunghyun chuckles. Yun Yee comes back over. "So is official now?" 
Jiyong quickly says. "Yes, let's start the process" 
Jiyong and Seunghyun come back in from a long trip home. The two ended up staying at the orphanage longer than expected meaning that Ji Seung  is home alone. Jiyong comes into the house and shouts. "Baby boy where are you?" 
The little one comes down the stairs with a grin. "where is my sister?" 
Jiyong chuckles. "You have a sister." He hugs his son. "But she needs a room and a bed made for her first." The little one look up at his daddy. "Aw I already have bottle full of blood for her" Seunghyun grins. "Where are those delightful bottles..." 
Ji Seung frowns. "Appa it's for the baby" Seunghyun puts his hands up "Okay okay I won't...but are you excited to be a have a dongsaeng?" Their son grins and runs over to hug his appa. "Daddies...will you still love me as much?" 
Jiyong looks over at his son with concern. "I will never love you less than anyone. I love you all equally. This adoption is a family decision. If you are not ready to have a sister...we can wait..." 
Ji Seung shakes his head. "No daddy I want you to be happy and I'm happy to have a sister." Jiyong pulls his son into a hug again. He kisses the little ones hair twice and lets him go. "I'm glad we are all in this...and thank you hyunnie for taking me today." 
"Of course my love" The older then puts his arms around the two. "Now...let's put our manly minds together and decorate Ji hyun's room"
Jiyong chuckles as he goes up the stairs. He loves his family.
**Thank you for reading! Please leave some feedback. I enjoy reading all the comment and I really love the ones that tell me what you like and what you think might happen. Thanks for reading and have a great rest of the week. Love!!**



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great fic authornim its so cute and funny in ways and vamp seung is what i need hahaha and all those cute pics you put up melted my heart especially that cute baby @.@ adorable kekek
Chapter 14: I miss this story... read it again and well, i wonder since you marked it completed.
ros_ie #3
I miss this awesome story.. hope u can update it soon.. :)
GentleLockedHearts #4
Chapter 14: I read this before I made an account, this is awesome.
wani_oneni #5
Chapter 14: Please update soon!
mikadosm #6
Chapter 14: Really sweet and so much fluff! I like Seunghun's and Jiyong parenting. Continue writing!
YtotheB #7
Chapter 14: I'm so happy you updated! I love this stody so much, please don't abandon it. Kkk. :')
Ahh, I love this~!
Chapter 14: kyaaaa~~~ you're finally update tjis story. thank you. i really missed thi family♥♥ kkkkkkk