
My Husband is a Vampire
It's night time and Seunghyun sits next to his lover and sniffs him. "You smell lovely baby..." says the older with a growl. Jiyong rolls his eyes. "I only smell lovely because you want to bite me...." 
The older's eyes turn red from the thoughts and then they turn dark again. "I would never with out your permission." says the older rubbing his hand up his lover's leg. Jiyong swats the hand away. " have been lazy with your blood intake haven't you?" 
Seunghyun leans back. "Sorry's just been busy at the hospital...I haven't had the chance to refuel....I tried substitutes...but I guess they are no use huh....because you smell amazing..." Like I said before. Jiyong's blood is what bonds the two together and because of that. Jiyong's blood is like a rare gold that is only drinked on special occasions...or emergencies. 
This is almost an emergency because Seunghyun has been on call the past 24hrs. He does a lot of surgeries during the week and one patient this week has had the man busy. He even has to calculate his time for the next time he pisses. Sounds exhausting but because Seunghyun is a vampire he can go on for hours like this...but if there is not enough blood...that's where the hunger sets in. He is never dangerous because vampires have evolved enough to control their's just with their spouses or lovers they have bonded with...they get the heat.
Jiyong then looks at his lover with a smirk as he slips his sweater over his head exposing his bare chest. The room is cold but Jiyong knows that he will be warmed up soon. The older his lips as his eyes turn red. "I could just find a cat don't have to do this..." says the older as his body gets closer. 
He puts a cold hand on the younger and Jiyong shivers to the touch. It can be dangerous for lovers to willingly give blood but Jiyong trust his lover. Seunghyun loves Jiyong too much to drink anything that would exhaust him...also because he is pregnant too. All the older needs is 30 seconds worth. What's crazy about those 30 seconds is that the human body becomes warm with feeling and because of Seunghyun's abilities the vampire baby will feel it's father's presence. 
Jiyong tilts his head to the side and awaits the moment that is about to come. Seunghyun first leans his lover's neck back over and looks into his eyes. "I love you trust me right?" says the older placing a kiss on his lover's ivory skin. Jiyong hums a yes with a smile because Seunghyun always says the same thing before he drinks. 
The older then places a hand on his lover's tummy to make sure to control the baby. He then starts to kiss his lover's neck gently making sure to help his lover feel at ease. Seunghyun then allows himself to reveal his fangs as his teeth extend. Jiyong at this moment always keeps his eyes closed because he never wants to see when he digs into his skin. Vampire fangs are thick but they feel like nothing once they dig in. The older places one last kiss and then proceeds to capture the ivory skin. 
Jiyong's body then starts to react to the contact as the man starts to feel and hot all over. What always got vampires to willingly blood in the past was the sensation that they would put through a human body. It is as if they are having but not as the older continues to the blood. It's only been then seconds and the older is already starting to feel stronger. 
The older places another hand on his lover's back and helps to control his lover's sensations. "Mmmmm" Jiyong moans as the older draws more blood. The younger places his hands on his chest and feels around his hard s with a hand traveling down to that is now erected. "Mmmmm hyunnie..." says Jiyong as his eyes turn red in unison with his lover's. 
The older looks at the clock as it strikes the 30 second mark lifts off his lover. Jiyong's eyes turn back to light brown and his body is out of breath. The older pulls his lover over to him with blood still staining his lips. He feels stronger and rejuvenated thanks to his husband. 
"Thank you baby..." says the older as he helps to calm his love. Jiyong continues to catch his breath as the high from the blood is starting to go away. The younger takes his lover's hand and travels it down to . "You drink my blood and leave me this..." says the younger with a breathy moan. 
Seunghyun then places his lover gently on the sofa and helps to pull down the sleep pants. Jiyong moans to the contact with air making the older chuckle. He kisses his lover's belly. "I will make you feel good again..." 
Jiyong then smiles to himself. "You always dooooo ooooohh." says the younger as a serge of of pleasure goes through his body. His lover is taking him whole at a fast pace and almost at vamp because they don't want their son to wake up out of his trance. 
"...." says the younger in a loud whisper as his hands dig into the leather sofa. The older then at vamp speed picks up his lover and leans him on the side of the sofa making sure the baby is okay. He then pulls out to slowly slide in. Jiyong moans. "Aaaahhh." 
