
My Husband is a Vampire


Gaining a child so easy is the best thing that could have happened to Jiyong. He thought that it would take years to adopt, but he is finding quickly that the mortal world is the one that is complicated. In the vampire world they truly see the need to gain children. In the immortal world full and half vampire children are always adopted. It is very rare to see a child older than five still at a orphanage. 
This process happened so easy Jiyong and Seunghyun don't even have a proper room set up. Since Jiyong doesn't work any more and Seunghyun doesn't go to the hospital until Monday. The whole family decided to go to the local furniture store to at least get a crib in the room. Jiyong is so excited to decorate and Seunghyun always loves being around people. 
They all get out of the car and Ji Seung takes his appa's hand in his. Seunghyun takes the smaller hand in his and looks down. "Awe you never hold my hand anymore. What is bringing this on son?" 
Ji Seung looks up and smiles. "I have to watch you..." Jiyong looks over and starts to laugh. "Aigo baby your appa is going to be good don't worry." 
Seunghyun chuckles and holds the hand tighter. "I think our son believes that I'm wild and need to be contained." Their son looks up at his appa again and nods. "Ne need to be good." 
Jiyong closes the car door. "Well let's all decide on some furniture. Hyunnie no sniffing and Ji Seung no wondering off." The other two quickly nod and go in to the store. 
They all walk into a very modern furniture store. The place is packed with new designs and classic designs. So far the place is of all of their taste. Like usual Ji Seung wonders off. Jiyong doesn't mind as long as the child is still in the store. 
Seunghyun walks next to his lover taking his hand in his. He rocks their hands back and forth. "So do you like the store?" Jiyong looks over the many beds and nods. "Ne. It's really nice...just deciding will be hard." Seunghyun chuckles. "All we need is everything pink right?" 
Jiyong chuckles and shakes his head. "Hyunnie there are more colors in the world besides pink." 
"That's what they like right?" 
Jiyong shakes his head. "Don't worry about it Hyunnie. I got this." 
"Yaaaah I know some things about girls...they like dresses and pink puffy things...and they get easily get distracted by shiny things." The older chuckles and Jiyong finds himself laughing himself. "Hyunnie you need to stop getting your impression of women from the TV. Women are totally different than what you think. Our little girl is going to be humble and beautiful." 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne she will be beautiful...because you will be raising her." 
Jiyong smiles. "True. I'm good looking indeed" 
Seunghyun laughs. "Wow...really...that's not the answer." Jiyong laughs. "Well what am I suppose to say?" 
"You are suppose to sound humble and go...noooo hyunnie we are both beautiful and I can't make it in this world with out your vampire ways and strong muscular arms." says the older impersonation Jiyong's voice. The younger chuckles again as they approach the childrens section. "Ah here we are." Seunghyun smiles. "Neee the land of pink and blue." 
"Hyunnie be serious...we need to find items for Ji hyun" 
The older runs his hand on one of the beds. "Ne ne. I will be good." The two go a little further back and they end up in the baby section. There are many cribs of different designs and woods. Some of them have built in mobiles. Jiyong then gets lured to a beautiful espresso crib. You can tell that it was hand crafted and made to last. 
Jiyong walks through the staged room and touches the crib. The wood is smooth and has a demi shine to it. Cheap is not a word you will see on this crib. A woman notices Jiyong eyeing the crib. She walks over getting the married couples attention. "Expecting a child?" The woman smiles gently. Jiyong turns to the woman and sees that she works there and is not some creep. 
Seunghyun of course is enjoying the smell of the human in his presence. "Hello my name is Jun Yee. I see that you are looking at our top of the line crib." Jiyogn nods. "Ne. This is beautiful." 
"Indeed it is sir with the woods that have been imported from France. This crib was hand crafted and made for comfort. The special thing about this crib is that it will grow with your baby. When she reaches toddlers age you can easily convert the crib into a big girl bed." 
Jiyong's eyes widen. "Wow that would save us a lot of money." 
The woman nods "Ne this is a very popular brand." 
