Don't be afraid

My Husband is a Vampire

Seunghyun walks out his home with a smile on his face. It really excites him to go to the bus stop to pick up his son. Normally Jiyong would say no because Seunghyun tends to linger. The older decided to have two cups of blood today to quinch his thirst. The more blood in his system the more human he can act around others. 

He stands at the end of the street and  sees the bus a couple of blocks away. Seunghyun doesn't want to embarass his son, but he is not sure on what to do. He wants to be the cool dad but he also wants to wrap the boy in his arms. He loves him with all his heart.

Ji Seung was truly a miricale baby. When the couple was married Jiyong really wanted to start a family. They tried and tried but nothing would show up or the fetus would die. When the couple was already at the point of giving up they concieved. The funny thing is that Seunghyun was even wearing a ...I guess this is where the one percent diclaimer of pregnany comes in. 

Seunghyun looks to his left and notices a familiar face. "Hello Daesung shi" 

The man jumps in his place from the deep voice. The other housewives look the man over and Seunghyun can't help but smirk at all their erted thoughts. Seunghyun walks over to the man who is trying to avoid him. "Daesung shi. We never see you...where have you been?" This vampire is having too much fun.

"I..ha ha have be been busy..." Daesung sputters.

The vampire raises an eyebrow. "Busy? Ne ne I see... Well you should still say hi sometimes. We love your company."

Daesung by this point is starting to break a sweat. He takes off his glasses and wipes them hurridly. "Oh I think the bus is coming" The man then runs to the corner and Seunghyun smirks and follows the other parents waiting for their children. 

The bus finally pulls up and children of all ages start to pile out. The smaller ones can't help but stare at the tower of a man they have never seen. Seunghyun does kinda sticks out with his dark features compared to everyone else. Because of his paleness his ivory skin tends to glow. The housewives always get jealous and they have even asked what he does with his skin. He always says nothing but the women swear he wears makeup...he can't help but read their thoughts.

Some children pass by the vampire and Seunghyun takes in a breath of air. He loves the smell of children. They are so sweet and innocent. He doesn't want to bit them he just likes to sniff their presence...which is kinda creepy. Ji Seung notices his dad and his eyes widen.

"Dad? Who let you out..." Ji seung walks up to his father. 

Seunghyun smiles and ruffles his son's hair. "Yah what am I?... a excaped convict? ...I wanted to see you.." He pouts at his son while other children are passing by. Ji Seung smiles and hugs his dad. Seunghyun responds in kind and wraps his arms around too. "I thought that I wouldn't be cool if I hugged you" 

The son shakes his head in his fathers chest and releases the hug. "I'm never embarrassed to hug my daddys." He leans up and gives his father a kiss on the cheek. A couple of children giggle but this doesn't phase the younger at all. He takes his father's hand. "Let's go home. What is appa cooking?" 

"I'm not sure...something human..." 

Ji Seung laughs. "What else would it be dad?" 

"Deer would be heaven...mmm now that's great quality blood..." 

Ji Seung makes a face. "Dad..." 

Seunghyun pulls his son into a head lock as they get to the door. The child scrambles to try to get out of the hold but it's no use. The kid laughs instead and tries to tickle his father. "Yah yah cheater...don't you poke me..." The older starts to laugh and loses his grip. "I won!" The little one does a victory dance and Jiyong comes into the room. "Hello my precious son." Ji Seung runs into his father's arms and gives him a hug and kiss. "Aigo my sweet boy. Did you have a nice day...did your father behave?" 

"Ne and Ne..." 

"Good." Jiyong eyes his husband and Seunghyun throws his hands up like a victim. "Oh come on baby...I behaved...the child said it" He gives a cheerful grin and Jiyong chuckles. "Alright....well come on you two. I have dinner ready." 

They all go to the table and Jiyong starts to serve their son. Ji Seung furrows his brows. "I can make my own plate appa." Jiyong chuckles sometimes he forgets their son is growing up. "Aigo aigo sorry my baby. Here you go" He hands his son the bowl and the couple watches as he serves himself. Jiyong can't help but tear up a little. Ji Seung notices "Appa...why are you crying?" 

"Because you grow to fast..." 

Ji Seung grins. "Don't worry appa I will still give you hugs and kisses." Ji Seung kisses his father. Jiyong then picks up a bowl again to serve his son. Ji Seung just lets him do it. Seunghyun can't help but chuckle. He looks down at his human food and takes a bite. He doesn't mind human food because it does actually taste good and it's good for diguestion. Jiyong puts more carrots on his hubbys plate. "Here you go love since you had two things of blood you need carrots so you don't get constipated." Seunghyun chuckles and their son makes a face of horror. "Aish appa do you have to say that at the table. 

"Sorry son. Just making sure your daddy is eathing properly." Jiyong then starts to eat his own food. The family always makes it a habit to eat together. No matter how crazy the week is Jiyong makes sure that everyone stays together as a unit. The reason why he does this is because he didn't get the opportunity to eat with a family. He had a family but really they were like roommates.

