
My Husband is a Vampire

Jiyong is in the kitchen working on preparing dinner. His husband of ten year is doing his usual by sitting in the living room and putting some random toy together. He keeps telling him that it's the same damn bear, but the man hears nothing. Jiyong pauses when he hears the door bell ring. He takes off his gloves and walks over to the door. 

He opens the door and he sees his next door neighbor with their lawn mower in hand. "Hello Daesung! I see that you are returning the mower today." 

Daesung looks down. " you go." 

Jiyong kinda makes a face "Are you okay?" 

"Nu nu no nothing heheHAHAHA see everything is okay..." His fake laugh makes things a little awkward.

"I will take my leave." Jiyong watches as the man runs across their lawn and back over to their property. He litterly treated the grass like it was hot lava. Jiyong closes the door. "Oh Seunghyun ah." Suddenly he appears next to his husband and Jiyong turns to him. "Baby our lawn mower is back. I wonder how that happened." He looks right into his husbands eyes." 

"I don't know what you are talking about" Seunghyun smirks and looks the other direction. 

Jiyong smacks his shoulder  "Didn't I tell you to not haunt the neighbors!! Now look what ya did...they think that they are being punished for keeping the lawn mowers." 

"They don't know that it was me" Seunghyun chuckles. 

"Yah! That is besides the point Hyunnie you can't do that to the neighbors. If they borrow things let them bring them back on their own." 

"Baby I can't do that. Seungri kept our weed wacker for over three months. I had to use my speed to edge the grass without the neighbors noticing. Do you know how hard that is. Do you realize how many bear bricks I could have put together. " He chuckles again. 

Jiyong crosses his arms "You just find this funny huh. " He pushes his husband towards the living room. "Just finish putting your dolls together." 

"Yah yah they are collectors items baby. " 

"To me it's ing creepy all those damn bears staring at me gives me the creeps. " Jiyong laughs and walks back into the kitchen. Seunghyun whisk his way around him and wraps his arms around his husband's waist catching Jiyong off guard. "Whoa baby..."

"I don't want you upset baby." He kisses the side of his neck and leans his head on his shoulder. I love you and I promise I will not taunt the neighbors...." Jiyong turns around. "Ne I love you two and you better not do it again. I won't have it." Jiyong pecks his hubbys lips. "Now let me go I need to finish our dinner."  

Seunghyun pulls him into a hug again. "Hyunnie I need to cook Jiyong whines...." 

"Just do it once hm?" 

"Ugh that cheesy..." 

"Juuuusy do ittt" He whines into his husbands ear which makes Jiyong laugh a bit that his husband is so childish "Okay okay one time today ne?" 

Seunghyun gets excited and turns his husband around and he makes his eyes glow. "Say it...say it out loud." 

Jiyong pretends to act scared. "I don't know what you are talking about." 

"Say it..what am I" 

"a vampire..." 

"Say it again"

"A vampihahare." Jiyong tires to hold back a laugh. 

"Heeey you are suppose to get into character." the older whines

Jiyong laughs "I'm suppose to feed you two and finish cooking dinner. I did it okay baby" He pecks his hubbys lips and pats his . 

Seunghyun goes back into the living room satisfied at a humanly pace and gets back to gluing his "collectors items". It's so funny how he became to obsessed with those damn bears. 

It all started when they first started dating. Jiyong didn't know that he was a vampire and Seunghyun didn't really plan on having a real relationship. He was known to be a player on campus and Jiyong normally brushed off any attempts of wooing. When they first met in their university cafeteria it was like lightning went through the both of them. Jiyong had a bear brick t shirt on and Seunghyun found him adorable and he asked him out on a date. 

The dates were really hard for the vampire because Jiyong's blood was so tempting and so sweet he just wanted a bite. For many dates Jiyong thought the man hated him  because he would literally run every time he would walk him to his dorm. Finally one day Jiyong was hanging out in his boyfriends dorm and found tons of blood in the fridge. Well of course after that incident Seunghyun had to explain himself. 

Four months later they were engaged. Their parents were pissed because it was so soon and Seunghyun's parents wanted their son to originally marry a vampire, but their words  didn't matter to the two. They were married and they soon had a child. The pregnancy was very hard on Jiyong's body for being human but he endured the five month to give birth to a beautiful son. They named him Jiseung. 

Ji Seung is half human and half vampire. It is nothing big because he has a cousin who is the mixture and they are both young. They won't get any changes until they are 18. Jiyong is leaving the vampire training between his brother in law and his husband. 

It is now time for Ji Seung's bus to come and Jiyong starts to hurry around the kitchen. Seunghyun notices his husbands crazy movements and decides to give some assistance. "Do you need help with something?" 

"Yes can you chop those for me." 

"I already did it" Seunghyun smirks and Jiyong laughs. "You find that so funny" Jiyong takes the now chopped veggies and throws them in the pot. He looks at the clock. "Hyunnie our son is coming home in a bit clear the table of your dolls" 

"Collectors items." 