Seunghyun loves the crib but he is the one paying. The thing that Jiyong has a habit of is getting into the perks but not really paying attention to the price. The older may be goofy but he is really good with money. "So how much is it?" 
The woman smiles. "Oh it's 23 million won" (20 thousand dollars.)
Jiyong nearly falls over. "Wait...this thing...23 million won?" Seunghyun knew that this crib was expensive but not this much. "Really? It's that much?" He knocks on the wood..".for this?" The woman slowly nods. "Ne it is 23 million won for the crib." 
Seunghyun smirks and then looks at his husband. Jiyong shakes his head. "" The older takes his lovers hand and his eyes glow red. "So you said it's 23 million won." 
The woman in front of them starts to blush and look directly into the older's eyes. "Neee...." says the woman in a trance. Seunghyun pouts. "Oh that is too bad. If only the price was a little lower...could you do that?" 
"I can do what ever you wish..." The woman is enraptured by the man in front of her. "Hmmm how about ten million won?" The vampire keeps a close gaze and touches the crib making the woman shudder. "I can do that..." The woman says in a trance. Seunghyun then lets go of his husbands hand and looks at his lover. "I will be finished in a bit lover" Jiyong chuckles. 
Seunghyun gets closer. He then takes the womans hand in his. His eyes then turn normal bring the woman out of a trance making her confused and disoriented. Seunghyun then starts to shake her hand. "Thank you so much. This is such a great deal for my family." 
The woman who is still confused shakes the hand back and smiles. " happened...I'm sorry I feel like I just woke up from a dream." 
"Oh you said that you would give us the whole crib set for 10 million won." 
The woman starts to shake her head.."I don't think so..." 
Seunghyun while still holding her hand plays with her mind a bit. "Oh what did you say?"
The woman smiles. "Ne the whole set for 10 million. I'm sorry sir. Would you like to add in some art work for free?" 
Seunghyun smirks and shakes her hand again. "Oh that sounds great how about some free sofa's too?" 
Jiyong then whines. "Hyunnie!" 
The older smirks back at his lover and shakes the womans hand  "Deal we will take the crib set" 
The woman lets go of the hand and then turns around to draw up the purchase order. Jiyong then comes next to his husband. "Did you just trance her into getting us a crib and almost a free sofa..." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Are you surprised baby? That 23 million was a little much for our taste. I would have told her to give it to us for free...but I felt I should at least pay something." Jiyong playfully slaps his lover. "Wow hyunnie. I'm happy to have the crib...but in a way I feel guilty." 
"Oh don't be baby. Humans are fun creatures." 
Jiyong pouts. "I'm a human." 
"Ohhh but you are different by love. You can see between the lines." Seunghyun pulls his lover into a hug. "We just brought our baby girl a beautiful set of furniture. We just have to paint the room and get a couple of little things." 
Jiyong releases the embrace. "Ne, I love it so much hyunnie. I love you" 
"I would do anything for you baby." 
Ji Seung comes over to meet his parents. " Did you find a bedroom set yet?" 
Jiyong comes over to his son. "Ne baby boy. We just decided. Are you bored now?" The little one nods. "Neee there is not much to do here." Jiyong ruffles the younger ones hair. "We will be done in a bit." 
Jun Yee comes back over with the contract. "Here you go sir. Please hand me your card of choice and I will make your transaction." Seunghyun pulls out his debit card and the woman runs it on the scanner. The card of course says approved.. "Now if you will sign here sir." She hands a Ipad to the older to sign the receipt. "Okay sir. We will deliver the furniture tomorrow morning before noon. Will someone be home?" 
Jiyong raises his hand. "I will be there." 
"Great sir. Well I will arrange for your order to be delivered. Pleasure doing business with you." 
The woman leaves and the whole family starts to leave the furniture store. As they are leaving Jiyong can feel women swooning over his husband. Seunghyun feels the eyes as well but this is normal. The presence of a vampire is almost addictive to humans. They become curious and they want to get closer. 