The older then starts to move at a quick pace because he was starting to go crazy too watching his lover so . " hyunnie...almost there" Seunghyun then leans and kisses his lover as he helps Jiyong release all over the sofa. The older soon releases as well giving his lover a nice smack on his as he fills his lover to the brim. 
Jiyong is out of breath again but it's good exercise for him. The younger then sits back on the sofa with wobbly legs sense he received a lot of vamp speeds the past half hour. "I thought that I was just getting a ." 
The older then pulls his pants back up. " were just too y for me not to that luscious ..." 
"And that is why we have another baby on the way..." says Jiyong as the little one kicks in his belly. Seunghyun helps his lover clean up and put his sweater back on. "How can you just trust that I won't go too far with your blood...." 
"Because I know you love me too much. When we took our vows to marry I promised to take care of you. I'm always willing to take that risk baby, but I must ask you to take care of yourself more. You have been going to that hospital the past three days and ignoring your blood shakes." 
Seunghyun sighs. "I know....I just get too wrapped up in things..." 
Jiyong smiles. "I know baby. Just be" 
The older smiles and cuddles his lover closer placing a kiss on the bite marks that he produced. Because Jiyong is pregnant his body will heal faster and the marks will be gone in days with out a scar. Even if Jiyong wasn't pregnant he wouldn't care if he is left with a mark. "Daddy and Appa...." says a sleepy Jiseung coming down stairs. 
The younger comes into the room and sits on a chair across the room cuddling into a pillow. Jiyong chuckles. "If you are sleepy baby go to bed." The younger shakes his head. "Nooooo it's Christmas break....I must use my time wisely to stay awake...." The little one cuddles more into the pillow with a yawn. Jiyong then stands to come sit next to his son. He cuddles the little one close so that he is resting on Jiyong's belly. 
Jiseung yawns again as Jiyong rocks the younger gently. "You are making me fall sleep daddy..." Jiyong kisses the top of the little one's head. "That's okay. Appa will put you in bed and then you can stay awake all night tomorrow." 
The little one then nods. "Maybe I can sleep early....just one night...." The little one's eyes get heavier. Seunghyun smiles at his sleepy son. "What you wanna watch son?" 
The little one doesn't respond and he is already sound a sleep. Jiyong and his husband laugh gently at how fast he falls a sleep at times. "He played with the neighbors today. They were outside for hours....I knew that he wouldn't stay awake long...." 
Seunghyun then comes over and looks at the sleeping boy. "Shall I take him now?" Jiyong shakes his head. "No...I like this moment...." He plays with the little one's hair to then pat his little back with a rub. Seunghyun takes a seat on a sofa close by and watches the little one sleep. "He sleeps fast like you do." 
"Ne and he can stay up late like you too..." 
The older smiles. "It's fun to see what human and what vampire habits he picks up." The little one then slowly opens his eyes. "I can hear you talking about me...." says the little one in a murmur. "Aigo still fighting your sleep huh?" says the older patting his son's . He then stands to pick up the little boy in his arms. Jiyong smiles up at his husband. "Will you be back down stairs?" 
The older smiles. "I'm just going to transport back soon." The older disappears and Jiyong then turns to look at the TV. He has been watching a lot of TV since he has been staying at home full time now. The baby is calmer and the pains are not bad now that he has the oils. Jihyun has been sleeping through the nights like a pro so her bed time of 7pm every night is working just fine. 
Seunghyun then appears next to his husband with damp hair. "I took a shower...felt dirty..." Jiyong smiles. " smelled like hospital a bit earlier." The older cuddles next to his husband and watches whatever Jiyong has on which is some random variety show. 
"Hm?" says the younger still staring at the TV. 
"When are you going to talk to your parents...I feel that it's time for them to know about our family...I'm sure your mom would too." 
Jiyong sighs. Talking about his family is always a sensitive subject. Seunghyun always encourages Jiyong to write his family but it never happens. The older always ends up sending pictures of what is going on in the family. There are letters of communication...but nothing where they actually meet up and talk to each other. 
"Ne....?" Jiyong knows that tone. "What are you hiding from me baby?" 