"Whatever" Jiyong laughs as he watches as his husband go towards the front door. "And where do you think that you are going?" Seunghyun makes a pout. "I just want to see our son get off at the bus that a crime." 

Jiyong chuckles "That is such a lie baby." 

Seunghyun sighs "Okay okay...I just want to sniff that okay....their blood is so fresh and so fragrant...." 

"No sniffing the children. Baby to humans that is creepy. Do you want to go to jail?" 

"I can break out." 

"And be a fugitive?" 

"Well they will never catch me"  Seunghyun turns into a puff of smoke and Jiyong laughs. "Okay okay that's enough theatrics" Seunghyun reappears. "Aw baby that use to make you so excited when I disappeared..." Jiyong walks up to his hubby and kisses him. "Okay do it again and I will be excited."  Seunghyun pouts "Baby...:":Jiyong laughs "You always make me excited." 

"Oh yea?" Seunghyun purrs and his eyes start to glow amber. Jiyong gets close to his ear. "You drive me ing wild." Seunghyun pulls his husband into a passionate kiss. Jiyong moans and allow Seunghyun entrance. He on his tongue and moans a little louder.

"OH GOD NOT AGAIN!" Ji Seung covers his eyes. 

The married couple turns red and Jiyong tires to smooth it over. "Daddy and I were just hu hugging heh" 

"We were making out" Seunghyun smirks. 

"DAD! STOP IT!" Ji Seung pouts and Seunghyun goes over to his son "Aiiiigo aigo I was just playing with you my little one." He pulls his son into a hug and kisses the top of his head. "How was school today?" 

"I made a A minus on my math test" 

"Great Job son! I hated math." 

Jiyong laughs "The last time you took math was in the 1800's" 

"Yah yah I went to college with you too" 

"Yea you only had one class that you stayed focus" Jiyong smirks referring to all the men and women he ed in his college days. Their innocent son has no idea what they are talking about and they love that their son doesn't know. "What are you talking about dad?" 

"Oh I use to be very useful in one class. That is how I met your Appa. " 

Ji Seung smiles. "I'm glad that  you two met because you made me. " 

Jiyong hugs his son "Aiiigo my baby is so sweet." 

Seunghyun smells the air "The neighbors smell nice too." He his lips and Jiyong throws a towel at him to stop his train of thoughts. "Appa I think Dad didn't have his blood today." 

"....I forgot to give it to can you go down and give your father his blood"  The son nods and runs out the kitchen. 

Since Seunghyun is a vampire he needs to fulfill his need for blood or he goes crazy. It's not that he is going to go around the neighborhood and bite all the neighbors but he tends to get needy and more willing to reconsider taking the next door neighbors cat fullykins. Oh yea fullykins disappears a could days ago. 

"Daddd!!!" Ji Seung comes up from the basement. "Why are you yelling son." Seunghyun appears next to his son. "Dad...why is there a cat in the basement?" 

Jiyong walks over  "Baby...don't tell me the missing cat was because of you." 

"It's not dead's just there on reserve to sniff...and play with..." 

Jiyong laughs. "You with a full blodded cat...You..." he scoffs and Seunghyun makes a shocked face. " with...cats." Ji Seung shakes his head. "Dad...we know that you are planning to killing that cat...why would you kill fully...why" Ji Seung starts to tear up and that hits Seunghyun's weak spot. "Baby boy don't cry. " He hugs him . " I promise I will let the cat free." 

"Promise" the younger sniffles. "Promise" smiles into his sons eyes and suddenly Ji Seung's face changes to normal. "Yah!" he points in his son's face. "Did you just fake cry?" His son slowly nods and smirks. "Yah don't you know where you got that smirk me...don't you smirk you little..." 

Jiyong at this point is laughing so hard he is crying as well. His husband and son look at their father. "What is so funny appa?" 

"I love you two so much. Let's eat ne?" 

Hey everyone...I have lost my mind and started another fic. I plan on rapping up one of my fics soon so this one won't be too much. Do you guys like this story. Do you find it funny? Should this be just a one shot or chaptered? I had this idea in my head all day and I couldn't help not writing about it. I have been reading so many vampire fics and I just wanted to make a funny story and a not so serious one haha. Any ways comments are love!

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great fic authornim its so cute and funny in ways and vamp seung is what i need hahaha and all those cute pics you put up melted my heart especially that cute baby @.@ adorable kekek
Chapter 14: I miss this story... read it again and well, i wonder since you marked it completed.
ros_ie #3
I miss this awesome story.. hope u can update it soon.. :)
GentleLockedHearts #4
Chapter 14: I read this before I made an account, this is awesome.
wani_oneni #5
Chapter 14: Please update soon!
mikadosm #6
Chapter 14: Really sweet and so much fluff! I like Seunghun's and Jiyong parenting. Continue writing!
YtotheB #7
Chapter 14: I'm so happy you updated! I love this stody so much, please don't abandon it. Kkk. :')
Ahh, I love this~!
Chapter 14: kyaaaa~~~ you're finally update tjis story. thank you. i really missed thi family♥♥ kkkkkkk