They were so poor they all had to work. He was lucky to even pass by his parents once during the week. They had Jiyong young so they really didn't know how to be parents. Once Jiyong got into college he pretty much lost all contact. Seunghyun tries to encourage his lover to get in contact with them but the younger refuses. Seunghyun hasn't given up though he keeps his family updated by sending random letters. Jiyong might be mad when he finds out...when the time comes they will deal. 

The family finishes their dinner and they all get up from the table. Because Jiyong is such a neat freak he always takes control of cleaning the kitchen while Ji Seung and his husband go off to do what ever. Seunghyun every now and then would use his vamp speed and clean the kitchen...but it tends to be a little sloppy at times. Jiyong loves the gesture but he rather keep the cleaning on his end. 


Ji Seung has the munchies and he is in the kitchen again for his second trip. Because of his metabolism he can eat anything he wants without gaining weight. He digs through the cabinets and grabs his favorite cereal. He opens the bag to crunch on some dry cereal while he opens the frig. The younger looks through the drawers and then stands up. He rolls his eyes and pulls out the orange juice. He sticks his hand out while still in the fridge. "Here Uncle..." the child murmures and the jusic is taken away. Dong Wook appears and smirks. "You knew I was here?" 

"Ne...I smelled you..." The younger mumbles while looking for another snack.

Dong Wook grins. "You are taking after your father...good boy" 

"I'm not a dog both act like I did a trick or something." 

"Seung ah this is a sign that you might get some of our powers. This is very exciting." 

Ji Seung chuckles. "I think I will just stick to being human for now." Dong Wook frowns. "Are you not wanting to inherit our family traits?" 

"'s 3am can we talk about this later..." The kid pleads. 

"Yah yah I'm your uncle. I will keep you here until you go to school if I want...I just want to say that I know the thought of turning...or in your case half turning might be scary but it's really not bad." 

Ji Seung sighs. "You are reading my mind again Uncle....yes I'm scared. It freaks me out that I might be a nerborn and would have trouble controling my cravings. I don't want to end up lusting my friends...." 

Dong Wook laughs. "You won't lust over your friends. That's why your father and I are here...we can help you with that. Seunghyun was a wild child growing up so his stories can be scary. You will be just fine and it will be a learning experince for all of us. Right Seunghyun?" Dong Wook looks over across the room and two eyes glow. "I see you took the juice again hyung..." Seunghyun walks over to his brother and takes the juice. "Yah I was drinking that." 

"Jiyong has already had a fit this week..." 

"Fine fine...I will let the King have his juice back." 

Seunghyun smiles. "Oh thank you for giving our juice back." says the younger with a sarcastic tone. "Anyways I smelled you when you came in. I have been standing here watching you." 

Dong Wook smirks. "You think I don't know that?" 

"What ever I was protecting my house." 

Dong Wook chuckles "Oh yea Seunghyun the ticklish vampire to your rescue." He looks at his nephew. "Please get some of our genes he is hopeless." Dong Wook's mouth curves into a smile. "Well now that your Dad is pissed...I'm done annoying him. See you later Ji Seung" The man disappears leaving Seunghyun and his son by the fridge.

Ji Seung walks up to his dad and hugs him. "Daddy you are always my hero." Seunghyun kisses the top of his son's head. "Thank you the way what your Uncle said was right...don't be scared..I know you don't like me reading your thoughts but I couldn't help it these past couple of months. I noticed your senses have increased...don't be scared we can go through the changes together as a" The little one nods into the chest. "Okay daddy...I know that you and Uncle will help me" 

Seunghyun releases the hug and takes the cereal out of the boys hand. The younger pouts. "I was eating that." Seunghyun points towards the stairs. "You sir need to sleep instead of snacking. I love you by the way." He smiles. Ji Seung pouts and makes his way towards the stairs. He stops mid way "Dad?" 

Seunghyun looks up from the kitchen "Ne?" 

"I love you too" 

Sorry for spelling mistakes...the spell checker is doing some weird things....anyways, I'm glad that you all are enjoying this. Please leave feed back! Love!

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great fic authornim its so cute and funny in ways and vamp seung is what i need hahaha and all those cute pics you put up melted my heart especially that cute baby @.@ adorable kekek
Chapter 14: I miss this story... read it again and well, i wonder since you marked it completed.
ros_ie #3
I miss this awesome story.. hope u can update it soon.. :)
GentleLockedHearts #4
Chapter 14: I read this before I made an account, this is awesome.
wani_oneni #5
Chapter 14: Please update soon!
mikadosm #6
Chapter 14: Really sweet and so much fluff! I like Seunghun's and Jiyong parenting. Continue writing!
YtotheB #7
Chapter 14: I'm so happy you updated! I love this stody so much, please don't abandon it. Kkk. :')
Ahh, I love this~!
Chapter 14: kyaaaa~~~ you're finally update tjis story. thank you. i really missed thi family♥♥ kkkkkkk