The older then adjust himself on the sofa. " kinda....told your parents to come over...." 
"What?!" says Jiyong trying not to be loud. "You did what...." says Jiyong in a almost mad tone. "How could you not talk about this with me....I'm not ready I told you that a million times...." 
"But baby when will you be ready...Jiseung is almost 11 and he hasn't seen your side of the family. We have a daughter and another baby on the way....your parents deserve to know about their grand kids." 
Jiyong then stands from the sofa walking over to the kitchen. "Don't you bring the kids in on this...." 
"But it is about the kids. Why don't you for once just push the fear and let your kids...our kids know about their family. Your mom and dad love you very much and I have so many letters talking about how much they miss you. Baby why are you so afraid...?" 
Jiyong then slams the fridge. "Hyunnie....look at me...I'm are a vampire...our son is half vampire and so is our daughter and unborn child. You think that they will go Oh yea we totally understand....I'm not ready baby I'm not ready for this I can't even deal with the thought of them knocking on our door....I..." 
Seunghyun rushes over to his clearly stressed husband. He pulls the younger into a embrace where Jiyong is simply not in the mood for. "Let me go..." 
"No baby....I'm not. It's okay to be afraid. I'm afraid too...but we must do this....for the kids....and for you to get some sense of relief after all these years...we are now in a position where we can come clean...we are not some kids who just graduated from college...." 
Jiyong then starts to cry. "What if they think that I'm some freak...." 
"They won't..." 
Jiyong then looks up at his lover. "How do you know you remember how long it took me to understand you..." 
"But you did...and look at us now." 
Jiyong sighs. "I hope that I can trust you on this..." says the younger now wrapping his arms around his lover. "You can always trust me Yongie." The older then releases the hug to then rub his lover's belly. "Let's go to bed. Ne?" 
Jiyong nods. 
//////////////////3 days later///////////////////////////
Jiyong is a nervous mess. He had no idea that his husband told his parents to come this week...he thought later during the month. Of course Jiyong is going the whole nine with all of the deep cleaning that he has been doing an preparing all sorts of foods. 
Even though he has lived with his parents most of his life....he totally forgot what they liked and what they didn't like. His mother did the cooking growing up and Jiyong didn't even think of lifting a spoon until he was expecting his first child and also his man child of a boyfriend at the time. 
Seunghyun vacuums the house in of course a couple of seconds and cleans the rest of the places that Jiyong simply can't reach. The older appears in the middle of the dinning room with a broom and vacuum in hand. "Is there anything else that needs to be cleaned?" 
"Yea those mirrors..." Mutters the younger figuring out what plates should be used at the table...if they even make it to the table. "Done." says the older putting the glass cleaner away in the kitchen. Jiyong holds up two plates to his lover. "What do you like the most?" 
The older shrugs his shoulders. "They look the same. Just use what ever...." 
Jiyong sighs and then turns around. He then feels his lover wrapping his arms around him making the younger stop his actions to place his smaller hands over the the larger ones. "They will like everything right baby?" 
Seunghyun nods into his lover's shoulder while rubbing Jiyong's growing belly. "Of course they will. I'm sure they will. Just relax." The older rubs his hands on his lovers belly sending calmness through his lover. Jiyong breathes in and out and his body instantly gets less tense. The older kisses Jiyong's shoulder. "You want me to do anything else?" 
The younger turns around with a smile. "No...I think that I got everything prepared. Oh...change Jihyun's diaper. I don't want her to have a poopie on her grandparents...." 
"Ne...good idea." The older then proceeds to the living room where the children are watching TV...well the baby is currently destroying her older brother's toys by placing them in ...don't worry they are too big for her to do any harm to herself. Seunghyun bends down to the baby and her eyes glow with a smile. "Time to change your diaper baby girl. They older then pulls out a crate next to the sofa full of baby stuff. He takes out a diaper and some wipes and proceeds to change her diaper. 
Jiseung sits next to his Appa. "Why are you changing her again?" 
"Because she is wet. See...yellowness..." says the older folding the diaper. "Put this in the trash seungie." The little one does as told as the older continues to place a new diaper on her. He puts her bloomers back on and sits her back in her position with another toy. "You don't mind her playing with these?" 