This kind of presence was useful in the old days when the vampires use to hunt the blood of humans. Since vampires today don't drink the blood of humans they make sure to not get to close to humans unless they are people of interest or people they wish to befriend. Vampire's power comes in handy when they gain human friends. The feeling of lust goes away and they stickily become friends like normal people. 
Still to this day people do not know much about vampires and they sill think of them as fairy tales. They may be fairy tales to some but more and more mortals and exposed to the vampire society and they are nothing like before. They only wish to live like the others of this land.
The family gets into the car and Seunghyun of course doesn't put on his seat belt mainly showing off that he is immortal. Jiyong hates when the man does this. "Yah Hyunnie...I don't want a ticket." Seunghyun smirks. "I will tell them to's no problem." Jiyong chuckles. "Fine fine." They turn on the car and they start the drive to home. Seunghyun puts his hand over Jiyong's "We are almost the parents of a baby girl. And Ji Seung you will soon be a oppa." They all smile and Ji Seung looks at the window. He can't wait to have a baby sister. 
/////////////////////Baby's room////////////////
"Hyunnie...that's not how you paint..." 
"The wall is still getting covered baby..." Seunghyun has made quite a mess. Room is covered in soft lemon yellow...well Seunghyun is more covered than the wall that he was assigned. Jiyong puts his hands no his hips. "You have been alive for centuries. "I thought that you would at least know how to paint a wall." 
Seunghyun shrugs his shoulders. "Neee but I had better things to do" He winks at his lover and Jiyong rolls his eyes. His husband was a major player with women in the past and then soon woo'd his husband. Jiyong chuckles. "Nee neee you were ladies man. Now can you put some skills into painting that wall." 
The older smirks and presses against his lover getting paint all over his back side. "Baaabe you got your messy paint all over me..." Seunghyun kisses Jiyong's neck and gently bites the ivory skin. "Baby relax. The room will turn out perfect. I will do things right. Promise" Jiyong smiles. "I know Hyunnie..." Seunghyun kisses the neck a couple times and then goes back over to the wall. He makes his eyes glow and then paints three walls. Jiyong continues to paint his wall. "Hyunnie I don't hear you painting." says the younger still painting his wall. 
Seunghyun leans against a unpainted part of Jiyong's wall and smirks. "Oh baby you still have so much to do..." Jiyong smiles. "Let me guess." He turns around and sees the walls are completely painted. He turns to his lover and then sees his wall painted too. "Aigo..." 
Seunghyun hugs his lover. "Nee I should have done this hours ago." 
Jiyong chuckles. "Neeee, but it's fun being human sometimes too right?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne it's fun. As long as it's with you." 
"Bleh." says Ji Seung looking the room over. Jiyong looks over at their son. "You like the color baby?" 
"Neeee it's nice. I think little sister will like it." 
Seunghyun smiles. "Are you hungry now?" 
The little one nods. "Neee daddy can you fix something for me?" 
Jiyong smiles gently. "Of course my love"
The family finally has the room painted. Soon will come furniture and a baby^^
**Hello all thank you for reading!! I really enjoy the feed back. Please leave me your thoughts and feelings of the story. I really love reading the comments and seeing what you like. Until next time. Love!


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great fic authornim its so cute and funny in ways and vamp seung is what i need hahaha and all those cute pics you put up melted my heart especially that cute baby @.@ adorable kekek
Chapter 14: I miss this story... read it again and well, i wonder since you marked it completed.
ros_ie #3
I miss this awesome story.. hope u can update it soon.. :)
GentleLockedHearts #4
Chapter 14: I read this before I made an account, this is awesome.
wani_oneni #5
Chapter 14: Please update soon!
mikadosm #6
Chapter 14: Really sweet and so much fluff! I like Seunghun's and Jiyong parenting. Continue writing!
YtotheB #7
Chapter 14: I'm so happy you updated! I love this stody so much, please don't abandon it. Kkk. :')
Ahh, I love this~!
Chapter 14: kyaaaa~~~ you're finally update tjis story. thank you. i really missed thi family♥♥ kkkkkkk