Jiseung smiles. "No. She is having fun with them. I don't mind sharing." 
Seunghyun leans down and places kisses on the both of his kids. "Aigo why are you two so cute. Aigo." He then stands to go back into the dinning room. Jiyong then goes into the kitchen and looks at all the finished food. "When are they getting here...." 
"They are probably a little lost...our street is hard to find for guest remember." Jiyong nods in agreement and he kinda doesn't mind the delay. Well he was too quick to think that as the door bell rings with a knock followed behind. Jiyong looks at his husband and takes his hand in his. Jiseung carries his little sister and they all go to the door together. 
Jiyong is about to meet his parents for the first time in almost ten years. A lot has changed and there is a lot that he will have to fill them in on. They know that he is gay and has a lover....but they don't know that they are married...and with children...
The family goes to the door and stand in the entry as Seunghyun walks up to the door. Jiyong takes Jihyun in his arms and holds his son's hand. "Hmmm they smell nice...Ready?" as the older unlocking the door. "Ready as I will ever be." says Jiyong taking in some air to relax. Jiseung squeezes his daddy's hand. "They will love us." 
The door opens and there are two people in nicely dressed clothes. Jiyong almost tears up to the sight of seeing his parents again. The old couple have aged but they still look as if they never left Jiyong's past. 
Seunghyun smiles at the two. "So we finally meet?" Mr. Kwon nods with a smile. "You must be Seunghyun." The man comes up and pulls the older into a hug throwing Seunghyun a little off guard to the greeting. Seunghyun chuckles. "I see where Jiyong gets his hugs from." 
Mrs. Kwon who is next to her husband is still speechless. She hasn't seen her son in so many years and she doesn't know what to do. They both don't know what do but just stare at each other across the room. Mrs. Kwon doesn't even look at his obviously pregnant belly or his kids. She is finally seeing her son. 
Mr. Kwon who is a little bolder than his wife steps into the home as Seunghyun welcomes them in. Seunghyun knew that he would have to guide this whole moment of meeting each other and actually converstating. 
Mr. Kwon and Mrs. Kwon step into the entry as well and they all just look at each other. The older couple eyes the children making Jiseung smile at the couple. Seunghyun then pats his son's shoulder. "Say hi to your grandparents." 
The little one bows. "Hello my name is Choi Jisueng. Nice to meet you" The little one rises from his bow making the older couple chuckle. "He is well mannered." says Mr. Kwon. 
Seunghyun doesn't want to talk about the kids just he leads them into the living room where they all take a seat. Jiyong goes into the kitchen to bring out some food. It's a little awkward but it's expected since they are all still new to each other. 
The baby is placed on a play pad and Jiyong takes a seat next to his husband. Mr. and Mrs. Kwon are seated across from them on the L shaped sofa. "So how was the trip?" says Seunghyun making conversation. 
"It was nice..." says Mr. Kwon looking at his son. "Jiyong...are you well?" 
The younger finally looks his father in the eyes. He hasn't said a word yet to them and now he has to speak. "I'm well. Me and Seunghyun have been happy for years now with our children." 
"Your children? Did you adopt?" says Mrs. Kwon finally speaking too. 
Jiyong then starts to feel nervous Seunghyun takes his lover's hand. "Jiseung is our child and Jihyun the little one over there we just adopted." 
The couple looks confused. "So one of you had a child before coming into the the mother still around?"  Jiseung makes a confused face and Jiyong quickly corrects the situation...might as well tell them now. "Well...Seunghyun and I conceived Jiseung." 
The older chuckles. "Now that's funny...." 
"No my Appa's had me. I was in Daddy's belly." The little one brings over a picture of when Jiyong was first pregnant in his senior year of college. Jiyong then puts his head down. He has no idea what they are going to do now. Seunghyun looks at the two....they are confused from the picture. " were pregnant?" says Mrs. Kwon looking at her son. "Is that even possible?" 
"It is because. I'm pregnant now with our third child." 
"Third..." The couple is quiet and they keep looking at the picture and then back at Jiyong. Seunghyun knew that this would be hard to explain. "The reason why this is possible is because I'm a vampire. In my species we can conceive in humans male or female. Our Jiseung is half vampire half human." 
"Aigo...." says Mr. Kwon sitting back in his chair. Jiyong is not sure if he thinks that they are wackos or not. "Explains a lot...that is why you kept working at blood banks....and why you old is he?" says Mr. Kwon pointing at their oldest. 
"He is ten..." says Jiyong in a quiet voice. 
"That's why you left..." The man then starts to cry. "Jiyong we are so sorry....we didn't think that you would be so ashamed that you would never talk to us again....." It was rough when Jiyong finally came out to his parents in college. Seunghyun was not introduced to the family yet and Jiyong really couldn't at that time. Jiyong back then had to choose. Seunghyun...or his parents. Jiyong loved Seunghyun too much to give him up. 
Seunghyun tells his son to go up stairs with his sister. Jiyong then rubs his belly as he speaks. "I just couldn't face you after I was pregnant....I was ashamed...I was broke...and I was with child..." 
Mrs. Kwon then moves over to her son. "How hard it must have been with out me....the did you have the child...." 
"Seunghyun was there the whole time. He was always there and we married because of our baby. We lost our first child 8wks later and then we tried again and received our miracle Jiseung... It was hard but we made our lives happy and fully of joy....but are you okay with this..." He points to his belly making the older chuckle through tears. "Who doesn't want grandchildren. I'm just so happy to see my son again." says the woman wrapping her arms around her son. They both share a brief cry and hug it out. 
Mr. Kwon and Seunghyun grin in excitement because they were the ones that kept the line of communication open. "Shall we eat now?" says Seunghyun standing from the sofa. Mrs. Kwon then stands to look at the man. "You really are handsome...I'm glad my Jiyong has you to take care of him..." 
The older chuckles. "Really he takes care of me.  JISEUNG YOU CAN COME BACK DOWN! I sent the kids up stairs just in case." 
The children come back down stairs and Jiseng looks at the older couple. "Grammy and Poppie will you eat with us too?" 
Mrs. Kwon takes the baby from his arms. "Ne. We will" The vampire baby's eyes glow red from the new humans and snuggles into the woman. Mr. Kwon points. "Did her eyes change?" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Ne. She is happy to see you...don't worry she won't bite." 
Mrs. Kwon then places the baby down in her high chair. "What does she eat?" 
Jiyong then pulls out a bottle of blood slowly revealing it...."She drinks blood for now and when she can eat more solids I will give her human food too..." The couple is adjusting well to the new environment and the younger couple sometimes can tell that they are a little uncomfortable with the blood. 
Seunghyun places the last dish on the table. "I hope that you enjoy the food. Jiyong takes a seat as well and helps the baby continue to drink as her eyes turn red again. Mrs. Kwon almost feels entranced by the little baby. "Wow her presence." Jiyong chuckles. "She is happy to see you two." 
The baby coos a bit and puts the bottle down. Jiyong wipes her little mouth and places a toy in her hand as her eyes turn back brown. Seunghyun starts to serve food. "So Jiyong and I have been here for about five years. Where do you live in Seoul?" 
"North side....still at the same house. " says the older with a smile. Jiyong then looks up. "You still live in the old house?" 
"'s paid off and I will never get rid of it." 
Mr. Kwon then nudges Seunghyun with a chuckle. " can you be out in the sun? Is there a special sunblock?" 
The older laughs. "Those are myths. Vampires are just like humans in lots of ways. We just live forever and have different diets." 
"So shall I call you hyung?" Everyone laughs at the table including Jiyong. He forgot how humorous he can be and things are not so bad how every one is laughing and conversating at the table. Jiyong's mother and father don't hate him and they actually accepted him faster than when he came out to them that he was gay. 
Dinner, dessert, and conversation pass by the hours as the family catches up what has been happening in their lives. Of course there were the many questions to Seunghyun and he doesn't mind at all. Seunghyun is in fact happy to properly meet his in laws and actually have a understanding conversation with them. Mrs. Kwon took a bit to warm up but she is a very engaging person. She is very much like Jiyong where she can very reserved and shy at times and he can see the out going side of Jiyong the way his father cracks jokes. 
It's almost ten pm and the couple is finally making their way to the door. They already said their goodbyes to their grandchildren when they went to be earlier that night. Jiyong gives his mother a hug and the woman chuckles feeling her son's belly. "Well I'm happy that your belly is growing and is healthy and happy." The woman rubs the stomach and lifts Jiyong shirt a bit. "You are putting on lotion right?" 
Jiyong blushes. "Mother..." 
"Whatever I changed your diapers...I remember that mole on your ..." 
"Mother...." says Jiyong embarrassed. Mrs. Kwon laughs and goes over to Seunghyun to give him a hug too. "Thank you for having us and Jiyong ah...don't forget to call will call us again...right?" says the woman with pictures of her grandchildren and the family in hand. Jiyong looks at her nervous face and goes over to hug her again. "There will be no more gaps between us. Come over as often as you like and call me as often as you want. I love you both." Jiyong then hugs his father and he sheds a tear. "You better not do too much with that belly..." 
"I won't...the baby is happy and this pregnancy is better than the first one since my body is use to it." 
"Well good. So I will see you all soon." The couple walks out the door and Jiyong and Seunghyun watch as they get into their car and drive off. Seunghyun closes the door with a grin at his husband. "See. Told you it wouldn't be so bad...." 
Jiyong smiles. "Yea were right..." 
"You okay baby?" 
Jiyong heads into the kitchen with his hubby following him. "I'm fine now. In the beginning I was really nervous...thank god you kept talking because I wouldn't have said a word...." 
"Well I knew it would be like I just rambled...hopefully they don't think that I talk too much." 
Jiyong laughs a bit cleaning a dish. "Oh I'm sure they are thanking you too. You were a big help..." He turns off the water and goes to hug his husband. "Thank you baby." 
"Of course. So what now..." 
"We clean up this mess...." 
"Show off." 
Seunghyun then grins at his lover. "How about we join both of the families next month. I'm sure it will be very entertaining." 
Jiyong laughs. "I will be as big as a house by next month...I will be sitting most of the time...will that be okay with you Hyunnie?" 
"Well I don't wanna do it after the baby...we will be really busy with the newborn..." 
"True. I will have to feed the baby every three hours...I will have to get use to me producing blood again. 
"Well don't worry a thing. Your Hyunnie will make everything perfect like always." 
Jiyong grins. "Hey hyunnie..." 
"Neee" says the older with a grin. "What do you want my pet" 
Jiyong grins and sways his hips into his lover making them move together in unison. "Baby...can you do something for me..." 
The older purrs and grabs onto his lover's . "Anything baby" He presses a kiss to his lover's ear making the younger shiver. Jiyong looks into his lover's eyes and slaps the larger . "Hmmm baby you are so y." 
"Ne I'm very y..." 
"My y hubby..." 
"Can you clean the toilets tomorrow?" 
Seunghyun stops swaying with a grin. "Eh?" 
"Clean the toilets...." Jiyong then smacks the larger again. "This is the only way for you to listen." Seunghyun then chuckles. 
"Well played baby...well played." He then picks up his lover in his arms. "Baby" says Jiyong with a laugh. "I'm tired..." 
"Well you should have thought of that before you teased teased me enough in college mister." He places a kiss on his lover's lips. "I love you." 
"I love you too" 

****Thank you for reading this story and thank you for following along their journey as a married couple. Thanks again and please read my other stories. They are all pretty popular and have high votes....when the upvotes were in exsistence haha. 



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great fic authornim its so cute and funny in ways and vamp seung is what i need hahaha and all those cute pics you put up melted my heart especially that cute baby @.@ adorable kekek
Chapter 14: I miss this story... read it again and well, i wonder since you marked it completed.
ros_ie #3
I miss this awesome story.. hope u can update it soon.. :)
GentleLockedHearts #4
Chapter 14: I read this before I made an account, this is awesome.
wani_oneni #5
Chapter 14: Please update soon!
mikadosm #6
Chapter 14: Really sweet and so much fluff! I like Seunghun's and Jiyong parenting. Continue writing!
YtotheB #7
Chapter 14: I'm so happy you updated! I love this stody so much, please don't abandon it. Kkk. :')
Ahh, I love this~!
Chapter 14: kyaaaa~~~ you're finally update tjis story. thank you. i really missed thi family♥♥ kkkkkkk